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Heading 1: Verdana, Size 14

...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 5 1 2 3 Module 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Start of Year Prep e m a N

s ’ t n e d u t S Task 1. Oral Language Initiate a discussion with the student to assist you to assess elements of his/her oral English language development. (approx. 2-3 minutes) Use this discussion and your prior knowledge of the student's characteristic use of English in the classroom to complete the following checklist. Topics for discussion should be around everyday school-based contexts, such as classroom activities, friends, favourite games, what they enjoy learning about. e.g. ‘I'd like us to talk about what you do at school. Let's talk about your favourite activity. Tell me about your friends/some of the children you play with. Tell me about something you like learning at school.’ Make the discussion as interactive as possible, encouraging the student to expand on initial statements, for example, by explaining, describing, clarifying, justifying, hypothesising, predicting, expressing preferences, or asking questions of you. Ask the student 'how', 'when', 'where', 'why' questions. Question 1. Participation/Engagement 1. demonstrates active, purposeful engagement, shows overall good communication skills, including appropriate turn-taking 2. demonstrates engagement, shows generally successful communication skills, including turn- taking 3. demonstrates little purposeful engagement 4. no attempt Question 2. Spoken text structure 1. sequences ideas logically and clearly with little rephrasing, prompting or questioning 2. sequences ideas logically and clearly with some rephrasing, prompting or questioning 3. needs much prompting and questioning to produce a coherent text, or to expand on ideas 4. no attempt Question 5. StrategiesQuestion 5. VocabularyQuestion 4. expression, cues non-verbal Usevolume,tone,paceQuestion and 3. of Task 1. Oral Language continued 4. 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. noattempt doesclarify not or question doesalways respondnot appropriately, generally clarifies when meaning breaksdown generally welllistensand responds appropriately, appropriate clarifies when necessary, asks questions when listensand carefully responds appropriately, noattempt needed hasdifficultythe topicspecificusing vocabulary appropriate relevantand useand choicevocabulary generallyof communication relevant, expandsand enhanceson and useand choicevocabulary appropriateof and noattempt effectivelyto meaningadd volume,pace tone, expressionandnot used tone, paceand expression to meaningadd generally effective appropriateand use volume, of and addexpression to meaning consistent volume, effective and use of tone, pace















15. Do rhyme?these words Question 6. Do rhyme?these words Question 5. Do rhyme?these words Question 4. Do rhyme?these words Question 3. Do rhyme?these words Question 2. Do rhyme?bakethese cakewords Question 1. 'ake' rhyme?words tell they thesetoandlisten rhyme. SNAKE want if say some words me LAKE Do Youto sun. I you end run sun 'un'. and in both ‘ Task2. PhonemicAwareness Ship and lip sound alike, they rhyme. Ship and lip both end in 'ip'. You say ship lip. Run and sun sound theysound alike,rhyme. sunRun andshiplip. say'ip'. inYou Run both end alike,and theylip lip sound rhyme. Ship Ship and 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. noattempt incorrect correct noattempt incorrect correct noattempt incorrect correct noattempt incorrect correct noattempt incorrect correct noattempt incorrect correct .

You may You repeat the wordsin belowthe necessary.questions if

This This is a practiceexample. maytheYoutellstudentthe correct answer. sent sent sail sent hot sent went bakelake bakebring






Yes, snakeandend lake rhyme, they in both 6.









15. rhymes with bread____said,with said.rhymes bread. rhymes another Tell me Said that with word 10.Question with rack.rhymes tack____rack, rhymesRack with tack. another Tell me that word 9. Question with see.see,rhymeshe______me he.thatSee rhymesword Tell another with 8. Question with cap.gap_____rhymes cap, another with gap. Tell me thatCap rhymesword 7. Question upwordmade ______.Hot, can that bepot, word hot. It word. rhymesa another made up with _____.a practiceexample. Hot Tell meIta isrhymesmadeword. rhymes upRing, This sing, can that with pot. with ring. be me tell want that sing. cananother to rhymesTell me I rhyme. be some words Theywords. Ring you word Now made up with TaskPhonemicAwareness 2. continued 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. no no attempt incorrect three/be/me/'ree' a givesreal wordor invented ending'ee'in e.g. no attempt incorrect tap/lap/rap/'fap' a givesreal wordor invented endingap'in e.g. no no attempt incorrect head/red/fed/ 'ged' a givesreal wordor invented ending'ed'in e.g. no attempt incorrect Jack/ sack/pack/'mack' a givesreal wordor invented ending'ack'in e.g.






If necessary,If the student remindthey can usea 6.










Trace around a word.around Trace 3. Question around a cupcake. cupcake finger.with my student into the the text. soPlace bookthe student cansee thefrontsection cover for this questionsand 3 and 4. coverthe frontnecessary.Turn to if saysCakes?where it Cup youcalledCakes. Cup show me Can is book This 2. Question book.me frontthe Show theof 1. Question Equipment: TaskCup Cakes3. Where does the story begin?Where does 5. Question a letter. around Trace 4. Question Pick up the book and look at lookat the andbook Pick the up 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. no no attempt bookother part of other responsepoints picturee.g. to or indicates author and/orillustrator indicates title no attempt other response showsthe front cover upsideor sidewaysdown showsthe front up cover right side no no attempt other 2and/orpage 3 indicates frontinsideeither pagecover, or title no attempt incorrect identifies a letter no attempt incorrect identifies a word Cup Cakes the Place(Cup book front Cakes) cover face downof frontthe in student. Teacherusestheir around tofinger atrace cupcake.

story. Here are pictures of cakes. Herecupare picturescolours are of What thecakes? cup Allowchild some timeto through flip book. the




4. Now trace you a cupcake Now around 5.




9. Thisquestion isto tune the 10. I will trace I a around will

. Student traces 11.




15. We made pink cupmade cakes.We pink made We cakes. cup Read them.wordsslowly but maintaining fluency. to start the PointtoI'll read story. the read wordsas I 8. Question thisonmegoway to page Show which 7. Question question Gothe wrong. next straight question.to page. this on startstory. begin Show where me to the reading pageTeacher turns to 2 3andif necessary. 6. Question TaskCup Cakes3. continued pages of pagesthe until book they the reach end. Allow the completestudent to before the storyjudgements making about accuracy. Lookat story theand for of it.about now.rest me enoughthe tell that's student to page Turn 6 7.to and 9. Question 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. no no attempt incorrect toindicates rightleft no attempt topoints illustration general indication pagetext of 3 pictureprint, not is read) clearly word topoints the We (recognises that no no attempt correspondence. 3matches atup to word for writtenwordand at least 4 forwords. to one correspondenceone – matching spoken pages. andspoken for written wordall onbothwords to one correspondenceone – matching 'have a go' Do notDocorrect theget studentthisif they or I'd like you to try the likethetoread ofstory to rest I'dyou to me Turn to 4andpage 5 'keep going' . toListen the . student orreadattemptread.the If student tois really struggling, say, . I'm goingI'm



3. Do not Do thereadfortext them. Encourageturn the them to . necessary, If turn the of pagesthe Encourage story. the 4.








12. Thank you,Thank 13.


15. What do you think this tells thinkthisus? you do What the inside Turn backcover. to Pointto the recipe. 11. Question story? end thehappened at the of What book.Close the 10.Question Readingaccuracytick (allowone - self-correcting) 9. cont.Question TaskCup Cakes3. continued Can you read me anything on this page? meanything this read on Can you 12.Question 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. • • • • • • • • refers to reciperefers e.g.response logical toread or attempt minimalno 1-2 – yellow pictureswords e.g. cake names pictures. the based on story tells a cakes.spotty made We e.g. initialstructure maintained substitutions/omissions- ofmostwordsallbookcorrectly,some reads substitutions.no correct, may book, self word accuracy, allword for reads no attemptno individual words/numbersreads of the some recipereads meaning whole substitutions- somemaintains the recipe, reads wholewith word the forwordrecipe readsaccuracy attemptno or incorrect vague e.g. e.g.purpose type text or recognises attemptno incorrect something words cakes in the what's cakes cuphow to recipe,make the the cakes. They held were happy/smiling.The children were eaten/gone/finished.The cakes















15. Question 4. Question words me. Say thehill afterworm head samewords with thesound? start Which 3. Question words me. Say the afterwatchwindow cup samewords with thesound? start Which 2. Question words nose me.mouth Say the aftermoon samewords with thesound? start Which 1. Question with /l/ with thesound. both start lip startsameandThey Lion the picturesPoint to the in as row you say lion/gate/lip. This is a practiceexample. maytheYoutellstudentthe correct answer. with /p/. both startThey Equipment: TaskWords Sounds4. and This This is a example.practice may the You tell answer.student the correct Student says word. Say DOG /s/.DOG.word the ofis end words.BUS the sound bus atat theof listen The end the to sounds weto going Now are words me. Say the aftertiger balloon book samewords with thesound? start Which 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. no no attempt incorrect correct no attempt incorrect correct no no attempt incorrect correct no attempt incorrect correct Initial SoundAlphabet sheet, Recording sheet, sheetRecordand plain paper. What sound is at at the sound isend? What Say Say the soundthename. not If ogthe If student says say, Listen to these words. Tell me which words start with with the firststartListen samesound. these which words. Tell me words to




Yes, it ends Yes, og.itin 4.


6. Pig and havethepan sameand Pig first sound. 7.

The sound right at the end of dog is /g/. dog is at sound theof right Theend 8.






14. . . 15. Show one rowatShowone a time. sound. the tell letteror me name the AsIpoint or to /S/ letterat S. is letters. the these This Look 9. Question lowercase. recordingsheet. If studentthe tois struggling, the move nextactivity. haveTeachers optionthe of askingthe studentto nameand/or sound bothlettersall in upper and responses.Placea plain paper sheet of over lettersthe so only rowisshowing. topthe oneDisplay rowat a Record letterstime. the the studentknows onseparatethe this theFor assessment studentsimply needs toletters identify they know.They cangive name theor sound. The purpose is to assess reasonably automatic the sound is end?bucket. at the What word Say bucket 8. Question is end?at wordWhat the tree. sound Saythe tree 7. Question atend? the sound leaf. is the What word leaf Say 6. Question the sound is end?hop. at the What word Say hop 5. Question continued andSounds 4. Words Task Show one rowatShowone a time. sound. the tell letteror me name the Ipoint to /s/ letters. atAs is letters. theor these This Look 10. Question 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. noattempt incorrect /t/ correct noattempt incorrect /ee/ correct noattempt incorrect /f/ correct noattempt incorrect /p/ correct noattempt gives 1-4soundname OR lettersfor gives 5-14soundname OR for letters gives 15-23soundname OR for letters gives 24-26soundname OR for letters noattempt gives 1-4soundname OR lettersfor gives 5-14soundname OR for letters gives 15-23soundname OR for letters gives 24-26soundname OR for letters UPPER CASE UPPER CASE LOWER CASE CASE LOWER















15. Equipment: CleverEquipment: book Max Put thefrontin student.of the ShowfrontPoint the cover.title read. and to TaskClever 5. Max Tick asmanyretell.asevident Tick the boxesin while you complete sequencethe andretell questions. that? about thein mewhat youstory. tell want happened I to Now, 2. Question lookthe student the throughagainto bookat this stage. engage conversation.in Close the whenbook you havefinishedreading bookPut it. the down cover theshowing.with front Doallow not to the lookstudent the time illustrations. at not Dodiscussillustrations. Acknowledgethe the student's comments (if any) but do not park... me tellaskstory. I to thewe When will you finish book. Thisis is?Max. this think you do Who Rani. pages Turn 2 3 to and storybe thinkthis youabout? do will What 1. Question called story isClever This Max. 4. 3. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. happy • • • • • includes the ofend e.g. the story includes solution e.g. includes complication e.g. Rani the are in park establishes the the context storyMax andfor e.g. no attempt irrelevant someone called Max torelates experienceown I know a e.g.dog. have I Max/a dog/someone iscleverwho plausible relatedanswer to title and/or illustration. e.g. Max Max practising trick, new his Max is Understands the importancethe leavesof infloating Max out works gamea new by himselfhe can play play Max anothertried to with but dog it wouldn't let Max bored/hewas noonehad play to with Make surethe student canclearly viewillustrations. Pausethe approximately for ten beforeseconds eachturning allowpage to the pool- Max they the newgave hisidea gamefor joinhimin. If ismadeno attempttheIf next question.to move the student After has finished the telltoretell through look them the book EveryRaniby Maxtopark... day,took wasthefavourite thedown creekTheir place Do notDoopen the book.

Show mecreek. Show the Offer prompts Offer if e.g.necessary Read the from whole the story beginning. 1.

If necessary,If the teachercan creek. topoint the 2.




6. Can you tell memore?tell Can you


8. Every Max day,tookthe Rani to


10. . Pointto . Rani.

Or 11. Canyou me tell Let's read the 12.

13. Here is 14.

15. text aloud.text here?happy does so look Max Why Open the tobook 6andpagesnotDoreread 7. the pages Turn 13.12 andnotto Doreread aloud.the text 5. Question 9. Question • • • • • leavesare the in story? Why the important did What Max reallydoing? like pages Turn 11.10 andto Reread the aloud. text book.Shut the 8. Question 4. Question events. here? is happening What onthe Based retell,assessthestudent's sequencing of pages Turn 8 9. to and not theDo rereadtext aloud. 3. Question 7. Question TaskClever 5. Max continued Task5. Why is he feeling thatfeeling is way? he Why 6. Question 4. 3. 2. 3. • 2. • 1. 1. 3. 4. • 3. 2. 2. 1. 1. 3. 4. 2. 3. 2. 1. 1. 3. 2. 1. incorrect incorrect or unrelated toresponse text e.g. • • Max's new e.g. them game to describes the inwithoutactions picture linking He game• a made newthe floatinglike leaves. the giveleaves Max for the new ideahis e.g. game referencespecifictext to e.g. no attempt no attempt Incorrect eventone only • logical sequenceof 2 events • logical sequenceof 3 or more events describes the e.g.picture/Max's actions no no attempt • e.g. action Max is always happy. - answerIncorrect not doesrelatestory/specific to • • • generalisation aboutMaxorthe situation e.g. no attempt it. toin get • unrelatedincorrect- toe.g. text • describese.g. the trick identifies emotionrelevant e.g. Maxrecognises hasthat a newor thought of trick no attempt no attempt other – not e.g.related areLeaves autumn in He Rani.sawHe wasHe at the creek. got ballHe's his going He's to the push ball the in divecreek and has thoughtHe of gamea newplay to by himself by himself.He's watching He's the leaves. wants toHe withbe friendsotherdog. the thewants towithHe otherdog.play sleepytired /exhausted / / lazy bored/sad/unhappy no no attempt unrelatedincorrect- to text • • identifies causerelevant e.g. He likedHebones being with being Raniwith the going creekto jumping the inwater the playing withball doing tricks Rani reading. was heBecause no-oneplayhad to with

Clever Max continued How is feeling here? How Max

11. .

22. .

33. .

44. .

55. .

66. .

77. .

88. .

99. .

1100. .

1111. .

1122. .

1133. .

1144. .

1155. . Tick if the nameisrecognisable,Tick if not the record convenient. student's eachCheck sheet. writing here. up the top Point toof sheet. the writing 1. Question provide student each awithwriting sheet. on the Assesswriting eachsheets. student's writingthe onlineusingmarking guideprovided and enter their resultsonline.Please completedhave all previousbefore writingtasks starting the task. ensure Pleaseeach that student orhas hishername clearly marked you prefer to make this a activity class Clevertheread wholeMax to group beforeintroducing the writing Ensurethatstudentstask. all Equipment: Task6. moment'perfectwhat is.ask them this wait? did Max Why the waitingmoment. perfect for still, stood Max pages Turn 15.14 andto Read. 10.Question Task5. student's student's nameonthewriting sheet. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. no no attempt scribbles recognisable e.g. attempt or one two letters, aletterout)leave is mostly name correct (may reverseletters or namecorrectly writes no no attempt • incorrect e.g.Rani to. told him • • • waitingrefers for e.g.to the ball So the ball goesSo the the creekdownabit. So thehe couldball. get ball wouldSo the be the in pool. You may assessYouit is more may this later if

Clever Max Activity Writing Clever Max continued Clevermax, Sheet, Writing pencil, colouring pencils.activity maybeadministered This individuallyto the whole or class. If If the 'For If student the says, Write your name Write















15. meaning from writing?their own(even it's illegible). if yourme Read writing. 3. Question please label scribeand student's writing. written (if necessary). student's If nameisillegible readto youandtheir writing to what scribehave they somethingyour about picture. Write 2. Question Ask the telltime.student to have you when finishedthey their picture. Whenthe student hasfinished theirpicture say… aboutthe Draw a pictureClever story. Max Task6. appearance.) whatmatch the of student readsits visual to relevance of what the student thehas written. Assess andreads written?what they (Disregardhave the closeHow is the betweenrelationship whatstudent the 4. Question 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. picture only (other than student's student's name) only than (other picture writingscribble of letters string Max)and student's name than (other recognisablewords or one more OR relationships ofawarenesssound/letter indicate of letters that strings spellingplausible not punctuated, sentence, bemay recognisable ofevidencepunctuation some spelling mainly with more accurate sentences, or one no attempt to read back writing OR no writingwriting noback to OR read attempt no written istowhatobvious no has correspondence 'reading' words recognisable some ofmatches writing some 'reading' e.g. matchreadable attemptno back read but cannot tries writing'reads' to write attempt no

Clever Max Activitycontinued Writing theCanstudentmake Ask thestudentAsk Allowthe student to theirpicture.Youdraw do not to needsupervise during the drawing















15. has 'read' in relation to the prompt. the to 'read'in relation has student the what of relevance the consider Now 5. Question Task6. 4. 3. 2. 1. no writingno whatsoever link plausible no Clever Maxstory to the unrelated writing in story the events the to relation in experiences about own writes OR Clever the Maxstory, to specifically e.g. refers to prompt the relates writing

Clever Max Activitycontinued Writing
















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