Additional File 1. Case Review of Carcinoid Tumors of the Extrahepatic Bile Ducts

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Additional File 1. Case Review of Carcinoid Tumors of the Extrahepatic Bile Ducts

Additional file 1. case review of carcinoid tumors of the extrahepatic bile ducts

No Author Gender Symptoms Site Positive Treat Outcome (Year) Age Staining ments 1 Pilz[5] F Abd. Pain MBD Argentaffin TR, T- AWOD, (1961) 55 Jaundice tube 1.5-yrs. 2 Little[16] F Abd. Pain PBD Argentaffin Biopsy/ DOC (1968) 41 Jaundice Diazonium bypass 3 Bergdahl[17] F Fever DBD N/A No DOD, 1- (1976) 79 day 4 Gerlock [18] M Painless MBD N/A BDR N/A (1979) 32 jaundice 5 Nakamura [19] F Jaundice MBD Argyrophilic BDR DOC, 6- (1981) 58 granule days 6 Vitaux [20] M Jaundice DBD Argentaffin PD AWOD, (1981) 30 48-Mon. 7 Abe [11] M Abd. Pain DBD Argyrophilia PD DOD, (1983) 64 LVM. 10- Mon. 8 Alexander[21] F GI PBD N/A BDR AWOD, (1986) 64 bleeding (Hilar) 8-Mon. 9 Jutte [22] M LBP PBD Argyrophilia BDR AWOD, (1987) 62 (Hilar) 2.5-Mon. 10 Bickerstaff F Jaundice MBD Argyrophilia PD AWOD, [23](1987) 57 Lethargy 6-Mon. 11 Gastinger [24] F Abd. Pain PBD Argyrophilia TR N/A (1987) 65 Jaundice (Hilar)

12 Reinhardt [25] F Jaundice DBD Chromogranin, PD AWOD, (1988) 71 Fever NSE 2-Mon. 13 Fujita [26] F Abd. Pain PBD Argyrophilia TR, T- AWOD, (1989) 55 (Hilar) tube 6-Mon. 14 Bumin [27] F Abd. Pain PBD N/A TR, T- AWOD, (1990) 39 Jaundice (Hilar) tube 40-days 15 Brown[28] F Jaundice PBD Chromogranin, BDR AWOD, (1990) 35 (Hilar) Serotonin, NSE, 7-days EMA, Keratin 16 Fellows[29] M Jaundice MBD S-100, PGP 9.5, BDR AWOD, (1990) 30 CSTK, Gastrin, 6-wks. Somatostatin 17 Besznyak [30] 13 Jaundice PBD N/A RHLB AWOD, (1990) F (Hilar) 12-yrs. 18 Barron- M Jaundice PBD Argyrophilia Biopsy DOC, Rodriguez [13] 36 Vomiting (Hilar) Chromogranin 4-days (1991) Fever Synaptophysin, NSE, Keratin, leu7 19 Angeles- F Jaundice MBD Argyrophilia BDR AWOD, Angeles[31] 39 Abd. Pain Chromogranin 11-Mon. (1991) Fever Serotonin Somatostatin 20 Newman[32] F N/A DBD Serotonin PpPD AWOD, (1992) 15 Glucagon, PP 4-yrs. 21 Dixon[33] F Abd. Pain MBD N/A TR, T- AWOD, (1992) 60 tube 17-Mon. 22 Rugge[34] F Jaundice MBD EMA, Keratin BDR AWOD, (1992) 64 Abd. Pain Chromogranin 12-Mon. 23 Mandujano- F Jaundice DBD Gastrin PD AWOD, Vera[10] 53 Abd. Pain Chromogranin 6-yrs. (1995) Synaptophysin, NSE, PP, Serotonin 24 Sankary[35] F Jaundice PBD Trisegm AWOD, (1995) 47 (Hilar) entecto 4-yrs. my 25 Belli[36] M Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, (1996) 78 (Hilar) 15-Mon. 26 Kopelman [14] M Jaundice DBD Chromogranin PpPD AWOD, (1996) 44 18-Mon. 27 Hao[37] M No MBD Chromogranin OLTP AWOD, (1996) 42 Gastrin, 5-Mon. Serotonin 28 Nahas [38] M Jaundice PBD S-100 BDR AWOD, (1998) 61 Abd. Pain (Hilar) 6-Mon. 29 Bembenek [39] F Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, (1998) 12 Abd. Pain (Hilar) Gastrin, NSE, 9-Mon. Serotonin 30 Perakath [40] F Jaundice PBD NSE BDR AWOD, (1999) 36 Abd. Pain (Hilar) 6-Mon. 31 Ross [41] F Jaundice DBD Chromogranin PD AWOD, (1999) 65 NSE, 17-Mon.

32 Chamberlain F Itching PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, [42](1999) 37 (Hilar) Synaptophysin 18-Mon. PP 33 F Itching PBD N/A BDR AWOD, 67 (Hilar) 15-Mon. 34 Maitra [43] N/A Jaundice MBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, (2000) 42 Pruitis Somatostatin 11-yrs. 35 N/A Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, 61 Pruitis (Hilar) Serotonin 4-yrs. 36 N/A Jaundice MBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, Pain Gastrin 10-yrs. 37 N/A Pruitis PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, 37 (Hilar) Synaptophysin 2-yrs. PP 38 N/A No PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, 67 (Hilar) 2-yrs. 39 Chan [44] M Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR N/A (2000) 14 (Hilar) Synaptophysin Serotonin, VIP Gastrin 40 Jutri [45] M GUAP, DBD Chromogranin PD AWOD, (2000) 43 Jaundice Gastrin 3.5-yrs. 41 Volpe [46] M Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, (2003) 19 Pain (Hilar) 1-Yrs. 42 Podnos [47] F Cholecysti MBD Chromogranin BDR AWOD, (2003) 65 tis NSE 37-Mon. 43 M Jaundice MBD NA OLTP AWOD, 27 SCCGT 7.5-yrs. 44 Pawlik [48] M Jaundice PBD N/A BDR AWOD, (2003) 59 (LHBD) 6-Mon. 45 Rassi [15] F Jaundice PBD Argentaffin G, LHLB AWOD, (2004) 49 (Hilar) Chromogranin 20-yrs. 46 M Jaundice DBD Argyrophilic PpPD DOD, 79 Chromogranin LVM, 2.8- yrs. 47 Menezes [49] M Jaundice PBD NSE BDR AWOD, (2004) 30 18-Mon. 48 Ligato [50] F Irritable PBD Gastrin BDR AWOD, (2005) 33 bowel (Hilar) 10-Mon. 49 Nesi [51] M Jaundice DBD Chromogranin PpPD AWOD, (2006) 30 Diarrhea Synaptophysin 7-yrs. Cytokeratin, NSE, Serotonin 50 Kim [52] F Jaundice MBD Chromogranin PpPD AWOD, (2006) 67 Synaptophysin 10-Mo. CD56 51 Caglikulekci[1 F Jaundice PBD Chromogranin BDR DOD, 2] (2006) 40 (Hilar) Chemo. 14-Mon. (Cis) with PLM, LVM, PER 52 Present study M Fever DBD Chromogranin PD AWOD, 73 Abd. Pain Synaptophysin 12-Mon. NSE

Abd.: abdominal, MBD; middle bile duct, TR.; tumor resection, AWOD; alive without disease, DOC; dead of other cause, DOD; dead of disease, yr.; year, , PBD; proximal bile duct, DBD; distal (intra-panceratic) bile duct, N/A; not available, BDR; bile duct resection, PD; pancreaticoduodenectomy, Mo.: month, LVM; liver metastases, GI; gastrointestinal, LBP; lower back pain, NSE; neuron-specific enolase, EMA; epithelial membrane antigen, CSTK; cholecystokinin, RHBD; right hepatic bile duct, RHLB; right hepatic lobectomy, PP; pancreatic peptide, PpPD; pylorus preserving PD, OLTP; orthotopic liver transplantation, VIP; vasoactive intestinal peptide; LHLB: left hepatic lobectomy, PLM; pulmonary metastasis, PER; peritoneal metastasis, Cis; cis-platinum

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