Why Do We Call Ourselves Lifenet Church?

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Why Do We Call Ourselves Lifenet Church?

1 Welcome to The Life Manual!

The purpose of The Life Manual is to be just the beginning of equipping you to be the Christian the Lord has called you to be. Every Believer (Christian) is called to do the work of ministry. This simply means that every Christian is responsible to be committed to living by the Word of God, the Bible. The Bible calls every Christian to do the work of ministry, to reach his world for Jesus Christ, and for Christ to be Lord (King) of all your life. We will look at this more in the coming weeks. Your Net Group desires to be an extended family for you.

We have also chosen a discipler for you. The discipler is simply someone who has been on this journey a little longer than you have. Your discipler will assist you through The Life Manual. Your discipler will also want to meet with you at least once a week to discuss the information in the manual. PLEASE THOROUGHLY STUDY THE WEEKLY LESSONS BEFORE YOU MEET WITH YOUR DISCIPLER. Be sure to read all scripture verses and fill in the blanks where appropriate. The answers to the blanks are found in the New King James Version of the Bible. Your discipler and you will review each week's lesson when you come together. Another way to utilize the Life Manual is to have your Net Group go through it as a group periodically.

The Life Manual is designed to create an atmosphere for true discipleship to happen. True Biblical discipleship flows through relationships. A book, by itself, is not a proper means for true discipleship. True discipleship is about living out a daily lifestyle with Jesus. This was Jesus’ model with the twelve disciples. He taught them, through His actions, to go out and do likewise (John 13:1-17). The Life Manual is simply a systematic tool for relational discipleship to occur.

2 This Life Manual is designed to ground you, based on the Bible, in the foundations of who you are as Believers and in the core values we have as a church. The Lord wants you to be thoroughly equipped for every good work and for you to reap the peace, joy, and happiness that only the Lord can give. May the Lord bless, and equip you to fulfill His destiny for your life. (Enjoy the Lord!)

DISCIPLER:DISCIPLER: Please Please read read pages pages 80-83 80-83 before before you you begin...Entitled:begin...Entitled: How How to to Serve Serve as as a aDiscipler Discipler

Why Do We Call Ourselves LifeNet Church?

The word Life is actually an acronym that defines our mission (see below). Net describes a network, working together as a team to reach out and love God and this community.

We call our cell groups – NET GROUPS. When Jesus called the disciples to be fishers-of-men, they were used to fishing with a net. We are not called to reach out to the world around us alone, we are called to reach out as a team. If you will, a net. We reach out to Belmopan and beyond as a net and see people saved, discipled and raised up as reproducible leaders.

3 Equipping Track #1

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As we begin, we want you to be assured of your salvation. We want to be sure you understand what it means to become a Christian and enter into the Kingdom of God. If you have already made a decision to serve the Lord, this will simply be used as a review. But if there hasn't been a time where you personally made a decision to serve the Lord, then today is your day of salvation.

There is a question that you must ask yourself today:

If you were to die and stand before God, why should He allow you into heaven?

You cannot get to Heaven by being a good person, or trying to achieve Heaven on your own works, achievement, or deeds.

GRACE (Ephesians 2:8-10) It is by God's grace and love that we can know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation and Heaven.

GOD'S LOVE (John 3:16) God loves you and wants a relationship with you.

SIN (Romans 3:23, 6:23) Everyone is a sinner. Your sins keep you from God.

JESUS (Romans 5:8) Jesus Christ rose from the dead to forgive your sins. You see, the punishment for sin is death and hell, but Jesus took 6 our sins and died on the cross so that we could come to God clean. RECEIVE (I John 1:9, Romans 10:9,10) You must receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Lord means that you are giving Jesus Christ total control of your life.

Savior means that you are acknowledging and accepting the fact that Jesus paid for your sins, saved you from eternal death and separation from God, and gave you eternal life with God the Father.

RELATIONSHIP (John 15:5, John 14:6) Your trust in Jesus begins a lifelong relationship. Jesus is the only way to the Father. In Jesus, there is true joy, peace, and a life worth living.


Has there ever been a specific time when you personally asked the Lord to forgive you of your sins and for Him to be Lord and Savior of your entire life? If you would like to do this, please pray the following prayer from your heart: Father, in Jesus' name...I want to stop trusting in myself and start trusting in You...and what You have already done...when You died for me on the cross and rose from the dead...I know that I am a sinner...and I repent of my sins. I ask You to forgive me...and invite You to come live inside me… I give You my life… I want You to be my Savior...and Lord...I want to turn away from everything the Bible calls sin...and I want to obey You every day, for the rest of my life. Thank You Jesus for my salvation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

If you have never made a decision to serve the Lord, until today, and now you have made this decision and prayed this 7 prayer to accept salvation, then you need to tell someone. Your Discipler will be asking you about this, so you may want to talk to him or her about it. Enjoy your new relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


BringingBringing L.I.F.E. L.I.F.E. to to our our communitycommunity and and to to the the world!! world!!

L.I.F.E. stands for:

I. We accomplish this by being a body of believers meeting corporately together for celebration worship and meeting in home cell groups (called Net Groups). We desire to see 100% of our members participating in a Net Group and in the Celebration service.

II. We will exalt Jesus as Lord, reach the lost, obey His Word, worship as a lifestyle, encourage, equip, and empower each believer for the work of ministry.


I. A vision to be a church intensely driven by our mission, vision, values, and core convictions.

II. A vision of seeing disciples raised up and empowered to 8 reproduce more disciples. OUR CORE VALUES

Four values, based on the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), communicate our mission and vision.


Matthew 22:37-39 - Love the ______your God with all you heart and with all your soul, and with all your ______...and...love your neighbor as yourself.


Matthew 28:19-20 - Go and make ______of all nations, baptizing them...and teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.

Value #1: A GROWING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. Without Him we can do nothing. (The Great Commandment) Value #2: A GROWING RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS. When we become Christians, we are placed into the family of God. We are members together, and we must learn to relate to one another in ways that please and honor the Lord. (The Great Commandment) Value #3: A COMMITMENT TO EVANGELISM. This says that lost people really matter to God. (The Great Commission) Value #4: A COMMITMENT TO DISCIPLESHIP. This says that Christianity is a way of life, and a process of growth that leads to loving obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. (The Great Commission)

9 OUR CORE CONVICTIONS This is an attempt to express who we are as a church. This type of statement is necessary so that those entering our church will know our basic approach to being the Church. Our core values are lived out, on a daily basis, through these core convictions: JESUS CHRIST AS LORD: We value Him above all else.

PEOPLE: God has instructed us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We value developing loving relationships with one another and demonstrating the love of our Father God to the world around us.

THE BIBLE: We believe that the Bible is God's written revelation to man and that it is verbally inspired, authoritative, and without error in the original manuscripts. We value it as the authority in preaching, teaching, doctrine, church life, and everyday life.

A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: We desire for all people to know, enjoy, and worship God, and we value a personal relationship with Jesus. This relationship comes only by our acceptance of His salvation through grace.

WORSHIP: The ultimate purpose of all people is to know, enjoy, and worship God. Worship should be a lifestyle.

PRAYER: Prayer is the power plant of the church, and we value prayer and fasting as essential and top priorities. Prayer is the communication link between our church and God. We seek to discern God's will for every action by listening to God and praying together. Individual members and the Body as a whole also lift prayers to God. Net Groups are to give time to prayer and schedule special prayer events. It is our desire that the Lord "teach us to pray". 10 THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: We desire for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in our church. We always desire to give the Holy Spirit freedom to move and speak to and through His people.

CELL GROUPS (Net Groups): Small groups of 5-15 Christians are the primary structure used for being the church. In cell life, members encounter the living Christ in the midst of His people, Scripture is applied to life, and the Body is edified through the working of spiritual gifts. Christ is the focus. Net Groups equip Believers to become servant leaders. The purpose is evangelism, equipping, and edification. Members of our church are all expected to participate in a Net Group.

CELEBRATION WORSHIP: We desire to worship God in celebration. The Church gathers together in a large group celebration to focus on worship and praise upward to the Lord. We worship in spirit and in truth, in decency and order, and with understanding. We value dynamic worship that is alive, intimate, fulfilling, and life-transforming. Unbelievers and the unlearned in spiritual matters who observe the worship should say of Celebration Worship in our church, Surely God is in this place.

DISCIPLESHIP: Believers are to grow and mature into well- balanced followers (disciples, ministers, and servant leaders) of Christ. Discipleship is implemented through the Net Groups by one-on-one ministry using the LIFE MANUAL and the LIFE LEADERSHIP TRAINING. The Life Manual and the LLT are only the beginning of a life-long process of discipleship.

UNITY: We value reaching beyond racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of Biblical unity.

LEADERSHIP: We value raising up servant leaders who will serve Jesus and others with all their hearts. We desire to disciple and empower Believers to become effective leaders

11 who will replicate what they have been given by discipling and empowering other Believers (II Timothy 2:2). FINANCIAL INTEGRITY: The Bible discourages debt and we value the responsible handling of our finances and the goal of being debt-free. We value the Biblical principles of tithing and of giving offerings to fund the work of the Lord.

FAMILY: The church offers great hope for the family, and we value building strong marriages, training for godly parenting, offering excellent ministry to children and youth, and limiting the number of activities that we offer that keep families from being together.

CHILDREN: Children are the most eager disciples, and we value children's ministry, rather than childcare. Our church nurtures children in three areas. Children will learn about God in a Children's Church held during the Celebration Service. Secondly, they will learn about God through their contact with the Net Groups. In the cells, children will experience the meaning of Christian life and observe Christian values in operation. This is done through relationships with adults in their Net Groups. Thirdly and most importantly, children learn about God through application of Bible truths within their family context by their Christian parents.

YOUTH: We believe teenagers are making important life decisions, and we value creating an exciting, fun, Christ- centered atmosphere for them to become adults. We desire to instill the same values in them as we have for the adults.

MINISTRY: We value that every Believer is a minister and a priest before God. The pastoral team are called-out servants who are to equip individual Believers to minister through edifying (building up) one another and reaching out to the lost. Most ministry will be personal in nature and will naturally develop out from each Believer’s “circle of influence” who are contacted and loved. It is the responsibility of the church to help every member discover his ministry/ministries and to enable those ministries to be implemented. There is a balance 12 between the "outward journey" of ministry in the world and "inward journey" of spiritual growth in Christ within cell life. Ministry never takes precedence over our spiritual relationship with Christ and His Body. (Ephesians 4:11-12; Mark 16:15- 20; I Corinthians 14:26)

EVANGELISM: We believe the heart of our Father God is to seek and to save that which is lost. We value reaching into the community with the love of Jesus and seeking for others to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.

CHURCH PLANTING and WORLD MISSIONS: We want to reach the unreached people of the world, and we value giving, going, and praying in order to reach those who do not know the love of the Father. We desire to see men and women raised up to go into short-term and long-term missions. Since our vision and values are based on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20), we seek to birth churches domestically and around the world (Acts 1:8).


1. We believe that there is one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19) 2. We believe that the Bible is God's written revelation to man and that it is the verbally inspired, authoritative rule of faith, and without error in the original manuscripts. (II Tim. 3:15-17; I Thess. 2:13; II Peter 1:21) 3. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory. (Matthew 1:23; Acts 1:9,11; Hebrews 1:1-13) 4. We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, that He performs the miracle of the new birth in an unbeliever and indwells believers, enabling them to live a 13 godly life. (John 14:16-17, 16:7) 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, empowering the believer in the exercise of all the gifts as the Holy Spirit wills. (Terminology of this could be called "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit", or "Being Filled with the Holy Spirit") (Acts 1:5; 2:4; 19:2-6; Ephesians 5:8) 6. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, was alienated from God. That alienation can be removed only by accepting, through faith, God's gift of salvation which was made possible by Christ's death and resurrection. (Acts 4:12; Romans 5:8-13; 10:9; Ephesians 2:8) 7. We believe that everlasting life is prepared for those who Believe and put their faith in Jesus, while everlasting punishment await unbelievers.(Matthew 25:46; John 3:16; Revelation 21:7-8)


1. Water Baptism The ordinance of baptism is commanded in the Scriptures. All who repent and believe in Christ as Savior and Lord are to be baptized. Thus they declare to the world that they have died with Christ and that they also have been raised with Him to walk in newness of life (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 10:47-48; Romans 6:4). Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward work. The Greek word for baptism literally means to immerse. We practice baptism by complete immersion.  If you have not already been baptized in water, you will want to talk to your Discipler about it. Baptism is an important first step in your walk and obedience to the Lord.

2. Communion (The Lord's Supper) Communion should not be taken lightly. We should examine ourselves to see if there is any sin in our lives (1 Corinthians 11:23-30). We believe the elements are 14 symbolic of the Lord's shed blood and broken body (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:15-20).

This would be a good time to share with you the meaning of the Foursquare logo. LifeNet is in association with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, which is a network of churches throughout the world with a membership of over 8 million in 143 nations. The logo symbolizes and describes the complete gospel of Jesus through four essential principles.

THE CROSS - symbolizes that Jesus is Savior THE DOVE - symbolizes that Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit THE CUP - symbolizes that Jesus is healer THE CROWN - symbolizes that Jesus is soon coming King

For more information on the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG) go to: www.foursquare.org

We desire for every member to be equipped, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and reaching this generation of people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. OUR CHURCH IS COMMITTED TO:

* Exalting Jesus as Lord * Training servant leaders * Winning first time Believers * Making prayer a lifestyle priority * Bringing spiritual healing to families * Equipping every member to minister * Healing hurting and prodigal Christians * Operating in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit * Multiplying every cell after (9) to (12) months 15 * Preparing each Believer to apply the Word to life * Preparing each cell member to birth a new Net Group * Working with other churches to reach the world for Christ

Before you go any farther in the LIFE MANUAL, we wanted to emphasize how important it is for you (and every Christian) to participate in a Net Group, Celebration, reading the Word, prayer and sharing the Gospel with others. It’s called being a SELF-FEEDER

We desire to equip and allow the Holy Spirit to empower you to lead others to the Lord and to see them discipled. As people come to know the Lord as their Savior and King, new Net Groups will be birthed by our Net Group members. We want to equip you to eventually lead a Net Group as the Lord directs. Remember this. During the day, just enjoy the Lord. He is not only the King of kings and Lord of lords, but He is your Father God and friend!

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. Have Have you you ever ever personally personally accepted accepted Jesus Jesus as as your your Savior?Savior? If If yes, yes, when when and and where? where? Do Do you you understandunderstand thatthat salvation salvation is is by by God’s God’s grace? grace? 2.2. Have Have you you ever ever been been baptized baptized in in water water by by immersion? immersion? IfIf yes, yes, when when and and where? where? Why Why should should you you be be baptizedbaptized by by immersion? immersion? 3.3. What What does does L.I.F.E. L.I.F.E. stand stand for for and and what what are are our our FOURFOUR VALUES VALUES?? 4.4. What What do do the the symbols symbols in in the the Foursquare Foursquare logo logo standstand for? for? 5.5. How How can can your your Discipler Discipler pray pray for for you you now? now? 16 SECOND WEEK GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN

Over the next four weeks we will look at the foundations of our faith from the Word of God (the Bible).


The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent "I AM," the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind. He has further revealed Himself as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10-11; Isaiah 44:6; Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:22).

The Lord our God is revealed as a Holy Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (2 Cor.13:14; Isaiah 48:16)

Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the ______, and of the ______, and of the ______.

The God that the Bible reveals to us is: Infinitely perfect all-powerful (omnipotent) Eternal all-knowing (omniscient) Uncreated all-present (omnipresent) Self-existent infinite in love and holiness

Jesus Christ is the full and final revelation of God. (Hebrews 1:1-4; Colossians 1:15-19)

Colossians 2:9 - For in ______dwells all the fullness of the ______bodily;

17 Jesus Christ is God. (John 8:58; 20:28; Acts 20:28; Romans 9:5; Colossians 2:9; Hebrew 1:8-9; Isaiah 48:16-17, 49:6) John 1:1 - In the beginning was the ______, and the ______was with God, and the ______was ______.

Hebrews 1:8 - But to the ______He says: Your throne O ______, is for ever and ever;


Man was created good and upright; for God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." ("Let Us" This verse expresses the Trinity of God.) However, man by voluntary transgression (disobedience to God) fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God. (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:17; 3:6; Romans 5:12-19)

Man was created in the image of God to enjoy an intimate fellowship with God, which even angels cannot fully partake. (1 Peter 1:12, Hebrews 1:4).

Man had the power to choose obedience or disobedience (Joshua 24:15). Man chose disobedience.

The devil, in the form of a serpent, raised a doubt in the mind of Eve as to the truth of God's Word to them (Genesis 3:5-6).

The fall opened the floodgates of sin, sorrow, sickness, suffering and death upon the human family (1 John 2:16; Genesis 3:7-24; Romans 5:12-19). SIN, simply put, is disobedience to God.

Romans 5:12 - Therefore, just as through one man _____ entered the world, and death through sin, and 18 thus death spread to _____ men, because all ______.

All of history and the human intelligence bear witness to the universal sinfulness of man. Man's moral, mental, and spiritual natures have been perverted and distorted by the fall (by sin). Instead of loving holiness, sinful man has a vicious bent toward sin and selfishness, and only the grace of God can overcome this evil nature, by making him a "new creature" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a ______; old things have passed away; behold all things have become ______.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare: (John 1:1-5) 1. His virgin birth (Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31-35) 2. His sinless life (II Cor. 5:21, Heb. 7:26; 1 Peter 2:22) 3. His miracles (Acts 2:22; 10:38) 4. His substitutionary work on the cross (1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21) 4. His bodily resurrection from the dead (Matthew 28:6; Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 15:4) 5. His exaltation to the right hand of God the Father (Acts 1:9; 11; 2:33; Philippians 2:9-11) 6. That He is God!!! (John 20:28, Romans 9:5, Isaiah 48:12-17)

Hebrews 1:3 - who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His ______, when He had by Himself purged our ______, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High, 19 (This verse speaks of Jesus.)


Man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus purchased our salvation through His own death on the cross and His resurrection. He paid the final price for the sins of all mankind, and brought us eternal life and restored fellowship with the God.

Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is through Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

Acts 4:12 - Nor is there ______in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be ______.

Salvation is obtained by grace, not by works (Ephesians 2:8,9).

Ephesians 2:8,9 - For by ______you have been ______through ______, and not of yourself; it is a ______of God,” v9 - “not of ______, lest anyone should boast.

Salvation is received through faith (Romans 10:9,10).

Romans 10:9 - that if you ______with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your ______that God raised Him from the dead, you will be ______.

The evidence of Salvation - Inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the Spirit (Romans 8:16). 20 Romans 8:16 - The ______Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are ______of God.

- Outward evidence of salvation to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness. (Ephesians 4:24; Titus 2:12; Galatians 5:22-25)


We can know that we have eternal life. (1 John 5:13; James 1:12; John 3:16; 6:47; Acts 16:31)


Justification is another helpful term to describe God’s grace to man in salvation.

Justification - is a courtroom term. Man, guilty and condemned of sin before God, is acquitted and declared righteous. That is, he is justified through Jesus. (By accepting what Jesus has done on the cross, we are redeemed and justified)

Romans 5:9 - Much more then, having now been ______by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.


Sanctification is separation from that which is evil and a dedication unto God. (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 12:14)

Romans 12:1 - I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a 21 ______, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable ______.

It is instantaneous -- we have Jesus' righteousness. We are pure, holy, and righteous in Jesus.

It is progressive (a process) -- we develop His character. God uses natural and spiritual means to accomplish sanctification.


The Lord desires for Christians to walk in physical, emotional and spiritual health. The Bible instructs us to pray for the sick and believe God to heal them. The Lord still heals today.

--Sickness and disease are a curse of the fall of Man (Genesis 3:7-24). --Jesus was cursed in our place to redeem us from the curse (Galatians 3:10-14). --Full provision for healing is made in what Christ did in His suffering, death, and resurrection (Acts 10:38; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24). --Divine healing is an integral part of the Gospel. Deliverance from physical, spiritual, and emotional sickness is provided for in the atonement and is the privilege of all believers (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 16:17-18; James 5:14-16).

Isaiah 53:5 - ...... And by His ______we are ______.

Healing is received by FAITH (Matthew 9:29). A person's lack of faith or sins may cause him not to be healed, but this does not mean that if he is not healed, that he has sinned or has a lack of faith.

Divine healing is received by faith in the POWER of God. 22 When we pray, we must believe that God WILL heal (James 5:14-16).


The Lordship of Jesus Christ means that Jesus rules supreme over every area of one's life. It is very important to acknowledge that someone or something will control our lives. A vast number of things can control you. It may be selfish desires, love of money, success, pleasures, popularity, etc. Whatever controls your life is lord (master) of your life. Jesus wants to be Lord over your life. (Philippians 2:9-11; Romans 10:9,10; Acts 2:36)

Philippians 2:10-11 - that at the name of ______every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and those under the earth,” v11 - “ and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is ______, to the glory of God the Father.


We need to understand that, through Christ, we have authority over the devil. God has given us the ability to walk in victory in the midst of the attacks from the enemy. (Luke 9:1-2; 10:18-20; John 14:12-14; II Corinthians 10:4-5)

Luke 10:19 - Behold, I give ______authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the ______, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We need to walk in boldness, knowing that we have authority, through Jesus Christ, over the enemy.

We want to encourage you to read your Bible and spend time in prayer daily. 23 Your Discipler will also be encouraging you as well.

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. What What was was and and is is God’s God’s plan plan for for man? man? 2.2. What What is is salvation salvation and and how how do do you you obtain obtain it? it? 3.3. What What are are the the inward inward and and outward outward evidences evidences of of salvation?salvation? 4.4. Define Define justification, justification, sanctification sanctification and and Lordship? Lordship? 5.5. What What authority authority have have we we been been given given through through Jesus? Jesus? 6.6. What What part part of of this this chapter chapter stood stood out out to to you you the the most most or or whatwhat areas areas still still need need clarification? clarification?



God desires to have a personal relationship with us. God likens our relationship to Himself as that of a bride to a bridegroom (Ephesians 5:23-24). Some aspects of that kind of a relationship are: communication, trust, openness, common purpose (will), time spent together, and intimacy.


Prayer is talking with God. Prayer is two-way communication with God. God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. (John 10:2-4, 27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-13; John 16:13; 1 Kings 19:12; Acts 10:19, 11:12; Jeremiah 33:3).

~~~ In our spirit (We hear His voice) ~~~ Through His written Word (the Bible) ~~~ Through the operation of Spiritual Gifts ~~~ Through preaching, teaching, and through others

1 Corinthians 2:10 - But God has revealed them to us through ______Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

1 Corinthians 2:12 - Now we have received, not the ______of the world, but the Spirit who is from ______, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by ______.

25 The way to acclimate our ears to hear God's voice is by reading His Word with a listening ear (Isaiah 50:4-5).

Listening to His voice

It is very important that we take time to listen to His voice, and not just speak to Him. After you have spoken to the Lord, wait for Him to speak. You can begin this time by saying to the Lord, Yes, Lord, Yes. Prepare your heart to hear and to obey what the Lord speaks.

It is extremely important that we understand that prayer is two- way communication. We speak to Him and He speaks to us. (John 16:13, Acts 10:19, 11:12, 13:2)

God has ordained prayer to affect the outcome of our spiritual and physical matters. (Jeremiah 33:3; John 14:13; James 4:2-3; 5:16-18; 1 John 5:14-15)

Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to _____, and I will answer you, and ______you great and mighty things which ______do not know.

James 5:16b - ...The effective ______prayer of a righteous man avails ______.

John 14:13 - And whatever you ask in _____ name, that I will do, that the ______may be glorified in the ______.

There are several kinds of prayer: (1 Timothy 2:1; Philippians 4:6)

Philippians 4:6 - Be ______for nothing, but in everything by ______and ______, 26 with ______, let your ______be made known to God.

These are ways to pray and talk to our Heavenly Father: Petition -- asking God to meet certain needs. Thanksgiving -- thanking Him for who He is and what He has done. Worship -- an overwhelming feeling of His nearness, yielding our lives to God. Intercession -- praying for something or someone else (pray specifically for the need). Spiritual Warfare -- battling the spiritual forces of the enemy. (Ephesians 6:12). Listening -- After speaking to the Father, take time to listen to what He has to say. He will speak to us through our spirit. Listen to what He is saying. (Jeremiah 33:3) Fasting -- abstaining from food, or something else, to devote that time to prayer and waiting on the Lord. Prayer Walking -- physically walking in an area and praying for the people living or working there. Praying In The Spirit -- Praying in our Prayer Language. This is our spirit praying directly to the Holy Spirit, a perfect prayer. (See 4th week for more information)

C. OUR MODEL PRAYER (Matthew 6:5-13)

Our Father...Hallowed be Thy name... (praise and worship) Thy Kingdom come... (prayer and intercession) Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven... (God's perfect will be done) Give us this day our daily bread... (petition, ask for what you need) Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive... (You are forgiven only as you forgive.) 27 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil... (spiritual warfare against the Devil) Thine is the Kingdom, Power...Glory, forever, Amen... (thanksgiving, praise/worship) D. A DAILY PRAYER LIFE

Nothing is more crucial to our spiritual well being than our daily time with God. Even more than what He does for you, God is interested in what He can do in you. God is always ready to hear our prayers. No Christian can live his spiritual life without prayer anymore than he can live his physical life without food. You will be strengthened spiritually and helped in every way by a daily prayer life. (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

I Thessalonians 5:17 - ______without ______,

Jesus would often get alone with Father God as an example to us. We should take this example, and get alone with God to speak to Him and to listen to what He is saying to us. (Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35; 6:46; Luke 6:12)

Luke 5:16 - So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and ______.

We must pray in God’s will. ( James 4:3 )

When we pray in God’s will, we must believe (by faith) it will be done. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Matthew 21:22 - And whatever things you ______in ______, believing, you will receive.

Remember, prayer is two-way communication. Take time as you pray to listen to what the Lord wants to speak to you. 28 Spend quality time with God in prayer and enjoy His presence!

HIS WORD (The Bible)


The Bible is God’s written revelation to mankind. Every value, moral, teaching, doctrine, revelation, and spiritual experience must be measured by the principles and standards of the Word. It is the everlasting blueprint to living a life that brings honor to the Lord. (Isaiah 40:8)

The Bible is made up of sixty-six books, by about forty different writers, living in different places and cultures over a period of about sixteen hundred years. Each writer, without being aware of it, contributed his own essential part that made up one complete revelation from God to man. They never contradicted what the others wrote, but rather there is a perfect unity and completeness from cover to cover of the Bible.

The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments in the original manuscripts, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21)

There are three things we believe concerning the Bible:

1. It is Inspired: (2 Peter 1:20-21)

2 Timothy 3:16 - All ______is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for ______, for ______, for ______, for ______in righteousness,

29 The inspiration of the Scriptures means that there was a special influence on the minds of the writers, causing what they wrote to be the infallible Word of God.

Infallible means absolutely trustworthy, true and without error.

2. It is the Final Authority: The Bible is the truth of God, His final revelation to man. Every other teaching or revelation must be measured by the standard of the Bible. (Isaiah 40:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

3. It is a Living Word:

Hebrews 4:12 - For the Word of God is ______and ______, and sharper than any two-edged sword; piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow; and is a ______of the thoughts and intents of the ______.


We must hear the Word through preaching and teaching - not only be a hearer, but a "doer" (James 1:22-25).

James 1:22 - But be ______of the word, and not ______only, deceiving yourselves.

We must read the Word daily. Why every day? 1. It cleanses and renews us. (Ephesians 5:26; Romans 12:2; Psalm 119:9-11) 2. It gives us guidance and direction for daily living. (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5-6) 3. It helps us to live the Christian life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 30 2 Timothy 3:17 - that the man of God may be ______, thoroughly ______for every good work.

We must study the Word consistently (2 Timothy 2:15).

2 Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a ______who does not need to be ashamed, rightly ______the ______of truth.

We must memorize the Word. Why memorize? a. It increases our faith. (Romans 10:17) b. It gives victory over sin. (Psalm 119:11) c. It helps us to pray more effectively. (John 15:7) d. It helps us to meditate on God's Word. e. It helps us to quote the Word during our prayer time. f. It enables us to witness more effectively. (1 Peter 3:15)

We must meditate on the Word. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3)

We must personalize. (Feel free to insert your name in the middle of any promise from God). (II Corinthians 1:20)

We must believe and confess by faith the Word. Mark 11:24: ....Believe that you receive them and you will have them.

2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we ______by ______, not by ______.

G . YOUR DAILY DEVOTIONAL TIME CAN BE CONNECTED TO YOUR NET GROUP At the back of this manual, you will find a daily scripture reading plan. By following this plan, you will complete the 31 entire Bible in one year. Use this to spend quality time in prayer with the Lord as well. Be sure to not only talk to the Lord, but remember to listen for His voice to speak. He will also speak to you through the reading of the Word.

Let me encourage you to not get legalistic in your devotional time. If you miss one day of reading, that’s okay. Sometimes people get a little behind and feel that they cannot catch up, so they just quit. If you get behind, just begin reading that day’s reading and move forward from there.

During the Word time in your Net Group, if your group is not discussing the sermon, going through the Life Manual, LLT, or having a special event – you will be discussing the daily reading of the Word. The Word of God has all the answers for our lives (Hebrews 4:12). Therefore, the focal point of the Word time in the Net Group should be the practical applications of what the Holy Spirit has been teaching us through the Word and in prayer.

1 Corinthians 14:26 – How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a ______, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.

When we come together as a Net Group, we should come expecting to share what the Holy Spirit has been teaching us. We should come expecting to minister to the group and allow the group to minister to us. By this, we are truly living out what the Word of God instructs us to do.

Spend time daily in the Word, whether in the morning, in the evening, before you go to bed or whenever is best for you.

You might desire to journal during this time as well. Many people enjoy journaling about what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to them during their Word time. Here 32 are some helpful suggestions on how to journal. It is based upon an acronym called: SOAP, which has been adapted from New Hope Foursquare Church’s “Life Journal”. S for Scripture Open your Bible to the reading found by today's date at S the back of the Life Manual. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you. Highlight, underline or place a mark in the margin of your Bible next to the scriptures that stand out. When you are done, reread the verses you marked, look for one that particularly spoke to you that day and write it in your journal. Helpful hint: If you are having difficulty understanding what you've read, you may find a study Bible useful.

O for Observation What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? O Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase and write this scripture down in your own words in your journal.

A for Application Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it A applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.

P for Prayer This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this P scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.

As you come together as a Net Group, be ready to share what the Holy Spirit is teaching you and be ready to receive what the Holy Spirit has been teaching the others in the group. Feel free to call your Net Group members throughout the week to discuss what you have both read in your daily devotional time from the Word.

33 You might want to start reading your daily devotional today. Remember, the Bible says that every member is a minister and that God desires to use you in the Net Group to minister to each other.

Continue to spend time daily in the Word and in prayer. When you pray, be sure to spend quality time with Father God. Enjoy the Lord today. This is being a SELF-FEEDER.

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. What What are are ways ways we we hear hear the the voice voice of of God? God? (The (The DisciplerDiscipler may may want want to to share share some some personal personal examplesexamples of of hearing hearing from from the the Lord) Lord) 2.2. What What is is the the strength strength of of your your relationship relationship with with the the LordLord in in these these areas: areas: communication, communication, trust, trust, openness,openness, common common purpose, purpose, time time and and intimacy? intimacy? 3.3. What What different different models models of of prayer prayer are are active active in in your your lifelife and and what what are are the the benefits benefits of of each? each? 4.4. What What three three things things do do we we believe believe concerning concerning the the WordWord of of God? God? 5.5. How How Consistent Consistent is is your your devotional devotional time time in in the the WordWord and and in in prayer? prayer? Why Why is is reading reading the the Word Word andand spending spending time time daily daily with with the the Lord Lord important? important? 6.6. What What has has the the Lord Lord been been teaching teaching you you through through His His WordWord and and in in pray? pray? 7.7. Define Define the the acronym acronym SOAP SOAP and and how how can can you you apply apply itit to to your your daily daily devotional devotional time? time? 8.8. Take Take the the next next few few minutes minutes to to pray pray for for each each other other outout loud. loud. This This is is a avery very important important step step for for new new Believers to actually pray out loud. Pray for each Believers to actually pray out loud. Pray for each otherother and and allow allow time time to to wait wait on on the the Holy Holy Spirit Spirit toto speak. speak. This This could could be be a ascripture, scripture, a aword, word, or or phrase.phrase. The The Discipler Discipler may may want want to to share share what what the the HolyHoly Spirit Spirit spoke spoke to to him him first first during during the the prayer prayer timetime and and then then give give opportunity opportunity for for the the Disciple Disciple to to shareshare as as well. well. 34 FOURTH WEEK THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT

(Please take your time and read all the scripture verses listed)

A. THE PROMISED GIFT FROM THE FATHER (“The Gift of the Holy Spirit” and “Filled With the Spirit” all refer to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit )

Acts 1:8 - But you shall receive ______when the Holy Spirit has come upon you...

Acts 2:4 - And they were all filled with the ______and began to speak with other ______,..

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of Jesus’ words concerning the promise of the Father (Luke 24:49). It is a baptism with POWER! Jesus is the one who Baptizes in the Holy Spirit.

When someone is born again (receives salvation), God, the Holy Spirit, comes to live inside of him. (John 3:6-7, Romans 8:9-11). When Jesus Baptizes someone in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11), he is immersed in or filled with the POWER of the Spirit (Acts 1:8).

The Bible shows that it is very important for Christians to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues (Acts 19:2-6).

There are no examples in the Bible of individuals who did not 35 receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit who sincerely and honestly desired to receive it (Acts 2:39). For this promise is for all Believers.

All Believers are entitled to and should seek the promise of the Father, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the normal experience of all in the early Christian Church.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit brings the enduement of POWER for life and service, the gifts and their uses in the work of the ministry (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:1-31).

This experience is distinct from and subsequent to the New Birth, (salvation) (Acts 8:12-17, 10:44-46, 11:14-16, 15:7-9). ((( This means that it comes after salvation.)))

With the Baptism in the Holy Spirit come such experiences as an overflowing fullness of the Spirit (John 7:37-39; Acts 4:8), a deepened reverence for God (Acts 2:43; Hebrews 12:28), an intensified consecration to God and dedication to His work (Acts 2:42), a deeper awareness and operation of the Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-31; Hebrews 2:3-4), a more active love for Christ, for His Word and for the lost (Mark 16:20), and speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance (Acts 2:4). The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the Gift of Tongues (1 Corinthians 12:4-10, 28), but different in purpose and use (Romans 8:26; I Corinthians 13:1).

Tongues: A public gift (1 Corinthians 14) - The Father speaking through the Holy Spirit to us (heaven to earth). A personal gift (1 Corinthians 14) - Our spirit speaking through the Holy Spirit, directly to the Father (earth to heaven).

36 Personal Prayer Language in Tongues (a personal gift) This is a result and evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is a special communication and a perfect prayer to God (Romans 8:26). This is our spirit speaking to the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 14:2). Your personal prayer language should be a regular portion of your prayer time ( I Corinthians 14:14-15). Everyone who has received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit has the ability to pray in their prayer language in tongues. Every Believer should seek the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The Gift of Tongues (a public gift) This is one of the gifts spoken of in I Corinthians 12. The Gift of Tongues is different than your personal prayer language in tongues. The Gift of Tongues is to help the congregation better praise God, pray to God, or sing a song to God. The gift is valid only when exercised in relationship to interpretation that is under the judgment of the church as to its genuineness. The gift operates within clear guidelines laid down in scripture (I Corinthians 14). In public worship, only one may speak in a public tongue at a time. All (public) tongues are to be interpreted because the purpose of worship is understanding. In worship the Gift of Tongues is to be used at the most only two or three times during one service so that tongues are given proper balance (I Corinthians 14:26-27).

The Gift of Tongues can be controlled and shared when the leadership gives the freedom for the operation of the gifts to operate within a meeting. (I Corinthians 14:39-40).


 An overflowing fullness of the Spirit (John 7:37-39; Acts 4:8)  POWER to serve and witness (Acts 1:8, 4:8, 4:18-33, 7:55, 13:9)  The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) 37  A deeper awareness and operation of the Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-31; Hebrews 2:3-4).  Our prayer language in tongues edifies (builds) our faith. (1 Cor. 14:4; Jude 20)  Our prayer language in tongues is used for praying and singing (I Corinthians 14:14-15).  Our prayer language is a special and perfect communication (prayer) with God (Romans 8:26).

Jude 20 - But you, beloved, ______yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the ______. (Praying in your Prayer Language.)

Who In The Bible Encouraged The Baptism In The Holy Spirit?  Jesus did. (Mark 16:17, John 7:37-39)

38  Paul did. (I Corinthians 14:5, 18, 26, 39)

How to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:9-13)

Ask: You need to ask the Lord earnestly (zealously) for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Luke 11:13 - If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much ______will your heavenly Father give the ______to those who ask Him!

Believe: You have received it by faith. Receive: Luke 11:10

Luke 11:10 - For everyone who asks ______, and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Praise: Praise the Lord for giving you the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and begin praying in your prayer language in tongues.

Sometimes your prayer language comes immediately, and other times it comes later. Stand in faith!

One last point: You may wonder how often you should pray in your prayer language. Many Believers spend about 50% of their prayer time praying in tongues (praying in the spirit). Pray in your prayer language on a daily basis, it will build up your spirit with power to serve and witness.

You may want to spend some time with your Discipler and maybe your Net Group leader, to discuss this topic more carefully.

For more information on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, ask your

39 Net Group leader to review the chapter on the Baptism In The Holy Spirit, from the LLT Manual with you.


The main purpose of the "Gifts of the Spirit" are for the building up of the church of God through the instructions of believers and the winning of the lost. I Corinthians 14 lays down some guidelines for the use of these gifts. (Ephesians 4:7-13; I Corinthians 12; I Corinthians 14)

The Gifts of the Spirit flow naturally in Net Groups when we see people entering into relationships with others and with the Holy Spirit. All Believers, full of the Holy Spirit, have the opportunity to move and minister to others through the gifts. Do not to take the gifts lightly and be available for the Holy Spirit to use you through the gifts. Remember that the use and message of the Gifts of the Spirit must always line up with the Word of God, the Bible (Romans 12:5-8).

Net Groups create an environment where people have the freedom to step out and minister through the gifts, when there is a need to do so and when the Holy Spirit prompts them to do so.

1 Corinthians 14:1 - Pursue love, and desire ______..., 1 Corinthians 14:39 - Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to ______, and do not forbid to ______with ______.

Below are the Gifts of the Spirit found in I Corinthians 12

1. The Word of Wisdom: The Holy Spirit gives you a bit of information (wisdom). Used to confirm. 2. The Word of Knowledge: The Holy Spirit gives you a fact or truth (used to confirm what God has been speaking to you). 40 3. The Gift of Faith: A supernatural ability to believe God in any given circumstance without human doubt, unbelief, or reasoning. 4. Gifts of Healing: A supernatural power to heal all manner of sickness.DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 5. Working of Miracles: A supernatural power to 1. 1. How interveneHow is is the the into Baptism Baptism the ordinary In In The The Holycourse Holy Spirit Spiritof nature. distinct distinct 6. Prophecyfromfrom salvation? salvation?: A divine Why Why utterance do do I Ineed need from the the God Baptism Baptism in a known In In language.TheThe Holy Holy ProphecySpirit? Spirit? must line up with the Bible. 2. 2. AllMany All Believers Believers of the gifts who who overlap have have received received with prophecy. the the Baptism Baptism In In 7. DiscerningTheThe Holy Holy Spirit ofSpirit Spirits have have: theA the God-given ability ability to to pray abilitypray in in theirwhich their opensprayerprayer your language. language. eyes into What What the wouldspirit would realm be be some some to understand reasons reasons whetherwhywhy Believers Believers something have have or not someone'snot spoken spoken inmotives, in their their prayer prayerwords, or actionslanguage?language? are divine,(Ex: (Ex: pride, pride, human, doctrinal doctrinal or satanic. hang hang ups, ups, etc….) etc….) 3.8.3. WhatTongues What is is the :the A difference messagedifference from between between the Lordthe the public inpublic an unknowngift gift of of tongue.tonguestongues Thisand and theneeds the private private an interpretation. gift gift of of tongues? tongues? 4.9.4. WhatInterpretation What are are the the Gifts Gifts of Tonguesof of the the Spirit Spirit: Follows and and how how the should messageshould in tongues.theythey be be utilizedOften utilized comes in in a aNet Netforth Group Group as a andpraise. and Celebration? Celebration? 5.10.5. Have HaveThe youGift you ever ofever Helps received received: A God-given the the Baptism Baptism ability In In The The to Holyperform Holy helpfulSpirit?Spirit? works (Your (Your in Discipler Discipler a gracious will will manner. want want to to share share their their 11. testimonyThetestimony Gift of of of Administrations when when they they received.) received.): A God-given ability If If yes, toyes, use please please wisdom, share share knowledge, this this testimony testimony and with discernmentwith your your to guide and governDiscipler.Discipler. the church in all its matters. IfIf no, no, is is there there anything anything that that is is preventing preventing you you from from receivingreceiving the the Baptism Baptism In In The The Holy Holy Spirit Spirit right right now? now? ContinueASK:ASK: LET’Sto LET’S spend PRAY PRAYthat quality: :Jesus, Jesus, time Baptize Baptize with me theme in inLord the the Holy inHoly prayer Spirit.Spirit. and Fill Fill in me me the with with Word. your your Enjoypower power theso so ILord Ican can betoday! be a abetter better witnesswitness for for you. you. Thank Thank you you Lord; Lord; I Ihave have received. received. HelpHelp me me now now to to release release my my prayer prayer language. language. In In Jesus Jesus NameName - -Amen Amen BELIEVEBELIEVE IN IN FAITH FAITH AND AND RECEIVE: RECEIVE: TheThe Discipler Discipler will will now now want want to to place place their their hand hand on on thethe persons persons shoulder shoulder and and begin begin to to gently gently prayer prayer in in theirtheir prayer prayer language. language. Encourage Encourage the the person person to to releaserelease their their prayer prayer language. language. PRAISE:PRAISE: Thank Thank the the Lord Lord for for giving giving you you the the Baptism Baptism inin the the Holy Holy Spirit. Spirit. Now Now continue continue to to use use your your prayer prayer languagelanguage daily. daily.

41 FIFTH WEEK GOD'S FINANCIAL PLAN & OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE These two topics deal with two different lessons.


A. THE TITHE Tithe = (Webster’s Dictionary)

42 - 10% of one’s income. Tithe = In the Old and New Testament means - a tenth.

... Acknowledging that God owns all. Tithing is God's way of helping you to be a vital part of His kingdom on earth. It reminds you that everything you have belongs to God and provides you an opportunity for effective stewardship. As a steward of God’s money, tithing is giving 10% of God’s own money back to Him and placing it straight into His work through the local church. For all that you have belongs to God – He has just entrusted you to be a steward of it (Psalm 24:1).

Definition of a steward: a person who manages another's property or financial affairs; one who administers anything as the agent of another or others. God has entrusted us as stewards of what belongs to Him.

Tithing is giving the Lord a tenth of every dollar. Tithing gives the Believer the privilege of partnering with God and sowing into the work of God on earth through the local church. It is a joy to give the tithe and offerings to God’s work..

Malachi 3:10 - Bring all the ______into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me in this’, says the Lord of host, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and ______out for you such ______that there will not be ______enough to ______it. Tithing Is For Today!

The principle of Tithing was instituted before the law of Moses was given in the Old Testament. In Genesis 14, Abraham tithes to Melchizedek – the priest of God in Jerusalem. Here we see Abraham living out the principle of tithing and sowing to the work of God on earth. In Genesis 28, we see again, Jacob declaring to the Lord that he would honor the Lord and walk in the principle of tithing. (Genesis 14:20-23; 28:22; Hebrews 7:1-4) Tithing was done under the law of Moses. 43 (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21; Deut. 12:6; II Chron. 31:5-6; Nehemiah 10:38; 12:44; Malachi 3:10) Tithing was done when Jesus was alive in the New Testament. They paid their tithe to the temple and their taxes to Rome. (Matthew 22:15-22; 23:23; Hebrews 7:4-9) The principle of tithing was never abolished, nor discouraged. The people of God should tithe to the work of God. The tithe should be given to the work of God in the local church.

B. TITHING & GIVING IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Christ taught it. (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42) Paul taught it. (Acts 20:35; I Corinthians 9:7-14; 16:2; II Corinthinas 8:1-7; Galatians 6:6)


When we tithe and give offerings to the Lord, we are blessed (Malachi 3:10). The Lord will bless those who obey Him in tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8-13). Proverbs 3:9-10 - Honor the Lord with your ______, and with the first fruits of all your ______; v10 “So your barns will be filled with ______, and your vats will ______with new wine. The words, first fruits, are used throughout the Bible. It refers to the first and the best of what you have to give as an offering. In the Old Testament, if they gave an animal as an offering, it would be the best animal for God – not the worst. If it was a grain offering, it would be the first and best of the grains – not the leftovers. (Genesis 4:4, Deut. 18:4, Ezekiel 44:30)


You need His blessings more than God needs your money. When you put God first in your giving of your tithe and 44 offerings, you are actually confessing your need for Him. He multiplies His love to you by blessings too numerous to count. You trust Him, and He supplies all your needs. His supply is much greater than your need.

One blessing we receive is the privilege of partnering with God to fulfill His work on earth. One way God asks us to partner with Him for His work on earth is by financially supporting His work through the tithe and offerings.


1. The local church, as God’s work on earth, will be provided for financially. (Malachi 3:10) 2. God’s Five-Fold ministers and staff of the local church will be provided for financially. (I Corinthians 9:7-14; I Timothy 5:17-18; Nehemiah 13:10; Numbers 18:26) 3. You will experience the blessings of living under God’s principles. (Malachi 3:8-10; Proverbs 3:9-10) 4. You will be blessed and men will recognize God’s blessing. (Malachi 3:10-12) 5. God will rebuke the devourer for you. (Malachi 3:10-12)


Offerings are gifts, given above the tithe, to the local church or other ministries.

James 1:17 - Every good ______and every perfect ______is from above and comes down from the ______.....

In tithing and giving offerings unto the Lord, you are sharing your love with others. (II Corinthians 8:1-4)


Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the ______of 45 God and His righteousness, and all these ______shall be added to you.

When you honor the Lord with your income, He then obligates Himself to honoring His Word.

Philippians 4:19 - And my God ______supply all your ______according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Your needs, not all your wants!!)

III John 2 - Beloved, I pray that you may ______in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

We often accredit prosperity with only financial wealth, but prosperity means far more than monetary gain. True prosperity is to be measured by our spiritual lives. Joy, happiness, good health, friends, closeness to our Heavenly Father, and much much more are all forms of being blessed and prosperous with God.


Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you." (Luke 6:38)

II Corinthians 9:7 - ...For God ______a ______giver.

Important Note: The Lord looks at the motives of our heart. We should give our tithe and offerings because we love the Lord, not because we are condemned to give. The fact is, the tithe should just be the beginning of giving to the Lord. We should be givers because the heart of God is to give. I John 4:19 says, We love Him, because He first loved us. As we fall in love with God, we will walk in a 46 lifestyle of giving. Our motives behind giving should be out of a passion and love for God, and not simply to be blessed. For if we gave, for no other reason, but to be blessed – we would be to giving for the wrong reasons. We should give because the heart of God is to give (Luke 6:35).

We must also guard our hearts not to allow the pursuit of money to become our love and our god. The Bible tells us that many stray. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil… (I Timothy 6:6-10). Money is not evil; the love of money is. When we love money, it becomes our god (I Timothy 6:6-10). If we are not careful, money can replace our relationship with God (Matthew 6:21). Understanding this, we must also realize that God is not against people having wealth and resources. As we apply God’s principles to our daily lives, blessings will follow. God blesses us in order for us to sow back into the Kingdom of God and to use our resources for ministry. Interesting facts: Did you know that two-thirds of the parables in the New Testament deal with money and material things? In fact there are 700 direct references in the Bible to money, finances, and material things.

Recap: Tithing is giving 10% to God, through the local church. It is all God’s money to begin with, we are simply stewards of God money. Let us be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. Let us honor the Lord with our tithe and offerings.

SwitchingSwitching gears gears - -we we now now want want to to focus focus onon the the Second Second Coming Coming of of Christ! Christ!

47 OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE What the Bible says about the “End Times” and when Jesus comes again

A. THE BLESSED HOPE Titus 2:13 - looking for the blessed ______and ______appearing of our great God and savior Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Romans 8:23; Titus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 15:51). This is also known as the Rapture.

B. THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST The second coming of Christ includes the rapture of the Saints, which is our blessed hope, followed by the visible return of Christ with His saints to reign on the earth for one thousand years (Zechariah 14:15; Matthew 24:27, 30; Revelation 1:7; 11-14, 20:1-6). This millennial reign will bring the salvation of Israel (Ezekiel 37:21-22; Zephaniah 3:19-20; Romans 11:26- 27) and the establishment of universal peace (Isaiah 11:6-9; Psalm 72:3-8; Micah 4:3-4).

JESUS is coming back for His church!

C. THE FINAL JUDGMENT There will be a final judgment in which the wicked dead will be raised and judged. Whoever is not found written in the Book of Life, together with the devil and his angels, the beast and the false prophet, will be consigned to everlasting punishment in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone (Hell), which is the second death (Matthew 25:46; Mark 9:43- 48; Revelation 19:20; 20:11-15; 21:8).

48 Matthew 25:46 - And these will go away into ______punishment, but the ______into eternal ______.

D. THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH (Revelation 21:21-22)

2 Peter 3:13 - Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for ______and a ______in which righteousness dwells.

Important Note: The discussion of the Second Coming of Christ has many different interpretations of how and when Jesus will return, even within the same church. As a church, we believe that the essential points of this discussion should center around exactly what the Word says -- that Jesus is coming back for His church. The details of when and how is a matter of interpretations and opinions. This chapter seeks to focus on the truth of what the Word about Jesus Second Coming, and allow for a diversity of interpretations and opinions on the details of His coming again. When discussing this with others of different opinions, we should hold to the standard – charity in all matters. The important fact is: Jesus is coming and we need to be ready!

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. How How is is stewardship stewardship different different from from ownership ownership?? HowHow does does this this apply apply to to your your life? life? 2.2. Why Why don’t don’t some some Believers Believers tithe? tithe? Continue to read the Word daily and spend time in prayer. 3.3. Why Why tithe? tithe? What What are are some some personal personal testimonies testimonies in in Remember to spend that quality time with God. youryour life life as as a aresult result of of tithing? tithing? Is Is tithing tithing a apriority priority inin your your life? life? Remember to honor the Lord with your 4.4. What What is is our our hope hope for for the the future? future? Does Does the the tithe and offerings. discussiondiscussion of of the the “End “End Times” Times” cause cause you you to to be be excitedexcited or or fearful? fearful? Why? Why? 5.5. How How does does the the phrase: phrase: In In essentials essentials – –unity, unity, in in non- non- essentialsessentials - -liberty, liberty, and and in in all all things things - -charity, charity, apply to the discussion on End Times theology? apply to the discussion on End Times theology? 49 SIXTH WEEK EVANGELISM

In order for us to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord, we

50 must learn how to make evangelism a daily part of our lives and lifestyle.

The Church Growth Institute has done a variety of surveys asking over 14,000 people, What or who was responsible for your coming to Christ and the Church?

The percentage of responses have been: A Special Need 1-2% Sunday School 4-5% Walk-in 2-3% Evangelistic Crusade .5% Pastor 5-6% Church Program 2-3% Visitation 1-2% A Friend or Relative 75-90%

These statistics reveal what you have probably seen in your own life and in the lives of those close to you. That is, the great majority of people who come to Christ are brought by ordinary people - friends, neighbors, co-workers, and relatives - who take a genuine interest in them, serve them, share their lives, and eventually share the Gospel. This is the most natural and effective method of evangelism .

Do you find that this research surprises you? Why? Does it surprise you that only .5% (1 in 200) reported being reached through evangelistic crusades? Should it surprise you that a vast majority were influenced by a friend or relative?

Scripture reveals the same truth that we see in research and in personal experiences, that most people come to the Lord through relationships.


The word household in the New Testament is translated from the Greek word Oikos. Oikos defines a person's household, their extended network of relationships, their personal community or their Circle of Influence. Repeatedly in the 51 Gospels and in the Book of Acts, we see people influencing those in their Oikos to Christ (Matthew 9:10; Luke 5:27-32; Acts 10:1-2, 22-24; 11:14; 16:15, 31-33; 18:7,8; I Corinthians 16:15; 2 Timothy 1:16). The most natural way to win people to the Lord is through one’s Oikos.

Luke 8:39 - Return to your ______, and tell what great things God has done for you.

John 1:45 - Philip found ______and said to him, ‘We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

Acts 10:24 - And the following day they entered Ceaserea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his ______and ______.

2 Timothy 1:5 - when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your ______Lois and your ______Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.

Timothy was in his parent’s and grandparent’s Oikos.

Can you see how the early Church used relationships (Oikos) as bridges to influence others and share Christ's love?

Do you realize how the same principles they used still apply to our lives and relationships today?


While we may know hundreds of people, we have a very few close, meaningful relationships. This small group of family, friends, relatives, neighbors, and work or classmates is our Oikos.

Anyone you spend 30-40 minutes (of quality time) talking to during the week is a part of your Oikos. Studies reveal that the average person has 10-12 people in their personal Oikos.

Your Oikos is the most effective way of sharing the gospel. God's plan is that we influence the members of our Oikos who do not know Him. Through serving them in love, helping meet their needs, and sharing your lives together, we may see them become open to the Gospel.

All too often, Christians only allow other Christians into their Circle of Influence. If we are to be a true witness for Christ, we must work to bring non-Christians into our Oikos.


Make a list of the people that you spend 30-40 minutes of quality time with each week.

1. ______7. ______

53 2. ______8. ______3. ______9. ______4. ______10.______5. ______11.______6. ______12. ______

How many of these people are not serving the Lord, or are not saved? ______

Are you willing to let Christ make His love real to your Oikos?

Are you willing to pray and be available for the Lord to use you to see them come to know Christ as Savior?

As you spend time in prayer daily for those in your Oikos, pray that their hearts would be softened to the Gospel and open to your influence. Then ask God to reveal to you the best way to approach them (asking them to dinner, out for coffee, sharing lunch at work, etc.) Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Continue to pray for them daily and remember that it is the Holy Spirit’s job to draw them to salvation. Your responsibility is to pray and be a witness.

Acts 10:31 - ...Cornelius, your ______has been heard. (God hears your prayers.)


In the Gospel of Mark 4:2-8, 13-20, Jesus used a parable (a word picture) to illustrate evangelism. Evangelism is a process. This implies that it takes time, cooperation with God, and teamwork with other Believers. These are typical phases in people coming to Christ: 54 CULTIVATION Building meaningful relationships with (Preparing) others.

SOWING Communicating the truth of salvation.

REAPING Seeing lives transformed and saved by (Harvest) the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now only God can make seeds grow, but every Believer is to faithfully obey God's call to cultivate, plant, and to water the seed -- that is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit by building relationships, sharing God's truth, and serving the lost.


Recognizing that evangelism is a process enables us to be sensitive to where people are, to meet them at that point, and to move them in the direction of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Different factors impact people and lead them toward Christ. The important thing to realize is that by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, timely ministry to people's real needs can manifest God's concern and power in a way that deeply speaks to them. -- Jesus’ job assignment to followers was... to go and make Disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20).

John 16:8 - And when He (the Holy Spirit) has come, He will ______the world of _____...

In John 16:7-11, whose job does Jesus say it is to bring conviction to unbelievers? ______

55 When we reach out to unbelievers, we make an exciting discovery: The Holy Spirit has gotten there ahead of us and is working in their lives, and is preparing their hearts! God deeply loves each person and is seeking them out. It is our privilege and responsibility to cooperate with Him in making Christ's love real.

Continue to pray daily for those in your Oikos. Ask the Holy Spirit to be at work in their hearts. Pray that God will use you and other Christians to reveal His love to them.

Remember to take special time each day to just listen to God. The key for a successful prayer time is that you stop, ask the Lord to speak, and listen.

You are God's minister. Allow Him to use you daily to influence others for the kingdom.

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. Did Did you you come come to to know know the the Lord Lord through through an an Oikos Oikos relationship?relationship? How How did did this this happen? happen? 2.2. Who Who in in your your Oikos Oikos is is not not serving serving the the Lord? Lord? What What willwill you you do do about about it? it? 3.3. Define Define the the difference difference between between a asower sower and and a asavior? savior? WhichWhich one one is is our our role? role? 4.4. How How passionate passionate are are you you about about reaching reaching out out to to people people inin your your Oikos Oikos for for Jesus? Jesus? Take Take a afew few minutes minutes to to writewrite down down some some practical practical ideas ideas to to reach reach your your Oikos.Oikos. Proverbs Proverbs 29:18 29:18 says, says, Where Where there there is is no no visionvision the the people people perish. perish.


LOVE BY LISTENING 56 People don't care how much we know until they know how much we care.

1. How did Jesus describe His ministry to a lost world?

Mark 10:45 - For even the Son of Man did not come to ______, but to ______, and to give His life a ransom for many.

What does this say about our lifestyle and outreach to unbelievers? ______

2. Read Matthew 5:14-16.

Matthew 5:16 - Let your ______so shine before men, that they may see your ______works and glorify your Father in Heaven.

What do you think Jesus meant? How will unbelievers be drawn to God the Father? ______

James 1:19 - So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to ______, slow to ______, slow to wrath.

One of the most powerful ways to express love to unbelievers is to genuinely listen to them. If unbelievers sense that we want to quickly fix their problem, dispense advice, stuff the Bible down their throat, or that they are an "Evangelism Project," they are apt to get angry or defensive. On the other hand, as we listen with non-judgmental acceptance, we show respect for who they are and what they think, feel, and believe. Over time a bridge of trust is built that allows them to share their hearts and reveal their needs and spiritual openness. At some point, we may be privileged to cross the bridge and share the Gospel!

LOVE BY LEARNING 57 Sometimes asking questions can express sensitivity and genuine concern. This is especially the case when you have a growing relationship with the person already. A few well- chosen questions can be a non-threatening way to initiate spiritual conversation and help us gauge where the Holy Spirit is already working in their lives.


Timing is important whether you are harvesting fruit or reaping souls. If you pick something off the tree too soon, it may never ripen. On the other hand, if you don't pick it when it is ripe, it will spoil and go to waste. As Jesus did, we can use questions to uncover felt needs and to gauge people's spiritual openness. Another way we can love others to Christ is by building friendships and serving them. Our love is expressed by living life with them.

Listed below are a few activities that we can use to develop relationships and meet needs:

- Throw a block party - Share a dinner together - Visit them in the hospital - Have a special event party - Invite them over to play cards - Play volleyball, basketball, etc. - Celebrate anniversaries or birthdays - Pop some popcorn & watch a movie - Provide dinner in the event of illness or death - (Most Importantly): Follow Jesus' example and serve them.


The role of a witness in court is really quite simple, all a person needs to do is testify to what he has seen or experienced. Testifying for Christ carries the same simplicity. Testimonies to the power of Jesus abound in the New Testament. The 58 simplest one was given by the blind man in John 9:25. - I was blind but now I see! The Apostle Paul frequently gave his personal testimony to communicate to others the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

In this session, we want you to learn and practice how you can give a simple testimony to Christ's work in your life. It is important to be ready to communicate the Gospel in a variety of ways. One of the most effective ways is by sharing your personal testimony. There are a few people who respond enthusiastically the first time they hear it; although, for most people it takes time and multiple exposures to the message. Consider the rich variety of ways that you can expose friends to the Good News of Christ:

- Share your testimony - Attend a Christian concert - Give them a Christian book - Bring them to your Net Group - Bring them to a Sunday Celebration - Serve them in some practical meaningful way


Here are some reasons why sharing your personal testimony of Christ opens people's hearts and minds to consider what Jesus can do for them:

- It is personal from your heart. - You have credibility with your audience. - No one can deny its reality. - It tells what God is doing. - It can speak to the need of the individual

1 Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and ______be ready to give a ______to everyone who ______you a reason for the ______that is in you, with ______, and ______; 59

Colossians 4:5-6 - v5 Walk in wisdom to those who are outside, ______the time.” v6“Let your ______always be with ______, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to ______each one.”

What instructions do these Scriptures give us to guide our personal sharing? ______

Some people have a Timothy testimony because they grew up in a Christian home and received Christ at a very early age. This testimony is just as valid as any others. In some ways, this testimony glorifies God just as much or more than the sinner-to-saint stories.

Paul's testimony gives us a helpful pattern for organizing our own testimony. From Acts 26:9-23 we have the Best Testimony:

B Before you were saved E Events leading up to salvation S Salvation day T Today

Now you will prepare your own testimony by following the instructions below. This will prepare you to share your story when the occasion is appropriate. If you have a Timothy testimony then start on the outline at the point of your salvation.

60 Before you were saved Don't glory in past sins. B Key factors in your life before salvation Build bridges to establish common ground.

Events leading up to salvation What events led up to you receiving Christ? E Use one key problem (Lack of peace, emptiness, lack of direction, etc.) Share fears and thoughts. Share something good about your life before salvation so others can relate to you (morality, generosity.)

Salvation Day (This is the most important part to share.) How did you receive Christ, and how did it S make a difference in your life? Focus on Christ (His love and provision) How did it happen? Emphasize one Scripture. Use words that they can easily understand.

Today How did Christ change your life, and how is He at T work now? Show how Christ dealt with fears and problems that we discussed earlier. Be honest. Christ has come into your life, but He still has some work to do (Just be real). Share about peace and the assurance of your salvation. Share your excitement for what Christ is doing in your life now.

Memorize 1 Peter 3:15.

Continue to pray daily for those in your Oikos. As you pray

61 daily, always take time to wait and listen for the Lord to speak to you. What do you hear God saying?

Always try to expand your Oikos by making a casual friendship into more of a deeper friendship.

Jesus showed us in Mark 10:45 that He came to serve people. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, and yet He gives us the greatest example of servanthood mankind will ever see. As we share His story with others, let’s make sure we serve people and walk in the example of Jesus.

DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: :

1.1. What What is is your your definition definition of of success success regarding regarding evangelism?evangelism? 2.2. What What are are the the three three “L’s”? “L’s”? LoveLove by______, by______, ______and and ______. ______. WhichWhich is is your your strongest strongest and and which which is is your your weakest?weakest? 3.3. Do Do something something special special this this week week for for someone someone in in your your OikosOikos whom whom you you are are trying trying to to reach reach for for the the Lord. Lord. AttemptAttempt to to use use all all three three “L’s” “L’s” as as your your reach reach out out to to them.them. 4.4. Have Have the the Discipler Discipler now now share share their their testimony testimony usingusing the the B.E.S.T. B.E.S.T. acronym. acronym. 5.5. Now Now it’s it’s your your turn turn to to share share your your B.E.S.T. B.E.S.T. testimony testimony withwith your your Discipler. Discipler.


Romans 10:14 - How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not ______? And how shall they ______in Him of whom they have not ______? And how shall they ______without a preacher?

Paul asks a simple question: How can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? As we reach out to unbelievers, our goal is to love them -- to be their friends, to serve them, and to be served by them. It means praying for them, building relationships, and meeting their needs. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are encouraged to be prepared to explain the hope that we have in Christ. Each Christian should be able to freely and confidently share the Truth of Christ's love. Remember Jesus' words:

John 4:37 - For in this the saying is true: ‘One ______and another ______’.

We may, or may not, be the one that shares the gospel with those we are relating to in our Oikos. We always want to be prepared for the opportunity to share. Also, we may have the privilege of reaping where someone else has sown. Peter's encouragement is to be prepared.

One thing is for certain; we are ambassadors for Christ. An ambassador does not speak on his own, but he represents the one who sent him. We, as ambassadors for Christ, have the privilege to share the joy of salvation with people all around us.

II Corinthians 5:20 - Now then, we are ambassadors for ______, as though ______were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s 63 behalf, be ______God.


As we have seen, evangelism is more a process of loving people to Christ than presenting a canned speech of gospel facts. By building meaningful relationships with unbelievers and serving them in love, bridges of mutual trust are built.

As we stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit, listening to His instruction and doing what He prompts us to do, we will find the hearts of our Oikos opening to the Gospel. In fact, there will probably come a time when they welcome our clear presentation of the Gospel. Each Christian should be prepared to share the essential truths of salvation for the times God opens the door of receptivity in our lost friends.


Here are several helpful reminders:

Because it is the Holy Spirit's job to convict the lost of their sins (John 16:8), we can relax and be free from "performance anxiety." We aren't a failure if we don't "pray the prayer." Pray about when would be the appropriate time to share the truths of the Gospel. Over time, in your relationship with the lost, there will be a comfortable setting where it's just natural (not artificial, forced or awkward) to share the truths. Sharing the truths of the Gospel (God's love for people, our basic sinfulness, Jesus' death and resurrection, the need to trust Christ, and God's desire for a lifelong and personal Relationship) can be done in a variety of ways. We may share these truths one at a time or all at once. It may take five minutes, or five years.

However it's done, we need two things: First, utter dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and second, a thorough understanding of the gospel truths. Many people have found it helpful to have a 64 "model" Gospel presentation to draw upon as the need and the Holy Spirit dictates. God wants a personal relationship with every person, ushering in a full, rich life (John 15:5).

USE THIS MODEL AS A REFERENCE: (You may also want to share the simple diagrams as well.)

If you were to die and stand before God, why should He allow you into heaven?

Allow a response. It will most likely be a "works" answer: "I've been good, or I've tried the best I could."

In love begin to share with them the truths of God’s grace and His salvation. Share with them these verses:

GRACE: Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by ______you have been ______through ______, and that not of yourselves; it is the ______of God,” v9 - “not of ______, lest anyone should boast.

Share with them that it is by God's grace and not our works or trying the best we could, that we are saved.

GOD'S LOVE: John 3:16 - For God so ______the ______that He ______His only begotten Son, that whoever ______in Him should not ______but have ______.

Share with them: God loves us and wants a relationship with us. 65 SIN: Romans 3:23 - for all have ______and ______short of the glory of ______.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of _____ is ______, but the gift of _____ is eternal life in Christ ______our ______.

Share with them: Our SIN keeps us from God.

JESUS: Romans 5:8 - But ______demonstrates His own ______toward us, in while we were still ______, Christ ______for us.

Jesus Christ died and rose again to forgive your sins.

John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, ‘I am the _____, the ______, and the ______. No one comes to the Father except through ____’.

Share with them: Jesus is the only 66 way to the Father.


1 John 1:9 - If we confess our ______, He is faithful and just to ______us our sins and to ______us from all ______.

Romans 10:9-10 - v9 - That if _____ confess with your ______the Lord Jesus and ______in your ______that God raised Him from the dead, you will be ______. v10 - For with the ______one believes unto ______, and with the ______confession is made unto ______.

Share with them: We must repent of our sins and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. (Acts 3:19)

RELATIONSHIP: John 15:5 -Jesus said, I am the ______, you are the ______. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much ______; for without Me you can do ______.

Share with them: Our trust in Jesus begins a life-long

67 relationship. In Jesus, there is true joy, peace, and a life worth living.

Ask them: Would you like to have this life long relationship with God the Father?

If yes, pray this prayer:

Father, in Jesus' name...I want to stop trusting in myself and start trusting in You...and what You have already done...when You died for me on the cross and rose from the dead. I know that I am a sinner...and I repent of my sins. I ask You to forgive me...and I invite You to come live inside of me….I give you my life… I want You to be my Savior...and my Lord...I want to turn away from everything the Bible calls sin...and I want to obey you everyday, for the rest of my life. Thank You Jesus for my salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

ASSURANCE: We can walk in the confidence of our salvation. 1 John 5:12-13 - v12 - He who has the Son, has ______; he who does not have the Son of God does not have ______. v13 - These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may ______that you have ______,.... Make sure the person you pray with to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior understands that Jesus as Lord means that He is in control (Jesus is in the driver’s seat). We allow Jesus to rule every area of our lives. Also make sure that they understand

68 that the prayer to accept Jesus, must come from the heart and not just a head knowledge of the facts.

It is damaging to harvest something before it is ripe. At the same time, it is important when things are ripe that they be harvested before they spoil. To gauge people's openness, we need to ask questions and be sensitive to them and to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Once you have led someone to the Lord, encourage him to go to a friend and share his testimony of accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. This will encourage the new believer to share his faith with others and fulfill the Great Commission.

You will also want to begin to disciple this new believer immediately and take them through the LIFE Manual. LifeNet Church strongly believes in Discipleship!


1. Be completely dependent on the Lord as you share. 2. Remember that only the Holy Spirit can convict someone of his need for salvation. 3. If someone asks a tough question, don't be afraid to reply, "I don't know, but I will see if I can find the answer." 4. Be sensitive to the person's reaction.


God has given us a powerful communication tool for reaching out to unbelievers. That tool is our relationship with one 69 another in Christ. Jesus says it plainly:

John 13:35 - By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have ______for one ______.

Experience shows that Jesus' words are true. Non-Christians take notice when they see genuine commitment and concern among Christians. Effective outreach requires teamwork. As we introduce our Oikos to other Christian friends, they can more fully see who Christ is and be drawn by His love.

Look up Matthew 4:18-24. When the disciples were fishing they used nets, not poles. It took teamwork. We are ‘fishers of men’ (Matthew 4:19). Allow your Net Group to work together as a team to reach your Oikos for the Lord.


One exciting way to reach out as a Net Group is through special activities that you plan together. A social night about every six weeks provides your group a great opportunity to build relationships and have fun. Whether you have a picnic, or play games, these are all excellent times to invite unbelieving friends, spouses, neighbors, or family members. This provides an opportunity to build a relationship with them, introduce them to Christian friends, and acquaint them with your Net Group.


Many of the prayers in the New Testament focus on outreach. The early Believers prayed together for evangelism and requested prayer from one another in their outreach efforts

70 (Matthew 9:37-38; Ephesians 6:19-20).

Acts 4:29 - Now Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all ______they may ______Your ______.


You may want to use a Gospel tract or CDs or DVDs to share the love of Jesus with someone. Ask your Net Group Leader for other resources.


The early Church in the first century primarily met in homes (Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:9).

Philemon 1:2 - To the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the ______in your ______.

As more people became Believers and the Church grew, new meetings were birthed in other homes. This is the same way the Cell Church (Net Groups) grows today.

Beginning new groups opens up fresh opportunities for outreach, new ministry, and leaders to be raised up.

When a Net Group becomes too large its effectiveness is diminished. This is because opportunities for meaningful discussion, sharing, and ministry decrease as the number of people grows. People (especially the quieter and more reserved) begin to feel left out and begin to conclude that their contribution is unimportant. So we really need to keep a small group small! The only way to do this, as we include new people, is to birth new Net Groups.

71 The way to begin a new cell is to multiply your group. When a cell multiplies, the original cell and the new cell have roughly an equal number of people in each.

Giving birth is a traumatic, yet joyful experience! When a new baby is brought into the world it requires pain and travail; yet it results in joy and celebration. The same thing is true when new cells are birthed. It's not easy to go through the labor of transition, yet the results are well worth the effort. Perhaps the hardest part is the separation of relationships which appears to take place. That is why, when Net Groups multiply, we encourage them to occasionally meet together for social activities.

We must also remember that if a Net Group does not multiply, then the cell will not continue to experience the excitement of seeing new Believers come and grow into mature disciples. Multiplying our Net Groups allows for each cell member to continue to minister to new Believers and it allows cell members to be raised up and released to be leaders in the new cell groups.

Remember: The joy of the Lord is your strength. Continue to spend time daily DiscussioninDiscussion the Word, Question Question and pray: : for those in your Oikos.1. WhatEnjoy are your the time essential spent gospel in communion truths? (prayer) with the Lord.1. What are the essential gospel truths? 2.2. What What can can you you do do as as a aNet Net Group Group in in the the months months ahead ahead to to support support one one another another in in personal personal outreach?outreach? 3.3. In In what what ways ways do do you you want want to to reach reach out out together together throughthrough social social activities activities or or special special events? events? 4.4. Are Are you you open open and and praying praying for for new new people people to to join join youryour Net Net Group Group? ? What What are are your your thoughts thoughts on on multiplication?multiplication? 5.5. What What does does Jesus Jesus say say in in John John 13:34-35 13:34-35 will will be be our our mostmost powerful powerful and and convincing convincing "witnessing "witnessing tool”? tool”? 6.6. Role Role Play: Play: Using Using the the model model referenced referenced in in this this chapter, role play with your Discipler in presenting chapter, role play with your Discipler in presenting thethe gospel gospel from from beginning beginning to to end. end. Have Have your your DisciplerDiscipler begin begin first first and and then then reverse reverse the the roles. roles. 72 NINTH WEEK EVANGELISM & DISCIPLESHIP


As part of The LIFE Manual you have learned how to reach your Oikos. Now we are going to look at reaching people beyond that circle. These people will eventually become a part of your Oikos, and you will have an opportunity to reach them and disciple them for the Lord.


Your “Extended Influence” refers to the relationships that your friends, relatives, workmates, and neighbors have with other people. Every person in your Oikos knows people that you do not know. Some of them may be the same as those in yours, but many will be different. There may be as many as 200 people in your “Extended Influence.” As your Oikos begins to open up to the Gospel, you will have the opportunity to reach their friends and begin to create relationships and expand your Oikos.


Your Net Group should create opportunities to reach out to your community. Net Group Outreaches reach out in several different ways. Your Net Group Outreach can join anything that is in the community and has a vast number of unbelievers in the place. You must join for the purpose to reach out and to create relationships with unbelievers. The activity that your Net Group Outreach joins will only serve as an avenue to meet unbelievers.

Your Net Group Outreach can also create your own outreach activities such as art classes or guitar lessons. Use anything with which the Lord has gifted you. If you are creating your own activities, advertise in the newspaper or flyers. Offer the 74 course or activity for free or at a very small amount. The reason you reach out with your Net Group is for support. The Bible says:

Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in ______(Jesus’ name), I am there in the ______of them.

Once your Net Group has joined an activity or has created one of your own to run for ten weeks, your goal is to just become friends with unbelievers. Let the light of Jesus shine brightly in your life. Be a servant to them and love them. Invite them over for dinner or anything you can do to reach out to them. Being a part of a Net Group Outreach is more of a lifestyle than a project.


After about four weeks into the outreach, you should have made a few friendships with some unbelievers. At this point they probably know that you are a Christian but please don't preach to them; this will definitely turn them off. You may want to leave a tract out where they can see it and hopefully read it.

This would be a “door opener” to have a conversation about the Lord. Please realize that you are dealing with sinners. Therefore these people may use bad language at times and not live out Christian values. These are areas that will change once the person accepts Christ and probably not before.

Once you see your new friends open to the Gospel, you may want to invite them to your Net Group. Offer to pick them up and take them to the Net Group yourself. Many times this is what it takes for them to finally attend your Net Group. By this

75 time you will have been to the unbeliever's house, and they will have already been in your house. This friendship should give you plenty of opportunities to share the Gospel and hopefully lead them to the Lord and disciple them. Once the Outreach activity is over, you should have plenty of new friends with which to reach out. When you run out of people to reach out to, all you have to do is to begin a new Outreach.


Find creative ways to reach out to your Oikos and your “Extended Influence”. Surprise birthday parties, holiday parties or meals, weekend camp-outs, a day at the beach, a block party in your backyard, or join a library book club for your children in order to get to know other parents. Ask the Lord to give you natural ways for relationships to develop in order that they may know Christ as Savior and Lord. Remember that the heartbeat of our Father in Heaven is to see men and women saved and serving Him with all their life. We should love people enough to tell them the joy and hope (I Peter 3:15) we have through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Another bridge to the lost is Servant Evangelism. This is where you serve someone as a way of showing God’s love in a practical way. Your Net Group should be actively involved in Servant Evangelism, which is another form of outreach.

It is important to note that a Net Group should conduct multiple outreaches in their local neighborhood. The more exposures the neighborhood has to your Net Group, the more opportunities you will have to reach them for Christ.

Here are some examples:

1. Neighborhood Outreach: Each Net Group picks a neighborhood and targets the unchurched in the area. It is best 76 when you choose a neighborhood of one of the cell members. Invite them to a Bar-B-Q, game night, or any exciting social event. Reach out and love them with the love of the Father. Build a relationship and let the love of Jesus shine through you. To be most effective, the neighborhood needs to be consistently targeted with multiple block parties, door to door prayer, prayer walks, and any other way to build meaningful relationships with the unchurched of the community. As you build a relationship with the unchurched, have them over for dinner, and hopefully they will invite you into their homes as well. This is expanding your Oikos. Remember that all outreaches must be bathed with much prayer.

2. Free Light Giveaway: Go to 100-200 homes on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. Have each person in the Outreach take some light bulbs with a card that says who we are and what we are doing. Knock on the door and say, Here are two free gifts of light. This is our way of showing God’s love to you in a practical way. Also include a tract of God’s love.

3. Laundry Mat Loving: Have two people from your Net Group go into a Laundromat and find someone about to wash their clothes and pay for the wash. Tell them it is your way of showing God’s love to them in a practical way. Also give them a card with the church information as spoken of in the free light give away.

4. Free Car Wash: Have 7-10 people from your Net Group find a busy restaurant in town and ask if you could use their parking lot for a car wash. Have people hold up signs that say “Free Car Wash.” As the people drive in, wash their car and have someone assigned to just spend the time talking to the car owner. Tell the car owner that there is no catch. Use the same saying as from the other outreaches. Always be available for God to set up a Divine Appointment. Never accept a donation because it would cease to be free. Give the car owner a card with the information from the church and Net Group. 5. Cookie Call: When someone visits your Net Group, take a plate of cookies to their home and bless them.

77 6. Oikos Body Evangelism (Net Group Prayer and Outreach): List all of your friends, work-mates, and relatives that are unchurched or do not know the Lord as their Savior on a sheet of paper. They also need to live relatively close by so that you are able to invite them and pick them up for Net Group. Each family in the Net Group should each have one or two for the list. Pray for them every week in the Net Group and plan a special Net Group at the end of six weeks. Each member will attempt to pick their friend up and bring them to the special event. This will allow for the entire cell to meet and build relationship with those we are praying for.

Ask God to give you ideas to show God’s love in a practical way and pray that the Lord will set up Divine Appointments. Servant Evangelism is fun. Shy or bold people can reach out through Servant Evangelism. It is rewarding to see the people’s faces as you serve them. For the most part, people will be happy and thankful for your service.


The only step left is to enter into a lifestyle of being among the unreached who surround you. When you make a deliberate choice to do so, you will experience a constant harvest. With joy, you will introduce many to Jesus and see them discipled and living for the Lord. They will be set free from all types of bondages. They will then be nurtured by you and fellow Believers in your Net Group, joining you in ministering to the unreached.

Whatever else you do with your life, nothing can be more important than bringing eternal life to those who face eternal separation from God! Let us be the army God has called us to be and reach and disciple our world for Jesus Christ. God has called us to be an army, not an audience. Kingdom business is the most important business on earth.

DISCIPLESHIPDISCIPLESHIP Multiply Yourself Multiply Yourself 78

Discipleship is commanded in scripture for us all and is part of the Great Commission.

Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and make ______...

Once you have led someone to the Lord, the next step is to disciple that person. Jesus gave us the example of discipleship. It is essential that a new Christian become grounded in and living out the Bible. You will want to take this new Christian through the LIFE Manual. To disciple someone is a privilege as well as a responsibility. Remember that the Life Manual is only the beginning of discipleship.

Discipleship: Disciple means “a learner.” So a disciple is a student who follows the teachings and lifestyle of another. We as Christians are called to be disciples and to disciple others. To disciple others means that we are to equip, empower, and guide people to have Christ formed in them (Galatians 4:19). Another way to define discipleship is: A process that facilitates being and reproducing spiritually mature zealots for Christ. We must also understand that discipleship is a life-long process. When a person just accepts Christ as Savior, the Bible refers to them as children or babies in the Lord.

Galatians 4:19 - My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until ______is formed in ______,

I John 2:12 - I write to you ______, because your sins are forgiven... We all know that children must learn and be guided to mature into well-balanced adults and parents. Just the same, young believers must be equipped and empowered for them to grow 79 and mature into well-balanced followers (disciples) of Christ.

The Bible calls mature Christians, “Fathers”. (I Corinthians 4:15)

I John 2:13 - I write to you, ______, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning...

Disciplers (Fathers) - reproduce (II Timothy 2:2)

The only way for a young man or woman to become a spiritual parent (a Father) is to have children (to reproduce), either by adoption (fathering someone who is already a Believer but needs to be discipled) or by natural birth (fathering someone they have personally led to Christ). In this role, young men and women commit themselves to helping these babies grow. THIS IS DISCIPLESHIP!

You are a disciple. John 15:8 - By this My Father is glorified, that you bear ______; so you will be ______.

You may feel inadequate to disciple someone else. You only need to be a step or two ahead of them to disciple them. You will not always have all the answers, but you have Christ living in you. The Holy Spirit will show you how to minister. You will discover that encouraging and ministering to another Christian is the fastest way to experience the work of Christ in your life.

The LIFE Manual: This is a discipleship manual for cell 80 group members. The Life Manual is designed to equip, empower, and ground Believers in the essential foundational principles of living for Christ.


Nothing is more exciting than walking a new Christian through the joys, discoveries, and struggles of their journey. You are fulfilling the Great Commission to go and make disciples. Your care for this person will help him or her lay the foundation for a lifetime of serving Christ. What a privilege and responsibility!

How did Jesus develop disciples? Did He just tell them to study hard? No, He got to know each of them personally and invested His life into theirs. Remember that a discipler is serving and equipping someone by investing his or her life into theirs. It is instilling in them a love for God through your relationship with them.

As you invest into their lives through the weekly discussions in the Life Manual, you will also immensely profit from this experience! Not only will the review of the Scripture verses and the material be worthwhile, but the relationship you develop with the Disciple will also be unforgettable. Relationship building is the primary task of a Discipler. Serve and love them. (Look up: John 13:35). As a Discipler you are doing the work of ministry.

Ephesians 4:12 - for the ______of the ______, for the work of ______, for the ______of the body of Christ.

It will be far more important for you to listen than to instruct. 81 Sometimes you may feel like you are the one who needs prayer. If so, give the Disciple opportunity to pray for you. Learning to pray for others is vital for our spiritual development.

People change most when they have a model to imitate. You will be a model as you serve as a Discipler. Don't let that comment frighten you! You probably don't feel you are a model of a perfect Christian. No one else is either. You will be adequate for the task as you make yourself available to Christ.

Above all, don't try to fake a level of spiritual life you haven't experienced. Sometimes the Holy Spirit uses your honest life and transparency to do His work in another person's life. The Disciple’s journey into the Kingdom of God will not be entirely identical to yours.

Comparing what has happened to you with what is taking place in someone else's life is not a good idea. Scripture is the measuring rod for Christian growth. Always use it as your yardstick.

Hopefully, you already know this new believer. If you don't, make an appointment to go meet them at their house. You are encouraged to enjoy other times with them. Perhaps you might have some meals together, sit together at Celebration, or any other time of fellowship. The closer your relationship, the more powerful Christ will use you to support and encourage one another.

Your Net Group will work with you, as a team, to help disciple this new believer. As we disciple a new believer, we must remember that we also are disciples in the Lord. Discipleship is a life long journey of growing in the Lord. Equipping, learning, testing, growing, witnessing, serving, and changing are all part of the life-long journey we call discipleship. 82 Disciples are teachable; they desire to change and allow Christ to be formed in them.


People grow as Christians when they surrender their minds, hearts, and daily activities to Christ's guidance. The evidence of growth in one's life is in the honoring of God in different areas of life. Faith is not just believing something. It is the activity which takes place as a result of that belief. Growing in faith means I am putting each area of my life more completely in God's hands. It means I am releasing something to the control of Christ and accepting the outcome for it.


Discipleship - is the process of guiding people to have Christ formed in them (Galatians 4:19).

You can meet anytime you want to discuss the LIFE Manual. As a Discipler, you should set aside some time to pray and prepare for the next session time together. The Disciple should always study the appropriate chapter before meeting with his Discipler. Your task is to help apply the truth to life’s situations. You will need to meet at least once a week with the Disciple to review and apply the information. It is very important that you discuss the scriptures in the manual. This manual is only a guide. The scriptures are the inspired words of God and useful for every day life (II Timothy 3:16-17).

Extremely important: Make sure you clarify the Disciple’s salvation within the first month. You and the Disciple will work together to lead one unbeliever to the Lord during the LIFE Manual. Reach out with the Disciple to their Oikos.

83 Your goal is to equip others to reach the lost and in return they will equip others for the work of the ministry and reaching the lost (Reproducible Disciples).

II Timothy 2:2 - And the things that you have ______from me among many witnesses, ______these to faithful men who will be able to ______others also.

Paul encourages Timothy to teach others what he had learned. Timothy was told to reproduce in others what had been given to him. This is discipleship.

Multiply yourself (reproduce) - Be a disciple

Believers who grow and mature into well-balanced followers, ministers, and servant leaders of Christ are true disciples.

Thank you for understanding that every member is a minister and for yielding to the Lord in this area of ministry. (John 15:8)

Remember to spend time praying for the Disciple each week. Remember that your primary task as a Discipler is to build a relationship (to be a friend). -- THIS IS DISCIPLESHIP.

Continue to pray for your Oikos. Speak to your Net Group Leader about working as a Net Group Intern. DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: :

1.1. Who Who is is in in your your extended extended influence influence and and what what are are somesome practical practical steps steps to to deepen deepen the the quality quality or or increaseincrease the the quantity quantity of of these these relationships? relationships? 2.2. What What is is servant servant evangelism? evangelism? Discuss Discuss creative creative newnew ways ways to to reach reach out out to to the the community. community. 3.3. Who Who is is a aDISCIPLE DISCIPLE and and what what is is discipleship? discipleship? WhatWhat qualifies qualifies you you to to be be a aDiscipler? Discipler? 4.4. Who Who in in your your Oikos Oikos needs needs to to begin begin a adiscipling discipling relationship with you? relationship with you? 84


The Establishment Of Our Homes: 85 We all need to fully understand the tremendous value that God places on our homes. The restoration of the home is vitally connected to the restoration of the church. Without good solid families, we cannot have good, solid churches! God has an order and a specific design for our homes.

Psalm 127:1 - Unless the ______the house, They labor in vain who build it...” v3 - “Behold ______are a ______from the Lord,...

When we build a house, we don’t just throw a bunch of wood together and say, “Here is my house.” No! We plan it. We design it. We lay a solid foundation first, then build the rest of the structure upon the foundation. So it should be with our families. (Proverbs 14:1; Matthew 7:24-27)

Too often in our society, our home life is taken for granted. Not enough care is given in the “building” and the maintenance of our families. We need to remember to take time to care for our families and build on a solid foundation.

The Structure in the Home

The solid foundation we spoke of is the Bible, the Word of God. God personally designed a specific structure for our homes. If we follow that structure, we will have success in our homes - and in our churches too - even through difficult times.

TO THE CHILDREN: (Proverbs 1:8)

Ephesians 6:1-4 - v1 Children, obey your ______in the Lord for this is ______. v2 Honor your ______and your ______, which is the first commandment with a promise: v3 - that it may be well with you and you may ______86 long on the earth.” v4 - “ And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the ______and admonition of the Lord.

Colossians 3:20 - Children, ______your parents in all things, for this is well ______to the Lord.

1 Peter 5:5-6 - Likewise you younger people, submit ______to your elders...” v6 - “ Therefore ______yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may ______you in due time.

FOR THE MARRIAGE: (Mark 10:6-9; I Corinthians 7; Philippians 2:3; Colossians 3:18-21)

Mark 10:9 - Therefore what ______has joined ______, let not man separate.

I Corinthians 7:4-5 - v4 The wife does not have ______over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. v5 - Do not ______one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to prayer and fasting; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of ______. There is an order of headship in the home even as there is in the army, a government, a business, and in the church. This is God’s chain of command, not just an idea inspired by man. In the home, God’s established order is: husband, wife, and children.

Husband: (Ephesians 5:25-33; I Peter 3:7; I Corinthians 11:3)

87 Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, ______your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and ______Himself for ______.

I Peter 3:7 says that when a marriage comes together in unity and the husband seeks to understand his wife, then his prayers will not be hindered.

God has given the husband the responsibility to love his wife, just as Christ loves the church. Christ sacrificed and served all for the church. The husband’s role as the head, is to love his wife and place her needs and feelings above his own.

If the husband honors his responsibility to his wife, before God, then the wife will have no problem submitting to him and honoring his leadership in the family.

Wives: (Proverbs 31:10-31; I Peter 3:1-6; Ephesians 5:22-24)

1 Peter 3:1 - Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own ______, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be ______by the conduct of their ______,

Every corporation needs a leader. Every nation needs a leader. The Bible says that Christ is the head (leader) of the church. Likewise, the family needs someone to direct and lead the household. God has placed the husband to humbly serve his wife and his family as unto the Lord.

The wife should voluntarily honor and respect his leadership. God has placed the wife as a strong support and helpmate to her husband.


Parents have been given a great responsibility. Parents aren’t just teaching their children to obey them. They are training 88 them for the future so they will grow up to be faithful, godly, and successful adults. It’s like basic training in the military. If a child never submits to parental government, chances are he will not learn to submit to any authority in his life.

For The Children: (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a ______in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not ______from it.

Proverbs 29:15 - The ______and ______give ______, but a child left to himself brings shame to his ______.

As we train our children in the ways of the Lord, we should discipline them out of love, not out of anger. Children desire and need structure in their lives. We need to train and discipline them out of love. Our ministry to our children must be the priority over any ministry outside the family.

Review The Functions In The Home:

All functions of each family member are clearly revealed in the Word of God.

The husband is to be submitted to Christ as his head (1 Corinthians 11:3). He is to provide for his home physically, emotionally, and spiritually (1 Timothy 5:8; Exodus 12:3). He is also to be the source of love in the home (Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:19). The man is to unselfishly give himself to his wife and family as Christ did for the church. (Ephesians 5:25- 31). The man is to use his authority to serve each family member (John 13:3-4). He is to treat his wife with dignity and honor as he would treat himself, so that his prayers may not be hindered (1 Peter 3:7; Ephesians 5:29). And he is to receive his wife as a gift from God and as a fitting helper for himself.

89 The wife, then, must be willing to voluntarily receive her husband’s authority - ordained by God Himself (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:22-24). She is to honor her husband (1 Peter 3:6). She is to be a complement to her husband (Genesis 2:18). She is in authority over her own children (Colossians 3:20).

Proverbs 31 gives a description of a virtuous wife.

Proverbs 31:27 - She ______over the ways of her ______....

Children are to be considered as precious gifts from the Lord. They are to obey their parents (Ephesians 6:1). They are to give honor and respect to their parents (Ephesians 6:2). They are to receive correction when necessary. (Proverbs 13:24; 22:6)

Proverbs 17:6 - Children’s ______are the ______of old men. And the glory of children is their ______.

Success In The Home

If godly attitudes and qualities are present in our homes, God will bless our families in very special ways.

Love. When each member of the family is motivated by unselfish love, family problems will be drastically minimized.

1 Corinthians 13:4,7 - Love suffers long, and is kind, love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not ______up. v7 - bears all things, ______all things, ______all things, ______all things.

The heart of a servant. When each member of the family treats the other members as more important than themselves 90 and serves gladly, everyone’s needs will be met.

Philippians 2:3 - Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or ______, but in lowliness of mind let each ______others better than ______.

Mutual submission. Peace will prevail when family members learn to yield their rights to one another.

Ephesians 5:21 - Submitting to one ______in the fear of God.

Communication. Each member of the family must be committed to open, honest, and edifying communication.

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no ______word proceed out of your ______, but what is good for necessary ______, that it may impart grace to the ______.

Forgiveness. Every home has many opportunities to exercise forgiveness. Individuals who fail to forgive and apologize freely, will live in torment and anguish. (Matthew 18:23-35)

It is very clear that God wants all our homes to be examples to the world of the Kingdom of God in action. We can build according to God’s principles and pattern and fully expect to DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : 1.1. Why Why is is family family our our most most important important ministry? ministry? see 2.the2. Do Dofruit you you that truly truly He understand hasunderstand promised. the the tremendous Eachtremendous Christian value value should that that do all theyGod canGod placesto places make on onhis our our home homes? homes? a place Why? Why? of righteousness, peace, and3. joy.3. Define Define the the Biblical Biblical roles roles in in marriage. marriage. How How are are these these rolesroles functioning functioning in in your your marriage? marriage? What What areas areas Rememberneedneed to to tocontinue be be changed changed to prayto to line line for up upyour with with Oikos the the Word? Word?and spend time daily4.4. inReview Review the Word. the the functions functions in in the the home. home. 5.5. Define Define success success in in the the home? home? Which Which one one of of these these is is youryour greatest greatest strength strength and and which which needs needs the the most most work?work? 91 ELEVENTH WEEK Net Groups: A BIBLICAL VISION & THE MISSION OF OUR CHURCH

To be most effective in 92 building the Lord's Church, we believe that it is God's plan for us to follow Jesus' model of training through small groups. Small groups, also called cell groups (or Net Groups), are as equally important as the Celebration service. They are a place where people have a chance to experience and demonstrate New Testament Christianity built on relationships, not simply meetings, where people share their lives together and reach out with the healing love of Jesus to a broken world. The cells are a time to experience the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Acts 2:46-47 - So continuing daily with one accord in the ______and breaking bread from ______to ______, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart. v47 - praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord ______to the church daily those who were being ______.

This says that the Church met from house to house.

Acts 20:20 - How I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you ______and from ______to ______.

Acts 20:20 says that Paul spoke publicly and from house to house. We believe that this was and should be the structure of the Church. The New Testament Church met together for public celebration and then came together in cells for the purpose of evangelism, equipping, and edification. The Scripture says in Acts 2:47 that the church was added to daily.

Here are several other references you may want to look up: Romans 16:3-5, 11-12; Philemon 2; Acts 5:42.

93 THE BIBLICAL VISION LOST Periodically, down through the ages, the Church has lost the New Testament component of meeting as small groups in homes and has placed an emphasis on the Church as it meets in large buildings. It was in 323 A.D., almost 300 years after the birth of the Church, that Christians first met in what we call now "the church building." For over 300 years before that, the Church met in homes! Constantine built the assembly buildings in Constantinople, Rome, Jerusalem, and in many parts of Italy, all between 323 and 327 A.D. This triggered a massive "church building" fad in large cities all over the empire. Large group celebration services are important for corporate worship, teaching, and the unity of the body. We see that the Biblical structure for the Church is a balance between large group celebration and small group Net Groups. This structure allows us to see the church as people, not a building.

The original text of the New Testament was written in Greek. The Greek word for church is ekklesia, (ek-klay-see-ah) it literally means "the called out ones." This definition of the Church speaks of God's people rather than a specific building. The Church is the community of Christians meeting together. The building is just a place where the Church meets. We are the Church, and the responsibilities of the Church rest on our shoulders. When we define the church as a building, we relegate our responsibilities to the building and to the programs and staff within the building. We say things like, "It is the church’s (building’s) job to evangelize and equip." But the truth of the matter is that we are the Church; and therefore, it is our responsibility to minister to, equip, and reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to others.

EQUIP THE SAINTS Ephesians 4:11-12 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some ______, and some ______and ______.” v12 -

94 “For the ______of the ______for the work of ______, for the ______of the body of Christ,

This Scripture gives us the correct outlook on the role of Christians. According to the text, it is the pastor's, prophet's, apostle's, evangelist's, and teacher's role to equip the Saints (Christians) for the work of the ministry. Those five gifts, spoken here, are what we call the; Five-Fold Gifts. The text goes on to tell us that the Believers role is to do the ministry (be the church.) Mark 16:15-20 commissions Christians to go into all the world and to preach the gospel. This text continues on to say that those who believe in the name of the Lord will have signs and miracles that follow them. The Scriptures do not say that signs and miracles would follow the pastor only but that they would follow those who believe. Therefore, it is the Christian’s responsibility to do the work of ministry.

We feel that cell groups (Net Groups) are the New Testament way of allowing Believers to fulfill the work of ministry. Ministry involves edifying (building up) the body of Christ, reaching out to the lost, and seeing others discipled.

Some churches view cells as just another program of their many programs, and the celebration is the most important event they have. These churches see cell life as just another branch of the tree and the celebration is the trunk and foundational structure for the church. We view Net Groups and Celebrations as equally important, and both are the trunk and foundational structure for the Church.

Net Groups and Celebration, as the foundational structure for the church, breathes life into the other branches of ministry in the church. To compliment and enhance our foundational structure, we further equip Believers through leadership classes and VTC meetings.

THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME: 95 The most important time we have together is not the time spent in gatherings or meetings. The most important time is between the gatherings and meetings. Our Heavenly Father desires for us to live in community with one another by sharing our lives together, serving, and building strong relationship with one another throughout the week. This is living in community with other Believers as the Bible instructs us to do. This is when people see you for who you really are.


WELCOME:WELCOME: A A time time of of fellowship fellowship and and refreshments. refreshments. WORSHIP:WORSHIP: We We enter enter His His presence. presence. We We are are here here to to focus focus on on Christ Christ who who is is in in our our midst. midst. WORD:WORD: He He works works His His power power in in us. us. Christ Christ wants wants to to edify edify and and minister minister to to each each of of us us so so thatthat we we can can live live together together in in unity unity and and love. love. WORKS:WORKS: He He wants wants to to give give us us His His purpose. purpose. ChristChrist wants wants to to minister minister through through us us this this week week to to touchtouch certain certain persons persons who who are are lost lost and and hurting hurting. .


1. All members share equally in the ownership of the meeting. Therefore, the cell group will move from house to house on a weekly basis. 2. Sharing will follow the general rules of brevity, appropriateness, and courtesy. No one will dominate the discussion. 3. We will take off our masks and be transparent with each other. 4. We will start and end in a timely manner. 5. We will help keep the interaction in line with what Christ is doing in our midst and refrain from "chasing rabbits." 6. When speaking, we will address the group and not just 96 the leader. 7. We will multiply into two groups after growing to 10-15 adults in regular attendance. 8. We will all be responsible for the care of the children in our group. 9. We will keep matters shared in the cell in strict confidence. 10. We will reach out to our neighbors and friends with the goal of bringing at least one person to Christ and the cell every six months.


Scriptural Guidelines: 1. We are committed to faithfully attending the cell group meetings (Heb. 10:24-25). 2. We come together on common ground, at the foot of the cross, saved and forgiven by God's grace without rank, position, or special status (Eph. 2:8-9; Jas. 2:1-9). 3. In Christ's spirit of humility we will be willing to lay down (die to) our own personal rights, demands, and expectations (Rom. 12:10; Phil. 2:3-4; Jas. 4:10). 4. We will love one another as Christ loves us (Eph.4:15,29,5:4; Jas. 3:1-12). 5. We will exercise spiritual gifts within the guidelines of Scripture so that the Body is edified and unified (I Cor. 12:7, 13:1-13, 14:1-12; I John 4:1-3). 6. We will pray for cell members during the week (Eph. 6:18). 7. We will be accountable to one another for our conduct, witness, spiritual growth, and ministries (Gal. 6:1-4; Jas. 5:16; Ezek. 3:20-22). 8. We will do our utmost to promote fellowship and unity (Eph. 4:1-3,12; Col. 3:12-13; Rom. 12:18). 9. We will work together to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19,20).

FOCUS ON THE VISION 97 We believe in order to fulfill the vision that the Lord has given us, we must be a New Testament Church. So often we see that Christianity is for spectators. We feel that the New Testament Church was a Church of participators. We desire to see, as the early Church saw, the Church being added to daily.


I. A vision to be a church intensely driven by our mission, vision, values and core convictions II. A vision of seeing disciples raised up and empowered by the Holy Spirit to reproduce more disciples

BringingBringing L.I.F.E. L.I.F.E. to to our our communitycommunityOUR MISSION and and STATEMENT: to to the the world!! world!!

L.I.F.E.L.I.F.E. stands stands for: for: CanCan you you write write what what L.I.F.E. L.I.F.E. stands stands for for without without lookinglooking back? back? L: L: ______I I: :______F: F:______E: E:______98 I. We accomplish this by being a body of believers meeting corporately together for celebration worship and meeting in home cell groups (called Net Groups.) We desire to see 100% of our members participating in the Net Groups and Celebration.

II. We will exalt Jesus as Lord, reach the lost, obey His Word, worship as a lifestyle, encourage, equip, and empower each believer for the work of ministry.


These four values, based on the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,20), communicate our mission and vision. Everything we do as a church must be birthed out of these four values. These four values determine the success of a Net Group and the church as a whole. LIVE THEM!


Matthew 22:37-39 - Love the ______your God with all you heart and with all your soul, and with all your ______...and...love your neighbor as yourself.


Matthew 28:19,20 - Go and make ______99 of all nations, baptizing them...and teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you .

Value #1: A GROWING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS Without Him we can do nothing. (The Great Commandment) Value #2: A GROWING RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS When we become a Christian, we are placed into the family of God. We are members together, and we must learn to relate to one another in ways that please and honor the Lord. (The Great Commandment) Value #3: A COMMITMENT TO EVANGELISM This says that lost people really matter to God. (The Great Commission) Value #4: A COMMITMENT TO DISCIPLESHIP This says that Christianity is a way of life and a process of growth that leads to loving obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. (The Great Commission)


The Church is the body of Christ. Each Believer, born of the Spirit, is an integral part of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22- 23, 2:22; Romans 12:5). As we read earlier the Greek word for church is ekklesia, which literally means the called out ones. This definition of the church speaks of God's people rather than a specific building. Hebrews 12:23 – To the general assembly and the ______of the firstborn who are registered in heaven,


Hebrews 10:25 - not forsaking the______of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you 100 see the Day approaching.

Look up these scriptures Hebrews 10:23-25, Isaiah 58:13-14, Acts 2:42,


Since God's purpose concerning man is to seek and to save that which is lost (Luke 19:10), to be worshipped by man, and to build a body of believers in the image of His Son, the primary purpose of the Church is: a. To be an agency for equipping the saints of God for evangelizingByBy now, now, the we worldwe understand understand that that we we are are all all (Acts 1:8;ministers,ministers, Matthew and and28:19-20; God God wants wantsMark 16:15-16)to to use use us us in in b. To followministry.ministry. the New Here Here Testament is is an an easy easy pattern way way of to to the grasp grasp Church our our by actively participatingroles in a as weekly Believers. Net Group and celebration worshiproles service as Believers. (Acts 5:42; 20:20) c. To be a corporate body in which man may worship God (1 Corinthians 12:13) d. To OurbeOur a channel Commanded Commanded of God's purpose to build Ministry Ministry a body of saints being perfected(Matthew(Matthew in 22:36-40)the 22:36-40) image Forof For His each each Son individual individual (Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:12) e. To be a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13) OurOur Commissioned Commissioned MinistryMinistry (Matthew(Matthew 28:18-20) 28:18-20) For For each each individual individual OurOur Specific Specific Ministry Ministry GodGod has has given given each each of of us us specific specific & & special special ministries:ministries: the the raising raising of of our our children, children, being being a apart part of of thethe praise praise team, team, youth youth ministry, ministry, Net Net Group Group Leaders, Leaders, ministryministry to to the the elderly, elderly, usher usher team, team, volunteer volunteer with with anotheranother ministry, ministry, church church council, council, etc... etc...

TheseThese are are all all specific specific ministries ministries that that may may be be different different forfor each each person, person, but but we we must must not not forget forget our our CommandedCommanded and and Commissioned Commissioned Ministries. Ministries. 101 Remember to spend time in the Word today. While in prayer, don't forget to wait and listen for the Lord to speak. What has the Lord been saying to you? We desire not only salvations, but disciples. We believe that all members should be a part of a Net Group in the church. Don’t forget that there is joy in the presence of the Lord.

Thousands, perhaps millions have gone before you, sacrificing all they had so we may know the truth of the Gospel. As we unite with others around the world who have been given the same vision and purpose, let our cry be that of the Apostle Paul,...one thing I do: Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14). 102 DiscussionDiscussion Question Question: : HowHow do do you you define define the the church? church? What What are are the the negativesnegatives of of defining defining the the church church as as a abuilding? building? WhatWhat is is the the vision vision for for Net Net Groups Groups?? WhatWhat four four things things should should takes takes place place in in every every cell cell meeting?meeting? LookingLooking at at the the Ground Ground Rules Rules and and Our Our Commitment Commitment ToTo Each Each Other Other found found in in this this chapter, chapter, which which ones ones areare we we fulfilling fulfilling effectively effectively and and which which one one do do we we needneed improvement? improvement? WhatWhat does does L.I.F.E L.I.F.E stand stand for for and and what what are are our our four four values?values? HowHow are are you you fulfilling fulfilling the the Great Great Commandment Commandment andand the the Great Great Commission? Commission?



SENIOR PASTOR: The Senior Pastor is the spiritual overseer of the congregation

103 and chairman over the church council. The Senior Pastor serves as visionary and equipper of the saints for the work of the ministry.

CHURCH COUNCIL: The church council consists of members of the church who serve as the advisor to the pastor on specific ministries of the church. The church secretary and treasurer will serve alongside the church council.

MINISTERIAL STAFF: The church staff will consist of credentialed ministers whose primary role in the church will be to equip and release people for ministry. The ministerial staff should seek to have a balance within the framework of the five- fold ministry. Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher - these are what we call the five-fold gifts.

Ephesians 4:11 - And He Himself gave some to be ______, some ______, some ______, and some ______and ______,

OPERATIONAL STAFF: An effective staff (part-time, full- time, paid, and volunteer) will serve the church in the ongoing day-by-day mechanics and work necessary to enable other members to devote their time and energies to cell life, outreach, and ministry.

NET GROUP LEADERS: Net Group Leaders are mature Believers who lead and facilitate a Net Group. They are servant-leaders who are selected in accordance with I Timothy 3:8-13.

NET GROUP INTERNS: Net Group Interns are in training to become leaders. These Interns are working within their particular Net Group to prepare them to eventually multiply the group and lead one of the Net Groups. They are being equipped through the Life Leadership Training (LLT).

104 EVERY MEMBER A MINISTER: The Bible has called every member of the Body of Christ to fulfill the work of ministry. Through Net Group and Celebration worship, Christians are edified and empowered, the lost are reached, and the hurting receive caring ministry (Ephesians 4:11,12; Mark 16:15-20; I Corinthians 14:26.)

Ephesians 4:12 - for the ______of the saints for the ______of ______, for the edifying of the body of Christ,

Every Every member member is is a aminister, minister, Every Every minister minister is is to to become become a aleader leader Every Every leader leader is is to to become become a aleader leader of of leaders. leaders.

For more information on the polity (government) of the church, read the Articles of Incorporation of the International Church Of The Foursquare Gospel or go to: www.foursquare.org


1. THE LIFE MANUAL - When a new person comes into our church, we will plug him immediately into a Net Group. A discipler will be chosen from the Net Group. If at all possible, it should be 105 the person who influenced him to come. The discipler will spend three months developing a relationship with him - clarifying his salvation, teaching the foundational doctrines of our faith, equipping him to reach out to his Oikos relationships, and grounding him in the core values and vision of the church. This is the beginning of a lifestyle of discipleship. (The Life Manual is three months long.)

Church Membership - Once someone has been through the Life Manual, is born-again (salvation), and fulfills the requirement of membership, he may join the church. He will then attend the Welcoming New Members Class to assimilate him into the ministries of the church.

2. LIFE ADVANCE - The next step of his/her journey into cell leadership and other leadership roles in the church is the LIFE Advance. It is a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit that will advance your passion for God. The advance will focus on - healing from past hurts, forgiveness, strongholds, curses, determining spiritual needs, training on spiritual warfare, and encouraging and instilling each participant with the expectation and zeal to fulfill what God has called us to do.

3. LIFE LEADERSHIP TRAINING (LLT) The next step of his/her journey into cell leadership and other leadership roles in the church is the Life Leadership Training (LLT). This training will equip each Life Leader in: a. The Doctrines Of The Word b. The Dynamics Of Cell Ministry c. The Development Of Servant Leaders

The Life Leadership Training (LLT) will be used for equipping our leadership to lead a Net Group.

106 The Net Group interns will also be trained on-the-job, working with their Net Group Leader and the Cluster Minister.

4. MINISTRY TRAINING HOUR - Before the Celebration service, we will conduct intense ministry training on a wide variety of areas. These classes will deal with specific books of the Bible, language study for mission trips, and specific areas of ministry training (Examples of these classes are marriage enrichment, parenting resources, financial stewardship, leadership principles, prayer, etc…). These classes, and others, are designed to better equip the members of our church who have already completed the Life Manual. We require this so that all members are equipped as ministers and understand our core values and vision as a church.

5. VISION, TEACHING, CLUSTER (VTC): Every month each Net Group Leader will gather for further training, instilling of vision, problem solving, seeking the Lord together, and encouragement from the Senior Pastor, Cluster Minister, and other staff ministers. Every month the Net Group Leaders will spend quality time being mentored by their Cluster Minister.

One of the key values that we have at LifeNet Church is that we want to equip you as a minister and a leader in the church. We want to see the church as an army of disciples, rather than an audience of people. The LIFE Manual is only the beginning of discipleship. Discipleship is a life-long quest of learning and growing in the Lord. The next step of your training is to develop your leadership skills.

As the old saying goes, Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. We are a church of leaders; therefore, 107 we desire to equip Believers to dig into the Word, spend time with the Holy Spirit in prayer, and allow the Lord to stir them as they grow in their faith. Babies need to be spoon fed because they are unable to feed themselves, but as they grow, they learn to feed themselves and care for their needs. This is what we desire of the Believers in the church. We desire to equip you with the tools to grow in the Lord. Your personal time with the Lord and in the Word is vital for your growth. Leaders come to their Net Group, Celebration, and ministry times prepared to minister. So dig into the Word, be a self-feeder and know who you are in Christ!!

The Discipleship Equipping Track: The Discipleship Equipping Track: [3 Fold Process] [3 Fold Process] LMLM - -THE THE LIFE LIFE MANUAL MANUAL covers foundations, vision & values, church membership covers foundations, vision & values, church membership LALA - -THE THE LIFE LIFE ADVANCE ADVANCE covers inner healing and advancing your purpose covers inner healing and advancing your purpose LLT - LIFE LEADERSHIP TRAINING LLT - LIFE LEADERSHIP TRAINING covers developing Biblical leadership skills covers developing Biblical leadership skills

Net Group Leadership Multiplication Track

The multiplication track is to help guide you in the process of equipping and releasing your Net Group. The process will be slightly different for each Net Group, due to the fact the each Net Group has its own dynamics.

Step One (1st month) 1. The Net Group begins with 5-12 adults. This is made up of a Net Group Leader and at least one intern. (All of your core

108 team in the Net Group might be interns.) 2. The leader and intern will begin coming to the VTC Meetings (Vision, Teaching, Cluster) on Tuesday night. 3. The leader will begin taking the intern(s) through the LLT. 4. The LLT can be facilitated individually with the leader, or in a Training Hour with the Cluster Minister. This is not about a book, but relational discipleship. 5. As the Net Group begins, this is the time that each member of the core team needs to focus on his Oikos relationships. 6. The Net Group should spend the first four weeks focused on praying and fasting for these Oikos (Circle of Influence) relationships. The goal is for each member of the group to bring two people into the Net Group. (Review Weeks 6-9 on how to reach your Oikos.) 7. The Net Group leader and Intern should be challenging their group to reach out. This should not be a passive effort, but rather a targeted intentional focus on reaching our Oikos and bringing them into the Net Group.

Step Two (2nd - 3rd month) 1. This is a time to build true community with one another. The Greek word found in the New Testament calls this Koinonia -- a true and meaningful time of building deep relationships with one another. 2. Continue to focus on building the Net Group to 10-12 adults. a. These new additions to the Net Group should come from our Oikos relationships, new attendees to Celebration, and from outreaches. b. This is a critical time because the Net Group needs to be large enough to multiply at the end of the equipping process. c. The Net Group will fellowship, worship, apply the Word to their daily lives, pray, and hear from God together. 3. At the end of the first three months, the Net Group should have around 10-12 adults. 4. These 10-12 adults should be willing to be discipled and be active at Celebration. 5. They also need to be committed to attend the Net Group and committed to going through the Life Manual. 109 - The Net Group Leader will take the cell through the Life Manual or the disciplers will break off during the edification time in order to take individuals through the Life Manual. - It is very important that they not miss one lesson in the Life Manual and are committed to do the homework in the Life Manual.

Step Three (4th - 6th month) 1. The Net Group Leader will begin taking everyone through the Life Manual. 2. If someone begins to come to the Net Group during the Life Manual, a discipler can always catch them up in the manual. 3. The Net Group will begin outreaches and continue to build community among the Net Group members. a. Week 9 of the Life Manual will trigger the organization and implementation of an outreach. b. This means that some Net Group meetings will devote themselves to an outreach or fellowship night. c. All the Net Group members would be in a training process for potentially birthing out new Net Group. d. Each Net Group will equip its members by this flow of leadership. Each member must first grasp that…..

Every member is a minister, Every member is a minister, Every minister is to become a leader Every minister is to become a leader Every leader is to become a leader of leaders. Every leader is to become a leader of leaders. 4. The Net Group will complete the Life Manual and all that desire and are committed to the vision of the church will join the church. They will also attend the Welcoming New Members Class and be assimilated into the ministries of the church.

Step Four (7th month) 1. All Net Group members, who have completed the Life Manual, will now attend the LIFE ADVANCE. - This could be done in the Net Group on a special weekend or done with multiple Net Group through the Cluster. 110 2. The Net Group leader or Cluster Minister would share again the vision of the church and the multiplication process (found here in the Life Manual) and position and challenge all the interns to begin to prepare to launch out with Net Group of their own.

Step Five (8th - ? month) 1. At this point the Net Group Interns are already preparing to multiply out with an intern (interns) under him/her. 2. Any new attendees to the Net Group during this step, will serve as the nucleus for the new cell (or cells). 3. The Net Group will throw a party, celebrating the multiplication of the new cell (or cells.) It is exciting because we are releasing new leaders.

Every Every member member is is a aminister, minister, Every Every minister minister is is to to become become a aleader leader Every Every leader leader is is to to become become a aleader leader of of leaders. leaders.

4. All new Net Group will begin with at least five adults, one being the leader and another being the intern. 5. The new Net Group begins the process from Step One.

The Net Group is designed to be a discipleship machine………..equipping and releasing reproducible disciples for the harvest.

FLOW OF LEADERSHIP Church Council: The church council consists of elected members of the church who serve as advisors to the Pastor. Net Group Intern (serves as an intern for 5-20 people) A Net Group Leader in training. They have completed the Life Manual, joined the church, attended the Life Advance, and are being trained through the Life Leadership Training (LLT). The Net Group Leader and Cluster Minister will equip and mentor the intern, preparing him for strong leadership. 111 Net Group Leader (serves 5-20 people) A Net Group shepherd and servant leader. The leader shall mentor the intern through sharing their lives together and building a strong relationship with them. Net Group Leaders will continue to receive training through monthly equipping meetings, and through their strong relationships with other leaders and their Cluster Minister. Cluster Minister (serves & pastors up to 100 people = 5 cells) They will equip their Net Group Leaders to become effective leaders. They will meet monthly with their 5 Net Group Leaders to challenge and prepare the leaders for multiplication, to overview report sheets, to hold them accountable (iron sharpening iron), to oversee and help them with their Net Group outreaches, to insure discipleship is progressing in the group, to help them to overcome their obstacles, and to further equip and prepare them in the ministry. The Cluster Minister will bring relational pastoral care to these 100 people.ScheduleSchedule Of Of Week: Week: AssociateSunday Ministers Celebration : Sunday Celebration: 9:00 - Leadership Training Hour A staff9:00 minister- Leadership that Training serves Hour over five to ten Cluster - Temporary classes equipping individuals for ministry. Ministers.- Temporary All Associate classes equipping Ministers, individuals by virtue for ofministry. their - Cluster Ministers and Net Group Leaders meet with Cell position,- Clusterwill serve Ministers as Elders. and Net TheGroup church Leaders also meet seeks with Cellto have interns for leadership equipping using the LLT. interns for leadership equipping using the LLT. a balance10:30 Celebrationwithin the framework of the five-fold ministry 10:30 Celebration operatingNursery within - provides the ministerial ministry to staff. the children Relational 0-4 years ministry of age. is Nursery - provides ministry to the children 0-4 years of age. Zoe Kids Jr. - (From 4 years of age through Kindergarten) the primaryZoe Kids means Jr. - (From by which 4 years the of ageministers through onKindergarten) staff equip the Zoe Kids - Children enter children’s church after P/W. church.Zoe Kids - Children enter children’s church after P/W. Senior Pastor - Serves and equips the entire church. He is to Thursday Night And Throughout The Week: Thursday Night And Throughout The Week: cast Netthe Groupsvision meetfor the throughout church the as communitythe Holy Spiritin the homes leads ofand our to Net Groups meet throughout the community in the homes of our overseemembers. the implementation of that vision. He is to spend members. Tuesdays: qualityTuesdays: time in the Word, in prayer, and building strong 2nd Tuesdays of the month - Net Group Leaders will meet relationships2nd Tuesdays and unityof the monthwithin - theNet Groupleadership Leaders of will the meet church. for a VTC Meeting. for a VTC Meeting. VTC stands for: Vision, Teaching, Cluster The leadershipVTC stands in the for: church Vision, is there Teaching, to facilitate Cluster and serve the Net Group Wednesdays: Wednesdays:Leaders. The Net Group is where ministry happens. Youth Group (for 6th grade -12th) Youth Group (for 6th grade -12th) Meets every Wednesday night at 6:30 P.M. Meets every Wednesday night at 6:30 P.M. 1st week – Cluster Ministers Meeting (CMM) 1st week – Cluster Ministers Meeting (CMM) 4th week - Church Council Meeting (CCM) 4th week - Church Council Meeting (CCM) Throughout the month - The Cluster Ministers will meet with Throughout the month - The Cluster Ministers will meet with their Net Group Leaders, in their homes or offices, to bring their Net Group Leaders, in their homes or offices, to bring oversight and equipping to the leadership. oversight and equipping to the leadership. 112 Acknowledgment must be given to these people whose material and insight have made this effort possible:

Ralph Neighbor: Where Do We Go From Here The Shepherd's Guidebook Larry Kreider: House-To-House Jim Egli and Ben Hoerr: The I-Factor

For Net Group Leaders We expect each Net Group to utilize its members to minister to the community.

1. We expect for our outreaches to flow through the Net Group and into the community. 2. We expect every Net Group to follow up on those who have visited the Celebration service. 113 3. We expect for every Net Group to be a discipleship machine which equips people to become leaders. 4. We expect for the Cell Leaders to take their intern(s) through the LLT. Relationally equipping and releasing ministry.

We also expect the members of each Net Group to serve in specific areas together on a rotating basis.

1. Every Net Group will work as greeters in the Celebration service on a rotating basis. 2. Every Net Group will share in planning the Cluster Pot Bless every quarter. 3. Other areas will come as time goes along that we will desire for every Net Group to participate on a rotating basis (Life Advance, Fall Festival, etc…). This allows for all cells to carry the load and share ministry, instead of just a few people. Remember that as a Net Group Leader, your job is to equip people for ministry. As you equip your Net Group, begin to release ministry to members in the group. Effective leaders equip and release people for ministry. Don't hold onto ministry, release it!!

Every Every member member is is a aminister, minister, Every Every minister minister is is to to become become a aleader leader Every Every leader leader is is to to become become a aleader leader of of leaders. leaders.


The word commitment itself does not occur in either the King James or the New International Versions of the Bible, but when you look at the meaning of this word, you will find a concept that occurs throughout the Bible and is the basis for entering into and maintaining all covenants (commitments, agreements). 114 Our society has lost the concepts of covenant and covenant relationships. However, the Bible teaches the importance of making covenants, or commitments, and KEEPING them. To be committed to someone is to cleave to, adhere to, be attached to, join oneself closely to, or stick to the side of another. In the Greek language, the concept of commitment implied a gluing together, a firm fastening, and a giving of oneself steadfastly to another.

If you want to attain your full potential in Christ, become mature in your personal growth and development, and find fulfillment and expression in the ministry God has given you, you must be committed to and actively involved in a specific local church (Ephesians 2:19-22.)

Ephesians 2:19 - Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizen’s with the saints and ______of the household of God,

Over and over again, the Bible declares the covenants God has made with mankind. God is not a man that He can lie. He NEVER breaks His promises! It is not in His nature.

Genesis 9:11-13 - Thus I establish My ______with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth. v12 - And God said: This is a sign of the ______which I make between Me and you,.... V13 - I set My ______in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the ______between Me and the ______.

Have you ever seen a rainbow? This is the sign from God to 115 remind us of His promise never again to destroy the earth by a flood. We can count on that! This is just one of many covenants He has made. Salvation is a covenant relationship that God made available to us by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews13:20; I Corinthians 11:25). Marriage is a covenant relationship. When you enter into marriage, you promise to love and honor, in good times and in bad times, as long as you both shall live. This is to be an unbroken commitment. Yet, we can see by the divorce rate that people do not hold this covenant in high esteem.

The Lord desires us to become more like Him every day that we live. If it is part of His nature to never break His promises, then we need to be people who keep our promises. We need to be people who commit ourselves to one another in our homes, in our church, in our businesses, and in our nation. We need to be loyal to one another and to the commitments we have made.

Congratulations, you have completed the Life Manual! Now is the time to make the commitment (covenant relationship) to this church. The following pages list the requirements for membership in the church. You will want to talk with your Net Group Leader about joining as a member of LifeNet Church.

AllAll items items listed listed are are required required for for ChurchChurch membership membership with with LifeNet LifeNet Church! Church!

For further information on church membership, see the bylaws for the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. You have now completed The LIFE Manual. Now you can make the commitment of church membership.  I have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and 116 Savior.  I have been baptized in water.  I have received (or I am open to receive) the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  I have made the commitment to be actively involved in Net Group and Celebration and to follow God’s vision for LifeNet Church.  I have made the commitment to be actively involved in obeying the Great Commandment and the Great Commission through living out the four values.  I understand that every believer is a Minister, and I have made the commitment to be available for ministry and possibly leadership in the church.  I have completed “The LIFE Manual,” and I am willing to take someone through “The LIFE Manual” (discipleship).  I have made a commitment to raise my family in the ways of the Lord.

 I have made the commitment to support the church financially through my tithes and offerings to the Lord.  I have made the commitment to spend time in the Word and in prayer.  I have made the commitment (if accepted) to join LifeNet Church and to run with God’s vision for this church. 117 To ensure proper record of your membership, please fill out the Membership Response Sheet (on the last page of this manual) and give it to your Net Group Leader who covered this page with you.

You will now want to attend the Welcoming New Members Class held regularly before Celebration. Our staff desires to welcome you, share with you areas of possible ministry for you in the church. This will also give you a great opportunity to meet other new members. Check with your Net Group Leader to find out when the next meeting will be. Your next step is to attend the next Life Advance. After that you will want to begin the Life Leadership Training (LLT), an extensive time of equipping in leadership principles. The LLT is required for leadership in the church. We want our members to be part of the army of disciples and not simply an audience of people. This is why we place such high standards on our leadership development.

Remember to enjoy the presence of the Lord as you journey in your ministry with the Lord and this church. “...the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10)

BenefitsBenefits of of Active Active Membership Membership

1. You have the opportunity to be involved with the vision God has revealed for this church and help fulfill His destiny for this community and for the world. 2. You have the opportunity to fulfill all that God has called you to do by allowing the church to equip and prepare you for a lifestyle of active ministry. 3. You have the opportunity to vote at all business meetings of 118 the church. 4. You have the opportunity to minister in a leadership role and serve on the church council. 5. You have the opportunity to lead a Net Group. 6. You have the opportunity to use the church facilities for weddings and other approved functions for free or at a nominal fee. These must be approved by the proper leadership.

The church does not allow the building to be used for personal sales of a product or individual business opportunities.

The Life Manual (16th Edition) has been written by Pastor Lee Brockinton for use at: LifeNet Church.

For more information about the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Go to: www.foursquare.org

Who I Am In Christ

We as Christians have privileges and rights because of our relationship with our Lord. It is good for us to know who we are in Christ so that we are able to stand on the firm foundation that Christ has given us.

All of God’s promises are yes and amen..II Corinthians 1:20 I am a child of God...... 1 John 3:2 I am forgiven of all my sins...... Ephesians 1:7 I am a new creature...... 2 Corinthians 5:17 I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit...... 1 Corinthians 6:19 119 I am accepted in Christ...... Ephesians 1:6 I am reconciled to God...... 2 Corinthians 5:18 I am a saint...... Romans 1:7 I am the head and not the tail...... Deut. 28:13 I am called of God...... 2 Timothy 1:9 I am complete in Christ...... Colossians 2:10 I am delivered from the power of darkness Colossians 1:13 I am an ambassador for Christ...... 2 Corinthians 5:20 I am the light of the world...... Matthew 5:14 I am dead to sin...... Romans 6:2 I am alive to God...... Romans 6:11 I am a king and a priest...... Revelation 1:6 I am fit to partake of His inheritance...... Colossians 1:12 I am more than a conqueror...... Roman 8:37 I can do all things through Christ...... Philippians 4:13 I overcome the world...... 1 John 5:4 I have everlasting life...... John 5:24 I am healed by the wounds of Jesus...... 1 Peter 2:24 I have God as my shield...... Proverbs 30:5 I am sufficient to minister the gospel...... 2 Corinthians 3:6 I am a friend of God...... John 15:15 I have favor with God...... Psalm 30:5 I am blessed coming in and going out...... Deut. 28:6 Christ in me is the hope of glory...... Colossians 1:27

WhyWhy We We Worship Worship The The Way Way We We Do? Do?

Why do we stand when we sing? (II Chronicles 20:19, Psalm 33:8) Why do we clap our hands? (Psalm 47:1) Why do we lift our hands? (Psalm 63:4; Psalm 134:2; I Tim. 2:8) Why do we shout at times during worship? (Psalm 32:11, Psalm 47:1, Revelation 19:1) 120 Why do we kneel or lay on the floor? (Psalm 95:6, Revelation 4:10-11) Why do we dance during worship? (II Samuel 6:14-22, Psalm 150:1-6, Luke 6:23) Why do we have audible praise unto God? (Psalm 34:1; Acts 4:24) Why do we sing in tongues and in English? (I Corinthians 14:14-15) Why do we use musical instruments? (I Chron. 15:15, II Chron 5:12, Rev. 5:14) Why do we lay hands on the sick? (Mark 16:17, James 5:14) Why do we allow the gifts of the Spirit to operate in the worship service? (I Cor. 14:1, I Cor 14:39, I Thes. 5:20) Why do we have this type of worship? (John 4:23-24; Phil. 3:3) Why does the whole church pray all at once for specific needs? (Acts 4:24) Why do we anoint with oil and pray for the sick? (James 5:14,15)

YOURYOUR DAILY DAILY DEVOTIONAL DEVOTIONAL TIME TIME CAN CAN BE BE CONNECTEDCONNECTED TO TO YOUR YOUR NET NET GROUP GROUP At your weekly Net Group, be prepared to share what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to you as you read and meditate on the Word, journal, and spend time with the Lord in prayer.

Here are some questions that the Net Group leader might ask during the cell meeting:

1. What scripture did the Holy Spirit cause to stand out? 2. Why did it stand out? 3. What is the Lord speaking to others in the group about 121 this Scripture? 4. Does the scripture or text raise up other questions that someone else might have a comment on? 5. What practical life application can you take from it? 6. Does anyone else have another verse that the Holy Spirit caused to stand out in your quiet time with the Lord?

Remember that the purpose of this time is to bring practical application from the Word. Please refrain from divisive discussions on doctrinal issues. The Foursquare church uses the following model to guide Believers in healthy discussions.

In essentials – UNITY In nonessentials – LIBERTY In all things – CHARITY

Use this model to guide Net Group discussions. The desire is to edify people, not to tear them down - to bring practical application from the Word into our daily lives. Your Daily Devotional Time: By following the guide on the next page, you will complete the entire Bible in one year. Use this to spend quality time in prayer with the Lord as well. Be sure to not only talk to the Lord, but remember to listen for His voice to speak. He will also speak to you through the reading of the Word.

122 JANUARY 16  Lev. 22, 23; Mark 1:1-22

1  Gen. 1, 2; Matt. 1 17  Lev. 24, 25; Mark 1:23-45 2  Gen. 3, 4, 5; Matt. 2 18  Lev. 26, 27; Mark 2 3  Gen. 6, 7, 8; Matt. 3 19  Num. 1, 2; Mark 3:1-21 4  Gen. 9, 10, 11; Matt. 4 20  Num. 3, 4; Mark 3:22-35 5  Gen. 12, 13, 14; Matt. 5:1-26 21  Num. 5, 6; Mark 4:1-20 6  Gen. 15,16, 17; Matt. 5:27-48 22  Num. 7, 8; Mark 4:21-41 7  Gen. 18, 19; Matt. 6 23  Num. 9, 10, 11; Mark 5:1-20 8  Gen. 20, 21, 22; Matt. 7 24  Num. 12,13,14; Mark 5:21-43 9  Gen. 23, 24; Matt. 8 25  Num. 15, 16, 17; Mark 6:1-32 10  Gen. 25, 26; Matt. 9:1-17 26  Num. 18,19,20; Mark 6:33-56 11  Gen. 27, 28; Matt. 9:18-38 27  Num. 21, 22; Mark 7:1-13 12  Gen. 29, 30; Matt. 10:1-23 28  Num. 23,24,25; Mark 7:14-37 13  Gen. 31, 32; Matt. 10:24-42 29  Leap Year 14  Gen. 33, 34, 35; Matt. 11 15  Gen. 36, 37; Matt. 12:1-21 16  Gen.38,39,40; Matt. 12:22-50 17  Gen. 41; Matt.13:1-32 18  Gen. 42, 43; Matt. 13:33-58 MARCH 19  Gen. 44, 45; Matt. 14:1-21 20  Gen.46, 47,48;Matt. 14:22-36 1  Num. 26, 27; Mark 8 21  Gen. 49, 50; Matt.15:1-20 2  Num. 28, 29; Mark 9:1-29 22  Ex. 1, 2, 3; Matt. 15:21-39 3  Num. 30, 31; Mark 9:30-50 23  Ex. 4, 5, 6; Matt. 16 4  Num. 32, 33; Mark 10:1-31 24  Ex. 7,8; Matt. 17 5  Num.34,35,36;Mark10:32-52 25  Ex. 9, 10; Matt. 18:1-20 6  Deut. 1, 2; Mark 11:1-19 26  Ex. 11, 12; Matt. 18:21-35 7  Deut. 3, 4; Mark 11:20-33 27  Ex. 13, 14, 15; Matt. 19:1-15 8  Deut. 5, 6, 7; Mark 12:1-27 28  Ex. 16, 17,18; Matt. 19:16-30 9  Deut. 8, 9,10; Mark 12:28-44 29  Ex. 19, 20, 21; Matt. 20:1-16 10  Deut.11,12,13; Mark 13:1-13 30  Ex. 22, 23,24; Matt. 20:17-34 11  Deut.14,15,16;Mark13:14-37 31  Ex. 25, 26; Matt. 21:1-22 12  Deut.17,18,19; Mark 14:1-25 13  Deut.20,21,22;Mark14:26-50 14  Deut.23,24,25;Mark14:51-72 15  Deut. 26, 27; Mark.15:1-26 FEBRUARY 16  Deut. 28; Mark 15:27-47 17  Deut. 29, 30; Mark 16 18  Deut. 31, 32; Luke 1:1-23 1  Ex. 27, 28; Matt. 21:23-46 19  Deut. 33, 34; Luke 1:24-56 2  Ex. 29, 30; Matt. 22:1-22 20  Joshua 1, 2, 3; Luke 1:57-80 3  Ex. 31, 32,33; Matt. 22:23-46 21  Joshua 4, 5, 6; Luke 2:1-24 4  Ex. 34, 35, 36; Matt. 23:1-22 22  Joshua 7, 8; Luke 2:25-52 5  Ex. 37, 38; Matt. 23:23-39 23  Joshua 9, 10; Luke 3 6  Ex. 39, 40; Matt. 24:1-22 24  Joshua 11,12,13; Luke 4:1-32 7  Lev. 1, 2, 3; Matt. 24:23-51 25  Joshua 14, 15; Luke 4:33-44 8  Lev. 4, 5, 6; Matt. 25:1-30 26  Joshua 16,17,18; Luke 5:1-16 9  Lev. 7, 8, 9; Matt. 25:31-46 27  Joshua 19, 20; Luke 5:17-39 10  Lev. 10, 11,12; Matt. 26:1-19 28  Joshua 21, 22; Luke 6:1-26 11  Lev. 13; Matt. 26:20-54 29  Joshua 23, 24; Luke 6:27-49 12  Lev. 14; Matt. 26:55-75 30  Judges 1, 2; Luke 7:1-30 13  Lev. 15, 16,17; Matt. 27:1-31 31  Judges 3, 4, 5; Luke 7:31-50 14  Lev. 18.19; Matt. 27:32-66 15  Lev. 20, 21; Matthew 28 123 17  2 Kings 18, 19; John 6:22-44 APRIL 18  2Kings20,21,22;John 6:45-71 1  Judges 6, 7; Luke 8:1-21 19  2 Kings 23,24,25;John 7:1-31 2  Judges 8, 9; Luke 8:22-56 20  I Chronicles 1,2;John 7:32-53 3  Judges 10, 11; Luke 9:1-36 21  I Chron. 3, 4, 5; John 8:1-20 4  Judges12,13,14;Luke 9:37-62 22  I Chron. 6, 7; John 8:21-36 5  Judges15,16,17;Luke 10:1-24 23  I Chron. 8, 9,10; John 8:37-59 6  Judges 18, 19; Luke 10:25-42 24  I Chron. 11,12,13;John 9:1-23 7  Judges 20, 21; Luke 11:1-28 25  IChron.14,15,16;John 9:24-41 8  Ruth 1, 2, 3, 4; Luke 11:29-54 26  IChron.17,18,19;John 10:1-21 9  1 Samuel 1,2,3; Luke 12:1-34 27  IChron20,21,22;John10:22-42 10  1 Sam. 4, 5, 6; Luke 12:35-59 28  IChron.23,24,25;John 11:1-17 11  1 Sam. 7, 8, 9; Luke 13:1-21 29  I Chron. 26,27; John 11:18-46 12  1Sam10,11,12;Luke 13:22-35 30  I Chron. 28,29; John 11:47-57 13  1 Sam. 13, 14; Luke 14:1-24 31  2 Chron. 1, 2, 3; John 12:1-19 14  1 Sam. 15, 16; Luke 14:25-35 15  1 Sam. 17, 18; Luke 15:1-10 16  1Sam19,20,21;Luke 15:11-32 17  1 Sam.22,23,24;Luke 16:1-18 JUNE 18  1 Sam. 25, 26; Luke 16:19-31 19  1 Sam.27,28,29;Luke 17:1-19 1  2 Chron. 4,5,6; John 12:20-50 20  1 Sam. 30, 31; Luke 17:20-37 2  2 Chron. 7, 8, 9; John 13:1-17 21  2 Sam. 1, 2, 3; Luke 18:1-17 3 2Chron10,11,12;John13:18-38 22  2 Sam. 4, 5, 6; Luke 18:18-43 23  2 Sam. 7, 8, 9; Luke 19:1-28 4  2 Chron. 13-16; John 14 24  2Sam10,11,12;Luke 19:29-48 5  2 Chron. 17, 18, 19; John 15 25  2 Sam. 13, 14; Luke 20:1-26 6  2Chron 20,21,22;John16:1-15 26  2 Sam. 15, 16; Luke 20:27-47 7 2Chron23,24,25;John16:16-33 27  2 Sam. 17, 18; Luke 21:1-19 8  2 Chron. 26, 27, 28; John 17 28  2 Sam. 19, 20; Luke 21:20-38 9  2Chron.29,30,31;John18:1-23 29  2 Sam. 21, 22; Luke 22:1-30 10  2 Chron.32,33; John 18:24-40 30  2 Sam. 23, 24; Luke 22:31-53 11  2Chron.34,35,36;John19:1-22 12  Ezra 1, 2; John 19:23-42 13  Ezra 3, 4, 5; John 20 14  Ezra 6, 7, 8; John 21 MAY 15  Ezra 9, 10; Acts 1 16  Nehemiah 1, 2, 3; Acts 2:1-13 1  1 Kings 1, 2; Luke 22:54-71 17  Nehemiah 4,5,6; Acts 2:14-47 2  1 Kings 3, 4, 5; Luke 23:1-26 18  Nehemiah 7, 8; Acts 3 3  1 Kings 6, 7; Luke 23:27-38 19  Nehemiah9,10,11;Acts 4:1-22 4  1 Kings 8, 9; Luke 23:39-56 20  Nehemiah12,13; Acts 4:23-37 5  1 Kings 10, 11; Luke 24:1-35 21  Esther 1, 2, 3; Acts 5:1-16 6  1 Kings 12,13; Luke 24:36-53 22  Esther 4, 5, 6; Acts 5:17-42 7  1 Kings 14, 15; John 1:1-28 23  Esther 7-10; Acts 6 8  1Kings16,17,18;John 1:29-51 24  Job 1, 2, 3; Acts 7:1-19 9  1 Kings 19, 20; John 2 25  Job 4, 5, 6; Acts 7:20-43 10  1 Kings 21, 22; John 3:1-21 26  Job 7, 8, 9; Acts 7:44-60 11  2 Kings 1, 2, 3; John 3:22-36 27  Job 10, 11, 12; Acts 8:1-25 12  2 Kings 4, 5; John 4:1-30 28  Job 13, 14, 15; Acts 8:26-40 13  2 Kings 6, 7, 8; John 4:31-54 29  Job 16, 17, 18; Acts 9:1-22 14  2 Kings 9, 10,11; John 5:1-24 30  Job 19, 20; Acts 9:23-43 15  2Kings12,13,14;John 5:25-47 16  2 Kings 15,16,17;John 6:1-21 124 14  Psalm 99-102; Romans 13 15  Psalm 103, 104; Romans 14 16  Psalm105, 106;Rom. 15:1-20 JULY 17  Psalm107,108; Rom.15:21-33 1  Job 21, 22; Acts 10:1-23 18  Psalm 109-111; Romans 16 2  Job 23, 24, 25; Acts 10:24-48 19  Psalm 112-115; 1 Cor. 1 3  Job 26, 27, 28; Acts 11 20  Psalm 116-118; 1 Cor. 2 4  Job 29, 30; Acts 12 21  Psalm 119:1-48; 1 Cor. 3 5  Job 31, 32; Acts 13:1-23 22  Psalm 119:49-104; 1 Cor. 4 6  Job 33, 34; Acts 13:24-52 23  Psalm 119:105-176; 1 Cor. 5 7  Job 35, 36, 37; Acts 14 24  Psalm 120-123; 1 Cor. 6 8  Job 38, 39; Acts 15:1-21 25  Psalm 124-127; 1 Cor. 7:1-24 9  Job 40, 41, 42; Acts 15:22-41 26  Psalm128-131; 1 Cor.7:25-40 10  Psalm 1, 2, 3; Acts 16:1-15 27  Psalm 132-135; 1 Cor. 8 11  Psalm 4, 5, 6; Acts 16:16-40 28  Psalm 136-138; 1 Cor. 9 12  Psalm 7, 8, 9; Acts 17:1-15 29  Psalm139-141; 1 Cor.10:1-13 13  Psalm10,11,12;Acts 17:16-34 30  Psalm142-144;1Cor.10:14-33 14  Psalm 13-16; Acts 18 31  Psalm 145-147; 1Cor.11:1-15 15  Psalm 17, 18; Acts 19:1-20 16  Psalm19,20,21;Acts 19:21-41 17  Psalm 22,23,24; Acts 20:1-16 18  Psalm25,26,27;Acts 20:17-38 SEPTEMBER 19  Psalm 28,29,30; Acts 21:1-14 20  Psalm31,32,33;Acts 21:15-40 1  Psalm148-150;1Cor.11:16-34 21  Psalm 34, 35; Acts 22 2  Proverbs 1, 2; 1 Cor. 12 22  Psalm 36, 37; Acts 23:1-11 3  Proverbs 3, 4; 1 Cor. 13 23  Psalm38,39,40;Acts 23:12-35 4  Proverbs 5, 6; 1 Cor. 14:1-20 24  Psalm 41, 42, 43; Acts 24 5  Proverbs 7,8; 1 Cor. 14:21-40 25  Psalm 44, 45, 46; Acts 25 6  Proverbs 9,10; 1 Cor. 15:1-32 26  Psalm 47, 48, 49; Acts 26 7  Proverbs11,12;1Cor.15:33-58 27  Psalm 50,51,52; Acts 27:1-25 8  Proverbs 13, 14; 1 Cor. 16 28  Psalm53,54,55;Acts 27:26-44 9  Proverbs 15, 16; 2 Cor. 1 29  Psalm 56,57,58; Acts 28:1-15 10  Proverbs 17, 18; 2 Cor. 2 30  Psalm59,60,61;Acts 28:16-31 11  Proverbs 19, 20; 2 Cor. 3 31  Psalm 62, 63, 64; Romans 1 12  Proverbs 21, 22; 2 Cor. 4 13  Proverbs 23, 24; 2 Cor. 5 14  Proverbs 25, 26, 27; 2 Cor. 6 15  Proverbs 28, 29; 2 Cor. 7 AUGUST 16  Proverbs 30, 31; 2 Cor. 8 17  Ecclesiastes 1, 2, 3; 2 Cor. 9 1  Psalm 65, 66, 67; Romans 2 18  Eccles. 4, 5, 6; 2 Cor. 10 2  Psalm 68, 69; Romans 3 19  Eccles. 7, 8, 9; 2 Cor. 11:1-15 3  Psalm 70, 71, 72; Romans 4 20  Eccles10,11,12;2Cor11:16-33 4  Psalm 73, 74; Romans 5 21  Song of Sol. 1, 2, 3; 2 Cor. 12 5  Psalm 75, 76, 77; Romans 6 22  Song of Sol. 4, 5; 2 Cor. 13 6  Psalm 78; Romans 7 23  Song of Sol.6,7,8; Galatians 1 7  Psalm 79, 80,81; Rom. 8:1-18 24  Isaiah 1, 2, 3; Galatians 2 8  Psalm82,83,84; Rom. 8:19-39 25  Isaiah 4, 5, 6; Galatians 3 9  Psalm 85, 86, 87; Romans 9 26  Isaiah 7, 8, 9; Galatians 4 10  Psalm 88, 89; Romans 10 27  Isaiah 10, 11, 12; Galatians 5 11  Psalm90,91,92; Rom. 11:1-21 28  Isaiah 13, 14, 15; Galatians 6 12  Psalm93,94,95;Rom.11:22-36 29  Isaiah 16, 17,18; Ephesians 1 13  Psalm 96, 97, 98; Romans 12 125 30  Isaiah 19, 20,21; Ephesians 2 14  Ezekiel 7, 8, 9; Heb.10:24-39 15  Ezekiel10,11,12; Heb.11:1-19 OCTOBER

1  Isaiah 22, 23; Ephesians 3 16  Ezekiel13,14,15;Heb11:20-40 2  Isaiah 24, 25,26; Ephesians 4 17  Ezekiel 16; Hebrews 12 3  Isaiah 27, 28; Ephesians 5 18  Ezekiel 17,18,19; Hebrews 13 4  Isaiah 29, 30; Ephesians 6 19  Ezekiel 20, 21; James 1 5  Isaiah 31,32,33; Philippians 1 20  Ezekiel 22, 23; James 2 6  Isaiah 34,35,36; Philippians 2 21  Ezekiel 24, 25, 26; James 3 7  Isaiah 37, 38; Philippians 3 22  Ezekiel 27, 28; James 4 8  Isaiah 39, 40; Philippians 4 23  Ezekiel 29, 30, 31; James 5 9  Isaiah 41, 42; Colossians 1 24  Ezekiel 32, 33; 1 Peter 1 10  Isaiah 43, 44; Colossians 2 25  Ezekiel 34, 35; 1 Peter 2 11  Isaiah 45,46,47; Colossians 3 26  Ezekiel 36, 37; 1 Peter 3 12  Isaiah 48, 49; Colossians 4 27  Ezekiel 38, 39; 1 Peter 4 13  Isaiah 50, 51, 52; 1Thess. 1 28  Ezekiel 40; 1 Peter 5 14  Isaiah 53, 54, 55; 1 Thess. 2 29  Ezekiel 41, 42; 2 Peter 1 15  Isaiah 56, 57, 58; 1 Thess. 3 30  Ezekiel 43, 44; 2 Peter 2 16  Isaiah 59, 60, 61; 1 Thess. 4 17  Isaiah 62, 63, 64; 1 Thess. 5 18  Isaiah 65, 66; 2 Thess. 1 19  Jeremiah 1, 2; 2 Thess. 2 DECEMBER 20  Jeremiah 3, 4; 2 Thess. 3 21  Jeremiah 5, 6; 1 Timothy 1 1  Ezekiel 45, 46; 2 Peter 3 22  Jeremiah 7, 8; 1 Timothy 2 2  Ezekiel 47, 48; 1 John 1 23  Jeremiah 9, 10; 1 Timothy 3 3  Daniel 1, 2; 1 John 2 24  Jeremiah11,12,13;1Timothy 4 4  Daniel 3, 4; 1 John 3 25  Jeremiah14,15,16;1Timothy 5 5  Daniel 5, 6; 1 John 4 26  Jeremiah17,18,19;1Timothy 6 6  Daniel 7, 8; 1 John 5 27  Jeremiah20,21,22;2Timothy 1 7  Daniel 9, 10; 2 John 28  Jeremiah 23, 24; 2 Timothy 2 8  Daniel 11, 12; 3 John 29  Jeremiah 25, 26; 2 Timothy 3 9  Hosea 1-4; Jude 30  Jeremiah 27, 28; 2 Timothy 4 10  Hosea 5-8; Revelation 1 31  Jeremiah 29, 30; Titus 1 11  Hosea 9, 10, 11; Rev. 2 12  Hosea 12, 13, 14; Rev. 3 13  Joel; Rev. 4 14  Amos 1, 2, 3; Rev. 5 NOVEMBER 15  Amos 4, 5, 6; Rev. 6 16  Amos 7, 8, 9; Rev. 7 1  Jeremiah 31, 32; Titus 2 17  Obadiah; Rev. 8 2  Jeremiah 33, 34, 35; Titus 3 18  Jonah; Rev. 9 3  Jeremiah 36, 37; Philemon 19  Micah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 10 4  Jeremiah 38, 39; Hebrews 1 20  Micah 4, 5; Rev. 11 5  Jeremiah40,41,42;Hebrews 2 21  Micah 6, 7; Rev. 12 6  Jeremiah43,44,45;Hebrews 3 22  Nahum; Rev. 13 7  Jeremiah46,47,48;Hebrews 4 23  Habakkuk; Rev. 14 8  Jeremiah 49, 50; Hebrews 5 24  Zephaniah; Rev. 15 9  Jeremiah 51, 52; Hebrews 6 25  Haggai; Rev. 16 10  Lamentations 1, 2; Hebrews 7 26  Zechariah 1-3; Rev. 17 11  Lamentations3,4,5;Hebrews 8 27  Zech. 4, 5, 6; Rev. 18 12  Ezekiel 1, 2, 3; Hebrews 9 28  Zech. 7, 8, 9; Rev. 19 13  Ezekiel 4, 5, 6; Heb. 10:1-23 29  Zech. 10, 11, 12; Rev. 20 126 30  Zech. 13, 14; Rev. 21 31  Malachi 1-4; Rev. 22

127 Name: ______Phone # :______Areas of Ministry For You!!! (Please give this sheet to your Net Group leader along with the Membership Response Sheet.)

We have discussed the Life Manual for the last 12 weeks. You understand our heart to see every member as a minister and utilizing the gifts and talents the Lord has blessed you with.

We want you to be part of the army God is building at LifeNet Church and not just part of an audience.

Please mark your areas of interest and possible opportunities to serve and minister. These specific areas deal will possibilities for you, but we must also remember our commissioned and commanded ministries.

Please mark as many as apply:

___ I have a desire to work with children. ___ I have a desire to work with youth. ___ I have a desire to work on the worship team. ___ I desire to use my vocal or musical abilities ______. ___ I have a desire to get involved with the prayer intercessors for the church. ___ I have a desire to work on the sound and video crew. ___ I have the desire to work in an administrative role. ___ I desire to work on a drama or production team. ___ I desire to work as an usher for the church. ___ I desire to teach in the Training Hour (This person must finish the LLT before they can teach.) ___ I desire to serve the church with my hands and use my labor skills ______. ___ I have specific giftings and would love to use them in the church ______

Remember that we want all too potentially lead a Net Group. 128 Name: ______Phone # :______Areas of Ministry For You!!! (Please give this sheet to your Net Group leader along with the Membership Response Sheet.)

We have discussed the Life Manual for the last 12 weeks. You understand our heart to see every member as a minister and utilizing the gifts and talents the Lord has blessed you with.

We want you to be part of the army God is building at LifeNet Church and not just part of an audience.

Please mark your areas of interest and possible opportunities to serve and minister. These specific areas deal will possibilities for you, but we must also remember our commissioned and commanded ministries.

Please mark as many as apply:

___ I have a desire to work with children. ___ I have a desire to work with youth. ___ I have a desire to work on the worship team. ___ I desire to use my vocal or musical abilities ______. ___ I have a desire to get involved with the prayer intercessors for the church. ___ I have a desire to work on the sound and video crew. ___ I have the desire to work in an administrative role. ___ I desire to work on a drama or production team. ___ I desire to work as an usher for the church. ___ I desire to teach in the Training Hour (This person must finish the LLT before they can teach.) ___ I desire to serve the church with my hands and use my labor skills ______. ___ I have specific giftings and would love to use them in the church ______

Remember that we want all too potentially lead a Net Group. 129 MembershipMembership Response Response Sheet Sheet Please fill this out and give it to your Net Group Leader. Please fill this out and give it to your Net Group Leader.








My spouse’s name is...

Please list your children’s names and birthdays:

At what age did you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?

When and where were you baptized in water by immersion?

What Net Group do you actively participate in?

I have reviewed the membership pages with my Net Group Leader and agree to each statement expressed. I hereby sign my name testifying to the commitment I now make with God and the people of LifeNet Church.

Your Signature: Date:

Net Group Leader: Date:

MembershipMembership Response Response Sheet Sheet Please fill this out and give it to your Net Group Leader. 130 Please fill this out and give it to your Net Group Leader. LAST NAME: FIRST NAME:







My spouse’s name is...

Please list your children’s names and birthdays:

At what age did you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?

When and where were you baptized in water by immersion?

What Net Group do you actively participate in?

I have reviewed the membership pages with my Net Group Leader and agree to each statement expressed. I hereby sign my name testifying to the commitment I now make with God and the people of LifeNet Church.

Your Signature: Date:

Net Group Leader: Date:

131 132

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