Usd 263 Board of Education Meeting s1

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Usd 263 Board of Education Meeting s1

USD 263 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING February 14, 2011 7:00 P.M. DISTRICT OFFICES-628 E. MULVANE unofficial draft MINUTES

*Please be respectful-No cell phone use or texting during the meeting. Mute or turn off phones.


1.1 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Snider with the following members present: Dennis Springer, Steve Fry, Travis Cottrell, Jennifer Keys, Ron Becker, and Richard Canfield.

Also present were: Superintendent Rahe, Tom Keil, Rachel Jansen, Don Pennington, Barbie Hamlin, Gay Younkin, Cathi Wilson, Traci Becker, Raquel Charbonneau, Joyce Harting, Thomas Schmitz, Richard Hampton, and Clerk Schifferdecker

1.2 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PRESIDENT 1.2.1 KASB Governmental Relations and Health Insurance Seminar February 16 (8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.) and February 17 (half day or full day track) (Topeka) 1.2.2 KASB Tough Times-Tough Choices: Budgets, Negotiations, and Reducing Staff Seminar February 21 8:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m. (Clearwater) 1.2.3 KASB Banishing and Preventing Bullying in KS Schools Seminar February 24 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Topeka)

1.3 “GOOD NEWS” BY BOE MEMBERS *Travis Cottrell attended a KPI meeting on January 25th. The focus was on Florida education reforms. Handouts will be shared with the Board. *Richard Canfield thanked the grounds crew for the good work they did clearing the parking lots and sidewalks during the recent snow storms.

1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1.4.1 Gay Younkin, Special Education Director, reported that Pam Lazar is the recipient of a grant to attend TOPS mentoring training. Heather Walcher and Brenda Martin will be attending autism training. Brenda Martin has applied to attend a structured teaching workshop. After reviewing over 300 IEPs, Gay reported that the teachers are doing a great job. The district’s membership in Infinitec allows us access to numerous trainings and workshops. Skyward has a great IEP feature. 1.4.2 Don Pennington, Special Services Director, has been working with the buildings to provide inservice on MTSS. The middle school and high school have each had two trainings. Munson, the Grade School, and the Academy will be covering the information during late starts. 1.4.3 Barbie Hamlin, Mulvane Academy Principal, reported that the kids are working hard. Seniors are on track to graduate. Parent/teacher conferences will be held Tues, Thurs, and Fri this week. The next Site Council meeting will be March 4th. 1.4.4 Raquel Charbonneau, Mulvane Grade School Principal, noted that parent/teacher conferences will be held at their building on Tues, Thurs, and Fri. Thank you to TAPE for providing food during conferences. Reading assessments will begin next week and run through May. Thank you to Mr. Hampton for organizing breakfast for students on the first day of their assessment. The new office staff has been doing a great job. 1.4.5 Traci Becker, Mulvane Middle School Principal, reported that basketball season is over. Evening conferences will be held Tues and Wed this week. Service projects this year include a 3rd place in the league food drive, a donation of $1019 to the Wichita Children’s Home, a warm coat drive, eighth graders touring the Children’s Home, and Pennies for Patients which will begin next week. A dance will be held on Feb. 25th. The Site Council will meet Feb. 28th. 1.4.6 Cathi Wilson, Mulvane High School Asst Principal, reported for Jay Ensley who is a new father today. The girls’ basketball team is tied for 1st in league. Parent/teacher conferences will be held Tues and Friday this week. The forensics team and wrestling team are doing well. Play tryouts will begin soon. SADD is working on After-Prom fundraising. 1.4.7 Richard Hampton, Food Service/Maintenance Director, had no report at this time. Tim Snider thanked him for all of his hard work the last two weeks. 1.4.8 Tom Keil, Human Resources Director, announced that the biometrics screening has been rescheduled for Feb. 23rd. Donna Jantzen has been nominated for the Friends of Education award. The Carver field project will be featured as a case study by KSPE. We hosted a KANSPRA meeting on Friday. 1.4.9 Joyce Harting, Curriculum/Assessment/Prof Dev Director, has been working with Patricia on printing test tickets for upcoming assessments. The science adoption has slowed down because some of the textbooks won’t be available until the end of March. 1.4.10 Brad Rahe, Superintendent, was pleased that this was the first Monday in several weeks that he hasn’t had to be up at 4:00 a.m. to check on the weather and road conditions. We’ve had pipes breaking all over in the buildings. We might need to requisition for additional equipment for snow removal.

1.5 MEA REPORT-Rachel Jansen thanked Tom for his flexibility on the Feb. 1st exchange because of the weather. The February 2nd meeting was cancelled. Calendar votes are in-- 48 voted for A, 60 voted for B and 13 voted for C. Twenty-two teachers didn’t vote.

2.0 APPROVE/AMEND AGENDA Motion made by Dennis Springer to approve the agenda. Second by Jennifer Keys. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion made by Steve Fry to approve the amendments to the consent agenda. Second by Richard Canfield. Motion carried 7-0.

ADD: CONSENT ITEMS: 3.3.1 Resignations: Mindy Frizzell-MP ParaEducator (eff 2-11-11) 3.3.3 Change of Status/Transfer: Bobby Froese-F/T Driver (eff 2-13-11) Sherri Vanderhoof-F/T Van Driver (eff 2-13-11) Margaret High-F/T Van Driver (eff 2-13-11)

3.6 Bills: Add’l Bills for February-ck #54184-54212 in the amt of $21,080.55



3.2 FINANCIAL REPORTS Clerk & Treasurer Report Bank Reconciliation Activity Funds Financial Statements


3.3.1 Resignations: Tammy Gowdy MMS Asst Basketball Coach (eff end of 10-11 yr) Charles Mason Drivers Education Teacher (eff 1-28-11) Cindy Wasinger 7th Grade Head Basketball Coach (eff end of 10-11 yr) Marilyn Targos Driver (eff 2-4-11) Meghan Maloy Driver (eff 2-11-11) Mindy Frizzell MP ParaEducator (eff 2-11-11)

3.3.2 New Hires: DeAnne Jones Sub Cook (eff 2-14-11) Corrina Hein Testing Proctor (eff 1-30-11) Derek Branch Sub Driver (eff 2-4-11) See attached list of Substitute Teachers

3.3.3 Change of Status/Transfer: Bobby Froese F/T Driver (eff 2-13-11) Sherri Vanderhoof F/T Van Driver (eff 2-13-11) Margaret High F/T Van Driver (eff 2-13-11)

3.4 PDC TRANSCRIPTS Cathy Fooshee


3.6 BILLS $406,583.81 Add’l Bills for February-ck #54184-54212 in the amt of $21,080.55

3.7 PAYROLL $950,928.58 3.8 TRANSFERS ELL $224 At-Risk $48,000 4 yr old At-Risk $6,100 Parents as Teachers $5,000 Vocational $26,500


Motion made by Jennifer Keys to approve the consent agenda. Second by Dennis Springer. Motion carried 7-0.


No patrons were present to speak.

5.0 ACTION ITEMS-were held in this order: 5.2, 5.1, 5.3

5.2 Inclement Weather Days Discussion was held on inclement weather days taken on Jan. 11, Jan. 20, Feb. 1, Feb. 2, and Feb. 9th. Items discussed included the Board’s focus on instructional excellence, the potential loss of one week of classified staff income, cost of days missed, the possibility of more inclement weather to come, and other concerns. Steve Fry reminded the Board that through the IBB process, it was decided to put the snow days at the end of the calendar.

Motion made by Travis Cottrell to waive the 5 snow days. If there are any additional snow days, they will be made up. The first make up day would be on April 22, 2011. Subsequent days after that would be made up as designated on the calendar. Second by Dennis Springer. Motion carried 5-2 (Snider and Fry voting no—Fry noting that cost to the district was a main concern).

Motion made by Jennifer Keys to pay the classified staff for 2 snow days and allow paras to work on Feb. 18th. Second by Dennis Springer. Motion carried 6-1 (Cottrell voting no —noting he does appreciate the classified staff).

5.1 2011-2012 Calendar Motion made by Steve Fry to have 2011-12 calendars reviewed and resubmitted to include suggestions for snow days. Second by Ron Becker. Motion carried 7-0.

5.3 Permission to Drill on USD 263 Property Larsen and Associates has requested permission to drill a well at Munson Primary in order to check water quality.

Motion made by Steve Fry to allow Larson and Associates to drill on the Munson Primary School corner as presented at no cost to the district. Second by Jennifer Keys. Motion carried 7-0.

6.0 DISCUSSION/REPORT ITEMS 6.1 Initial Conversation on Changing Academy Delivery Model Dr. Rahe, Cathi Wilson, Joyce Harting, and Barbie Hamlin presented information and rationale on changing the delivery model of the Academy from a charter school to a school within a school model. Because of the low number of students, funding, and AYP issues, adding the Academy student numbers to the high school numbers would benefit the district. Changing from a charter school to a school within a school model would allow for more flexibility with student schedules, staffing flexibility, and allow for more students to be enrolled at the Academy. Dr. Rahe thanked Barbie and the staff for their open-minded attitude on this. A statement will be prepared explaining the rationale and a resolution will be prepared for an upcoming meeting.

7.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION 7.1 Negotiations At 8:14 p.m., Steve Fry moved to go into executive session to include Superintendent Rahe and Tom Keil to discuss negotiations in order to protect the public interest in negotiating a fair and equitable contract to be discussed until 8:24 p.m. Second by Jennifer Keys. Motion carried 7-0. The BOE returned to open meeting at 8:24 p.m.

8.0 ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Steve Fry to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Second by Jennifer Keys. Motion carried 7-0.

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