Program Of Studies: Skills And Concepts

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Program Of Studies: Skills And Concepts

Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Information, Communication and Productivity Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operations of technology systems. Students use technology to learn, to communicate, to increase productivity and become competent users of technology. Students manage and create effective oral, written and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts.

Primary Academic Expectations 1.11 Students write using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.16 Students use computers and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas. 3.3 Students demonstrate the ability to be adaptable and flexible through appropriate tasks or projects. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. 6.3 Students expand their understanding of existing knowledge by making connections with new knowledge, skills and experiences. Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s T-P-ICP-U-1 T-P-ICP-S-I1  Identify the basic parts of a Teaching Ideas To assess, make a checklist for Students will understand Students will investigate computer (monitor, keyboard, Make labels and let students place them on grading. Have the students do that technology is used in different technology mouse, CD/DVD drive, printer, 3 the correct computer components the task that is listed (e.g. all content areas to devices and systems ½ floppy drive, USB port, digital Demonstrate mouse skills – click, support directed and (e.g., computer processor camera, projector, scanner) Use computer vocabulary words as part of double click, drag, scroll, left your spelling lesson independent learning. unit, monitor, keyboard,  Explain why computers and/or click, place cursor. File basics – disk drive, printer, mouse, other technologies are used for Teachers would have students demonstrate open, close, use menu options, digital cameras, learning mouse skills and file basics save, print) interactive white boards)  Demonstrate mouse skills – click, Computer Parts Quiz double click, drag, scroll, left Web Resources click, place cursor Labeling Computer Parts quizzes/Parts of a Computer.xls  Basic troubleshooting techniques (determine if all equipment is on) t/graphics/comp1.html Label the Parts of a Computer  Follow on-screen directions Computer Terms System  File basics – open, close, use menu options, save, print t/graphics/comp1.html nteractions/labl_comp_sys.htm Computer Vocabulary Computers: Inside and Out - Computer Care and Safety Worksheet to use as a Quiz Computer Parts /computer/worksheet/ws_c10_saf ety.pdf Outer Hardware Computers: Inside and Out – esson/comp_les1.html Outer Hardware Labeling Worksheet to use as a Quiz Spelling City /computer/worksheet/ws_c1_labe l.pdf Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 1 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Computer Parts Hangman Do You Know Your Computer Terms? Kids Click! html Spelling City T-P-ICP-S-P2  Explore finished products that Web Resources Students self assess Students will have been electronically created Microsoft Office Templates with rubrics and create a variety (e.g., graphs, charts, signs, teacher input, peer assess, and of tasks using banners, cards, portfolio piece, us/templates/default.aspx receive feedback from technology technical writing) classmates. Punctuation Paintball – Correcting devices and  As a class, participate in Sentences systems to developing a project that includes Rubric for Classroom Web Pages support authentic selecting software with File=Paintball.htm&Type=S&App=Paintball& learning appropriate capabilities rofdev/webpagerubric.html Topic=Topic1&SkipGuestWarning=true  Continue to use proofreading and electronic editing skills (e.g., Using Digital Cameras in the Classroom backspacing, moving cursor to insert words or letters, spell .htm check)  Print and save products to Disney Magic Artist Online identified locations (e.g. hard dex.html drive, USB drive, floppy drive) Collaborative Projects for P-12 Classrooms  Identify and use menus, toolbars, and features within various on/trt/Projects.htm software Open Office  Begin to use proofreading and electronic editing skills (e.g., Using a Digital Camera in the Classroom backspacing, moving cursor to insert words or letters) ml Postcard Creator card/ Webbing Tool – Graphic Organizers aspx?id=127&title= Create A Graph sh/popupGraph.html Power Proofreading Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 2 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s fread/proof.htm NoodleTools hp T-P-ICP-U-2 T-P-ICP-S-I3  Use appropriate terminology Web Resources Students will Students will use (arrow/pointer, CD drive, close, TekMom’s – Technology Buzzwords For Spelling City understand that appropriate technology computer, CPU, desktop, digital Students appropriate terms (e.g., hardware, camera, disk drive, server, ml Computer Parts Quiz terminology, computer software, CD, hard double click, Enter/Return, headphones, hard drive, laptop, operations and drive) microphone, maximize, minimize, Computer Terms quizzes/Parts of a Computer.xls applications assist in monitor, mouse, open, print, Label the Parts of a Computer gaining confidence in scroll, touchpad, window, System the use of technology. scanner) What are the Differences between Hardware and Software?  Discuss as a class types of nteractions/labl_comp_sys.htm assistive technology used to help 039.htm others Do You Know Your Computer  Distinguish between hardware Terms? and software article_100.shtml html Kids Click! Spelling City

Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technologies Types of Assistive Technology oundation/intro/introbasic.php

Assistive Technology Videos – You must have a UnitedStreaming account to view these videos, it is free to all Kentucky Teachers rch/assetDetail.cfm? guidAssetId=8C727FB1-5E63-4267-9752- 247326C0D5FB Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 3 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s T-P-ICP-S-I4 Keyboarding Teaching Ideas Free Online Typing Tests Students will Introduce Skills – 1 st Grade Make up your own lesson using the Nimble Fingers-Keyboard demonstrate  Use thumbs for Space Bar keyboard, such as “Type dad, mom, etc.” Testing proper  Distinguish between and type Use spelling/vocabulary words upper and lower case letters keyboarding Alphabetize names lesson: have students Qwerty Keyboard Testing  Use Enter/Return key techniques, type in names in Excel and use a big screen optimal posture  Begin to use keys (t e h o r n) to show their names. Then use the rty/lessonsq.html Introduce Skills – 2 nd Grade and correct alphabetize feature to teach order and  Use special keys such as alphabetizing The Keyboard Quiz hand enter/return, backspace, left and placement Practice typing their name and other right shift, and delete students’ names ml (e.g., left hand  Begin to use keys (m c I . Match upper and lower case letters. for left side , ) The Original Keyboard Challenge keys and right Type the alphabet hand for right Develop Skills- 1 st and 2 nd Grades Type labels for things in the classroom keyboard.htm side keys,  Continue to use correct special keys orientation of both hands for Make designs of different size letters or such as space keyboarding (use left hands for design different size letters and fonts. bar, left keys and right hands for right enter/return, keys) Web Resources BBC Dance Mat Typing backspace,  Continue to use home row shift, delete) keys (a s d f j k l ; and t e h o r n) Krazy Keyboarding for Kids  Continue proper posture/technique at the ys/Lesson/lesson4.htm keyboard Keyboarding Sites from Henderson County  Use thumbs for Space Bar  Distinguish between and type on/trt/Teacher_Resources.htm#Keyboarding upper and lower case letters  Use Enter/Return key The Keyboard Elementary Typing Games – 2nd/3rd uters.htm rs.htm The Original Keyboard Challenge m Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 4 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Learning to Type – Homework Help p/LearningtoType.htm T-P-ICP-U-3 T-P-ICP-S-I2 Teaching Ideas Students self assess Students will Students will describe  Identify and correctly use USB Demonstrate to a younger student the with rubrics and understand that how to use and care devices (pen drive, jump drive, proper way to start up, shut down, open, teacher input, peer assess, and technology requires for technology (e.g., flash drive, thumb drive) close, and use a particular program on the receive feedback from computer classmates. proper care and computers, cell phones,  Describe how to open, close, and use an application correctly maintenance to be digital cameras, Web Resources Teach another student the proper  Describe how to start up & shut Using Flash Drives way to handle cameras, etc used effectively. scanners, multimedia)at down computer in the proper home, school and manner community /using-flash-drives.htm Computers: Inside and Out -  Use Ctrl+Alt+Delete with own Computer Care and Safety user ID and password (Log on Computer Care Worksheet/ Quiz and off)  Describe and demonstrate proper esson/comp_les10.html /computer/worksheet/ws_c10_saf care of equipment (e.g., keep ety.pdf food, drinks and magnets away Technology Buzzwords for Students from equipment, clean hands, not Computers: Inside and Out – writing on equipment) esson/comp_les10.html Outer Hardware Labeling  Describe and demonstrate proper Computer Terms Worksheet/ Quiz safety features associated with each device (e.g., digital camera /computer/worksheet/ws_c1_labe neck or wrist strap, proper cell How To Take Care Of Your Computer l.pdf phone use)

T-P-ICP-U-4 T-P-ICP-S-C1  Share and exchange information Teaching Ideas Students will understand Students will use with support from teachers, family Teachers will use technology in that technology is used to technology to members, or student partners instruction through the use of communicate in a variety communicate in a variety (e.g., talking books, digital presentations, video clips, of ways. of modes (e.g., storytelling, morning news spreadsheets, etc. to correlate with recordings, speech to text, program, text to speech software) core content print, media)  As a class, design, create, and Create a class book using participate in projects which will PhotoStory, MovieMaker, or other be published or monitored on the multimedia program. Insert the web by the teacher (e.g., word pictures and have the students Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 5 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s processing, presentation tools) name them, tell about the pictures,  Observe teacher using various or spell them software productivity tools (e.g. word processor, spreadsheet, Have students build/create, and and presentation tools) then use a digital or video camera to take pictures of their creation  Use templates to present written and display it on the computer. communication Children can write or dictate or record captions for these photos, or use voice recordings to tell about their work Web Resources Digital Storytelling – PhotoStory 3 photostory3/index.htm

Microsoft Office Templates us/templates/default.aspx Text to Speech Using Windows XP Read Please Natural Readers – Speech to Text Reader Children’s Storybooks Online Awesome Talking Library alking_Library.html Activities/Lesson Plans Using Microsoft Office Products /11138/Lesson_Management_Grid_- 3rd_gr..pdf T-P-ICP-S-C2  Define digital communication Teaching Ideas Students will participate in (email, instant messaging (IM), Divide your class into two groups and give Internet Safety – How Safe Are group projects and blog, etc.) each group a specific task or set of You? learning activities using  As a class, use different forms of questions to investigate. Email community, Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 6 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s technology digital communication parents, etc., to obtain their /takeSurvey.asp?surveyID=193 communications  Use proper digital etiquette data/information. Students will then (language that does not include compare the data/information they received Netiquette-Making a Big Decision profanity, socially sensitive remarks or insults) As a class, adopt a KeyPal to write to during rden/lessons/00773- the year  Give examples of appropriate 050921082139/t-resources.htm and inappropriate digital etiquette Web Resources (i.e. cell phone use, email, etc.) Kid World Key Pals  Identify basic parts of an email (To:, From:, Subject, and body of htm email, Send)  Use proper digital etiquette (Do ePals Global Community not use all capitals in an email. It is the online equivalent of shouting) Electronic Sister School Program  As a class, compose and send a new email message  Participate in collaborative Netiquette-Making a Big Decision problem solving activities as a class using interactive ns/00773-050921082139/t-resources.htm communications and online Internet Super Heros - Cyberbullying resources (e.g. email, online discussions, exchange of information through other web NetSmartz Kids environments, webcams) for class projects Internet Safety afety-netiquette.htm Kidz Privacy rivacy/kidz.htm Basic Safety Rules for Email objectId=4B64159A-CB9E-F411- EC7AFBE351CD8B82

Internet Safety Rules for Students I Keep Safe Kids - Watch Video - Choose the book Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 7 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Collaborative Projects for P-12 Classrooms on/trt/Projects.htm T-P-ICP-S-P1 General Skills Teaching Ideas Students will  Identify the purpose of Do whole class/individually story writing 6 + 1 Trait Writing Rubric explain how productivity tools such as word using word processing information can processing, spreadsheet, and sment/pdfRubrics/6plus1tra be published and presentation software Download pictures and then write a story presented in  As a class, determine which together or individually its.PDF different formats software tool is appropriate for a project Create an alphabet book as a class or have Teamwork Self-evaluation Rubric  Use appropriate vocabulary (e.g., students create their own page productivity tools, word mbrough/pilgrimlife/teamworkrubr Create a classroom poster, banner, card or processing, spreadsheets, ic.html newsletter presentation software, publish, software)

Graphic Organizer Rubric-Modify for Grade Appropriateness Graphic Organizers ev/inspirationrubric.html Graphic Organizers  As a class, use electronic graphic Web Resources organizers (e.g. Venn Diagram) Rubrics for Teachers- Fifty Uses for Concept Mapping Software ks/redirect.php? map/50uses.html url= mmcheck/MultimediaRubric.pdf Graphic Organizer Projects v/inspirationprojects.shtml On-Line Practice Modules line.htm Open Office Cmap-Concept Mapping Venn Diagram – 3 Circles aspx?id=28&title= Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 8 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Graphic Organizer Lessons asp? grade=1&strand=2&engagement=12&displa Word Processing y.x-46&display.y=17  Recognize a word processing document  Use appropriate vocabulary (Enter, Space Bar) Word Processing  Type a sentence with ending Teaching Ideas punctuation Use the Word Processing Software provided  Use capital letters correctly by your District  Use correct spacing (1 space between words) Draw a picture illustrating new words and  Use appropriate vocabulary letters learned (backspace, shift, close, menu, new, open, print, save, text, Write stories about pictures toolbar) Write poetry Do whole class or group story writing Have students create business cards Use pattern books and then have each student make their own book or their own page Publish student art or stories on the web Create a classroom newspaper or newsletter Download pictures and then write a story together as a class, or individually

Web Resources Word Processing Worksheet

Introducing the Word Processor bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Comput er_Science/EDT0021.html Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 9 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Word Processing for Children dspc.html Cyberbee Word Step-by-Step Homework Help-Word Processing Multimedia Presentation  Use appropriate vocabulary p/WordProcessing.htm (audio, clipart, insert, image, resize, slide) Online Word Processor Scoring PowerPoints  Choose appropriate layout  Select appropriate images for a html multimedia class project (insert Multimedia Presentation and resize) Multimedia Project Rubric- Use your District’s presentation software  Make presentation easily that is provided mmproj.htm readable (e.g., background color Teaching Ideas and text) Use presentation software to create PowerPoint Rubric-Modify for  As a class, create a simple a class/individual presentation on presentation Grade Appropriateness the alphabet, counting, All about Me, animals, or any core content ev/pptrubric.html area subject, etc Web Resources DinoPals with Wordart 1/lesson002.shtml Digital Camera/Visual Learning digital_cameras.htm On-Line Practice Modules line.htm Open Office Cyberbee - Authors PowerPoint Activities Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 10 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s line_powerpoint.htm PowerPoint Resources from KATE InteractivePPT/index.htm PowerPoint in the Classroom on/trt/PowerPoint.htm#PPT%20Files%20to %20Use%20in%20Your%20Classroom Cyberbee PowerPoint Step-by-Step

Spreadsheet Digital Storytelling Through PowerPoint  Recognize a spreadsheet Storytelling_PowerPoint.pdf  Answer questions using a computer generated chart/graph Online Presentations  As a class, create a simple chart or graph (e.g., Graph Club)  Use appropriate vocabulary (cell, row, column, row heading, Create Interactive Maps using PowerPoint column heading, row label, Open Office column label, title)  Use a spreadsheet template to enter data (e.g., title, column and Spreadsheet row label) Use your District’s spreadsheet software that is provided Teaching Ideas Use spreadsheet to type names or words and use alphabetize feature to teach order Build a graph in the classroom with objects, such as shoes or candy, and then put the information into a spreadsheet or graphing program. This helps children make the connection between the physical items and the symbols, and to reinforce the concept of graphs as visual information Web Resources Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 11 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Program of Program of Knowledge/Skills Activities/Resources/ Formative Studies: Studies: Skills 1st and 2nd Grade Projects Assessment Understanding and Concepts s Spreadsheet Vocabulary html

Build a Foundation – Spreadsheets 1.html M & M Data vities/exmmnumerical/home.html On-Line Practice Modules line_excel.htm Open Office Create A Graph fault.aspx Draw a Histogram ml Illuminations- Pizza, Pizza px?id=U87 Illuminations – Amazing Attributes px?id=U186 Online Spreadsheets

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 12 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. Program of Program of Studies: Knowledge/Skills Activities/ Formative Assessments Studies: Skills and Concepts 1st and 2nd Grade Resources/Projects Understandings T-P-SESI- T-P-SESI-S-S1 Web Resources U-1 Students will explain the  Explain that rules help keep digital BBC-Stay Safe Quiz Students importance of safe Internet citizens safe in their communities will use (e.g., iSafe skills)  Identify examples of appropriate NetSmartz esurfing/quiz.shtml understand websites as a class that  Compare rules in the physical NetSmartz Kids responsible community and in cyber community and ethical that concern communication with m use of strangers technology  Discuss how a stranger can pretend NetSmartz Activity Cards is to be a friend in cyber community necessary  Identify and discuss the danger of vitycards.htm to ensure giving out personal information in safety. cyber community Google Educators Posters  Use Internet safety skills (iSAFE) (e.g. ask for adult assistance, apply safety rs.html rules to cyber community) Internet Resources from HCS  Compare the physical community (where we live) to cyber community stration/trt/Internet%20Resources.htm Vocabulary – community, Internet, stranger, cyber = virtual = digital How Computer Viruses Work by How communities, cyber bullying Stuff Works Bad Guy Patrol Stranger Danger danger.php Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 13 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. NetSmartz Rules srules/whofriend.htm Elmer the Safety Elephant dex.htm Kidz Privacy idzprivacy/index.html Keep Safe Adventures in Internet Safety l T-P-SESI-S-S2 Teaching Ideas Students will use safe  Explain that a good digital citizen is a Tell your teacher when a site comes up behavior when using person who follows rules in the that is inappropriate. technology physical and virtual community (i.e. She will then turn that site into your appropriate use of technology) schools School Technology Coordinator  Identify a stranger as someone whom (STC) or School Technology Assistant you and your parents don’t know  Compare the rule in the physical community “don’t talk to strangers” Web Resources with one on the cyber community America Links Up: A Kids Online “don’t send messages to strangers” Teach-In  Discuss how a person you meet online may be a stranger p/index2.html  Describe what to do when an Parent – Child Internet Addiction Test unintended website is entered  Explain what to do in an EST/ uncomfortable online situation  Discuss and follow the five Safety Parent – Child Internet Addiction Test Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 14 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. Tips published by the FBI for protecting oneself online parents_test.htm Kids: Be a Good Cybercitizen upload/ncpc/File/Kids%20Cyber %20Citizens%20Brochure.pdf Bad Guy Patrol FBI Safety Tips Discuss Physical Stranger Danger _danger.php Who’s Your Friend on the Internet? srules/whofriend.htm

T-P-SESI-S-E1 See your School Technology Students will use  Use passwords Coordinator (STC) for student responsible and ethical  Explain why passwords should be passwords/logins and teach students behavior in using technology secret how to login  Acknowledge ownership of own work Web Resources (Put name on work) Plagiarism Stopper  Acknowledge ownership of another person’s work here/plagiarism_stoppers.html  Ethical use of material (explain that one must have permission to use Copyright Laws another person’s work or any part of that person’s work (copyright laws) stration/trt/  Discuss the impact of cyberbullying m Copyright with Cyberbee Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 15 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. Are You A Good Cybercitizen? tizen.htm Kidz Privacy idzprivacy/index.html

Internet Cyberbullying T-P-SESI-S-E2 See Your District Acceptable Use Students will adhere to the  Discuss Acceptable Use Policy (i.e. Policies Acceptable Use Policy define purpose, explain (AUP) as well as other state consequences of violators, and sign) Definition - and federal laws use_policy Web Resources Acceptable Use Policy - KDE ive+Resources/Technology/Additional+ Technology+Resources/Acceptable+Us e+Policy+Guidelines+and+State+Requi rements+for+Student+and+Staff+Acces s+to+Electronic+I.htm T-P-SESI- T-P-SESI-S-SI2 Teaching Ideas Teacher Rubric for Evaluating U-2 Students will collaborate  Work as a team to complete a task Divide your class into two groups and Quality of Webquests – Students with peers, family members when using technology give each group a specific task or set of will and others when using questions to investigate. Email rubric.html understand technology community, parents, etc., to obtain their that data/information. Students will then E-mail Replies Rubric technology compare the data/information they enhances received n_images/lesson300/email- collaboratio rubric2.pdf n to Web Resources Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 16 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. contribute ReadWriteThink: Lesson Ideas - Email Rubistar-Create Rubrics to a learning sson_view.asp?id=300 hp community. Create a Website tm Monster Exchange asp Community Alphabet Book – Great for typing vocabulary/spelling definitions ctive.aspx?id=643&tile= Build Your Community 85/flash/draganddrop.html 85/flash/draganddrop2.html 85/flash/draganddrop3.html T-P-SESI- T-P-SESI-S-SI1 Web Resources Teamwork Self-evaluation Rubric U-3 Students will work  Discuss the importance of being a Adventures of Cyberbees – Key Pals Students cooperatively with peers, good classmate when using brough/pilgrimlife/ will family members and others technology ml Netiquette for Kids understand when using technology  Respect other people’s point of view that and ideas when completing a class acceptable project Resources for Parents technology  Share available technology resources etiquette is es.htm essential to respectful Are You A Good CyberCitizen? social Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 17 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Safety, and Ethical/Social Issues Students understand safe and ethical/social issues related to technology. Students practice and engage in safe, responsible and ethical use of technology. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology use that supports lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Primary Academic Expectations 2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world. 3.6 Students demonstrate the ability to make decisions based on ethical values 4.3 Students individually demonstrate consistent, responsive and caring behavior. 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others. 4.5 Students demonstrate an understanding of, appreciation for, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and world view. interactions tizen.htm and good citizenship. Resources for Teachers Essential Online Etiquette ter/basics/netiquette.mspx T-P-SESI- T-P-SESI-S-SI3 Teaching Ideas U-4 Students will explain how  Discuss the various types of Choose several careers in the Students technology is used in jobs technology used in careers (e.g., bar community and/or state and brainstorm will and careers code scanners, handhelds (PDAs), a list of technologies they would use. understand cell phones) Use a graphic organizer, spreadsheet, that or presentation software to chart your technology information is used in jobs and Web Resources careers to Get Tech Kids support the needs of cat=2 the community.

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 18 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. Program of Program of Studies: Knowledge/Skills Activities/ Formative Assessments Studies: Skills and Concepts 1st and 2nd Grade Resources/Projects Understandings T-P-RIPSI- T-P-RIPSI-S- Internet/Online Research Web Resources U-1 R1 Fact or Fiction Students will Students will use  As a class, discuss when an understand teacher-directed Internet search may be effective that Internet sources as a  Discuss the Internet as a technology resource for information source of information at assists in Verizon Thinkfinity - Student Materials school, home, and at the Index gathering, public library organizing  Use teacher-selected x? and Internet resources to locate, filename=/teacher/interactive_content_ind evaluating discuss, and compare ex.aspx&site_area=teacher information information within content (Choose ALL for Subject, Content Partner, from a areas as a class/group Resource Type, and Records Per Page variety of Choose Grade Band K-2 and 3-5 Click Search) sources to Google Help Central answer an essential ml question. Google Posters html

Kids Click!

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 19 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. Internet Island – Sailing the Cyber Seas net.htm Search Engines Google Yahoo Yahoo! Kids Ask

Ask for Kids Dogpile Four Nets for Better Searching ets.htm Awesome Library for Kids ml T-P-RIPSI-S-IP1 Web Links American Symbols Webquest  Students will gather  Prepare a simple Bar Graph - Illuminations technology spreadsheet to organize cts/Cunningham/eportfolio/AmericanSymb Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 20 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. information/data and and /or calculate data aspx?ID=63 ols/folder/index.html use for problem  Use a graph as a class to make predictions Circle Graph - Illuminations Constellation Construction- solving in all content  Use a prepared spreadsheet areas aspx?ID=60 4636/index.htm to create a graph as a class to produce results and make GimpShop – Graphic editing software Families of the Symphony Orchestra informed decisions to answer a real life question uest/orchestra/orchestrawebquest.htm  Use technology resources Adventures of Cyberbee – Curriculum for problem solving and Ideas Cultural Elements of Mexico illustration of thoughts (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking o.htm Treasure Hunts - Cyberbee programs, digital cameras, drawing tools)  Use teacher-created web Math Cats activities for problem solving and critical thinking (e.g., webquests, IMMEX) Internet Projects  Know when and who to ask for help with technical difficulties Webquests and Online Lessons m T-P-RIPSI-S- Introduce Skills Lesson Ideas Email Rubrics R2  Scan electronic resources for Exchanging information or collaborating Students will use relevant information as a on a project via email with another es/lesson300/email-rubric2.pdf electronic resources to class activity classroom is a great way to build an online community of learners. access and retrieve  Use prepared electronic databases as a class activity information Write Right Back: Recognizing Readers’ to conduct keyword Needs for E-mail Replies and search/filters to meet Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 21 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. information needs (e.g., Expectations automated circulation, OPAC, Web Collection Plus, on_view.asp?id=300 CD-ROM encyclopedias, KYVL) Web Resources  Use developmentally KET EncycloMedia appropriate multimedia resources to support a.htm learning (e.g., interactive Free Video Clips books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) Kentucky Virtual Library

Develop Skills Kidspace @ The Internet Public Library  Determine best resource for gaining information to Awesome Library answer an essential question as a class activity (e.g., electronic, print, people)  Use video and audio information (e.g., KET EncycloMedia)  Use electronic mail (e-mail) to contact appropriate sources and receive information as a class Yahoo Dictionary english

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 22 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. NASA Picture Dictionary /k-4/dictionary/index.html Adventures of Cyberbees - Research Tools

Kids Click! Adventures of Cyberbees – Key Pals

Email Abbreviations for Students mail-abbr/ Cyberbees - Authors

Letters to Santa Project ct/santa/index.cfm

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 23 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. T-P-RIPSI-U-2 T-P-RIPSI-S-IP2  Use problem Contact your School Technology  Students will  Students will describe solving/simulation software Coordinator (STC) or School Technology understand that at least one strategy as a class to determine Assistant for troubleshooting issues technology is used for problem solving appropriate software and Web Resources Create a Zoo Webquest to analyze real while using hardware to use in solving a real life problem as a class IMMEX world data and technology (e.g., activity (e.g., graphing eazoo/index.htm support critical inquiry/problem- software) Lemonade Stand thinking skills solving software,  Know when and who to ask http://www.coolmath- through troubleshooting for help with technical inquiry/problem- technology issues) difficulties solving in order to Sunkist Lemonade Stand for Kids produce results and make informed Intel Visual Ranking Tool decisions. ualranking Intel Seeing Reason Tool eingreason Intel Showing Evidence Tool eingreason NASA KSNN – K-2 Newsbreaks m NASA KSNN – 3-5 Newsbreaks Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 24 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. m NASA Kids’ Club club/flash/index.html CO-CO's ADVERSMARTS: An Interactive Unit on Food Marketing on the Internet Treasure Hunts - Cyberbee NASA Simulations – Science Activities and Simulations science.html

T-P-RIPSI-S-I1  Create original work using Teaching Ideas Kathy Schrock’s Assessment and Rubric  Students will use developmentally appropriate Create a sequential multimedia story to Information technology for original software (e.g., Paint, Word, include student narration and music using creations/ innovation Microsoft Photo Story) technology as a class or in small groups ockguide/assess.html  Modify an existing linear or in classroom Develop an idea for a new invention and University of Wisconsin-Stout Rubrics for sequential multimedia story present to classmates using technology Assessment to include student narration as a class/group activity Use Microsoft Paint , Word, or PowerPoint s.shtml to create an original creation Web Resources Microsoft Photo Story 3 Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 25 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. g/digitalphotography/photostory/default.m spx Windows Movie Maker nloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx Open Office Pics 4 Learning Freefoto GimpShop – Graphic editing software Word Build – Language Arts Lesson rdbuild/WordBuild.pdf Geography Skills in Your Town Lesson ons/lessons/18/gk2/geoskills.html

Kids on the Net - Writing

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 26 of 28 Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. T-P-RIPSI-S-I2  Create multimedia projects Teaching Ideas Kathy Schrock’s Assessment and Rubric  Students will express individually or as a class Use Microsoft Paint , Word, or PowerPoint Information creativity both activity using age to create an original creation appropriate software (e.g., ockguide/assess.html individually and Web Resources collaboratively using Microsoft Photo Story)  Express innovative and/or Microsoft Photo Story 3 University of Wisconsin-Stout Rubrics for technology entrepreneurial ideas using Assessment technology as a tool g/digitalphotography/photostory/default.m spx s.shtml Windows Movie Maker nloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx Open Office GimpShop – Graphic editing software

Getting to Know You Lesson id=4018 Habitats Lesson id=7087 Check Technology Grades 1-3 and search multimedia for several different lessons fa_submit=PLANS Ideas for Using a Digital Camera Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 27 of 28 Patch Cables Teacher Technology Framework First and Second Grade

Big Idea: Research, Inquiry/Problem-Solving and Innovation Students understand the role of technology in research and experimentation. Students engage technology in developing solutions for solving problems in the real world. Students will use technology for original creation and innovation.

Academic Expectations 1.1 Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. 5.1 Students use critical thinking skills such as analyzing, prioritizing, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing to solve a variety of problems in real-life situations. 5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products. 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options. 5.5 Students use problem-solving processes to develop solutions to relatively complex problems. 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas. l Digital Imaging Videos – Training Video

Primary Technology Program of Studies – Support Document – DRAFT 28 of 28

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