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Name: Click here to enter text. CHEM 321L Section: Choose an item. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Title of Experiment: Click here to enter text. Source Reference: See example reports in syllabus for help. Use Enter text here. Introduction: See the guidelines in the handout for what to include here. Enter text.

Figure 1: See page 2 of experimental handout for what Figure 1 should be. Enter caption here. Experimental Methods: See examples in the lab syllabus or previous handouts for samples of good, concise experimental methods. Enter text here. Results: Always introduce a figure or a table with a sentence in the text of the results. % yield, experimental melting range, appearance and odor can be mentioned in a sentence or two. See sample lab reports in lab syllabus for examples. Enter text here.

Figure 2: Insert a photo of your product’s labeled IR spectrum above, and give it a caption like: IR spectrum of experimental product, 2-ethoxynaphthalene. (You can use this caption if you like.)

CHEM 321L Minor Laboratory Report Form Fall 2015 Figure 3: Highlight and save a copy of the published IR spectrum for 2-ethoxynaphthalene, then in a separate word document, label peaks by inserting shapes and text boxes. If molecular structure is not on it already, insert a ChemDraw structure overlaid on it. Save that file as a TIFF or JPEG, and insert above. Or, you could take a picture of a printed out published IR spectrum, hand-labeled, and insert that above instead. Figure caption goes here.

Figure 4: Published IR spectrum for the reactant above. Give it an appropriate caption here.

Table 2: Click here to enter a table title for the IR peak assignment table. See Figure and Table Guidelines handout for an example that you can use. Compound/molecule name Characteristic IR peak Characteristic IR peak Associated bond / (rationale for inclusion in frequency frequency functional group analysis) (experimental, cm-1) (published, cm-1) Cite here 2-ethoxynaphthalene Input value. Input value. =C-H stretch, sp2 / (major product) alkene Input value. Input value. C-O stretch / ether 2-naphthol N/A Input value. -O-H stretch (reactant, potential contaminant) (broad) / alcohol

Discussion: Click here to enter text. See guidelines in the experiment handout for what to include. References: Click here to enter text. Include all references used besides the source protocol reference at the top. Include references for Table 1 from your pre-lab here so they are compiled in one place.

CHEM 321L Minor Laboratory Report Form Fall 2015 Appendix: Click here to enter all calculations for % yield.

CHEM 321L Minor Laboratory Report Form Fall 2015

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