Coolidge Invitational 2011 Respiratory/Digestive Anatomy Exam

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Coolidge Invitational 2011 Respiratory/Digestive Anatomy Exam

Coolidge Invitational 2011 Respiratory/Digestive Anatomy Exam

1. Write the correct gasses found in room air with the corresponding percentage

78% ______

21% ______

0.04% ______

2. Circle the correct response:

The normal pH of the blood is: slightly acidic/slightly basic

3. Circle the type(s) of cells found in the nasal cavity: a. squamous epithelium

b. chief cells

c. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

d. parietal cells

e. goblet cells

4. Circle the correct responses:

Quiet inpriation is an active/passive process

Quiet expiration is an active/passive process

5. Circle the correct response:

Surfactant increases/decreases alveolar surface tension. 6. Place the following structures in the correct order that air would flow during inspiration ( by numbering 1-10):

___ Secondary bronchi

___ Pharynx

___ Alveolar duct

___ Respiratory bronchiole

___Tertiary bronchi


___Nasal cavity

___Alveoli ___Terminal bronchiole

___Primary bronchi

7. Which or the following is/are not a laryngeal cartilage? (circle answer(s)):

a. Cricoid

b. Thyroid

c. Meniscal

d. Arytenoid

e. Alar

8. Inspiration/inhalation occurs during which of the following conditions? (circle answer(s)):

a. The diaphragm contacts

b. The atmospheric pressure is less than the intrapleural pressure

c. The thoracic volume increases

d. The atmospheric pressure is greater than the intrapulmonary pressure 9. Under normal circumstances, the intrapleural pressure is always:

a. Less than intrapulmonary pressure

b. Greater than intrapulmonary pressure

c. Equal to intrapulmonary pressure

10. Match each term with the correct description:

a. Brainstem ____ 1. Vessel bringing oxygen rich blood to the heart

b. Type I alveolar cell____ 2. Vessel bringing blood from heart to lung for removal of CO2

c. Type II alveolar cell____ 3. Responsible for sound production

d. Epiglottis____ 4. Respiratory control center

e. Vestibular folds____ 5. Muscle used in inspiration

f. Carina____ 6. Aid in Increasing turbulence/moistening inhaled air

g. Concha____ 7. Aids in preventing food/liquid from entering nasal cavity

h. Uvula____ 8. Aids in preventing food/liquid from entering trachea

i. Diaphragm____ 9. Muscle used in both inspiration and forced expiration

j. Internal intercostals____ 10. Supports vocal chords and aids in closure of glottis

k. Goblet Cells____ 11. Mucus secreting cells

l. Pulmonary vein____ 12. Site of division of trachea into primary bronchi

m. Pulmonary artery____ 13. Cells where diffusion of gas occur

n. Vocal folds 14. Responsible for secreting surfactant

11. Which of the following is/are not symptom(s) of sleep apnea: (circle all that apply)

a. Hiccups

b. Morning headaches c. Daytime sleepiness

d. Irritability and decreased attention

e. Snoring

f. Sneezing

12. Place an R next to examples of restrictive disorders and an O next to examples of obstructive disorders:

a. Pneumonia____

b. Asthma ____

c. Chronic Bronchitis____

d. Morbid Obesity____

e. Severe scoliosis____

f. Foreign body lodged in the trachea____

g. Infant respiratory distress syndrome____

13. Oxygen is primarily transported:

a. Dissolved in the blood plasma

b. In solution in the red blood cell

c. Bound to hemoglobin

14. Carbon dioxide is primary transported:

a. Bound to hemoglobin

b. In the bicarbonate/carbonic acid buffer system

c. Dissolved in the plasma 15. You have a total lung capacity of 6000 ml. Your inspiratory capacity is 3500 ml. Your residual volume is 1200. What is your expiratory reserve volume? ______

16. Circle the correct answer:

In a restrictive respiratory disorder, vital capacity is generally: increased/decreased.

17. Match the disease/condition/pattern with the correct description:

______a. Eupnea 1. Inherited disorder causing thick mucus to build up in the lungs

______b. Emphysema 2. Pulmonary infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis

______c. Cystic Fibrosis 3. Bronchoconstriction and inflammation often caused by allergens/irritants

______d. Tuberculosis 4.Temporary cessation of breathing

______e. Apnea 5.Condition where alveolar walls break down, surface area is reduced

______f. Asthma 6. Normal relaxed quite breathing 18. Identify the labeled items on the anatomical models: ( give the most specific and accurate answer possible)












19. Identify the location of the histology/tissue images which will be shown on the overhead, from the following choices: alveoli, gastro-esophageal junction, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, bronchus



c: d:



20. One component of saliva, salivary ______, begins the digestion of starch food within the oral cavity.

21. The pharynx is divided anatomically into 3 parts: the ______, the ______, and the ______.

22. The mucosa of the pharynx like that of the oral cavity contains a friction resistant ______.

23. The concave medial surface of the stomach is called the ______,the lateral convex surface is the ______.

24. Pepsinogen, an inactive form of pepsin is secreted in the stomach, and helps digest ______.

25. The ______glands in the stomach secrete a viscous mucus that help prevent the stomach from being digested by the proteolytic enzymes.

26. The 3 subdivisions of the small intestine are the ______, the ______, and the ______. 27. The hepatopancreatic sphincter is also called the sphincter of ______.

28. Undigested or unabsorbed food that passes from the small intestine to the large intestine through the ______valve .

29. If a person had all the teeth in their permanent dentition, they would have ______incisors, ____ cuspids, ______premolars, and ______molars.

30. If a child had all his primary or deciduous or milk teeth he or she would have ____ incisors, ____ canines, ______premolars, and ______molars.

31. The names of the 3 salivary glands are the ______, the ______, and the ______salivary glands .

32. Scurvy is caused by the lack of Vitamin ______.

34. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the ______, caused commonly by the heptatis A, B, and C viruses.

35. When the ______sphincter fails to close properly, some stomach contents can enter the esophagus. This is known as esophageal reflux.

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