Graduate Schools and Doctoral Programs

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Graduate Schools and Doctoral Programs


GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Pag. Doctoral Program Business Administration and Management 2 Doctoral Program Economics and Finance 3 Doctoral Program Economic History 4 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LAW Doctoral Program Italian and European Constitutional Law 5 Doctoral Program Corporate Law and Economics 5 Doctoral Program The European Private Law of Patrimonial, Civil and Commercial 6 Relationships GRADUATE SCHOOL OF TRANSLATIONAL BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Doctoral Program Translational Biomedicine 8 Doctoral Program Molecular and Cellular Biology And Pathology 9 Doctoral Program Forensic Medicine and Science 10 Doctoral Program Human Oncological Pathology and Stem Cell Biology and 10 Clinical Application Doctoral Program Science of Physical Exercise and Human Movement 11 GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES Doctoral Program Bioscience 12 Doctoral Program Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies 13 Doctoral Program Clinical Proteomics 14 Doctoral Program Cardiovascular Sciences 15 Doctoral Program Medical, Clinical and Experimental Sciences 16 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE Doctoral Program Applied Biotechnologies 17 Doctoral Program Computer Science 18 Doctoral Program Neurosciences 19 Doctoral Program Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences 20 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HUMAN SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY Doctoral Program Philosophy 21 Doctoral Program Psychology of Organizations: Differentiation and Integration 21 Processes Doctoral Program Education and Lifelong Learning Science 22 Doctoral Program Sociology and Social Research 23 GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR THE HUMANITIES Doctoral Program English Studies 25 Doctoral Program Cultural Heritage and Territory 26 Doctoral Program Literature and Philology 27 Doctoral Program Foreign Literatures and Literature Sciences 27 Doctoral Program Linguistic 28 Doctoral Program Historical and Anthropological Sciences 29


Multimodal Imaging in Biomedicine 31

1 Nano-Technologies and Nano-Materials for Bio-Medical Applications 32 Surgical Science and Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Illnesses 33


Dean Prof. Diego Lubian Mrs. Giulia Benfari School Secretariat e-mail: [email protected] Ph. +39 045 8028097 Doctoral Program in Business Administration and Management - Business Administration and Management department Doctoral Programs and Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance – Economics Department Departments Doctoral Program in Economic History - Economics, Society and Institutions Department Economics, Finance and Statistics – University of Perugia Social Studies Department – University of Brescia Social Historical and Philosophical Studies Department – University of Siena External Partners Enterprise Finance and Capital Markets Department – University of Udine History and Philology Institute – University “Cattolica” of Brescia “M Romani” Economic History Institute – University “Cattolica” of Milano The Graduate School of Economics offers advanced education in the broad areas of economics, management research and economic history. Its Doctoral programs in Business Management, Economics and Finance, and Economic History emphasize the interdisciplinary aspects of the interpretation of the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and the society as a whole. The Graduate School offers solid methodological foundations for conducting General presentation of the scientific research in the broad areas of economics and management. Specific School Program research topics may be available to prospective students according to the research programs of the Departments participating the Graduate School. In addition to the activities scheduled by the three Doctoral programs, the Graduate School offers a common program of study with courses on quantitative methods for economic research, microeconomics, economic history, and management. The School activities are completed by seminars by visiting speakers, winter and summer schools at the Alba di Canazei (Dolomites) campus of the University of Verona. Ph.D. students enrolled at the School may spend a period of study and/or research in leading foreign institutions or research centers. Upon conclusion of the admittance examinations for the three Doctoral Programs forming the Graduate School of Economics, the School Board will assign n.1 additional scholarship. The scholarship assignment will be performed upon proposal of a Commission appointed by the School Board comprised of the three Coordinators of the three Doctoral Programs. The Commission will evaluate the scientific qualifications of the best Italian and foreign candidates among those admitted without scholarship, according to the rankings defined by each Examination Commission. Doctoral Program in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Directed by Prof. Alessandro Lai Department Business Administration and Management Positions available Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Scholarships funded by n. 1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarships funded by Banca n. 1 Popolare di Verona S.G. e S.P.

2 Scholarships funded by external public or private n. 1 Fondazione Studi Universitari di Vicenza bodies Positions without funding n. 3 Total number of positions n. 6 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination Examination Scheme  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral  Required languages for oral examination: Italian and English examination: Italian and English both compulsory both compulsory Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale, Via dell’Artigliere n. 19, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 8th, 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale, Via dell’Artigliere n. 19, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 9th, 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m. Score: Documents:  Final graduation mark: max 20 Points  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis: max 20 Points  Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 Points Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 5 Points and scores  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant: max 5 candidate considers relevant Points  Other  Other: max 5 Points Maximum Total Score: 60 points The Candidates presenting their documents have to select their examination topics* within the next fields of research: Company Economics; Business Administration Examination topics and Accounting; Company Finance; Company Organization; Brokerage Economics *The chosen topics will have to be indicated on the Application Form under the item “Curriculum”” Doctoral Program in ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Directed by Prof. Giam Pietro Cipriani Department Economics Positions available Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Scholarships funded by n. 1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarships funded by Banca n. 1 Popolare di Verona S.G. e S.P.

3 The scholarships concerning the realization of a research project in collaboration with one of the following Institutions: Cergy- Pontoise, Paris X (Francia); the University of Cyprus, Essex University (U.K.), International Scholarships n. 2 University of Oviedo (Spain), University of Campinas (Brasil), University of Wisconsin (U.S.A.), University of York (U.K.). It is compulsory a period of study and research (up to 18 months) at the Partner University. Scholarship for foreign n. 1 students Positions without funding n. 6 Total number of positions n. 12 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates: Examination Scheme  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Polo Didattico Zanotto, Dipartimento di Evaluation of qualifications Scienze Economiche, Viale dell’Università n. 4, Verona, Italia Date: September 28th 2009 Documents:  Transcript of academic records  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications (journal articles, working papers, dissertations)  A suitable English Language certificate (eg. TOEFL) Documents to be presented  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant  Previous research experiences, duly certified  n. 2 recommendation letters written by professors of the University that conferred the academic title sent by email from their official email address to the Doctoral Program Director ([email protected] ) Doctoral Program in ECONOMIC HISTORY Directed by Prof. Giorgio Borelli Department Economics, Society and Institutions Social Studies Department – University of Brescia; Partner Departments Philology and History Institute – “Cattolica” University of Brescia; “M Romani” Economic History Institute – University “Cattolica” of Milano Italian Partner Universities Social Historical and Philosophical Studies Department – University of Siena Enterprise Finance and Capital Markets Department – University of Udine Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 n. Positions available Positions without funding 2 Total number of n. positions 4 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral Examination Scheme  Required languages for oral examination: examination: French or French or English. English  The exam can be taken in the following  The exam can be taken in languages: Italian or French the following languages:  Italian language knowledge Italian or French

4 Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Chiostro S. Maria delle Vittorie, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 41, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 2nd 2009 Time: 9.00 a. m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Chiostro S. Maria delle Vittorie, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 41, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 9th 2009 Time: 9.00 a. m. Documents: Score:  Certificate with final  Final graduation mark: max 2/60 Points graduation mark  Graduation Thesis: max 2/60 Points  Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae: max 1/60 Points Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 7/60 Points presented and scores  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate  Other qualifications which considers relevant: max 2/60 Points the candidate considers relevant  Other: max 2/60 Points  Other Maximum Total Score: 16/60 points Examination topics Economic History of Modern and Contemporary Age


Dean Prof. Daniele Corletto Ph. D. Course in Corporate Law and Economics – Legal Studies Department Doctoral Programs and Ph. D. Course in Italian and European Constitutional Law – Legal Studies Department Departments Ph. D. Course in The European Private Law of Patrimonial Relationships – Legal Studies Department Juristiche Fakultät – University of Regensburg – Germany Universidad Autonoma de Madrid – Spain University of Utrecht – Holland External Partners University of Valencia – Spain Faculty of Law – University Pompeu Fabra of Barcellona – Spain Max Plance Institut fur auslandisches und internationals Strafecht of Freiburg im Breisgau - Germany

5 Graduate School aims to form Philosphiae Doctors in law field, through personalized research projects starting from common elements. Students are required to learn solid methodological foundations – acknowledged General presentation of the within international scientific community - in order to conduct high quality School Program researches on strong themes, especially in an international perspective of law’s studies. At the end of courses, PhD Students will be able to offer a meaningful contribution for further developments of their scientific field, also in comparison with foreign contests. Doctoral Program in ITALIAN AND EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW

Directed by Prof. Maurizio Pedrazza Gorlero

Department Legal Studies

Partner Departments Economic Law Legal Sciences Department – University of Brescia Italian Partner Universities Faculty of Law – University of Insubria Scholarships funded by the n. University 1 Scholarships funded by Fondazione n. Cariverona 1 Positions available n. Positions without funding 1 n. Total number of positions 3 Italian candidates:  Written examination  Oral examination Foreign candidates: Examination Scheme  The knowledge of a foreign European  Like Italian Candidates language (chosen by the candidate and reported on the application form) will be assessed in the oral exam Luogo: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Sala J. D’Ardizzone, Via Carlo Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Written examination Data: October 8th 2009 Ora : 11.00 a.m. Luogo: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Sala J. D’Ardizzone, Via Carlo Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Oral examination Data: October 9th 2009 Ora: 11.00 a.m. Constitutional Law – Public Law Institutions - European Union Law – Public Comparative Examination topics Law Doctoral Program in CORPORATE LAW AND ECONOMICS

Directed by Prof. Lorenzo Picotti

Department Legal Studies Positions available Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Scholarships funded by Fondazione n. 1 Cariverona

6 Scholarships funded by Banca n. 1 Popolare di Verona S.G. e S.P. International Scholarships n. 1

Positions without funding n. 2

Total number of positions n. 6 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral examination: a foreign language Foreign candidates: Selection criteria chosen by candidates among  Evaluation of qualifications German, English, French and Spanish (to be reported in the application form)  The exam can be taken in the following languages: Italian and English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Carlo Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 13th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Carlo Oral examination Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Date: October 27th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m.  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications Necessary documents  Other qualifications which could be considered relevant  Previous research experiences duly certified  n. 2 presentation letters released by Professors of the University who conferred the academic title (only for foreign candidates) Administrative Law, Labour Law, Criminal Law, international Law, Law and Economics, Examination topics Management Sciences Doctoral Program in THE EUROPEAN PRIVATE LAW OF PATRIMONIAL, CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS Directed by Prof. Alessio Zaccaria

Department Legal Studies Private Legal Sciences Department – University of Teramo Italian Partner Universities Legal Sciences Department – University of Trieste Foreign Partner Juristiche Fakultät Regensburg, Regensburg Law School, Germany Universities Positions available Scholarships funded by the The PhD student must spend at least 12 months n. 2 University in a foreign university or research institute Scholarships funded by external n. 1 private or public bodies (University of Trieste – Department for Legal Studies, Verona)

7 The PhD student must spend at least 12 months in a foreign university or research institute. At least 6 out of the above mentioned 12 months must be spent at the University of Regensburg. Moreover, the student must pass a “Seminarleistung” at the same University (with at least “vollbefriedigend”: § 4, par. 3, phrases V e VI, Promotionsordnung der Juristischen Fakultat der Universitat Regensburg, as modified by decree 21.11.2005).t the end of the course, International Scholarships n. 1 the student will receive a double qualification: the Italian qualification as “Dottore di Ricerca” and the German qualification as “Doktor der Rechte (Dr. jur.)” (in order to obtain the German qualification the student must let his/her thesis be printed in his/her own cost and submit some copies of it to the University of Regensburg, pursuant to § 15 Promotionsordnung) (for further details see: ent=cs&id=157). The PhD student must spend at least 12 months Positions without funding n. 2 in a foreign university or research institute Total number of positions n. 6

International Doctoral Program with the University of Regensburg The student who applies for the International PhD course shall declare that he/she meets the following requirements (pursuant to § 3 Promotionsordnung der Juristischen Fakultat der Universitat Regensburg): 1) he/she has a sufficient knowledge of the Latin language; 2) he/she has never obtained a PhD in any other German University; 3) he/she has never been refused in a PhD thesis for examination in any other German University; 4) he/she has never submitted a PhD thesis for examination in any other German University; 5) he/she is entitled to receive an academic qualification according to Gesetz uber die Furhung akademischer Grade of 7th June 1939 (BayBS Erg. Bd. S. 115). The examination for the national and international PhD course take place jointly. Common selection criteria for both PhD courses are the following ones: Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Qualifications (only: 1) degree  Qualifications (only: 1) degree certificate; 2) certificate of certificate; 2) certificate of specialization)** specialization)**  Written examination Examination Scheme  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination (reserved to  Required langages for oral applicants who have passed the written examination: examination) - For the International Doctoral  Required langages for oral examination: Program: German*** - For the International Doctoral - For the National Doctoral Program: German*** Program: a foreign language - For the National Doctoral Program: chosen by candidates among a foreign language chosen by English, German, French candidates among English, and Spanish (to be reported German, French and Spanish (to on the Application Form)*** be reported on the Application  The exam can be taken in the Form)*** following language: Italian  Italian language knowledge ** Publications are not eligible qualifications. The applicant is, however, free to attach them to the application. In this case the publications may be discussed during the oral examination and contribute to the evaluation of the applicant’s skills. *** The knowledge of more than one foreign language will be taken into account in assessing the oral examination Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Carlo Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 2nd 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Carlo Oral examination Montanari n. 9, Verona, Italia Date: October 2nd 2009

8 Time: Immediately after correction of the written examination The European private law of patrimonial relationships in the light of the process of harmonization of private law in Europe. In both written and oral examinations applicants may choose the subject of the examination between private or business law. However, for both examinations a common basic knowledge of the followings issues is required: 1. general principles common to the various European legal Examination topics systems in the field of private and business law; 2. the current development of the harmonization process and the efforts towards the unification of European private law, with respect, among others, to the influence on this process of the uniform law of international commercial contracts; 3. the relationship between domestic law enacting Community law and Community law; 4. EU consumer law.


Dean Prof. Guido Francesco Fumagalli Dr. Paola Baltieri School Secretariat e-mail: [email protected] Ph. +39 045 8028078 Ph.D. Course in Translational Biomedicine - Pathology Department Ph.D. Course in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathology - Pathology Department Ph.D. Course in Forensic Medicine and Science - Medicine and Public Health Doctoral Courses and Department Departments Ph.D. Course in Human Oncological Pathology and Stem Cell Biology and Clinical Application - Pathology Department Ph.D. Course in Science of Physical Exercise and Human Movement - Neurological and Vision Sciences Department Experimental Medicine Department, Section of Histology - University of Genoa Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences – University of Brescia Human Oncological Pathology Department– University of Firenze Legal Medicine and Publich Health Department “Antonio Fornari” – University of External partners Pavia Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Department – University of Torino Anatomy and Pathological Histology Institute – University of Sassari Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul lavoro (INAIL) “ Translation research goes from bench to bedside, where theories emerging from preclinical experimentation are tested on disease-affected human subjects, and from bedside to bench, where information obtained from preliminary human experimentation can be used to refine our understanding of the biological principles underpinning the heterogeneity of human disease and polymorphism(s). Prof. F. Marincola, NIH” The educational programme is based on the execution of a research project conducted under the supervision of tutor (staff researcher of the School). With the research project the student will master basic technologies; additional technical knowledge will be acquired by participation to specific courses organized by the Graduate School/Program and/or national or international agencies. Educational objectives The students will also be asked to discuss their data at local, national and international meetings; participation to congresses is also encouraged. During the course the student will acquire the ability to present the experimental data, to discuss articles printed in scientific literature, to communicate the results acquired in important fields of biomolecular and biomedical research At the beginning of each year, the student will define with his/her tutor the specific learning programme the best suits his/her needs and that will integrate the education that comes from the research experience performed with the supervision of the tutor. The tutor reports annually to the School Board about the activities of the student and provides recommendation on whether the student can by admitted to the next level of the course.

9 Doctoral Program in TRANSLATIONAL BIOMEDICINE Directed by Prof. Cristiano Chiamulera Department Pathology Clinical and Experimental Medicine Partner Departments Maternal Infant and of Biology-Genetics Pathology Italian Partner Universities Experimental Medicine Department, Section of Histology - University of Genoa Università de Lausanne (CH) Universidad de Barcelona (E) University of Szeged Hungary (H) Université de Bruxelles (B) University of Maryland (USA) Foreign Partner University of Essex (UK) Universities Université de Liege (B) Univ. of Southampton (UK) Univ. of Vet. Med. Hannover (D) Univ. of South Alabama (USA) Universitatasmedizin. Berlin (D) Imperial College (UK) Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona Servizio di Immunologia Clinica; Servizio di Allergologia Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona Servizio di Microbiologia, Immunologia e Virologia National Center for Biotechnology (GBF), Mascheroder Weg, Braunschweig, Germany Unitè des Agents Antibacteriens, Institut Pasteur, Paris Partner Institutions Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Plouzane, France Centre Nationale Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland National Institutes of Health, Dept. Transfusion Medicine, Immunogenetic Section, Bethesda Scholarships funded by the n. 4 University Scholarships funded by n. 2 Fondazione Cariverona Positions available Scholarships for foreign students n. 1 Positions without funding n. 2 Total number of positions n. 9 Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination: If the candidate Italian candidates: can not be present for the oral  Evaluation of qualifications examination, he/she must contact  Oral examination the director of the Ph.D. course Examination Scheme  Required language for oral Professor Cristiano Chiamulera examination: Italian and English ([email protected]) and  The exam can be taken in the arrange for interview by following language: English teleconference/void.  Language of interview and documents submitted by the student: English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Dipartimento di Medicina e Sanità pubblica, Auletta di Farmacologia, 1° Piano, P.le Oral examination L.A. Scuro n. 10, Verona, Italia Date: October 28th 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m.

10  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications  Other relevant qualifications Topics will be on the basic aspects of the disciplines forming the core of the PhD Examination topics Course (pharmacology, genetics, immunology, microbiology). During the interview the candidate may be asked to discuss a research project that he/she may want to develop during the following three years. Doctoral Program in MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY Directed by Prof. Marco Antonio Cassatella Department Pathology Italian Partner Universities Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences – University of Brescia Scholarships funded by the n. University 3 Scholarships funded by n. Positions available external public or private 1 Centro Fibrosi Cistica Verona bodies n. Total number of positions 4 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral  Required language for oral examination: Examination Scheme examination: Italian and English English both compulsory  The exam can be taken in the  Foreign candidates can take the oral following languages: Italian and examination in video – conference ( contact English the Director of the PhD Course: [email protected] ) Place: Università di Verona, Istituti Biologici, Auletta Patologia Generale, Strada le grazie n. 8, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 30th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Documents:  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae presented  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant  Previous research experiences duly certified Examination Topics General Pathology – Immunology – Molecular Oncology Doctoral Program in FORENSIC MEDICINE AND SCIENCE Directed by Prof. Franco Tagliaro Department Medicine and Public Health University of Padua Italian Partner Universities University of Pavia University of Catania Foreign Partner University of New Heaven, New Heaven, CT, USA Universities Positions available Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University International scholarship n. 1 Positions without funding n. 2

11 Total number of positions n. 4 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination Foreign candidates: Selection criteria  Required languages for oral  Evaluation of qualifications examination: Italian and English both compulsory Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Medicina e Sanità Pubblica, Sezione di Medicina Legale, Auletta di Medicina Legale, P.le L.A. Scuro n.10, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 23rd 2009 Time: 11:30 a.m. Italian candidates: Foreign Candidates:  Final graduation mark  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis  Graduation Thesis Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae presented  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications  Scientific Publications  Other relevant qualifications  Other relevant qualifications  Certified research experiences Forensic medicine, Pathology, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Examination topics Molecular biology, Forensic toxicology Doctoral Program in HUMAN ONCOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY AND STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND CLINICAL APPLICATION Directed by Prof. Fabio Menestrina Department Pathology Partner Departments Clinical and Experimental Medicine Human Oncological Pathology – University of Firenze Italian Partner Universities Anatomy and Histological Pathology – University of Sassari Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Department – University of Torino Scholarships funded by the n. University 3 Scholarships funded by Banca n. Popolare di Verona S.G. e S.P 1 Positions available Scholarships funded by external Università degli Studi di Sassari n.1 public or private bodies n. Total number of positions 5 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Required languages for oral Foreign candidates: examination: Italian and English Examination Schema  Evaluation of qualifications both compulsory  The exam can be taken in the following languages: Italian and English Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Patologia, Sezione di Anatomia Patologica, Aula didattica, Via Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 6th 2009 Time: 2.00 p.m.

12 Italian candidates:  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae presented  Scientific Publications  Other relevant qualifications  Certified research experiences (only for italian candidates) Examination Topics Basic knowledge on onco-pathology and physiopathology of stem cells Doctoral Program in SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND HUMAN MOVEMENT Directed by Prof. Federico Schena Department Neurological and vision sciences Italian Partner Universities University of Brescia Scholarships funded by the n. University 3 Scholarships funded by external n. SSIS del Veneto public or private bodies 1 Positions available n. International Scholarships 1 Positions without funding n.1 n. Total number of positions 6 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral  The exam can be taken in the examination: Italian and English following languages: Italian and both compulsory English Examination Schema  The exam can be taken in the  Foreign candidates can take the following languages: Italian and oral examination by English teleconference/void; contact PhD director Professor Federico Schena ([email protected] ) Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze Motorie, Aula Presidenza, Via Casorati n. 43, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 19th 2009 Time: 2:00 p.m.  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae presented  Scientific Publications (eventually including graduation thesis)  Other relevant qualifications  Certified research experiences The oral exam will focus on the scientific backgrounds of the PhD course with special emphasis on the integrated physiological mechanisms involved in the response to Examination topics exercise and sport activities. The candidate has to discuss a specific research project chosen among those available in PhD course.


Dean Professor Roberto Corrocher School Secretariat Dr. Gianmaria Meneghini e-mail: [email protected]

13 Ph. +39 045 8027223 - +39 045 8028286 Ph.D. Course in Bioscience - Morphological-Biomedical Sciences Department Ph.D. Course in Molecular, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnologies - Science and Technology Department Doctoral Programs and Ph.D. Course in Clinical Proteomics - Clinical and Experimental Medicine Department Departments Ph.D. Course in Cardiovascular Sciences - Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Department Ph.D. Course in Medical, Clinical and Experimental Sciences - Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Department Dipartimento di Biologia Genetica e Biochimica Medica – Università degli Studi di Torino (in consorzio); Dipartimento di Chimica dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Milano (in consorzio); Dipartimento di Medicina Interna – Università degli studi di Milano (educational activity); Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Gastroenterologia – Università degli Studi di Bologna (in consorzio); Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN., Università “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia (in consorzio); Istituto di Medicina Interna – Università Sacro Cuore di Roma (in consorzio); Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Nurex srl, Sassari (in convenzione); CE.I.NGE Biotecnologie – Università Federico II di Napoli (educational activity); University of California, Berkeley, USA; External partners Johns Hopkins University – School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (co-tutela di tesi); Università di Ginevra, CH (in consorzio); Goethe Universitat – Frankfurt am Main, D; Mulheimer Max Planck Institute, D; Universidad de Laguna, Tenerife, Espana (co-tutela di tesi); Universitat de Barcelona, Espana (co-tutela di tesi); Hospital Cochin – Paris – France (collaborazione in attività di ricerca); Institut Pasteur – France (collaborazione in attività di ricerca); Toulouse Università – France (collaborazione in attività di ricerca); Université de la Mediterranee di Aix en Provence, F (collaborazione in attività di ricerca); Nijmegen Center of Molecular Life Sciences Department of Biochemistry, NL (co- tutela di tesi); Imperial College, London, UK; University of Edimburgh, UK; Cranfield University, UK (in consorzio) The goals of our School are addressed to the training of students for academic and research positions in government Institutions or private biomedical – biotechnological research institutes or companies. Our educational programs are based on the development of research projects by the PhD students in an interdisciplinary contest. Such programs will be developed through a virtual School teaching programme laboratory, obtained by grouping of the existing laboratories of research group from the present School with free access to PhD student based on his/her research program. The School is strongly engaged in internationalization PhD actions as indicated in each PhD course’s program. Doctoral Program BIOSCIENCE Directed by Prof. Carla Voltattorni Department Morphological – Biomedical Sciences Maternal-Infant and of Biology and Genetics Partner Departments Medicine and Public Health

14 Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 Scholarships funded by n. Fondazione Cariverona 1 Scholarship aimed at the co-tutored research project: “Influence of cellular proteins incorporated in HIV-1 virions in modulating n. Positions available International Scholarships viral infectivity” in collaboration with the 1 Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain). A period of studies and research spent in the partner University (10 months) is compulsory. n. Positions without funding 2 n. Total number of positions 6 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications Foreign candidates:  Oral examination  Evaluation of qualifications  Required languages for oral  Oral examination Examination Scheme examination: Italian and  Required languages for oral examination: English Italian and English  The exam can be taken in the  Italian language knowledge following languages: Italian and English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Istituti Biologici, Sezione di Chimica Biologica, Auletta di Biochimica, Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Oral examination Verona, Italia Date: October 30th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Score: Documents:  Final graduation mark: max 10 Points  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis: max 15 Points  Graduation Thesis Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae: max 15 Points  Curriculum Vitae and scores  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate  Other qualifications which the considers relevant: max 10 points candidate considers relevant Maximum Total Score: 60 Points Biochemistry; Applied Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; Applied Biology; Genomic Examination topics Epidemiology Doctoral Program in MOLECULAR, INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGIES Directed by Prof. Hugo Luis Monaco Department Biotechnology Neurological and Vision Science Partner Departments Medicine and Public Health Italian Partner Universities “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venezia Foreign Partner Université de la Mediterranee d’Aix en Provence (F); Universities Cranfield University (UK);

15 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche C.N.R.; University of California – Berkeley (USA): Johns Hopkins University – School of Medicine, Baltimore (USA); Partner Institutions Goethe Universitat – Fankfurt Am Main (D); Mulheimer Max Planck Institute (D); Imperial College, London (UK); University of Edimburgh (UK); Scholarships funded by the n. 4 University Scholarship aimed at the co-tutored research project: “Treatment of anaerobic digestion downstream flows” in collaboration with the International Scholarships n. 1 University of Barcelona (Spain). Positions available It is compulsory a period of studies and research spent in the partner University (12 months). Scholarships funded by D.M. n. 1 198/03 Positions without funding n. 3 Total number of positions n. 9 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination Selection criteria  Required language for oral  Required language for oral examination: examination: English English  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following following languages: Italian, languages: Italian, English, Spanish, English, Spanish, French (to French (to be specified on the be specified on the Application Application Form) Form)  Italian language knowledge Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN, Strada le Grazie n. 15, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 28th 2009 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN, Strada le Oral examination Grazie n. 15, Verona, Italia Date: October 29th 2009 Time: 9:30 a.m.  Final graduation mark: max 10 Points  Graduation Thesis: max 10 Points Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae: max 10 Points presented and scores  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points  Other qualifications which could be considered relevant: max 20 Points Maximum Total Score: 60 Points Chemistry; Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; Vegetable Physiology; Plant Chemistry, Examination Topics Microbiology, Molecular Medicine Doctoral Program in CLINICAL PROTEOMICS Directed by Prof. Oliviero Olivieri Department Clinical and Experimental Medicine Dept. of Genetic, Biology and Medical Chemistry, University of Torino; Institute of Internal Medicine, University Sacro Cuore, Rome; Italian Partner Universities Dept. of Internal Medicine – University of Milan (educational activity); CE.I.NGE. Biotecnologie – Università Federico II di Napoli (educational activity);

16 Depts. of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Chidren’s Hospital, Harvard Medical Foreign Partner School, Boston, MA, USA ; Universities Nijmegen Center of Molecular Life Sciences Department of Biochemistry; Nurex srl, Sassari, Italy; Purdue University – Dept. of Biochemistry, West Lafayette, INDIANA, USA (collaborazione in attività di ricerca); Partner Institutions Hopital Cochin – Paris – France (collaborazione attività di ricerca); Institut Pasteur – France (collaborazione attività di ricerca); Toulouse Université – France (collaborazione attività di ricerca); Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 Scholarships funded by n. Fondazione Cariverona 1 Positions available n. Positions without funding 1 n. Total number of positions 4 Foreign candidates: Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination Examination Scheme  Oral examination  Required language for oral examination:  Required language for oral English examination: English  The exam can be taken in the following languages: Italian and English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Auletta G. De Sandre, Medicina interna B, Policlinico G.B. Rossi, P.le L.A. Scuro n. 10, 37134 Verona, Italy Written examination Date: October 20th 2009 Time: 09.30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Auletta G. De Sandre, Medicina interna B, Policlinico G.B. Rossi, P.le L.A. Scuro n. 10, 37134 Verona, Italy Oral examination Date: October 21st 2009 Time: 09.30 a.m. Documents and Score:  Curriculum Vitae and Scientific Publications: max 20 points  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant: max 5 points Documents to be presented and scores  Previous research experiences duly certified: max 5 points  n.2 presentation letters released by Professors of the University who conferred the academic title Maximum Total Score: 30 Points Examination topics Strategies of proteomic analysis for clinical applications and cellular models Doctoral Program in CARDIOVASCULAR SCIENCE Directed by Prof. Alessandro Mazzucco Department Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Foreign Partner Cardiovascular Research, Clinic and Experimental Service of Cardiovascular Surgery Universities University of Geneva, Switzerland Positions available Scholarships funded by the n. University 2

17 Scholarship aimed at the co-tutored research project: “Biodegradable synthetic vascular prothesis eluted with antiproliferative drugs” in n. collaboration with the University of Genéve International Scholarships 1 (Switzerland). It is compulsory a period of studies and research spent in the partner University (10 months). n. Positions without funding 3 n. Total number of positions 6 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required languages for oral Selection criteria examination: Italian and  Required languages for oral examination: English Italian and English  The exam can be taken in the  Italian language knowledge following languages: Italian and English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, Divisione di Cardiochirurgia, Ospedale Borgo Trento, Piazzale Stefani n. Oral examination 1, 37126 Verona Date: October5th 2009 Time: 9:30 a.m. Score: Documents:  Final graduation mark: max 10 Points  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis: max 10 Points  Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae: max 20 Points Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae and scores  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate  Other qualifications which the considers relevant: max 10 points candidate considers relevant Maximum Total Score: 60 Points Physics; Biochemistry; Biology; Physiology; Fluidynamics; Biomaterials; Cardiology; Examination topics Cardiac Surgery; Research Laboratory. Doctoral Program in MEDICAL, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES Directed by Prof. Michele Muggeo Department Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Italian Partner Universities Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Dept, University of Bologna Scholarships funded by the n. 4 University Scholarship funded by D.M. 198/03 n. 1 Positions available Scholarship funded by Department n. 3 Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Positions without funding n. 8 n. Total number of positions 16 Examination Scheme Italian candidates Foreign candidates  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required language for oral  Required languages for oral examination: English examination: Italian/English

18  The exam can be taken in  The exam can be taken in the following the following languages: language: English Italian/English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Chirurgiche, Auletta Medicina C (6° piano, lato A), Policlinico G.B. Rossi, P.le Scuro n. Oral examination 10, Verona, Italia Date: October 26th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m.  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae presented  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant  Previous research experiences, duly certified  Nutrition, nutrients and pathology of gastro-intestinal system; influence of gastro-intestinal diseases on nutritional status  Epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical aspects of insulin-resistance, of Examination topics metabolic syndrome, and of related pathological conditions  Pathophysiology of apoptosis  Physiology and Pathophysiology of Aging  Hypertensive syndromes, atherothrombosis and cardiovascular diseases


Dean Prof. Maria Paola Bonacina Dr Laura Marcazzan School Secretariat e-mail: [email protected] Ph. +39 045 8027026 Ph.D. Program in Computer Science – Department of Computer Science Ph.D.Program in Applied Biotechnologies - Department of Biotechnology Doctoral Programs and Ph.D.Program in Neurosciences - Department of Neurological and Vision Sciences Departments and Department of Morphological and Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. Program in Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences - Department of Neurological and Vision Sciences and Department of Medicine and Public Health CNR – Istituto di cibernetica “Eduardo Caianiello” Caseificio “Elda” External Partners Yakult B.V. Europe Spin off “Officina biotecnologica”

19 The common educational objective of all PhD programs of the School is education through research. Students acquire the analytical abilities, experimental methods and frame of mind that are necessary to advance knowledge and solve frontier problems in their discipline. A common and distinctive trait of all doctorates offered by the School is the study of complex systems, whether natural, artificial or hybrid. Neurosciences and Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences study the brain and its Educational objectives behavior, where the brain is the most complex system existing in nature. Computer Science studies and designs computational systems, that are typically artificial. However, the border between the natural and the artificial is blurred, and many systems are rather hybrid. In Applied Biotechnologies, research in biochemistry, genetics and physiology of plants is finalized to food safety, environmental protection and agriculture, where artificial factors overlap and intervene over the natural substrate of plants' biology. Similarly, research in Computer Science ranges from bioinformatics, where one designs biologically-inspired computational models, to the quest for reducing energy consumption in computers, hitting the physical substrate of electronic computers. The hybrid character of many complex systems Doctoral Program in APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGIES


Directed by Prof. Massimo Delledonne

Department Biotechnology Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Scholarships funded by n. 1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarships funded by D.M. n. 1 Positions available 198/03 International Scholarships n. 1

Positions without funding n. 4

Total number of positions n. 8 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination Examination Scheme  Oral examination  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following following languages: Italian; languages: Italian; English English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN., Ca’ Vignal 2, Aula G, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona Oral examination Date: October 16th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Documents: Score:  Final graduation mark  Final graduation mark: max 15 Points  Curriculum Vitae  Curriculum Vitae: max 30 Points Documents to be presented  Scientific Publications and scores  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points  Other qualifications which  Other qualifications which the candidate the candidate considers considers relevant: max 5 Points relevant Maximum Total Score: 60 points

Examination topics Molecular Biology; Genetics; Chemistry; Biochemistry

20 Curriculum: GRAPEWINE AND WINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Positions available Positions without funding n. 1 Total number of n. 2 positions Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination Examination Scheme  Oral examination  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following following languages: Italian; languages:Italian; English English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN., Ca’ Vignal 2, Aula H, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona Oral examination Date: October 16th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Documents: Score:  Certificate with final  Final graduation mark: max 15 Points graduation mark  Curriculum Vitae: max 30 Points Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points presented and scores  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the candidate  Other qualifications which the considers relevant: max 5 Points candidate considers relevant Maximum Total Score: 60 points

Examination Topics Vegetable Genetics, Agricultural Microbiology, General Botany

Doctoral Program in COMPUTER SCIENCE

Directed by Prof. Luca Viganò

Department Computer Science Scholarships funded by the n. 3 University Scholarships funded by D.M. n. 2 198/03 Positions available International Scholarship n. 1

Positions without funding n. 6 n. Total number of positions 12 Foreign /Italian candidates not resident in Italy: Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications Selection criteria  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination, also via video  Oral examination conference call upon request by the candidate. In such case contact email address is mandatory. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN., Ca’ Vignal 2, Dipartimento di Informatica, Sala riunioni, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona Oral examination Date: October 27th 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m.

21 For both Italian and foreign candidates  Certificate with final graduation mark and/or list of exams taken and grades  Graduation Thesis or draft of Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae Documents to be  Scientific Publications presented  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant  Previous research experiences, duly certified  n. 2 presentation letters - at least one of them has to be released by Professors of the University who conferred the academic title Formal Methods and Languages, Multimedia, Computer Systems Architecture, Examination topics Robotics and Automation, Databases, Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Program in NEUROSCIENCES

Directed by Prof. Leonardo Chelazzi

Department Neurological and Vision Sciences

Partner Departments Morphological & Biomedical Sciences

Scholarships funded by the University n. 4

Scholarships funded by external public Ospedale Sacro Cuore – Don n. 1 or private bodies Calabria Negrar (Verona) Positions available Scholarships for foreign students n. 1

Positions without funding n. 4 n. Total number of positions 10 Italian/Foreign candidates not resident in Italy: Italian/foreign candidates resident in Italy:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination with  Written examination videoconference. If the  Oral examination candidate intents to take the  Required language for the oral oral examination in examination: Italian and/or English videoconference she/he will  The exam can be taken in the following have to specify it on the Examination Scheme language: English Application Form  Required language for the oral examination: Italian and/or English.  The exam can be taken in the following language: English. The evaluations is preliminary to the admission test. To gain access to the written test, candidates must have attained a minimum score of 10 points. The evaluation will be made before the written test and competition results will be published on the website of the Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e della Visione, Sezione di Fisiologia, Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Verona Written examination Date: October 29th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e della Visione, Sezione di Fisiologia, Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Verona Oral examination Date: October 30th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m.

22 Score: Documents:  Final graduation mark and list of all  Final graduation mark and list of all taken exams with mark: max 5 points taken exams with marks  Graduation Thesis: max 5 points  Graduation Thesis (dissertation)  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 points  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 5 points  Scientific Publications  Other qualifications which the Documents to be presented  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant: max 5 and scores candidate considers relevant points  At least one reference letter by a  At least one reference letter by a Professor of the University that Professor of the University that conferred the academic title conferred the academic title: max 5 points Maximum Total Score: 30 Points Examination topics Basic and clinical neurosciences


Directed by Prof. Carlo Alberto Marzi

Department Neurological and Vision Sciences

Other Departments Medicine and Public Health Scholarships funded by the n. 3 University Scholarships funded by n.1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarships funded by Banca Positions available n. 1 Popolare di Verona S.G. e S.P. Positions without funding n. 1

Total number of positions n. 6 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications Written examination  Written examination Oral examination  Oral examination Examination Scheme  Required language for the oral  Required language for oral examination: English examination: English.  The exam can be taken in the following language: English. The evaluations is preliminary to the admission test. To gain access to the written test, candidates must have attained a minimum score of 20 points. The evaluation will be made before the written test and competition results will be published on the website of the Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e delle Visione, Sezione di Fisiologia, Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Verona Written examination Date: October 6th 2009 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e delle Oral examination Visione, Sezione di Fisiologia, Strada Le Grazie n. 8, Verona Date: October 7th 2009 Time: 10:00 a.m.

23 Score: Documents:  Final graduation mark: max 5 Points  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis: max 5 Points  Graduation Thesis(dissertation)  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 Points  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 5 Points  Scientific Publications Documents to be presented  Other qualifications which the and scores  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant: max 5 candidate considers relevant points  At least two reference letters by a  At least two reference letters by a Professor of the University that Professor of the University that conferred the academic title conferred the academic title: max 5 points Maximum Total Score: 30 Points Psychological Curriculum: a) General Psychology with special reference to Perception, Attention and Memory; b) Experimental Neuropsychology with reference to the neural and cognitive bases of Perception, Attention, Memory and Language. Psychiatric and Clinical Psychology Curriculum: Epidemiological Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology, Clinical Psychology and Examination topics Psychotherapy. Particular emphasis will be given to the methodological aspects of both experimental and clinical research. Written examination: There will be two different categories of topics, one for the Psychology and the other for the Psychiatry Curriculum. The candidate is entitled to choose between these two categories. For each category one theme will be drawn. The oral examination will concern questions related to the topic chosen by the GRADUATE SCHOOL IN HUMAN SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY

Dean Prof. Paola Di Nicola Dr. Catia Cordioli School Secretariat e-mail: [email protected] Ph. +39 045 8028031 Ph.D. Course in Philosophy - Philosophy Department Ph.D. Course in Psychology of Organizations: Differentiation and Integration Doctoral Programs and Processes - Psychology and Cultural Anthropology Department Departments Ph.D. Course in Education and Lifelong Learning Science - Educational Science Department Ph.D. Course in Sociology and Social Research - Educational Science Department External Partners Philosophy – University of Bologna The Graduate School has the aim to support the didactic activity of the doctorates in philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological sciences. It supports the interdisciplinary dialogue between disciplines, especially at methodological and School educational epistemological level, in the perspective of the internationalization of the research objectives and of young researcher education. This aim is pursued through scholarships and organizing high formation experiences to graduates. The School organizes courses and seminaries on theoretical and methodological topics, and on specific problems of empirical research. It develops cultural exchanges with Italian and foreign qualified institutes of research and promotes the spread of the main findings of the research, through public conventions and seminaries. Doctoral Program in PHILOSOPHY Directed by Prof. Ferdinando Marcolungo Department Philosophy Italian Partner Universities Philosophy Department – University of Bologna Positions available Scholarships funded by n. the University 4 Positions without n. funding 4

24 Total number of n. positions 8 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required language for Examination Scheme  Compulsory languages required for oral oral examination: Italian examination: Italian or English  The exam can be taken  The exam can be taken in the following in the following languages: Italian or English language: Italian Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 22nd 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Dipartimento di Filosofia, 2°piano Sala Dottorandi (doctoral room, 2nd floor), Via S. Francesco n. 22, Oral examination Verona, Italia Date: October 29th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m.  Curriculum Vitae Necessary documents  Scientific Publications Examination topics Philosophy general subjects relevant to the specific curricula Doctoral Program in PSYCHOLOGY OF ORGANIZATIONS: DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION PROCESSES Directed by Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli Department Psychology and Cultural Anthropology Scholarship funded by n. Fondazione Cariverona 1 Scholarships funded by SSIS VENETO: Scholarship aimed at the n. external or private and development of the research project: “Cognitive 1 public bodies organization of knowledge” Positions available Scholarships for foreign n. students 1 n. Positions without funding 3 Total number of n. positions 6 Examination Scheme Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications Foreign candidates EU:  Written examination  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Written examination  English language test  Oral examination  The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian, English, French or Spanish (to be specified on the Application Form)

Foreign candidates extra EU:  Evaluation of Curriculum Vitae  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of two letters of presentation from two university professors indicating personal and professional attitudes and competencies of

25 candidate  Evaluation of Ph.D. Research project

Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Psicologia e Antropologia Culturale – Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 21st 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Psicologia e Antropologia Oral examination Culturale – Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Date: October 22nd 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Score: Documents:  Curriculum Vitae: max 10 Points  Curriculum Vitae Documents to be reported  Scientific Publications: max 10 Points  Scientific Publications and scores  Previous research experiences, duly certified:  Previous research max 10 Points experiences, duly certified Maximum Total Score: 30 Points Examination Topics Work and Organizational Psychology Doctoral Program in EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING SCIENCES Directed by Prof. Anna Maria Piussi Department Education Sciences Partner Departments Psychology and Cultural Anthropology Scholarships funded by the n. 2 University Scholarship aimed at the development of research project: “Early Development of Positions available International Scholarships n. 1 Intersubjectivity: Universality and Cultural Specificity” in collaboration with the Universität Osnabrück (German) Positions without funding n. 3 Total number of positions n. 6 Italian candidates: Foreign european candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination  English language test  English language test  The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian Examination Scheme  The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian Foreign extraeuropean candidates  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  English language test The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian  The exam in video-conference can be taken by a university seat The evaluations is preliminary to the admission test. To gain access to the written test, candidates must have attained a minimum score of 5 points. The evaluation will be made before the written test and competition results will be published on the website of the Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali. Written examination Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Palazzo Zorzi, Dipartimento Scienze dell’Educazione, Videoteca, Via. Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Date: October 13th 2009

26 Time: 9.00 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Palazzo Zorzi, Dipartimento Scienze dell’Educazione, Videoteca, Via. Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 14th 2009 Time: 2.00 p.m.  Final graduation mark, score: max 5 points Documents to be  Curriculum Vitae, score: max 5 points presented and scores  n. 2 presentation letters released by Professors of the University which conferred the academic title (for foreign candidates only). General subject areas concerning Education Sciences: 1. Epistemology and methodology of educational research. 2. Educational theories and practices through the history. 3. Social interactions and individual and cultural developmental processes. 4. Theories and planning of educational processes in Examination topics school and extra-school contexts. 5. Care practices and devices in educational and social field. 6. Special educational needs: policies, theories, planning and practices. 7. Cooperation, socio-educational and intercultural mediation. 8. Sexual difference in education and educational research. 9. Children’s and Joung Literature and reading education. 10. Lifelong learning and Adult education. Doctoral Program in SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL RESEARCH Directed by Prof. Domenico Secondulfo Department Education Sciences Scholarships funded by the n. 2 University Scholarships funded by n. 1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarship aimed at the co-tutored research project: “Sociology of food, a new field of study for Italian sociology” in collaboration with the Positions available International Scholarships n. 1 Universidad de Madrid (Spain). It is compulsory a period of studies and research spent in the partner University (10 months). Positions without funding n. 2 Total number of n. 6 positions Foreign candidates: Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination Examination Scheme  Oral examination  Required languages for oral examination:  Required language for oral English, French for English-Speaking examination: English Persons  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following following language: Italian language: Italian  Italian language knowledge Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione, Palazzo Zorzi, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 22nd 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Oral examination Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione, Palazzo Zorzi, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 17, Verona, Italia Date: October 22nd 2009

27 Time: 3.30 p.m. Score: Documents: Documents to be  Final graduation mark: max 5 points  Final graduation mark presented and scores  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 points  Curriculum Vitae Maximum Total Score: 10 points General Sociology – Sociology of cultural and communicative processes – Methodology Examination topics of Research – Social Policy – Sociology of Networks – Sociology of consumption – Sociology of health and medicine.


Dean Prof. Licinia Ricottilli Mrs. Giulia Benfari School Secretariat e-mail: [email protected] Ph. +39 045 8028078 Doctoral Courses and Ph.D. Course in English Studies - Department of English, Germanic and Slavic Departments Studies Ph.D. Course in Cultural Heritage and Territory - Department of History, Art History, Archaeology and Geography Ph.D. Course in Literature and Philology - Department of Linguistics, Literature and Media Studies Ph.D. Course in Foreign Literatures and Literature Sciences - Department of Romance Studies Ph.D. Course in Linguistics – Department of English, Germanic and Slavic Studies

28 Ph.D. Course in Historical and Anthropological Sciences - Department of History, Art History, Archaeology and Geography SSIS Veneto External Partners Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Centro per gli Studi Storici italo - germanici di Trento The teaching objective aims at equipping doctoral students with a high level of competence and knowledge in different disciplines and methodologies in order to allow them to carry out highly qualified research projects in the field of the humanities, both in Italy and abroad, in public or private institutions; the School also aims at training researchers able to work in various areas with high professional qualifications. In particular, students will deepen their knowledge of the methodologies in order to be able to identify the most adequate approaches to their research object, as well as apply in a scientifically correct way the methodologies they choose. The didactic and scientific General presentation of organization favours an interdisciplinary approach that supports the students’ ability to the School programme create connections among the various disciplines and outline interactions among different scientific methodologies. The School also supports internationally co- supervised doctoral theses, agreements and conventions with other Italian and foreign institutions; further contacts can be activated according to the students’ doctoral theses and didactic programmes. Other initiatives will be planned in order to put doctoral students in contact with social realities that represent possible job opportunities (editors and publishing houses, archives, libraries, museums, public institutions, cultural foundations, research centres, etc.). Doctoral Program in ENGLISH STUDIES

Directed by Prof. Daniela Carpi

Department English, Germanic and Slavic Studies Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 n. Positions available Positions without funding 2 n. Total number of positions 4 Foreign candidates: Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination  Official languages for oral Examination Scheme  Official languages for oral examination: examination: English and Italian Italian and English  The exam can be taken in the following languages: English and Italian  Italian language knowledge Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 12th 2009 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 13th 2009 Time: 9:30 a.m.

29  Final graduation mark  Graduation Thesis  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications Documents to be  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant presented  The candidate must submit a written detailed research project, and scores comprehensive of bibliography, related to the Ph.D. thesis that he/she desires to develop during the Doctoral Program (only for Italian candidates)  Specialization Course  at least n. 2 reference letters released by Professors of the University who conferred the academic title (only for foreign candidates) Examination topics English Literature, Anglo-American Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies


Directed by Prof. Loredana Olivato

Department History, Art History, Archaeology and Geography Linguistics, Literature and Media Studies Partner Departments Economics Sciences Scholarships funded by the n. 3 University Scholarship aimed at the development research project: “Bernard Palissy and the religious mater in the five hundred France” in collaboration with the École Pratique des International Scholarship n. 1 Hautes Études de Paris (France). Positions available It is compulsory a period of studies and research spent in France (Paris, Saintes) Inghilterra (London). Positions without funding n. 3 Total number of n. 7 positions Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination Examination Schema  Required language for oral  Required language for oral examination: Italian examination: Italian  Reading and translation into a UE  The exam can be taken in the following language, chosen by the candidate language: Italian (to be reported on the Application  Reading and translation into a UE Form) language, chosen by the candidate (to be reported on the Application Form) Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Discipline storiche, artistiche, archeologiche e geografiche, Aula dottorandi, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Verona, Italia Written examination Date: October 27th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Discipline storiche, artistiche, archeologiche e geografiche, Aula dottorandi, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Verona, Italia Oral examination Date: October 28th 2009 Time: 3.00 p.m. Documents to be Documents: Score: presented and scores  Final graduation mark  Final graduation mark: max 5

30  Curriculum Vitae Points  Scientific Publications  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 Points  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant  Scientific Publications: max 5 Point  The candidate must submit a  Other qualifications which the written detailed research project, candidate considers relevant: max 5 comprehensive of bibliography, Points related to the Ph.D. Thesis that  Research Project: max: 5 Points he/she desires to develop during Maximum Total Score: 25 Points the Doctoral Program Art History – History of Art Criticism – Archaeology, Archaeological Research Examination Topics Methodology – Geography – History of Architecture Doctoral Program in LITERATURE AND PHILOLOGY

Directed by Prof. Mario Dal Corso

Department Linguistics, Literature and Media Studies

Partner Departments History, Art History, Archaeology and Geography Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 Scholarships funded by the n. Fondazione Cariverona 1 n. Positions available Scholarship for foreign students 1 n. Positions without funding 4 n. Total number of positions 8 Italian candidates:  Written examination Foreign candidates:  Oral examination (the oral  Written examination examination foresees the  Oral examination (in videoconference) presentation of a written research the oral examination foresees the project that must also be presentation of a written research submitted to the Commission, project that must also be submitted to together with the curriculum, at the Commission, together with the the beginning of the oral Examination Scheme curriculum, at the beginning of the examination) oral examination  Required languages for oral  Required languages for oral examination: a foreign language examination: Italian chosen by the candidate among English, French and German (to be reported on the Application Form)  The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Linguistica, Letteratura e Scienze della comunicazione, Viale dell’Università n. 4, Verona Italia Written examination Date: October 15th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. Oral examination Place: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Linguistica, Letteratura e Scienze della comunicazione, Viale dell’Università n. 4, Verona Italia Date October 23rd 2009

31 Time: 9.30 a.m. Foreign students will take the oral examination (in videoconference) on Friday 23rd October 2009  Curriculum vitae  If admitted to the oral examination the candidate must provide a detailed Documents to be research project (preferably written) followed by a bibliography concerning the presented and scores Ph.D. thesis to be developed.  For students applying from foreign countries the research project must the submitted together with the application form Greek Literature Examination topics Latin Literature History of the Italian language Doctoral Program in FOREIGN LITERATURES AND LITERATURE SCIENCES

Directed by Prof. Annamaria Babbi

Department Romance Philology

Partner Departments English, Germanic and Slavic Studies Scholarships funded by the n. University 3 n. Positions available Positions without funding 3 n. Total number of positions 6 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications Foreign candidates:  Written examination  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Written examination  Required languages for oral  Oral examination Selection criteria examination: two European languages chosen by the candidate  Required language for oral and indicated on the Application examination: Italian Form  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following language: Italian following language: Italian Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lingue e letterature straniere, Sala riunioni, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 41, Verona , Italia Written examination Date: October 29th 2009 Time: 9.30 a.m. (literary curriculum) 3.00 p.m. (philological curriculum) Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà di Lingue e letterature straniere, Sala riunioni, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 41, Verona , Italia Oral examination Date: October 30rd 2009 Time: 3.00 p.m. Documents to be Documents: Score: presented and scores  Final graduation mark  Final graduation mark: max 3 Points  Curriculum Vitae  Curriculum Vitae: max 0 Points  Scientific Publications  Scientific Publications: max 5 Points  Other qualifications which the  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant candidate considers relevant: max 3  The candidate will have to Points submit an original research project  Research Project: max 0 Points within the disciplinary field or the Maximum Total Score: 11 Points

32 chosen discipline Examination Topics Philology – Foreign and Comparative Literature

Doctoral Program in LINGUISTICS

Directed by Prof. Camilla Bettoni

Department English, Germanic and Slavic Studies Romance Philology Partner Departments Linguistics, Literature and Media Studies Psychology and Cultural Anthropology Scholarships funded by the n. 2 University Positions available Positions without funding n. 2

Total number of positions n. 4 Italian candidates: Foreign Candidates  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Written examination  Written examination  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required language for oral  Required language for oral examination: one chosen by the examination: one chosen by the candidate among French, candidate among English, French, Examination Scheme German and also English, German provided it is different from except when the latter is chosen that in which the exam is taken (to be as the language in which to take reported on the Application Form) the whole exam (to be reported on  The exam can be taken in the following the Application Form) languages: Italian or English  The exam can be taken in the  Knowledge of Italian language following languages: English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Sala Riunioni della Presidenza della Facoltà di Lingue, Via San Francesco 22, Verona Written examination Date: October 15th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Sala Riunioni della Presidenza della Facoltà di Lingue, Via San Francesco 22, Verona Oral examination Date: October 16th 2009 Time: 10.00 a.m. Documents:  Curriculum Vitae Documents to be  Scientific Publications presented  Research experiences, duly certified  Other qualifications which the candidate considers relevant Other relevant qualifications Historical Linguistics; General Linguistics; Germanic Philology; Second Language Examination topics acquisition; Language Teaching Doctoral Program in HISTORICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES

Directed by Prof. Gian Paolo Romagnani

Department History, Art History, Archaeology and Geography

33 Philosophy Partner Departments Psychology and Cultural Anthropology Italian Partner Università degli studi di Padova Universities Università degli studi di Venezia – Ca’ Foscari Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Centro per gli Studi Storici italo – germanici Partner Institutions Birkbek College – London University Scholarships funded by the n. University 2 Scholarships funded by n.1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarship aimed at the development research project: “Political communication, managing classes and professional groups in modern and contemporany Europe” in collaboration with the Birkbeck College – n. Positions available International Scholarship University of London. 1 It is compulsory a period of studies and research spent in the partner University (3 months) and the release, at the end of the Doctoral Program, of the Doctor Europeaus Label or co-tutored research project. n. Positions without funding 2 n. Total number of positions 6 Italian candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications Foreign candidates:  Written examination: exercises in  Evaluation of qualifications sources  Written examination  Oral examination: discussion of  Oral examination qualifications and about the Examination Scheme  Italian language knowledge research project  Required languages for oral examination: two EU languages other than Italian (reading test only) (to be reported on the Application Form) a) Curricula of Modern History, Contemporary History and International project Birkbek College, University of London Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Discipline storiche artistiche archeologiche e geografiche, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Sala Riunioni Dottorandi (3° piano Palazzo Lettere e Lingue), Verona, Italia Date: October 12th 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m. Written examination b) Curricula of Ancient History, Medieval History and Social and Cultural Anthropology Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Discipline storiche artistiche archeologiche e geografiche, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Sala Riunioni Dottorandi (3° piano Palazzo Lettere e Lingue), Verona, Italia Date: October 12th 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m. Oral examination a) Curricula of Modern History, Contemporary History and International project Birkbek College, University of London Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Discipline storiche artistiche archeologiche e geografiche, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Sala Riunioni Dottorandi (3° piano Palazzo Lettere e Lingue), Verona, Italia Date: October 13th 2009

34 Time: 9.00 am

b) Curricula of Ancient History, Medieval History and Social and Cultural Anthropology Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Discipline storiche artistiche archeologiche e geografiche, Via S. Francesco n. 22, Sala Riunioni Dottorandi (3° piano Palazzo Lettere e Lingue), Verona, Italia Date: October 13th 2009 Time: 9.00 am  Final graduation mark  A copy of final dissertation  Curriculum Vitae Documents to be  Scientific Publications presented and scores  Previous research experiences, duly certified  Any other qualification which the candidates considers relevant  Organized research project ( subjects, objectives, sources, bibliography; max 10 pages) 1. Curriculum Social and Cultural Anthropology. Written examination: the candidate will comment on a document such as a) an ethnographic description b) a series of photographs even of objects c) an archival source or d) the text of a conversation or interview. Oral examination: Discussion of research project and publications if any; the history of anthropology, research methods in contemporary anthropology and the theoretical debate with regard to one of the three lines of research offered by the Examination topics anthropology curriculum.

2. Curriculum Ancient and Medieval History Written examination: Discussion of an issue of significant weight in the field(s) of ancient and/or medieval history, prompted by the analysis of a document. Competence in Latin required. Oral examination: Discussion on research project and publications, if produced.

3. Curriculum Modern History Written examination: Discussion of an issue of significant weight in the field of early and late modern history, prompted by the analysis of a document. Oral examination: Discussion on research project and publications, if produced.

4. Curriculum Contemporary History Examination topics Written examination: Discussion of an issue of significant weight in the field of contemporary history, prompted by the analysis of a document Oral examination: Discussion on research project and publications, if produced.

5. Curriculum International Project As for the previous three, with an additional test on the competence in the English language and a research project consistent with the topics described above.


35 Directed by Prof. Andrea Sbarbati Department Morphological – Biomedical Sciences Maternal, Infant and Genetic Biology Studies Partner Departments Surgical and Gastroenterological Sciences Anaesthetic Science and Specialist Surgery Foreign Partner University of Szeged (Ungheria) Universities Scholarships funded by D.M. n. 1 198/03 Scholarships funded by n. 1 Positions available Fondazione Cariverona Position without funding n. 2 Total number of positions n. 4

Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Oral examination  Oral examination  The exam can be taken in the following languages: Italian or  The exam can be taken in the following Examination Scheme English languages: Italian or English  The exam can be taken in the  Foreign candidates can take the oral following language: Italian or examination in videoconference (contact English the director of the Ph.D. Course, e-mail [email protected] )

Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Morfologico – Biomediche, Aula esami della Sezione di Anatomia ed Istologia, Istituti biologici, Oral examination Strada le grazie n. 8, Verona, Italia Date: October 27th 2009 Time: 2.30 p.m.

Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae

Examination topics Imaging techniques applied to clinical and basic research


Directed by Prof. Marco Bettinelli Department Biotecnology Scholarships funded by the n. 1 University Scholarship funded by 70% ALPINE Project – Scholarships funded by Advanced Lasers for Photovoltaic Industrial external public or private n. 1 Positions available Processing Enhacement (grant agreement bodies nr. 22931 – VII PQ) and 30% Department Position without funding n. 1 Total number of positions n. 3 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications Examination Scheme  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required language: English  Required language: English Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Facoltà MM. FF. NN., Ca’ Vignal, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona Written examination Date: October 22nd 2009 Time: 2.30 p.m.  Certificate with final graduation mark: max 15 points  Certificate with final graduation mark  Graduation thesis: max 15 points  Graduation thesis  Curriculum Vitae: max 5 points Documents to be presented  Curriculum Vitae  Scientific Publications: max 5 points and scores  Scientific Publications  Other relevant qualifications: max 5  Other relevant qualifications points  Other  Other: max 5 points Maximum Total Score: 50 points Examination topics Physical, material science, chemical and biological subjects


Directed by Prof. Claudio Bassi Department Surgical and Gastroenterological Sciences Anaesthetic Science and Specialist Surgery Biomedical and Surgical Sciences Partner Department/s Pathology Morphological-Biomedical Sciences Clinical and Experimental Medicine Scholarships funded by n.1 Fondazione Cariverona Scholarship funded by n.2 Surgical and Gastroenterological Sciences Departement Scholarship funded by Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sulle external private or public n. 1 Malattie del Pancreas - Onlus Positions available bodies Scholarships funded by external private or public n. 1 Ospedale Sacro Cuore di Negrar (VR) bodies Positions without funding n. 5 Total number of n. positions 10 Italian candidates: Foreign candidates:  Evaluation of qualifications  Evaluation of qualifications  Oral examination  Oral examination  Required language for oral  Required languages for oral examination: examination: Italian Italian or English Examination Scheme  The exam can be taken in the  The exam can be taken in the following following languages: Italian or languages: Italian or English English  Italian language knowledge The evaluations is preliminary to the admission test. To gain access to the written test, candidates must have attained a minimum score of 10 points. The evaluation will be made before the written test and competition results will be published on the website of the Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali. Place: Università degli Studi di Verona, Dipartimento di Scienze Anestesiologiche e Chirurgiche, Aula Didattica Chirurgia B (3° piano, lotto B), Policlino G.B. Rossi, P.le Oral examination L.A. Scuro n. 10, Verona, Italia Date: October 5th 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m. Documents to be presented Documents: Score: and scores  Final graduation mark  Final graduation mark: max 5 points  Graduation Thesis  Graduation Thesis: max 5 points  Curriculum Vitae  Curriculum Vitae: max 10 points  Scientific Publications  Scientific Publications: max 10 points  Other qualifications which the  Other qualifications which the candidate candidate considers relevant considers relevant: max 3 points

38 Maximum Total Score: 33 points

Examination topics General Surgery – Paediatric Surgery – Gastroenterology – Vascular Surgery


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