Template a - Guidance Document Template

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Template a - Guidance Document Template

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 1 Disclaimer

This guide has been prepared in accordance with the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 (the Act) and the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003 (the Regulations). All care has been taken to ensure this guide accurately reflects the requirements of the Act and Regulations. Before submitting plans for approval, offshore facility operators should refer to the Act and Regulations as made by the Governor-General. This guide will be updated if the Regulations are amended.

2 Guidance and Template for Preparing an Offshore Security Plan for Offshore Facility Operators, August 2015 Introduction

Requirements for Offshore Security Plans

Offshore Facility Operators as Gazetted by the Secretary under Section 17B of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 (the Act) are required to submit offshore security plans for review and approval by the Secretary.

The requirements for offshore security plans are set out in sections 100G, 100H and 100I of the Act and further requirements are reflected in Part 5A of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003 (the regulations). This guide considers the offshore security plan requirements for offshore facility operators as set out in the Act and in the Regulations.

The Act establishes an outcomes based preventive security framework that will enhance Australia's maritime security arrangements. There are four key outcomes set out at section 3(4).

a) Australia’s obligations under Chapter XI2 of the SOLAS Convention and the ISPS Code, includ- ing those with regard to the rights, freedoms and welfare of seafarers, are met;

b) the vulnerability to terrorist attack of Australian ships, ports and other ships within Australia and offshore facilities is reduced without undue disruption to trade;

c) the risk that maritime transport or offshore facilities are used to facilitate terrorist or other unlawful activities is reduced;

d) security information is communicated effectively among maritime industry participants and gov- ernment agencies with security responsibilities for maritime transport and offshore facilities. It is not the purpose of this Act to prevent lawful advocacy, protest, dissent or industrial action that does not compromise maritime security.

Each offshore security plan submitted for approval must demonstrate an appropriate contribution toward these outcomes.

The Department recognises there are many different approaches that offshore facility operators can take to prepare an offshore security plan. This guide presents a template that could be used by offshore facility operators to prepare a document that will meet the requirements of the Act and regulations.

It is considered that a fully completed offshore security plan using this template will provide the Secretary with sufficient information to determine if the plan was made in accordance with the Act and regulations. The template, which is outcomes based, can also be used to demonstrate that implementation of the plan will make an appropriate contribution towards the achievement of the maritime security outcomes

Guidance and Template for Preparing an Offshore Security Plan for Offshore Facility Operators, August 2015 3 described in the Act. The template is provided as guidance only and each offshore facility operator should consider the suitability of it for their local circumstances prior to adopting it for their own use. Text in italics used in each section of the template describes the type of information expected under the subject headings.

It is suggested that offshore facility operators consider:-

 the information they wish to present in the plan;  if the information presented is likely to change frequently during the period of the plan, more generic information that is not a regulatory requirement may be needed; and  whether the plan meets the content and form requirements of the Act and Regulations.

If the Secretary is satisfied that a the plan submitted for his approval adequately addresses the specific requirements of the Act and Regulations, the offshore facility operator will receive a written notice of approval.

Regulation 5A.30 requires that a security plan for an offshore facility operator must include a number of key contact details for use during day-to-day business hours or during an emergency. As contact details tend or change frequently, it is recommended that they be submitted as an attachment to the security plan.

Using the Template

This Offshore Security Plan template includes instructions and prompt boxes where you must insert your own measures and procedures to demonstrate compliance with the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003. Text highlighted in purple is for your completion.

Please ensure ALL instructions and prompt boxes have been deleted prior to submission.

4 Guidance and Template for Preparing an Offshore Security Plan for Offshore Facility Operators, August 2015 Submitting the Template

Upon completion, submit your Plan electronically (minus these introductory pages) to:

[email protected] or by mail to:

National Coordinator

Office of Transport Security

GPO Box 1966


Guidance and Template for Preparing an Offshore Security Plan for Offshore Facility Operators, August 2015 5 1: Template for Preparing an Offshore Security Plan for Offshore Facility Operators For

Prepared by


Submitted by [Name of authorised person] Position [Position] Signature [Signature] Date [DD/MM/YY] Security Classification [Classification] Revision Number [Revision Number] Copy Number [Copy Number] 2: Contents Contact Details for the offshore facility operator

[Facility Name]

Name of Facility: Legal Name of Operator: Location of Facility: Physical Address (Head Office): Mailing Address (if different):

Name of Chief Executive Officer: Business Phone Number: Fax Number:

Name of Head Security Officer: Business Phone Number: Mobile Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Business Address: Mailing Address (if different):

Name of Offshore Facility Security Officer: Business Phone Number: Mobile Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Business Address: Mailing Address (if different):

24 Hour Offshore Facility Security Duty Officer Contact Number: 1. Administrative Details 3: 1.1 Authority Section 100B of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 (the Act) requires certain offshore industry participants, including offshore facility operators, to have an offshore security plan. The Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003 (the regulations) also set out certain requirements which must be met or address in offshore security plans.

The plan must be submitted for approval to the Secretary of the Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS) with the authority of the offshore facility operator. This section must outline who has authorised the offshore security plan on behalf of the offshore facility operator and may also include the organisation’s security policy. The intention is to demonstrate that the organisation supports the implementation of the plan.

4: 1.2 Document Protection1 Regulation 5A.105 requires that the offshore facility operator ensure the offshore security plan is protected against unauthorised access, amendment and disclosure.

This section must be used to explain how the offshore facility operator will protect the offshore security plan from unauthorised disclosure. It should refer to the security classification of the document for internal purposes and to specific procedures to prevent unauthorised access, amendment and disclosure of the document.

5: 1.3 Document Control The offshore facility operator may wish to include a document control statement including specific procedures for the revision and update of the offshore security plan should modification be required. The table below can be used to identify particular amendments to the document.

1 The requirements in this section are consistent with the requirements of Section 16.3 (11) of Part A of the ISPS code, measures to ensure the security of the information contained in the plan. DOCUMENT REVISION RECORD Version Section Page Numbers Date of Latest Approved By Number(s) Revision

For un-issued versions and updates, letters A, B, C etc. to be used;

For original issued versions and updates, numbers 0, 1, 2 etc. to be used;

To determine if an individual page has been revised or updated, identify the page number in the Revision Record above and confirm if the latest revision number listed, is the same as the revision number listed on the page footer.

6: 1.4 Contact Details Contact details for the offshore facility operator must be set out in Attachment 7 – Contact Details for Offshore Facility Operator.

Regulation 5A.30 requires offshore facility operators to provide the following information:

a) name of the operator;

b) contact details for the operator;

c) name of the Chief Executive Officer and the HSO of the operator;

d) the name and location of the facility;

e) name or position of the person who is to be the OFSO for each facility covered by the plan;

f) a single 24 hour fixed line telephone number, a mobile telephone number and a fax number for the OFSO of the participant; and

The contact details for offshore industry participants including offshore service providers must be set out in Attachment 2 – Contact Details for Offshore Industry Participants covered by the security plan.

Regulation 5A.35 requires an offshore security plan to be accompanied by a document setting out the name and contact details of security officers for each offshore service provider conducting operations at the facility.

The offshore facility operator must, within 2 working days after becoming aware of a change in any of the information listed above, notify the Secretary of the change/ 2. Scope 7: 2.1 Offshore Facility Operator This section should:

a) accurately identify the offshore facility operator by citing the correct legal business name of the operator;

b) accurately describe what operations are covered in the plan including reference to geographical coordinates which identify the location of the offshore facility or facilities; and

c) describe any proposed security zones including reference to a diagram of a size and scale of the facility and surrounding water that clearly shows the layout of the facility and of any security zones.

All diagrams referred to above must be attached to the plan (Refer Attachment 1).

It may be appropriate for operators of integrated production facilities to develop network plans. In considering network plans, offshore facility operators should take into account whether facilities are physically and operationally similar, are reasonably proximate and have an identical risk assessment.

The specific security measures and procedures that the offshore facility operator will implement must be included in an attachment to the offshore security plan (Refer Attachment 5).

8: 2.2 Offshore Service Providers This section should provide a general overview of the offshore service providers that are located or operate within the security regulated offshore facility. It should clearly indicate whether these offshore service providers are covered under this offshore security plan or if they will have individual offshore security plans. If the offshore service provider is to be covered by the offshore facility operator plan, this section should be used to explain the scope of the offshore service provider’s operations.

Contact details for all offshore service providers conducting operations at the offshore facility must be included at Attachment 2.

Specific security measures and procedures that the offshore service provider will implement must be included in an attachment (Attachment 6) to this plan together with written evidence of agreement between the offshore facility operator and the offshore service provider to confirm responsibilities for implementation of security arrangements.

9: 2.3 Offshore Industry Participants (OIPs) Section 100E of the Act enables an offshore security plan to cover the activities of OIPs who have regular interaction with the offshore facility. In this case, the OIP must be provided with the relevant parts of the offshore security plan and must agree in writing to those activities.

Where any other OIP is to be covered by an offshore facility operator’s security plan, sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the plan must identify the parts of the plan that will be provided to the OIP covered by the plan, including identification of the particular security measures and procedures that they will be required to implement.

3. Consultation To facilitate coordination of security regulated activities, Regulation 5A.65 requires that offshore security plans set out a mechanism for consultation between the offshore facility operator and:

a) each offshore industry participant conducting operations at (or interfacing with) a facility and any other stakeholder who may be affected by the implementation of the plan; and

b) operator’s employees (or their representatives) regarding security measures and procedures to be implemented.

3.1 Offshore Service Providers Offshore service providers will need to be made aware of security measures and procedures included in the security plan. Therefore, this section must detail the consultation mechanisms used to ensure that security measures and procedures are adequately communicated to offshore service providers in order to enable them to comply with those measures.

Regulation 5A.15 requires offshore facility operators to provide certain information to each offshore service provider conducting operations at the facility. The information required to be provided includes contact details as required by Reg 5A.30 and:

a) the information set out in Reg 5A.30; and

b) The measures to be used by the operator to inform persons of the location of offshore security zones established by the operator for the facility; and

c) The measures to confirm the identify of persons who are authorised to have access to the zones.

10: 3.2 Offshore Facility Employees and Contractors Offshore facility employees and contractors will need to assist with the implementation of security measures and procedures. Therefore, this section of the offshore security plan must detail the consultation mechanisms used to ensure that security measures and procedures are adequately communicated to enable employees and contractors implement and comply with the measures.

11: 3.3 Notification of a Change in Maritime Security Level and Security Directions From time to time, the Secretary may advise that for all, or particular, OIPs the maritime security level has changed under section 28A(2) of the Act. In this section, the offshore facility operator must describe how this information will be communicated to the OIPs covered by the document.

Similarly, the Secretary may issue security directions under section 35(9) of the Act to offshore facility operators. This section of the offshore security plan must describe how the security directions will be communicated to OIPs who may be affected. 12: 3.4 Declaration of Security2 The Declaration of Security (DOS) is an agreement between an offshore facility and a ship operator, on the types of security measures and procedures that will be put in place upon arrival of that ship at the offshore facility. It outlines who has responsibility for providing security measures required under the agreement. The requirements for a DOS can be found in Regulations 1.45(1A) and 5A.80.

The offshore security plan must identify circumstances when a DOS may be requested, eg when a ship at a higher security level wishes to interface with the offshore facility. The offshore security plan must also detail the procedures for negotiating the security measures and responsibilities in the DOS and explain how the measures in the DOS will be implemented to ensure compliance. A template for a DOS is at Attachment 3. The template has been adopted from Part B Appendix 1, of the ISPS code, pages 99 to 101.

2 This section is consistent with the requirements of section 16.3 (7) of Part A of the ISPS code, procedures for interfacing with ship security activities. 4. Operation of the Offshore Security Plan 13: 4.1 Review and Audit3 Regulation 1.50 and 5A.10 set out the requirements for audits and reviews of offshore security plans.

This section should be used to explain how the offshore facility operator will ensure that the offshore security plan is effective and adequate and has been implemented correctly.

Offshore security plans for offshore facility operators must include:

a) a schedule of internal and external security plan audits;

b) the circumstances in which a security plan review will be conducted, including procedures for un- dertaking a review following a security incident;

c) the procedures for conducting a security plan audit including a process for consultation during re- view;

d) the procedures for conducting a security plan review including advice on the consultation process during the review to ensure security measures and procedures are adequate and the plan appro- priately implemented; and

e) acknowledgment that records relating to the plan will be kept for 7 years from the date of last ac- tion.

Note: Offshore facility plans should also include a process for selecting independent auditors.

14: 4.2 Modification and Updating of Plan Regulation 5A.60(1)(h) requires offshore facility operators to include in their plan procedures for modifying the plan to correct deficiencies or to update the plan to take into account changes to a facility.

This section of the plan should outline the mechanisms in place to ensure appropriate and timely modification and updating of a security plan, should deficiencies in the plan be identified or any material changes be made to a facility’s physical environment or procedures that impact on provisions in the plan.

Methods for communicating such modifications and updates to all affected parties should also be disclosed.

15: 4.3 Responsibilities4

3 This section is consistent with the requirements of section 16.3 (8) and (13) of Part A of the ISPS code, procedures for the periodic review of the plan and updating and Procedures for auditing the security plan.

4 This section is consistent with the requirements of section 16.3 (6) of Part A of the ISPS code, duties of port personnel assigned security responsibilities and other personnel on security aspects. Regulations 5A.50 and 5A.55 set out the requirements for responsibilities and training of offshore facility security officers and offshore facility personnel with a responsibility for security. Regulations 1.32 and 1.33 provide more information on the mandatory duties of head security officers and offshore facility security officers.

An offshore security plan must detail the specific duties and responsibilities of the security officers and any other security personnel. For example, the duties and responsibilities of any offshore facility security guards, employees or contractors, must be described.

A table to record information on the responsibilities of security related positions may be formatted as follows:-

Position Responsibilities Head Security Officer Refer to Regulation 1.32 for mandatory duties Offshore Facility Security Officer Offshore Facility Security Guards Facility Manager Security Duty Officer 16: 4.4 Knowledge and Training The offshore facility operator must ensure that personnel with responsibility for security have adequate knowledge, or have received appropriate training, to be able to carry out their duties.

Each offshore security plan must provide the following information for offshore facility security personnel as per Regulations 5A.50 and 5A.55

 knowledge, skills and other requirements for the security related aspects of their position;

 training or qualifications that satisfy those requirements; and

 training that must be given to such personnel.

The table below can be used to record the training requirements for each position:

Position Required Knowledge or Training Offshore Facility Knowledge / Skills Security Guards  Ability to conduct security patrols  Ability to monitor and control people’s behaviour.  Self defence and restraint skills Qualifications Certificate II in Security Operations or appropriate industry equivalent such as State and Territory licensing.

Each offshore security plan should also include, or make reference to, a training register to record which staff have received appropriate training or have sufficient knowledge to perform their duties. Details of the training should be documented as well as how the offshore facility operator has determined they have the required knowledge to undertake their security duties.

4.5 Drills and Exercises Regulation 5A.60(1)(g) requires that the offshore security plan include procedures for conducting drills and exercises associated with the plan. This should include a timetable of when the drills are to be conducted and how records of the results of drills and exercises will be kept and secured.

17: 4.6 Occupational Health and Safety Section 100(g)(1)(f) of the Act requires that the provisions of an offshore security plan complement, to the fullest extent possible, the occupational health and safety requirements under the laws of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory applying at a facility.

This section should contain a statement to this effect, describing the alignment of security measures outlined in the plan and applicable health and safety requirements. 5. Security Measures and Procedures 18: 5.1 Offshore Facility Security Assessment Each offshore security plan must include a security assessment prepared in accordance with Regulations 5A.05 and 5A.45. In accordance with section 100G(2) of the Act, a security assessment must take into account any documents required by the Secretary and any other documents listed on the Departments website. Further information on conducting an offshore facility security assessment may be found in the Offshore Security Assessments Guidance Paper located at the Departments website: https://infrastructure.gov.au/transport/security/maritime/security_plans/offshore_facility.aspx

The risk treatments identified in the security assessment should be referred to in Security Measures and Procedures at 5.2 below.

The completed security assessment must be attached to the plan at Attachment 4.

19: 5.2 Security Measures and Procedures This section must be used to identify each security measure and / or procedure to be implemented under the offshore security plan. However, the specific details of each security measure and / or procedure could be included in Attachment 5: Details of Security Measures and Procedures. It is expected that the offshore security plan will include security arrangements to treat a range of different security risks and that individual measures and procedures may address a number of the risks that have been identified.

This section should identify who is responsible for each of the measures and procedures. If responsibility for implementation of a measure or procedure is not identified, then the Secretary will request further information from the offshore facility operator which may cause delays in the approval process.

Note: Regulation 5A.60(1) sets out a range of items that must be addressed in each offshore security plan. While some of these items have been addressed in other sections of the offshore security plan, the items below should be addressed in the Security Measures and Procedures part of the document. In general, it would be expected that measures and procedures addressing these items would be listed for maritime security levels 1, 2 and 3.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(a)

Measures to prevent unauthorised carriage or possession of weapons or prohibited items on the facility or on board vessels or aircraft interfacing with a facility

If appropriate, these measures could include but are not limited to: checks on cargo or equipment to be loaded on a ship, or aircraft, or used by the offshore facility. Regulation 5A.60(1)(b)

Measures to prevent unauthorised access to any offshore security zone

These measures should be in accordance with Division 6.5 – Offshore Security Zones and Regulations 5A.85 and 5A.90 relating to the identification of security zones and the responsibilities of the offshore facility operator.

If appropriate, these measures could include, but are not limited to:

identification and marking of the location of zones;

observation of waterside security zone.

access prevention arrangements, eg agreement with the State police on response arrangements;

protocols for reporting unauthorised access into offshore security zones.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(c)

Procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including procedures for maintaining critical operations at a facility If appropriate, these procedures could include, but are not limited to, procedures for the handling of bomb and other threats.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(d)

Procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security occurring during any inter- face between a vessel or aircraft and a facility Detail measures to respond to security threats or breaches of security occurring during any interface with service providers, making reference for example to reciprocal measures to be implemented by service providers..

Regulation 5A.60(1)(e)

Procedures for responding to any security directions given by the Secretary

Part 2 Division 4 of the Act sets out the requirements for the Secretary to give security directions.

In the case of an offshore facility, the security direction will be given directly from the Secretary to the offshore facility operator. The offshore facility operator may be required to pass on the security direction to other MIPs and OIPs who interact with the offshore facility.

If appropriate, these procedures could include but are not limited to:

management procedures that will be taken to ensure that a security direction is implemented as soon as possible after the direction is given; and procedures for communicating the security direction within the offshore facility and externally where necessary.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(f)

Procedures for evacuation of the facility in case of security threats or breaches of security

This should include reference to a current evacuation plan. The evacuation plan does not need to be included with the security plan.


Procedures for interfacing with the security activities of other maritime industry participants and operators of any aircraft that may land on or near a facility.

Detail agreed measures for interfacing with the security activities of maritime industry participants such as security regulated ships and aircraft operators which the offshore facility may interface with.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(i)

Procedures for reporting occurrences which threaten the security of a facility

Part 9 of the Act sets out the requirements for Offshore Facility Security Incidents. Offshore facility operators are required under Section 177(1) to report incidents. Section 177(2) of the Act requires that incidents be reported to:

 the Secretary; and

 the Australian Federal Police or the Police Force of a State or Territory; and

 where applicable, a person in control of part of the offshore facility, or a person who conducts op- erations in the offshore facility or the ship operator or master of a security regulated ship.

Section 179A of the Act also sets out specific requirements for the reporting of security incidents by offshore facility operators.

Section 182 of the Act states that the Secretary may publish a notice in the Gazette setting out the information required in the incident report, and the method of submitting an incident report. Advice on submitting incident reports will be provided on the DOTARS website.

If appropriate, these measures could include but are not limited to:

 procedures for reporting of security incidents in accordance with the Act;

 internal procedures for employees to report security incidents to management or the offshore fa- cility security officer; and

 procedures for raising the awareness of staff of their responsibilities for reporting incidents. Regulation 5A.60(1)(l)-

Measures to ensure the security of cargo and of cargo handling equipment at a facility

Where the offshore facility is involved in moving cargo to and from ships, the security plan should include measures to protect the cargo and the cargo handling equipment.

If appropriate, these procedures could include but are not limited to:

 security around cargo storage areas;

 security guard patrols to protect the equipment and cargo while it is under the control of the off- shore facility operator;

 closed circuit TV systems to monitor areas where cargo is stored.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(m)

Procedures in case the security alert system of a ship is activated while it is near a facility

The ship security alert system of a ship may be activated in the event of a security incident occurring on board the ship. This alert will be received by the ship operator and the alert will be passed on to the appropriate authorities in the country where the ship is located.

An offshore facility operator may be asked to assist the authorities in dealing with a ship that has activated its security alert system. The offshore security plan should include measures indicating that the offshore facility operator will cooperate with authorities in dealing with this situation.

Regulation 5A.60(1)(n)

Procedures to be followed when an offshore facility is directly connected to, or engaging in any activity with a vessel such as a floating hotel, mobile drilling unit or construction barge.

Detail procedures to be adopted during periods when an offshore facility is directly connected to, or engaging in any activity with, other vessels as indicated.

5.2.1 Maritime Security Level 1 Regulation 5A.70 sets out the requirements for maritime security level 1 measures. This must include security measures identified in the security assessment for implementation at this level.

In this section, the offshore facility operator must identify the specific security measures and procedures to be undertaken or implemented by the offshore facility operator for maritime security level 1. Maritime security level 1 is the level at which the offshore facility normally operates.

This table can be used to record the security measures. Table 5.2.1 Security Measures and Procedures at Security Level 1

Description of security measure or procedure. Person or Organisation with Responsibility for implementing the measure or procedure Employee security clearances, security guard patrols Head security officer, State Police (through an etc MOU), etc

Note: Where implementation of a security measure or procedure includes a shared responsibility, then the responsibility of each party should be clearly identified. Written evidence of shared responsibilities, such as memorandums of understandings or contracts should be attached to confirm security arrangements.

This section should also include an implementation timetable to meet the requirements of regulation 5A.70. This table must show which measures and procedures are already in place and, if not in place, indicate when they will be implemented, and what interim measures will be put in place until they are ready. A sample table for this purpose is provided on page 14.

5.2.2 Maritime Security Levels 2 and 3

Regulation 5A.75 requires that each offshore security plan include a list of the additional security measures that will be implemented if the Secretary declares that maritime security level 2 or 3 is in force for the offshore facility. The following tables can be used to record the security measures and procedures.

Table 5.2.2 Security Measures and Procedures at Security Level 2

Description of security measure or procedure. Person or Organisation with responsibility for implementing the measure or procedure Increased number of security guard patrols, limit Head security officer access to offshore facility for non essential personnel

Note: Security Level 2 measures or procedures are in addition to all of the measures and procedures in force at security level 1.

Table 5.2.3 Security Measures and Procedures at Security Level 3

Description of security measure or procedure. Person or Organisation with Responsibility for implementing the measure or procedure Advise ships to delay entry to offshore facility during Head security officer level 3 period if possible, evacuation of offshore facility where threat has been identified. Note: Security Level 3 measures or procedures are in addition to all of the measures and procedures in force at security levels 1 and 2. Table 5.2.4 Implementation Timetable

Security Measure or Procedure Status (Operational / To be Date of expected implementation Interim measures / procedures5 established) (if status is to be established) Additional lighting around perimeter To be established Lighting to be in place by Additional guard patrols to monitor of facility December 2005 and deter unauthorised access.

5 Interim measures must be indicated for all measures and procedures that are to be established. These interim measures and procedures must be in place by 30 September 2005.

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 23 5.3 Offshore Security Zones Offshore facility operators may outline in their security plans, by way of a diagram, proposals for offshore security zones.

Section 113A of the Act enables the Secretary to, by written notice, establish offshore security zones. Part 5A Division 6.5 of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003 sets out the different types of offshore security zones and the requirements on OIPs for identifying, monitoring and controlling access to offshore security zones.

Regulation 6.125 prescribes two types of offshore security zones which may be established:

a) an offshore facility zone defined in Regulation 1.03 means a type of offshore security zone that comprises the space occupied by an offshore facility; and

b) an offshore water-side zone defined in Regulation 1.03 means a type of offshore security zone that comprises an area of water surrounding an offshore facility at the distance from the facility specified by the Secretary.

Offshore facility operators are encouraged to discuss proposed arrangements for offshore security zones with any other OIPs likely to be affected by the introduction of these zones.

5.3.1 Offshore Water-Side Zones and Offshore Facility Zones Division 6.5 of the Regulations sets out the requirements for establishing offshore security zones, and the responsibilities of offshore facility operators in maintaining security within these zones. In accordance with Regs 5A.85 and 5A.90, offshore security plans should include procedures for requesting offshore security zones to be established by the Secretary.

Regulations5A.85(2) and 5A.90(2) require that an offshore security plan includes the security measures and procedures that the operator will put in place to monitor and control access to offshore security zones, including measures to detect and deter unauthorised access to the zones. 20: Attachment 1 - Diagram of regulated offshore facility and security zones 21: Attachment 2 – Contact details for Offshore Industry Participants covered by the security plan This attachment should provide the names and contact details of other offshore industry participants, including offshore service providers, conducting operations at the offshore facility (see section 1.4 of the plan template).

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 24 22: Attachment 3 – Declaration of Security (Sample only)6 For use between an offshore facility and ship.

Name of Ship: [Name] Port of Registry: [Port] IMO Number: [Number] Name of Offshore Facility: [Name]

This Declaration of Security is valid from …………… until ……………, for the following activities ……………………………………………………

(list the activities with relevant details)

under the following security levels:

Security level(s) for the ship: [Security Level(s)] Security level(s) for the offshore [Security Level(s)] facility:

The offshore facility and ship agree to the following security measures and responsibilities to ensure compliance with the requirements of Australian maritime security legislation.

The affixing of the initials of the SSO or OFSO under these columns indicates that the activity will be done, in accordance with relevant approved plan, by Activity The offshore facility: The ship: Ensuring the performance of all security duties Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorised personnel have access Controlling access to offshore facility Controlling access to the ship

6 This sample DOS has been adapted from part B, Appendix 1, Pg 99-101 of the ISPS code.

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 25 The affixing of the initials of the SSO or OFSO under these columns indicates that the activity will be done, in accordance with relevant approved plan, by Monitoring of offshore facility, including areas surrounding the ship Monitoring of the ship, including berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship Handling of cargo Delivery of ship’s stores Handling unaccompanied baggage Controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects Ensuring that security communication is readily available between the ship and offshore facility

The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for both the offshore facility and the ship during the specified activities meet the provisions of Australian maritime security legislation will be implemented in accordance with the provisions already stipulated in their approved plan(s) or the specific arrangements agreed to and set out in the attached annex.

Dated at …………………………………… on the ……………………………………

Signed for and on behalf of: the offshore facility: the ship:

[Signature of Offshore Facility Security [Signature of Master or Ship Security Officer] Officer]

Name and title of person who signed: Name: Name: Title: Title

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 26 Contact Details (to be completed as appropriate) (indicate the telephone numbers or the radio channels or frequencies to be used) for the offshore facility: for the ship: Offshore Facility Master

Offshore Facility Security Officer Ship Security Officer


Company Security Officer

23: Attachment 4 – Offshore Facility Security Assessment The Offshore facility operator must complete a Security Assessment in accordance with the Regulations and must take into account any documents required by the Secretary.

For further guidance on the requirements of Security Assessments, refer to the Offshore Facility Security Assessment Guidance Paper available at the Departments website: https://infrastructure.gov.au/transport/security/maritime/security_plans/offshore_facility.aspx 24: Attachment 5 - Security Measures and Procedures For each of the security measures to be implemented, specific details of the security measure or procedure should be provided. These details may include the physical and or operational requirements of each particular security measure and procedure.

For example, if the security measure to be implemented is for additional lighting, then the offshore security plan would describe where the lighting has been or is to be installed and what design is to be used.

This section should be used to describe how the particular security measure or procedure will be carried out. It is entirely appropriate to reference national or international standards where they exist. Where there is no recognised standard, or the organisation wishes to implement a different approach, then this section should include an operational description such that it is clear how the measure or procedure is to be implemented.

Further, where the procedure or measure involves particular qualifications, training or prior knowledge, this section should be used to describe that knowledge, training or qualifications. For example, a security measure could be the patrol of an offshore security zone by maritime security guards. The

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 27 details should include the particular State or Territory qualifications for security guards that will be required by the offshore facility operator when hiring them.

25: Attachment 6 - Security Measures for Offshore Service Providers Where the offshore service provider agrees to be covered by the offshore facility operator’s security plan, an Attachment should be provided to identify the specific security measures and procedures to be implemented.

It is also expected that acceptance of these arrangements is confirmed by way of a written agreement. A copy of this written agreement should also be provided at this attachment. 26: Attachment 7 – Contact Details for Offshore Facility Operator An attachment should be provided outlining contact details for the offshore facility operator in accordance with the requirements set out in Section 1.4 of the plan

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 28 27: Annex 1 - Offshore Security Incident Report Form

<> Offshore Security Plan, Version #, Month and Year 29

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