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6:00-R. F. HURL EIGH. PDF Compression, OCR, Web Optimization Central Daylight Saving 'Time 9:4S.WIND-Tornrny Thomas show. MORNING I0:00-W-G-N-JIM AMECHE. 6:00-W-G-N-FARM HOUR AND NEWS. WBBM-News. WMAQ-News reports. WCFL-Hill Hamilton, news. WCFL-Reveille with Roberts. WIND-News; ABC club. WO13A1-Paul Gibson program. WOAK.The Concert. WL S-Fafrn Bulletin Board. ViENR-Psul Harvey, WIND-News; Dav.-n Serenade. 101154.'-G-N-CALLING ALL DE- WJJD.Breakfast Frolic. TECTIVES. WNMP-Symphonic music. WHEW-Paul Gibson. 6:15-WMAQ-Town and Farm. WENR-Date After Ten. WLS-Morning Devotion. WCFL-Muslc Lovers hour. RIND-Morning Salute. 10:30-W-G-N-TOMORROW'S TRIBUNE. 6:30-W-G-N-FA RN' SERVICE. WMAO-13arry Wood show. WLS-Your Land, My Land. WEI BM-Billy Leach show. WENR-Bob Etson. WIND-News, Wake Up I. 40-W-G-N.SONG SOUVENIR. SIEGRIST,Must6:45-W-G-N-ROB NEWS. WMAQ-Alex Dreier, news. WHHNI-Sammy Kaye Showroom, WLS-Robert Lyle, news. 10:45-W-G-N-CHICAGO AT NIGHT. WIND-Yawn Patrol. WENR-P latter Party. 7:00-W-G-N-RECORD REVEILLE. WNIAQ-Tuns,and Tips. W1313M-World News Roundup. 10:55-WBBM,The Saver Strings. WCFL-Tris Coffin, news. 11,00-W-G-N-NE WS; MUSICAL NOTES. WM AO-Norman Ross show. WBBM-Pre sident Truman. WLS-Mac and Bob. WMAQ-J1rn Hurlbut. 1% J JD-News, Oscar Brown. WIND-News; Dancing Party. WIND-News; Record Shop. WO AK-Great Moments In Music. 7:15-W-G-N-NEWS. WCFL-Cornmunity concert. WI3R51-News reports. 11:15.W-G-N-MARTY HOGAN. WCFL-tiorning Clock. WMAQ-Here's to Vets. WLS-F3ob Atcher. WENR-Frankie Masters. WJ JD-Greg Harris show. I I 30-W-G-N-PR ESID EN I TRUMAN. 2:20-W-G-N-:ECORD REVEILLE. WCFL-Sam Evans. 7:20-WBEM-Listen to Cliff. '.VDE3M-Dance Orch. WL S-Earl and Harty. WMAO-Prornenade concert. WIND-Musical news. WIND-Marty Hogan. WJJD-News. WENR-F3arc lay Allen. .Will3I-Farnily Worship hour. 11 1S-WENR-Le0ny Herman. 7:45-WCFL.Bill Hamilton, new, WIND-Music 'T11 Midntte. 12.00-W-C-N-WEATHER REPORT. WLS-News reports. WIRBM-Matineeat MidnIte. WJJD-Sporis news. GENE-This Is the Music. :55-WnAQ-Cli(ton Utley. W1ND-News; Night Watch. 8:00-W-G-N-ROBERT F. HURLEIGH. WOAKRequest Time. WI313M-J oho Harrington. news. 12:0:-W-G-N-CilUCK CAVALLO. BIND-News; Top Tunes, 12:30-W-G-N-STALIGHT SERENADE. 1-MAQ-Your Neighbor. WLS-WCFL-I3reakfast club (A). WJJD-Ernie Simon show. CHICAGO FREQUENCIES 8:13-W-G-N-TWO TON RAKER. ',VT3i-tm-Gold Coast Rhythm. WGN 7 20 WM)31 .1110 FM 8:30-W-G-N-TELEPHONE QUIZ. WIND 560 WJJD -1160 WGNB- 08.7 WOO M-Pickup Time. WILL - 580 WJOB -1230 WBEZ- 91.5 WNIAci-Music That Sings. wmAQ- 670 WEDC -1240 WENR- 94.7 8:45-W-G-N-T0DAY'S THE DAY. WBBM- 780 WSBC -1240 WMB1 - 95,5 WREIM-Missus show. WMAQ-Front Page Farrell (5:). WAIT - 820 WCRW-1240 WBIK 96.3 5:00-W-G-N,WGNF3-CISCO KID. WENR - 890 WMR0-1280 WBBM- 97.1 WMAQ-Norman Barry, news. S 9:00-W-G-N-SPENCER ALLEN. NEWS. WEBM-News. - 890 WJOL -1340 WENS. 97.9 .XMAQ-Fred Waring (N). WMAQ-News. WAAF - 950 WGES -1390 WOAK- 98.3 MIMI-News reports. WE NR-Challenge of the Yukon. WCFL-1000 W1-IFC-1450 WEFM- 99.5 WCFL-Tom Moore show. WJ JD-1150 Ballroom. WNMP -1 590 W FM F .100.3 WIND-News. Morning Caravan. WIND-News:Musical Scoreboard. WMAQ-101.1 True Story (A). 5:15-WMAQ-Dave Garroway. Indicates MBS W2O2T-101.9 9:15-W-G-N-LANNY ROSS OR. WMOR-Lou Zonka. " NBC WM012.10 2.7 WBFINI-Rhyrre Does Pay. WIND-Me/ocit Matinee. " CBS WRGK -103.1 WORM-John Harrington, news. (A) " ABC WCFL -104.3 9,30-N-G-N-VIRGINIA GALE. " Dumont WEAW-10 5.1 WMAQ-Roarl of Life (N). WI JD-Stars on Parade. WERM-Arthur Godfrey. 5:30-W.G-N,WGNB-C APT. MIDNIGHT. WLS-Fietty Crocker (A). WI-IRV-Herb Shriner. WE NR-Sky King (A). WIND-News; Bing Sings. WCFL-Riding the Platter. 9:45-9-0-N-SPOTS OF MUSIC. WIND-Rand of the Week. WLS-Get Aiore out of Life, WJ JD-Rosernary Wayne. WMAQ-Orighter Day (N). 5:45-W-G-N,WGNI3-TornMix (F). 10.00-W-G-N-ART HiKER'S NOT EPOQI W.:IAQ-John Holtman. news. WMAQ-Dr. Paul. WE31351-Lowell Thomas (C). WC FL-News reports. WCFL-Uncle wIND-News;Board of Education. WIND-Man Who Came to Supper. WLS-Buccanecrs. EVENING WJJD-Songs You Remember. 6:00-R. F. HURL EIGH. WAIT-Grocery Storecast. WMAQ-Jirmny Blade. 10:15-W-G-N-VICTOR LINDLAHR (M). WIND-News; Sweet end Solid. WMAQ-We Love and Learn (N). WLS-Ervin Lewis, news. WIND-Rey Blanco. wBBM-Beulah. WM.-Don Artiste. wJ JD-Bob Eisen. WJJD-Sitting Pretty. WCFL-Top Taste Quiz. 10:30-W-G-N-AGAINST THE STORM. WEFM-The Masters' Album. WMAQ-Jack Berth show (N). 6:15-W-G-N,WGNIIPASSING PARADE. 1113BM-Grand Slam (C). WMAQ-News of the World (N). WJJD-Easy Street. WLS-Farmer Air Edition. WIND-News; Tony Martin WBBM-Jack Smith show. WCFL-The Brothers Roberts. WIND-Easy Aces. WLS-Ted Malone (N). \VIM-Harry James. 10:45-WEIRM-Rosemary (C). 6:30-W-G-N,WGNE-GABRIELHEAT.TER, WLS-News reports. WCFL-Ncrm Pierce show. WI.IAQ-Lota Lawton, serial (N). WM A Q-The Horne t owner s. WJJD-Soard of Education. WLS-Lone Ranger (A). WIND-Skitch Henderson. WBBM-Club 15. WAAF-Judy Logan. WJJD-Whoozit. 11:00-W-G-N-KATE SMITH SPEAKS. WIND-Bert Wilson. WMAQ-Aunt Mary. 6:45.W.G-N,WGNE-INSIDE OF WI:BM-Wendy Warren (C). SPORTS, V. L-News. WORM-Edward R. Murrow (C). %%IND-News; Musie by Martin. wMAQ-H. V. Kaltenborn (N). WJJD-Fulfill Your Urge. WCFL-Nlusic for Men. WLS.Welcome Travelers (A). 71ND-Serenade at Dinner. 11:15-W-G-N-KATE SMITH S1NGS(M) 7:00-W-G-N,WGN13-STRAIGHT ARROW. W).tAQ-Relax, Madam. 'A-MAO-Cavalcade of America (N). WCFL-That Gal Gleason. WMOR-This Week's Composer. WORM-Aunt Jenny. WE BM-Inner Sanctum. WJJD-Pan Americana. WCFL-News; Sports. 11:30-W-G-N-THIS IS SING CROSBY. WLS-The Railroad hour (A). WMAQ-Elizabeth Hart Presents. WAIT-Land of Promise. WORM-Helen Trent (C). WIND-News;Mualcal Comedy. WLS-M. Crane and H. Joyce. WJJD-Nlarty Hogan. WIND-News; Songs by Sinatra, 7:15-WCFL-Xavier Cugat's music. WilD-Carl Schreiber club. WIND-Dugout Dope. WAIT-Stella White. tyJJD-Ranch House. 11:45-W-G-N-BOB SIEGRIST, NEWS. 7:25-WIND-New s. WMAQ-Wilsonaire s. 7:30-W-G-N,WGN13-SHERLOCK ' WCFL-Don Artiste, pianist. HOLMES (51). WJJD-Marty Hogan. WBBM-Arthur Godfrey (C). WBBM-Our Gal, Sunday (C). WM AQ-Christopher Lynch. AFTERNOON WCFL-Wax and Needle club. 12:00-W-G-N,WGNB-L ET'S HAVE F UN. WJJD-Suppertime Frolic, WMAQ-News reports. 2:45.W-G-N-FRANKLYN MacCORMACK. WEAW-U.S.N. Acad. Band. WCFL.News reports. WMAQ-Elight to Happiness. WIND-Cub news. , WE 1320-Big Sister (C). 3:00-W-G-N,WGNS-RADIO QUIZ. wLS-We See By the Papers. WLS-Musical Almanac. WMAQ-Backatage Wife (1\-) WXRT-Evening Symphony. WJJD-Jack Cooper. WLS-Kay Kyser's college. 7:45.WLS-Henry J. Taylor. WIND-News; Denny GoOdzian. WCFL-News; Marty Hogan. WIND-Time To Remember. WAAF-N ears; Sy Tr:phonic hour. WLND-News; sports edition. 7:55-W.G-N.WGNB-BILL HENRY. WGES-Polish Dinnerbell. 05-W1313M-Beat the Clock. 8:00-W.G-N,WGNR-FULTON LEWIS, 12:15-WERM-Ma Perkins (C). 3:15-W-G-N,WGNI3-Y0U CAN'T LOSE. (N). WMAQ-Mary Martin-Ezio Pinza. WCFL-Marty Hogan show. WMAQ-Stella Da WDBM.Radio theater (C). WJJD-A1 Benson. WCFL-Fiappy Home time. WENR-Rehabilitation program. WMAQ-Food Magician. 3:30-W-G-N,WGNB-LINDA'S 1ST LOVE. WC FL-News. 12:30-W-G-N,WGNB-MARKET WMAQ-Lorenzo Jones serial (N). 11ND.News; Red Cross show, REPORTER. WI3DM-Winner Take All. 8:1S-W-G-N,WGNB-THIS IS THE WBBM-News reports. WLS-Bride and Groom. STORY. WCFL-Novelettes; News. VJJD-Scoreboard. WCFL-Musical Show Encores. WLS-Farm Mkt. reports. WIND-Dick Jtagens. XCF1.-Cluv Lombardo. WENR-Eddie Duchin show. I WIND-News; Luncheon Melodies. 3:45-W-G-N,WGNB-E D.'S DAUGHTER. WIND.Music; news. IVAII-Eddie and Fanny Cavanaugh. 8:30.W-G-N-FISHING. HUNTING '12:45-W.G.N.WGNR-SPENCER ALLEN. WMAQ -Young Widder Brown. CLUE. WCFL-Dorothy Dix. WCFL-Roosevelt-Doettiger. WENR-Child's World (A). WMAQ-Here's Jack Kitty. WIND-Record Shop. WMAQ-Tie. I.Q. (N). WBBM-Guiding Light (C). VWD-Ernie Simon. WEAW-This and That. WIND-Gene Krupa. WBBM-Everett Holies, news. WCFL-St. Francis hour. 1:00-W-G-N,WGNR-QUEEN FOR A 4:00-W-G-N,WGND-L.NICHOLS,NEWS. WIND-Vaughn Monroe. DAY. ViDBM-Paul Gibson program. WMOR-Americana. WBBM-Second Mrs. Burton. WIND-News; Spike Jones. 8:45-WENR-Rent Control. WMAQ-Double or Nothing. WMAQ-When a Girl Marries. WIND-Nick Brooks show. WM.-BreakfastifiHollywood. WLS-Galen Drake. WCFL-Union Printer. WJJD-Musical Memos.
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