Safe Routes to School

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Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School Non-infrastructure Reporting/Invoicing Guidelines Updated: October 2, 2009

Each Reporting/Invoicing Packet must include the following (completed sample forms are available): 1. Progress Report 2. Invoice 3. Personnel Expense Detail (if personnel expenses were accrued) 4. Non-personnel Expense Detail (if non-personnel expenses were accrued)  Meeting Summary Form (if food and beverage expenses were accrued)  Travel Summary Form (if mileage or other travel expenses were accrued) 5. Receipts1 (copies of all receipts for non-personnel expenses must be included in order to be reimbursed)

1. Progress Report (Please use this form to report your progress toward goals and objectives.)  Organization Name  Fiduciary Name (if not the organization above)  Date: This is the date you are completing the report.  Reporting Period: Identify the timeframe for which you are reporting. The reporting period on the Progress Report should be identical to the reporting period on the Invoice, Personnel Expense Detail, and Non-personnel Expense Detail.  Activity Description from Work Plan: This is the activities that will be accomplished as listed in the Services and Schedule section of your contracr. Put each activity in a separate row on the Progress Report. These activities and projects will stay the same in all of your Progress Reports throughout the year. (Progress Report continued on next page)

 Cumulative % of Activity Completed: Indicate what percent of the activity is completed. If no work has been performed on a particular objective, please put 0%. o Percentages are cumulative. For example, if you completed 10% of an objective during the first billing period, your report for the second billing period will show at least 10% complete for that objective (10% + progress during second billing period.)  Number of Participants: Insert the number of students, teacher, parents, etc. that participated or were involved with the accomplishment of this activity. Please identify if the participants were students, teachers, parents, etc.  Accomplishments, Challenges, and Solutions: For this reporting period, describe activities completed, challenges in accomplishing the activities, if any, and actions taken to address the challenges. o Attach copies of all completed or evidence of partially completed deliverables. For example, flyers, meeting agendas, newsletters, etc.

1 Original receipts must be kept by the organization filing the report and be made available upon request until September 2012 or until MDOT’s final SR2S audit has been completed, whichever is later. 1 2. Invoice (An Invoice Template is attached. You may/may not choose to use it. If you choose to use your organization’s invoice, it must include the information below.)

If you choose not to use the Template, the invoice must include:  Organization Name  Fiduciary Name (if not the organization above)  Fiduciary Address, Phone, Fax  Date: This is the date you are completing the report  Prime Contract Number: The Prime Contract Number is 2006-0483 (this stays the same on every form)  Authorization Number: The Authorization Number is in your contract (this stays the same on every form)  Billing Number: The first SR2S billing will be number 1, the second billing will be number 2, with subsequent billing numbers following in sequential order. The last bill should specify that it is the “FINAL BILL”.  Billing Period: This is the timeframe for which you are billing. The Billing Period must fall within the period of your subcontract.  Total Amount Budget: This is the full amount approved for each line item— Personnel, Non-personnel, and Other—for the entire project.  The Amount Expended: This is the amount for which you are requesting reimbursement for each line item—Personnel, Non-personnel, Other—for this Reporting Period.  The Cumulative Expenditures: This is the amount spent to date for each line item. (For example, if this is billing 2, you will add the line item for billing 1 and the line item for billing 2 to get the Cumulative Expenditure.)  The Remaining Balance: This is the unspent amount in your budget for each line item  Grand Totals  Who the Check Should Be Made Payable To: This is the name of the organization to which we will cut the check.  Name and Contact Information of the Person Completing the Invoice

3. Personnel Expense Detail2 (Use the attached template. You should customize this form to include the personnel approved in your subcontract.) The Personnel Expense Detail must include:  Organization Name  Fiduciary Name (if not the organization above)  Fiduciary Address, Phone, Fax  Date: This is the date you are completing the report  Prime Contract Number: The Prime Contract Number is 2006-0483 (this stays the same on every form)  Authorization Number: The Authorization Number is in your contract (this stays the same on every form)

2 Original timesheets for all billed hours must be retained and available upon request through 2012, or until the final MDOT audit, whichever is later. 2  Billing Number: The first SR2S billing will be number 1, the second billing will be number 2, with subsequent billing numbers following in sequential order. The last bill should specify that it is the “FINAL BILL”.  Billing Period: This is the timeframe for which you are billing. The Billing Period must fall within the period of your subcontract.  Employee detail: o Name o Title (for example, SR2S Coordinator) o Work Period: The Work Period must be broken down by day, week, two weeks, or half month. An entire month is not acceptable as a Work Period. o Hours: Hours may be summed by day, week, two week period, or half month. Totaling hours for an entire month is not acceptable. o Hourly Rate: This is the hourly amount approved in your contract. o Salary Subtotal o Fringe Rate: You must have fringe benefits itemized in the budget included in your contract in order to be reimbursed for them. o Fringe Amount: The percentage for the Fringe Amount must be the same as in your contract in order to be reimbursed. o Direct Labor Costs:  Grand Totals: o Total Hours o Total Salary o Total Fringe o Total Personnel – This amount is carried forward to the Invoice for Personnel Expense.  Please check the box to indicate that all time sheets referenced in this billing will be retained by the organization through 2012 or the MDOT final audit, whichever is later.  Note: Do not enter Fringes for reimbursement if they are not approved in your subcontract.

4. Non-personnel Expense Detail (Use the attached template, customized to the approved budget line items in your subcontract.) The Non-personnel Expense Detail must include:  Organization Name  Fiduciary Name (if not the organization above)  Organization/Fiduciary Address, Phone, Fax (Non-personnel Expense Detail continued on next page)  Date: This is the date you are completing this report  Prime Contract Number: 2006-0483 (The Prime Contract Number is 2006- 0483 and this always stays the same)  Authorization Number: The Authorization Number is in your contract (this stays the same on every form)  Billing Number: The first SR2S billing you submit will be 1, the second billing you submit will be 2, etc. The last bill should specify that it is the “FINAL BILL”.  Billing Period: This is the timeframe for which you are billing. The Billing Period must fall within the period of your subcontract. 3  Name of Budget Item: This is the name of the item as it appears in the budget section of your contract. o If refreshments are served at a meeting(s), you must submit a Meeting Summary Form for each meeting. (See #6 below.) Please make sure your refreshment costs are within the SR2S Allowable Expenses for Food/Beverage. o If mileage reimbursement is requested, you must submit a SR2S Mileage Reimbursement Form. (See #7 below.) If your organization has its own form that includes all of the necessary information, you may submit it instead. Please make sure your mileage reimbursement rate is within the SR2S Allowable Expenses for Travel.  Description of Item/Purpose: This is a description of what was purchased and the reason it was purchased.  Store/Vendor Name: This is the Store/Vendor Name that appears on the receipt.  Amount: This is the amount for which you are requesting reimbursement. This amount cannot be greater than the total amount on the receipt.  Grand Total: This is the total amount of the receipts on this form for which you are requesting reimbursement. This amount is carried forward to your Invoice for Non-personnel Expense.

5. Receipts (A copy of a receipt is required for each item identified on the Non-personnel Expense Detail.)  Copies of receipts must be submitted for all non-personnel expenses.  Original receipts must be kept on file at your agency and available upon request until September 2012 or until MDOT’s final audit has been completed, whichever is later.  All receipts must identify the name of the vendor/store and include an itemized list of what was purchased. If the receipt does not include this information, please print this information on the receipt (or attach it to the receipt). Please see Sample Receipt Information for more details.  If refreshments are served at a meeting(s), you must submit a Meeting Summary Form for each meeting. (See #6 below.) Please make sure your refreshment costs are within the SR2S Allowable Expenses for Food/Beverage.  If mileage reimbursement is requested, you must submit a SR2S Mileage Reimbursement Form. (See #7 below.) If your organization has its own form that includes all of the necessary information, you may submit it instead. Please make sure your mileage reimbursement rate is within the SR2S Allowable Expenses for Travel.  If you have a receipt for printing or copies, please make sure it includes the number of copies made and the per copy rate. If the receipt does not include this information, please hand write it on the receipt.

6. Meeting Summary Form  Organization Name:  Fiduciary Name (if not the organization above):  Meeting Date: This is the date the meeting took place.  Meeting Start/End Time: This is the time the meeting started and ended.

4  Meeting Purpose: This should describe who met, why the meeting took place and (briefly) what was discussed. If you have a meeting agenda, please attach it.  Meeting Location: This is where the meeting took place.  Number of People Who Attended the Meeting (meals ordered): This is the number of people who attended the meeting. This could also be the number of people who RSVP’d for the meeting in advance if you needed to have numbers in advance in order to purchase food. If sign in sheets were used, please attach them.  Brief Description of Refreshments/Meal Served: This will include a summary of the refreshments or food/beverage served.  Listing of Receipts: o Receipt Date: This the date printed on the receipt o Store Name: This is the store name as it appears on the receipt (If this is not printed on the receipt, please handwrite it on the receipt.) o Amount: This is the amount of food, beverage, paper products, etc. for which you are requesting reimbursement. If only some of the items on a particular receipt are food/beverage for the meeting, identify them with a * or by circling them and handwriting a total of those items on the receipt and in this space o Total: This is the total amount spent on food, beverage, paper products, etc. for this meeting.  Is the per person cost equal to or below the allowable amount? o Replace the words “Total food cost….per person food cost” with the mathematical equation. For example: $228.07 / 178 = $1.28. The “/” means “divided by.” o Check “yes” or “no” as applicable. . Please consult the Safe Routes to School Allowable Expenses for Food and Mileage to know whether to check “yes” or “no.” o If your food/beverage expense is not within the allowable amount, you will only be reimbursed for the allowable amount.

7. Travel Summary Form (If mileage is being reimbursed a Mileage Summary Form must be included. If your organization has a document similar to the Mileage Summary form, this may be used instead.)  Organization Name:  Fiduciary Name (if not organization above):  Billing Period: This is the timeframe for which you are billing your mileage. The Billing Period must fall within the period of your subcontract.  Person Traveling: This is the person who did the traveling.  Date of Travel: This is the date the person traveled.  Purpose of Travel: This is the reason why the person was traveling and where they went.  From/To: This is the place the person traveled to and from.  Miles Traveled: This is the total number of miles traveled on this trip. (Mileage Summary Form continued on next page)  Reimbursement Rate: This is the amount per mile that is allowable for reimbursement. Please see the Safe Routes to school Allowable Expenses for Food and Mileage for details.

5  Total Mileage: For each trip, this is the number of miles x the reimbursement rate.  Other Travel Expenses: This is the amount spent for parking, meals, etc. o These items must be allowable expenses according to your contract. o Receipts must be supplied for all Other Travel Expenses. o Any travel meals must fall within the timing and rates on the SR2S Allowable Expenses for Mileage and Food/Beverage.  Travel Total: This is the total travel amount for a particular date.  Grand Total: This is the total amount being requested for reimbursement. This amount is carried forward to the Non-personnel Expense Detail.

8. SR2S Allowable Expenses for Mileage and Food/Beverage  This document identifies the current mileage reimbursement rate and the reimbursement guidelines for food and beverage.

Completed forms and accompanying documentation may be mailed, emailed, or faxed to: Mary Grill SR2S Contract Manager Michigan Fitness Foundation P.O. Box 27187 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone: 517.908.3832 Fax: 517.247.8145 [email protected]


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