Dear Parents / Guardians and Students s6

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Dear Parents / Guardians and Students s6


Dear Parents / Guardians and Students,

Welcome! These are your schools and we want them to be places for both students and families to be successful. We are proud to be the starting point for the strong tradition of excellence that has been established throughout the Waunakee Community School District. We are eager to create and maintain an environment that is welcoming, safe and encourages continual academic, social and personal growth.

We would like to invite you to be an active participant in your child’s education. We know how important families are to every student’s success and are eager for you to be involved in your school. Please keep in touch with your child’s teacher(s), especially when questions arise. Please assist the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) in its efforts to support school programs and serve the school community. Most importantly, we urge you to take every opportunity to work with your child in everyday learning situations, to encourage reading, and to discuss with your child what s/he is learning at school. There is no substitute for a combined home-school effort in providing children educational excellence.

This handbook will help students and parents understand our high expectations and provide basic information on how our schools operate. Please keep it as a ready reference. Although we attempt to cover an extensive amount of information, we realize information on specific situations may not be included. Please feel free to contact us if you are unable to find answers to a question in this book.

Sheila Weihert Dan Carter Lee DePas Chris Hetzel Principal Principal Principal Principal Arboretum Heritage Prairie Intermediate 2

Americans With Disabilities Statement of Accommodation The Americans with Disabilities Act requires public institutions to provide accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Individuals requiring the assistance of auxiliary aids or special accommodations because of a disability are asked to contact the sponsoring group or school office at 849-2176 at least 24 hours prior to the event to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

Equal Education Opportunities The right of a student to be admitted to school and to participate fully in curricular, extracurricular, student services, recreational or other programs or activities shall not be abridged or impaired because of student sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap.

Discrimination No person (meaning K-12 student) may be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational, or other program or activity because of the person’s sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability.

Statement of Non-Discrimination The Waunakee Community School District is committed to a policy of non- discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, handicap, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, arrest record, conviction record, membership in the national guard, state defense force or any reserve component of the military forces of the United States or this state or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s premises during non- working hours or any other factor provided for by state and federal laws and regulations. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff, students, the public, educational programs and services and individuals with whom the Board does business.

In keeping with state and federal law, the Waunakee Community School District shall strive to remove any vestige of discrimination in employment, assignment and promotion of personnel; in educational opportunities and services offered students, in their assignment to schools and classes and in their discipline; in the location and use of facilities; and, in educational offerings and materials.

Inquiries regarding interpretation and application of this policy shall be referred to the following designated compliance officer: Director of Human Resources of the Waunakee Community School District. 3

Academic Honesty Policy 4 The Waunakee Community School District reason or excuse to get special regards academic honesty as a cornerstone of consideration on an exam or an its educational mission. It is expected that all extension for an exam or paper. school work submitted for the purpose of meeting class requirements represents the Use of computer in any of the following ways is prohibited: original efforts of the individual student.  Unauthorized copying of any software; All forms of academic dishonesty will make a  Copying or using another student’s data disk or flash drive information; and student subject to disciplinary action. The following list provides examples of what a  Unauthorized use of hard copy (printed material) to develop one’s own software. student will not do: Rules of Conduct Parent Responsibilities—Parents will Copying from others:  Having or using notes, formulas or other information in either written or  Communicate to their son/daughter the programmable calculator or other values of moral and ethical behavior; technology based format without the  Refrain from placing undue pressure for teacher permission; high grades;  Having or using a communication device  Be aware of a student’s need for a quiet such as a cell phone, pager, PDA or time and a place for study; electronic translator to send or obtain  Support the student’s efforts, but noe edit, unauthorized information; type, word process o in any other way do  Taking an exam for another student; the work; and  Providing or receiving information about all or part of an exam;  Encourage the student’s wise use of time.  Having or using a “cheat sheet” that is not specifically authorized by the Student Responsibilities—Students will: teacher;  Altering a graded exam and  Protect his/her work (Do not lend or resubmitting it for a better grade; and borrow homework);  Working together on a take-home exam  Not look at another student’s test or allow unless authorized by the teacher of the his/her test to be seen by another student; class where the take home exam is used.  Not talk during a test or about the test Plagiarism in paper and assignments includes, until all classes have had a chance to take for example: it;  Giving or getting improper assistance on and an assignment meant to be individual  Not use technology for inappropriate use. work;  Acting as a provider of paper(s) for a Disciplinary Actions student or students; Any action taken with respect to cheating shall  Making up data for an experiment take into account the student who has violated (“fudging data”) ; and this policy and the need to provide an appropriate  Citing nonexistent sources (articles, consequence. books, etc.). Procedures for implementation of this policy shall include: Examples of other forms of academic dishonesty  Explanations of the Academic Honesty include: Policy and Procedures. Students will then  Misrepresenting academic sign and date an Acknowledgement of accomplishments, such as tampering Academic Honesty Policy form. with computer , such as tampering with computer records; and  Deceiving a teacher or making up a false

 In each incidence of alleged academic make documentation of the call, and send a copy dishonesty, parents will be notified directly of the disciplinary report (written description of 5 (by phone or a conference) and a brief the incident) to the parent. The parent is asked to written statement of the situation shall be verify receipt of the same with a signature and provided to the principal by the teacher, return it to the teacher no later than the following with a copy to the parents. school day.

Procedure Second Offense Staff Responsibilities >Penalties and procedures as in the first offense; plus: All teachers will educate students during the first >The teacher will contact the parent by phone, make a week of class as to what constitutes cheating and documentation of the call, and send a copy of the what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This disciplinary report (written description of the incident) information will be reinforced on a regular basis. to the parent. The parent will be asked to participate in a conference with the principal to discuss possible Violation of Academic Policy disciplinary action. The following rules for conduct apply to all students in grades 5-12 and violation of the rules could result Legal Ref: Section 943.70 WI Statues Public Law in consequences as described. In most cases the 94.553, Title 17 of the U.S. Code teacher is granted the authority to exercise his/her Adopted by the BOE: April 1997 good judgment in applying the range of consequences described. The principal has the authority to exercise judgment in determining an appropriate consequence. Consequences and procedures for students in grades K-4 will be established by the building principals.

Procedures for dealing with alleged academic dishonesty in grades 5-12 shall be:

First Offense >The teacher who observed the alleged dishonesty will confront the individual student, preferably not in the presence of other students, provide a written description of the incident to the student and permit the student to respond. The letter grade “F” (zero) will be issued for the assignment in cases of verified academic dishonesty. A) Homework - the student will lose credit on the assignment and may receive a grade reduction for the marking period. B) Test or Quiz - The student will lose credit on that test or quiz and will receive a grade reduction for the marking period. Extra credit cannot be used to compensate for loss of credit due to dishonesty. >The teacher will submit a copy of the disciplinary report to the office of the principal. >The teacher will contact the parent by phone

ADA Accommodations for Arrival at School 6 Individuals with Disabilities The elementary school day begins at 7: 40 am. Any person who has a qualifying disability Students should not arrive on school grounds by the Americans with Disabilities Act who before 7:20 a.m. Students who arrive before requires assistance with access or materials 7:20 a.m. will be unsupervised; we are always should contact us at least twenty-four hours concerned for student safety and would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. prior to the school event so that necessary Upon arrival to school, students should place arrangements can be made to accommodate backpacks in lockers or cubbies, then quietly the request. walk to the playground and remain outside until the first bell rings at 7:35 am. Students After School Child Care are not to be in the halls/classrooms unsupervised. After School Inc. offers an after-school program at Arboretum, Heritage, and The intermediate school day begins at 8:1 0 Prairie Elementary Schools each day am. The first bell rings at 8:03 a.m. Students should not arrive before 7:45 a.m. All students school is in session from the time school is are to enter using the door in the front of the dismissed until 5:45 p.m. Parents wishing building by the dining room (door #2). THIS more information should call After School IS THE ONLY DOOR TO BE USED. Inc. office at 276-9782. Students are to go directly outside to the playground or, in cold weather, to the dining room. No students are allowed in the halls without a pass. If a student needs to see a teacher, the student must go to the office for a pass. Students using the resource room before school may go to the LMTC with a pass or go to the office to get a pass. The LMTC opens at 7:30 am.

Late Arrivals to School Students who arrive late to school should go directly to the main office for a pass. Intermediate students must sign in at the office. Parents should sign in elementary students. If the school receives notification from parents/guardians by phone or in writing of why the student will be late and the excuse meets the criteria set by Board of Education Policy and State Statute, the student will be given an excused pass. If students arrive late without an acceptable excuse, they will be given an unexcused pass. The student will be considered truant and may receive appropriate consequences.

Attendance 7 Anticipated Absence / Family Vacations attend school regularly. Attendance is the responsibility of parents/guardians. School School Board Policy Number 430-Rule (3) authorities must enforce the law as cited in states students may be excused for family trips state statute 118.15 and School Board policy that can be taken only during the normal school 431. School Board policy requires that students term. The intent of this excuse is to provide an bring a written statement from home upon their opportunity for students to accompany their return after an absence. This note is to be parents/guardians on a vacation which cannot signed by the parent/guardian, dated, and be scheduled when school is not in session. A stating the reason for the absence. This must be parent/guardian shall be required to notify the an acceptable excuse according to School building principal prior to leaving on vacation Board policy. Board of Education Policy of the pending absence for the purpose of Section 430-Rule (3) states students may be reviewing the student’s attendance record and excused from school attendance for the overall performance record. Student vacations following reasons: or trips without parent/guardian accompaniment are not excused absences.  Evidence that the student is not in According to state statute, a child may be proper physical and/or mental excused by the parent for not more than 10 condition to attend school or an days in the school year. educational program.  An illness in the immediate family While a vacation can be educationally which requires the absence of the profitable, please consider the following: student because of family  It is impossible to “make up” all of the responsibilities. classroom presentations missed.  Medical, dental, chiropractic,  Since many assignments and follow-up optometrical, or other valid reading presentations are part of each professional appointments. day, it is not possible to furnish all Parents/guardians are encouraged to materials in advance or do so make appointments during non-school accurately. We will accommodate all hours. reasonable requests for homework.  A death in the family or funerals for Each school will determine when close relatives/friends. homeroom must be completed after the  Religious holidays. student returns.  Family trips that can be taken only  Your child will not have the resource of during the normal school term. See teacher direction during vacation. Anticipated Absence/Family Vacation.  Missed instruction may affect student  A court appearance or other legal grades and attitudes. procedure which requires the attendance of the student. Please contact your child’s teacher and the  A quarantine as imposed by a public school office prior to any planned absence. health officer.  Attendance at special events of Approved Legal Excuses educational value as approved by the The compulsory school attendance law requires principal. any person having a school-age child under  Approved school activities during class his/her control to have the child time.  Special circumstance showing good cause approved in advance by the principal. 8

If student absences become excessive or  The student is aching and fatigued questionable, (more than 10 days in a school enough to be unable to participate in year) the school principal may require the class and school activities. parent to obtain a statement from a physician or  The student has uncontrollable cough licensed practitioner as proof of the physical or or runny nose so that s/he cannot care mental condition of the student. Such excuses for it in a sanitary manner. must be in writing and shall state the time  The student has been diagnosed with period for which the excuse is valid, not to strep throat or other treatable exceed 30 days. contagious disease and has not yet had 24 hours of treatment. Calling Your Child in Absent  The student has an untreated contagious disease (impetigo, scabies, If a student is to be absent from school, draining pink eye, etc.). parents/guardians must call the school  The student has a recent injury that attendance line before 9:00 a.m. the morning causes enough discomfort to of the absence. significantly distract him/her from being able to focus on school activities The school attendance secretary will call the in class. parent/guardian if a call is not received by 9:00 a.m. If you would like homework, please We encourage parents to send students to indicate this when you call. After office hours, school each day if injury or illness does not parents/guardians may call these numbers to significantly compromise the student’s health leave a message on voice mail. and there is no threat of communicable disease Arboretum 849-1820 to others. A phone call to school to explain an Heritage 849-2035 absence is required on the day your child will Prairie 849-2235 remain at home. Intermediate 849-2178 Remember -- the school needs to have up-to- Please provide the following information: date phone numbers available to call should a your name, name of student, grade, teacher’s student become ill or be injured at school. If name, reason for absence and whether or not you have any questions about the guidelines, you would like homework collected. Parents please call the school nurse. who request homework for their child may pick it up at the school office after school is over. Leaving During the Day Health Guidelines For Attendance Although we encourage families to make A student should remain at home if: appointments after school hours, we know that  There have been episodes of vomiting occasionally this is not possible. When students or diarrhea in the last 24 hours and the need to leave the building, they should bring a student is not yet tolerating regular written note from a parent/guardian to their diet. teacher at the start of the school day. When it  The student’s temperature is not is time for the child to leave the building, normal (approximately 100 degrees or parents are expected to meet the student in higher) and the student feels ill. the main office and sign the child out. If an elementary student returns to school later in the day, parents 9 are asked to walk the student to the office and Part of truancy proceedings may include a sign their child in. Intermediate students can letter in the student file that details the concern sign themselves back in. of the repeated truancy.

Make Up Work Truancy State statute 118.15 states, “Truancy means any All work and exams missed due to excused absence of part or all of one or more days from absence need to be made up upon return to school during which the school attendance school with one day allowed for each day of officer has not been notified of legal cause of excused absence. such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil.” If a student is truant, Tardiness to Class parents/guardians will be notified, informed and receive information on the severity of the Students who are tardy to class are responsible situation from administration. If the situation is for making up missed time with the individual repeated, a parent/guardian meeting will be teacher. The teacher may require the student to requested. If efforts to reduce truancy are make time up after school. ineffective, the issue will be referred to local law enforcement agencies and Dane County If tardiness continues, the student will be Human Services. Parents/guardians will be referred to administration. If tardiness kept well informed of the situation through continues after discussion with the phone calls and letters. administrator, truancy proceedings will be initiated. Part of truancy proceedings will be initiated. Behavior at Co-Curricular Events

Attending co-curricular events is a privilege. K-4 students must sit with parents at events. Abiding by a few simple rules will help to 5th & 6th graders may sit with other students. insure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable time For football games, 5th & 6th graders will have at the event. Appropriate behavior is expected a special bleacher area to sit with their friends. of our students and families at both home and All K-6 grade students are to stay seated until away events. Appropriate behavior includes: the end of the quarter before going to the  Respecting and supporting performers concession stand or restroom. and other audience members. Be courteous and kind. Students who are unable to abide by these  Taking a seat when you enter and simple rules will be asked to leave the event remain in that seat until intermission, and may have their privileges to attend co- halftime, etc. Please do not bring food curricular events restricted. into the gym.  Not leaving the activity or event during Sportsmanship the action. If you are at a concert, Good sportsmanship is exemplified by: please wait until the doors open.  Cheering with the cheerleaders.  Not making inappropriate comments or  Standing for school songs of both gestures to/about participants or schools. spectators. Support the performers in  Standing and being attentive when the an National Anthem is being played.  appropriate way.  Showing respect for the officials.  Please respect the supervisors and  Showing respect for the opponent. follow directions. Types of Transportation 10

Bus Transportation The Bus Transportation Handbook that was handed out at registration or at the beginning of the school year covers all the information on bus transportation. If you have any questions on busing please call Lamers Bus Company at 850-5253. In-line Skates/Scooters In-line skates/scooters are not to be used on school grounds. In-line skates/scooters should be removed before entering school grounds. Bicycles Bicycle riding presents a safety hazard when children do not follow proper bicycle safety rules. Be sure your child is able to handle a bicycle safely before you allow him/her to ride a bike to school. We expect children to walk their bikes on school grounds. All bike riders are strongly encouraged to wear helmets and lock their bikes. The school district is not responsible for stolen bikes. Skateboards Due to liability and safety of children, skateboards are not allowed on the bus or to be ridden on school property.

2008-2009 School Calendar 11

September 2 First day of school October 13 Two hour early release October 29 Two hour early release October 30-31 No School (WEAC Convention) November 26 No School (PT Conf. Day) November 27-28 No School (Thanksgiving) Dec. 24— Jan. 4 No School (Winter Break) January 19 & 23 No School (Staff Development Days) February 26 Two hour early release February 27 No School (SWEIO Convention) April 3 Two hour early release April 5-10 No School (Spring Break) April 13 No School (PT Conf. Day) May 22 Two hour early release May 25 No School (Memorial Day) June 9 Last Day of School Classroom Code of Conduct

We are committed to maintaining an subject to removal from class. Placement educational atmosphere of excellence. procedures are outlined in BOE Policy 443. Teachers are expected to create a positive classroom environment conducive to The teacher who initiates the removal of a learning and self-discipline. Students are student from class will notify the principal expected to behave in a manner based on and attempt to notify parents/guardians respect and consideration for the rights of within 24 hours of the incident that caused others. the student to be removed from his/her class. Removal from class does not exclude A student may be removed from class for, additional disciplinary measures. but not limited to, the following reasons: dangerous, disruptive, damaging, or unruly Students who are repeatedly or severely behavior, behavior that violates disruptive will be referred to the expectations set forth in Board of administration. Education Policies and Student Handbooks, behavior that interferes with the ability of For more information, see BOE Policy 443. the teacher to teach effectively or interferes with the ability of others to learn, and behavior which is inconsistent with class decorum. Any student who engages in such behavior may be

Communication 12 Assignment Notebooks Third through sixth grade students receive assignment notebooks to assist in the Questions and Concerns organization of multiple assignments, We value your thoughts. Please share your managing time, and in keeping accurate ideas with us. If your child tells you instructions. The notebook enhances home- something about school that sounds school communication. Most students will unreasonable, please send a note or call. be responsible to share and have parents Remember, a child’s perception or sign assignment notebooks each school understanding of an incident may be very day. different from what actually occurred. If you are especially pleased with something a teacher or the school is doing, please let District Homepage us know. A positive phone call or note can The Waunakee Community School District make a teacher’s (or principal’s) day! Homepage Internet site can be located at While If you are concerned about a situation in visiting the homepage, families can access your child’s education, please address the teacher email and educational bookmarks situation in the following order: students use at school on home computers. The sites have been reviewed by staff to 1. Teacher (your first contact) insure appropriateness for student use. 2. Principal Student Internet use is monitored carefully 3. District Administrator to insure they stay on appropriate sites.

Student Withdrawal From School Parent-Teacher Conferences Dates Parents should contact the school office as Arboretum: Kdg. August 26 & 28 soon as they are aware their child will be K-4 November 18 & 20 moving out of the district. A Release of 1-4 February 5 & 10 Information Form will need to be signed by Heritage: Kdgn: August TBA a parent/guardian to have student records November 18 & 20 transferred to the new school. February 5 & 10 Prairie: Kdgn: August 25 & 26 1-4: September 18 & 23 K-4: February 5 & 10 Intermediate: August 26 & 28 January 29 & February 3

Party Invitations The staff requests that invitations to private parties (i.e. birthday parties) not be distributed at school. Please take care of this via phone or mail. 13

Telephone Messages/Usage Daily Schedule We need your help. Please make and review Arboretum, Heritage & Prairie Elementary arrangements for after-school activities with 7:40 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. your child prior to the beginning of the school Intermediate School day. We strongly encourage you to notify 8:10 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. teachers via a note of any change in your child’s normal pick up time or after school PLEASE DO NOT DROP CHILDREN OFF routine. Students are permitted to use the BEFORE THESE TIMES: telephone in the school ONLY for school- 7:20 a.m. at Arboretum, Heritage & related needs. In cases of urgency, a school Prairie Elementary Schools staff member will a call a parent/guardian. 7:45 a.m. at Intermediate School

Office personnel attempt to deliver all DETENTIONS telephone messages to students and teachers. Intermediate students are issued detentions for Emergency or last-minute messages to students the following reasons: fighting, chronic or should be called into the office at least one severe behavior problems, cruelty to others, hour before school is dismissed. injury to others, repeated breaking of rules, issues that happen on the playground, buses, Telephone Number / Address Changes halls, etc. If families have a change in home, work, or Detentions are served after school on Mondays, emergency telephone numbers and/or an Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:25-4:00. address change, we ask parents/guardians to Students are given 24 hours to notify parents contact the school office. Our records need to and set up transportation home. be current in case of an emergency. ELECTRONIC Thursday Home and School Folders COMMUNICATION DEVICES For your convenience, school notices and Students are prohibited from using IPods, MP3 classroom work will be sent home on players, CD players, two-way radios, pagers, Thursdays. The school will issue one Thursday cell phones and other electronic Folder to each student; students who lose or communication or entertainment equipment misplace their folder will be asked to pay $1.00 during the school day. Students who bring any to receive a replacement. The folder needs to of the above items to school must leave them be returned to the classroom teacher on Friday. turned off and store them in their locker. The school is not responsible for the security of Court Orders such items and may examine cellular phones Parents/guardians, please supply the school and search their contents if there is reason to with a copy of any type of court order which believe that school policies or rules have been may affect a student (i.e., who may pick up the violated. child, who may have access to student records). Students must have permission from a The order will be maintained in the child’s file. supervisor or bus driver to use cell phones If any changes take place during the year which while riding on school buses. alter the court order, the school must be notified. School officials are not responsible for enforcing court orders and can only notify authorities. 14

Emergency Defibrillator An important part of the emergency response plan includes the use of defibrillation via semiautomatic external defibrillators, commonly known as automated external defibrillators (AEDs). AEDs are located across from the office in the Intermediate, in the front entryway to the Heritage office and inside the gym and cafeteria at Prairie. Field Trips

Field trips are planned to enrich the school >Only parents serving as chaperones may curriculum. A general permission slip is on ride on school provided vehicles in the enrollment form. You will be notified of addition to staff members and the all bus field trips in advance, but will not students involved with the trip. receive additional permission slips. If you >Parent chaperones may not bring other choose not to have your child attend a field children on school sponsored trips. trip, you must notify the school office in Chaperones are expected to assist with advance and make arrangements for your supervision of the students on the trip child to be supervised that day. Going on and caring for other children can field trips is a privilege and this privilege interfere with that responsibility. may be taken from students who >Parent chaperones may drive their own consistently make poor behavioral choices. vehicles on school trips if sufficient supervision is provided on school Field Trip Procedures vehicles. However, they may only Students are to ride to and from a field trip transport other parent chaperones or location in school district provided their own child involved in the group vehicles. The only exception to this policy activity. could be a parent/guardian transporting >Only students, staff, and designated their own child with a written request chaperones are part of the official field provided to the principal. trip/co-curricular group. Others attending the same event on their own initiative are not part of the official group (i.e., parent with younger siblings cannot “meet you there.”) 15

Food Service

The food service program will work with Prices for lunch are $2.25per day or $11.25 students, staff and parents to educate per week. Milk for students bringing their consumers about proper nutrition. This lunch is $.35 a carton or $1.75 per week. includes providing nutritional analysis Lunch money (checks or cash) is to be sent to information for all entrees provided. The food school in a sealed envelope clearly marked service program will offer, promote and display with the student’s name, teacher, school, and food items deemed high in nutritional value. account number on it. Checks are to be made payable to Waunakee Community Schools. The district will provide a clean, pleasant Parents are encouraged to send regular weekly eating environment for students and staff, with or monthly payments to cover anticipated adequate and appropriate time for eating. meals for their children.

Free & Reduced Lunch/Milk QUESTIONS — Information and an application for free / S tudent l unch accounts : reduced lunch and morning milk prices can be Jayne Romano ………. 849-2185 obtained at registration, in the school office, or F ood S ervice ( Taher, Inc. ) in general : Vicki in the appendix of this booklet. Hoyer …………. 849-2197 Mail Lunch payments: Lunch / Milk Accounting System Taher Food Service A food service computer system is utilized to Attn: Jayne Romano track student school lunches. The computerized 101 School Drive accounting system operates on a pre-paid, Waunakee, WI 53597 declining balance system which provides parents/guardians with a monthly balance Lunch Room Rules statement. This system works the same way as Students are expected to display appropriate a checking account. A family account must dining behaviors and courtesies. Students are have a positive balance for a student to be able reminded to: to purchase lunch. If a family’s balance reaches  Use an “inside voice” in the lunch $5.00 or less, students will be reminded to room. inform parents their balance is low. If the  Clean up eating area when finished. account reaches a negative balance, the child  Use trash barrels for paper and uneaten will be given a peanut butter sandwich and food. milk to eat at lunch time.  Return trays, forks, and spoons to designated areas. Each student is issued a 4 digit pin number that  Raise hands and ask to be excused is entered into the computers in the cafeteria before leaving the lunch room. when they purchase lunch or milk. The  Do not take food / drink outside computer will deduct charges from the (grades K-4). appropriate family account updating the current  Use restroom, if needed, closest to the balance. All family members will be able to lunch room before going outside. purchase meals and milk from the one family  Walk quietly in the halls and go account. directly outside to the playground.  It is reccommended that pop and squeeze bottles not be included in lunches. These items explode easily and can be very messy. 16

Lunch Schedules Parent Visits for Lunch All students have a 40 minute break to eat Parents are invited to join their child for lunch and play on the playground. Students lunch at school. Please check in at the are encouraged to eat lunch at a slow pace office on the day you plan to join your and are therefore required to spend the first child for lunch. The cost of an adult lunch 10-15 minutes of their lunch break in the is $3.25. Parents may purchase lunch in cafeteria. advance or pay in the lunch line.

Menus Monthly food service menus will be sent School Lunch Serving Requirements home in the school newsletter at the The Federal Government requires school beginning of each month. hot lunch programs to serve children the proper portion of three of the five food Morning Milk & Snack Break groups (meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and Morning Milk is served each day. The cost milk). Three of the five food groups must is $31.50 per semester for grades be on all students’ trays participating in the kindergarten through six. Whole milk, 2% school lunch program. Students may plain or chocolate, and skim milk are choose from the choice of two entrees, available. Be sure your child really wants vegetables and/or fruits on most days; to have morning milk before you however they must have three of the five purchase it. Often, parents purchase milk food groups on their trays. Students are and the students don’t think they need to always encouraged to eat foods they have drink it. chosen; however, students will never be forced to eat any foods that are not Parents are encouraged to provide healthy appealing to them. snacks for the morning snack break. To reduce the risk to students who have food allergies, parents are encouraged to provide fresh fruit or vegetables, or food items that have been commercially prepared. District food service will assist staff and parents by providing lists of nutritionally appropriate snacks. 17

Grade Reporting

Progress Reports Personal Development: the development Throughout the year parents/guardians of self discipline and personal should expect to receive information on responsibility, as well as the ability to work their child’s progress in school. You may cooperatively with others. receive progress reports from teachers informing you of the academic and The purpose of the report card is to behavioral progress of your child. These document and provide parent/guardians reports come between quarterly grade level with accurate information regarding their report cards. If parents/guardians desire child’s education. Student performance is more information, please contact the measured against a standard of teacher directly. Parents/guardians may educationally appropriate grade level also want to discuss monitoring their expectations. The first through fourth grade child’s progress with the guidance report card focuses on student strengths counselor who may be able to offer and areas in need of improvement. Marks additional ideas and/or information. on the report card for K-4 are divided into three categories: Report Cards Exceeds Expectations Our focus is to create an atmosphereMeets Expectations which encourages students toDoes become Not Meet life longExpectations learners. The goal of the report card is to provide parents with information regarding At the Intermediate School, A, B, C, D, their child’s performance in grade level and F are given with the following grading curriculum areas. Each grade level has a scale criteria: curriculum which provides the overall A+ = 100 A = 93-99 A- = 90-92 structure for the learning process. Student B+ = 88-89 B = 83-87 B- = 80-82 grades on the report card are based on a C+ = 78-79 C = 73-77 C- = 70-72 variety of daily activities, individual and D+ = 68-69 D = 63-67 D- = 60-62 group assessments and teacher judgment. A F = 59 or below variety of factors are considered when teachers evaluate the progress students Report Cards indicating student progress make within the curriculum. Students are are distributed on the Thursday following challenged through a curriculum that the end of each nine-week grading period. focuses on knowledge, skill, and Report cards will be sent home with development in the following areas: students on the following dates:

Basic Skills: reading, writing, spelling, November 13, 2008 listening, mathematical January 29, 2008 problem solving and April 16, 2008 computation. End of year—to be determined. Content Area: social studies, science Related Arts: music, art and physical education 18


We are committed to a safe and civil learning disability which substantially educational environment for all students, interferes with a pupil’s school free from harassment, intimidation or performance or creates an intimidating, bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or hostile, or offensive school environment.” bullying” means any intentional written, [PI 9.02(9), Wis. Administrative Code] Any verbal, or physical act, when the intentional conduct that meets the elements of written, verbal, or physical act: harassment will constitute harassment and  Physically harms a student or will be dealt with accordingly. damages the student’s property; or  Has the effect of substantially Students learn about harassment, interfering with a student’s intimidation and bullying in guidance class education; or and/or in a school assembly.  Is severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or Sexual Harassment threatening educational It is the policy of the Waunakee environment; or Community School District to maintain a  Has the effect of substantially learning and working environment that is disrupting the orderly operation of free from sexual harassment. It shall be a the school. violation of Section G of the Policies of the Board of Education for students to harass Harassment, intimidation or bullying can other students through take many forms including: slurs, rumors, conduct or communication of a sexual jokes, innuendo’s, demeaning comments, nature. drawing cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, Definition: Sexual harassment shall consist oral or physical actions. This can take place of unwelcome sexual advance, requests for online as well as at school. “Intentional sexual favors, and other inappropriate acts” refers to the individual’s choice to verbal or physical conduct of a sexual engage in the act rather than the ultimate nature made by any student to another impact of the action(s). student when: >Submission to such conduct is made Counseling, correction discipline, and/or either explicitly or implicitly a term or referral to law enforcement will be used to condition of an individual’s education, change the behavior of the perpetrator and or when remediate the impact on the victim. This >Submission to or rejection of such includes appropriate intervention(s), conduct by an individual is used as the restoration of a positive climate, and basis for academic performance support for victims and others impacted by affecting that individual, or when the violation. False reports or retaliation for >Such conduct has the purpose or effect harassment, intimidation or bullying also substantially interfering with an constitutes violation of this policy. individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment environment. 19 “ Pupil harassment means behavior toward pupils based, in whole or in part, on sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, or physical, mental, emotional, or Sexual harassment, as set forth in Section Procedures for Dealing with Harassing II– and may include, but is not limited to Behavior the following:  Verbal harassment or abuse Parents/guardians of students may follow  Pressure for sexual activity the procedures outlined in the complaint  Repeated remarks to a person with a process above if they feel their child has sexual or demeaning implication been the victim of sexual harassment (sex  Unwelcome touching discrimination). Students who harass others  Suggesting or demanding sexual may be referred to the police. involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats Students who feel they are being harassed concerning ones grades, job, etc. by another student should do the following:  Respond assertively (tell harasser to Some examples of sexual harassment are: stop, or walk away) graffiti of a sexual nature; displaying or  Document the situation (write down distributing sexually explicit drawings, the date, time and location where pictures, written material; sexual gestures; and when the situation happened. sexual or “dirty” jokes; name-calling of a Write down other people who sexual nature; spreading rumors about a saw/heard it. Write down your pupil’s sexual activity or orientation. assertive response.) Keep this document. Students who feel they have been sexually  If the harassment is severe, or if it harassed should speak to an adult does not stop after you have dealt immediately. Severe situations should be with it assertively, go to the teacher referred to administration. Students may in charge, or your homeroom also follow the procedures outlined in the teacher and tell him/her about the complaint processing procedures outlined situation. in this publication.  If you are afraid to speak to your teachers alone, take a friend along to help you.  Your teacher may involve others (guidance counselor, principal).  Teachers will keep parents informed of more serious situations of harassment.  Severe situations will be referred to administration. 20

BEHAVIOR DIRECTED TOWARDS A CREATING A HOSTILE PUPIL BECAUSE OF: ENVIRONMENT: The following are examples sex The behavior is so severe of behavior that can race (in view of all constitute harassment: religion circumstances) name-calling, making national origin threats, spreading rumors, ancestry or telling jokes, making fun of parental status someone, gestures, physical physical disability pervasive (occurs often, is intimidation, hitting, mental disability part of a pattern of touching, pranks or hazing, emotional disability behaviors, permeates vandalism or destruction of learning disability atmosphere) property. that it creates a hostile environment. Discrimination Complaint Procedures Step 2: If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the local Title If any person believes that the Waunakee IX/Section 504 coordinator, s/he may Community School District or any part of submit a signed statement of appeal to the the school organization has inadequately superintendent of schools within five applied the principles and/or regulations of business days after receipt of the local Title IX and Section 504 or in some way coordinators response to the complaint. The discriminates on the basis of sex, race, superintendent shall meet with all parties color, national origin, age or handicap, s/he involved, formulate a conclusion, and may bring or send a complaint to: respond in writing to the complainant Waunakee Community School District, 101 within 10 business days. School Drive, Waunakee, WI 53597. Step 3: If the complainant remains Informal Procedure: unsatisfied, s/he may appeal through a The person who believes s/he has a valid signed written statement to the board of basis for a complaint shall discuss the education within five business days of the concern with the local Title IX/Section 504 receipt of the superintendent’s response. In coordinator, who shall in turn investigate an attempt to resolve the complaint, the the complaint and reply to the complainant board shall meet with the concerned parties in writing within two days. If this reply is and their representative within 15 days of not acceptable to the complainant, s/he may the receipt of such appeal. A copy of the initiate formal procedures. boards disposition shall be sent to the superintendent within ten business days. Formal Complaint Procedures: Step 1: A written statement of the Step 4: If, at this point, the complaint shall be prepared by the complaint has not been satisfactorily complainant and signed. This complaint settled, further appeal may be made to the shall be presented to the local Title Office of Civil Rights, US Dept. of 21 IX/Section 504 coordinator within five Education, 300 S. Wacker Dr., 8th Floor, business days. Chicago, IL 60606.

Health Concerns

Accidents and Illness To Do List: With the understanding that school is Observe for itching particularly in primarily an educational setting rather than the ear, neck and crown regions. a health care facility and staff and Check your child for head lice/nits resources are limited, the school may notify regularly. the parent or guardian of the need for an ill Notify the school and the child’s child to be cared for by the parent/guardian close contacts immediately if you rather than the school staff. Therefore, it is discover head lice in your family. extremely important that you provide the Be aware that medicated shampoo school office with current home, work, and alone is NOT the answer. The emergency telephone numbers. removal of nits and a complete household cleaning is also The parent/guardian of a student who necessary. appears significantly ill or injured will be Check your child’s backpack daily notified by telephone to come to school to throughout the school year to avoid pick up the child in order to insure s/he missing any fliers that may be sent child receives appropriate care related to to inform you that lice have been the illness or injury. Ill or injured students found in your child’s classroom. If whose ability to participate in routine this occurs you should check your classroom activities is compromised to a child daily for at least a week for significant degree due to illness or injury nits/lice will be sent home after appropriate basic Checking for nits/lice is best done by assessment efforts have been employed; parting very small sections of hair these efforts may include questioning, and looking carefully for tiny egg- observation and temperature taking. Effort shaped specks attached to the hair may be made, if appropriate, to make the shaft that can’t be blown or brushed child more comfortable and rest. away or removed except by pulling them off individually. Combs Should a parent/guardian refuse to comply and/or hands used should be with a school request to take the child thoroughly washed after home, a referral to Dane County Human examination. Services for suspected neglect may be Nits can be found anywhere on the made. head and anywhere on the length of the hair. If one family member or person your child comes in daily Head Lice contact with has head lice, the During any school year cases of head lice entire family should be checked. may be detected among students. The school staff works diligently to detect a problem early and eliminate the opportunity for the spreading of this disease. However, to manage the potential 22 or actual problem of head lice, an effort at home is required as well.

Head lice is considered a communicable Consent” form (see appendix F) prior to disease by the health department and office personnel dispensing any should be reported to school as soon as prescription medication to a student. cases are discovered. Students found to Medication must arrive in the original have lice will be excluded from school container with the child’s name, name of until they are properly treated; students will drug and dosage, time and quantity to be be examined after treatment before they are given, physician’s name and duration of allowed to return to class. treatment on the container’s label.

Over the counter / non-prescription Immunizations & Health Records medication: Over the counter, non- State law requires that all students in prescription medication to be administered grades kindergarten through 12 have at at school should be brought to the office by least minimum protection against certain the student’s parent/guardian in the original communicable diseases; current container. Prior to dispensing any over the immunization cards must be maintained on counter medication, parents/guardians are all students. Health records are kept by the required to complete a “Medication school health nurse and are updated yearly. Consent” form (see appendix) stating time Please supply the school with any updated and quantity of medication to be information on immunizations or special administered. health concerns. Under no circumstances will a student be given medication or allowed to take Medication medication him/herself, prescription or Whenever possible, we encourage parents non-prescription, without written to administer medication to children at notification from parents to the school. home. Please check with your child’s physician if prescribed medication can be given outside the school day and thereby eliminate bringing medication to school. Prescription Medication: Written consent and instruction from parents/guardians and a licensed physician must be submitted to the office on a “Medication 23


Homework which contributes to the growth A Checklist for Helping and development of the student is valuable. Make Sure Your Child Has Homework will be assigned to:  A quiet place to work with good light. supplement, support, and extend learning  Regular time each day for doing through home-related activities, homework. reinforce classroom instruction by providing  Basic supplies, such as paper, pencils, practice, integration, and application, pens, markers and ruler. help students become resourceful and work independently, Questions to Ask Your Child acquaint and involve parents/guardians with  What’s your assignment today? what their children are learning in school.  Is the assignment clear? (If not, suggest calling a classmate.) The Board of Education recognizes the  When is it due? professional judgement of the classroom  Do you need special resources (a trip to the teacher to determine the appropriate amount library or access to a computer)? and relevance of homework. Students in grades  Do you need special supplies (graph, paper K-4 should expect 5-40 minutes of homework or poster board)? three or more times per week. Students in  Have you started today’s assignment? grades 5-6 should expect 30-60 minutes of Finished it? homework nightly. The amount of time needed  Is it a long-term assignment (a term paper for homework will obviously vary according to or science project)? the individual student’s age, needs, capabilities,  For a major project, would it help to write and motivation. out the steps or make a schedule?  Would practice be useful? Each student must be personally responsible for work missed during an absence. Makeup Other Ways to Help work should be completed as soon as possible  Look over your child’s homework, but upon the return of the student to school. For don’t do the work! extended absences, the student should make  Review teacher comments on homework special arrangements with his/her teachers. that has been returned and discuss comments with your child.  Contact the teacher if there’s a homework problem or need you can’t resolve.  Congratulate your child on a job well done. 24

Internet Use Policy Lockers / Cubbies

The use of the Internet and similar Lockers/cubbies are provided by the school communication networks by students and for the students’ convenience. The staff is a privilege — not a right. Failure to locker/cubbies is used solely for storage of follow established rules can lead to outerwear and school related materials. The appropriate disciplinary action as well as locker / cubbie is NOT student property the loss of access to the Internet. The and is assigned with the understanding that LMTC Director in each building shall school officials have the right to open and maintain a record of those students who do inspect the locker or cubbie at any time. not have access to the Internet (or other Students are responsible for paying to materials). Legal action may also be taken repair any damage done to their locker. where/when appropriate. Locker / cubbie inspection will be held on a regular basis. Students are expected to keep Students shall be trained on the use of the lockers / cubbies clean. Internet. Staff will be responsible for informing students of the District’s policies, procedures, and rules annually. Lost & Found

A lost and found area is maintained at each school. Each year many very good items of clothing are unclaimed. Please label your child’s clothing so items may be returned if lost. The lost and found area is cleaned out at the end of each quarter. Unclaimed items are given to local charities. Parent Involvement

Parent Advisory Committee Please mark your calendar and plan on A group of volunteer parents/guardians acts volunteering at the following 2008-09 PTO as advisors to the school.They address events: current issues that affect the education of our students. PAC meetings are open to PTO Kickoff Barbecue: Thursday, every parent/guardian. September 11, 2008 at Intermediate/ Heritage PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Every parent/guardian of a K-6 student is Ice Cream Social: Thursday, May 14, 2009 automatically a member of PTO.The PTO at Prairie Elementary is very active and organizes many projects aimed at serving our students. 25

Parents/GuardiansVisiting School  All academic information is confidential. Parents/legal guardians are encouraged to visit  Periodically students may share information their children in the classrooms. Advanced about their family or neighbors. While at arrangements should be made with the teacher. times these stories may be innocent and/or When you come to school, please sign in and amusing, it is best to keep them confidential. secure a visitor’s tag from the office.  If a student exhibits behavior problems or a reluctance to follow through with directions, Parents/Guardians Volunteering please contact the classroom teacher or Volunteers are an important part of our school principal. We ask that parents do not share program. We are eager to involve community their impressions of student behavior in the volunteers (parents/guardians, grandparents, community. etc.) in our educational family. Volunteers If a student shares information that suggest s/he provide a needed service in a variety of ways: may be physically, sexually, or chaperoning field trips, supervising children psychologically abused, the information during assemblies, helping with parties, should be shared immediately with the tutoring, reading, cutting and pasting, attending classroom teacher , guidance counselor or PTO meetings, and being guest speakers on principal. While this information should careers and special interests. If you are remain confidential, it is important that interested in being a volunteer, please contact volunteers inform the student of their your child’s classroom teacher or the school responsibility to report the information to office. school authorities.

As a result of the time parents spend with students, they periodically see or hear information about students which needs to remain confidential. Please consider the following guidelines when volunteering in classrooms, on the playground, or during field trips: Pets The school buildings, parking lots and athletic facilities of the Waunakee Community School groups and visitors at all times. No mammals, fowl, reptiles, amphibians, fish, pets or exotic pets are allowed on school premises unless the animal or pet has been administratively approved as part of a classroom curriculum, building (i.e., pet day, VIP Day, birthday, family learning night, public/student observations, etc.), canine assistance or canine being trained to provide assistance for the blind, deaf or mobility impaired individuals, as part of a law enforcement canine training program or as apart of an administratively authorized drug search.

This restriction applies to all activities held on school grounds or in school buildings as noted.

Any group requesting use of school facilities will be provided with copies of this policy and the district guidelines regarding pets in the classroom as part of a facility use request.

All pet visits to the classrooms need prior approval by the principal. Pets that visit the classroom 26 need to be muzzled, on a short leash and a copy of the animal’s immunizations must be submitted to the office prior to the visit.

Prohibited Items

The following is a list of many, but not all, Use of a cellular phone is subject to the items that have no place at school: knives, provisions of the Waunakee Community weapons of any kind, look alike guns, School District Acceptable Use Policy. cigarettes, any items that ignite (lighters/matches), drugs or look alike Students who bring cellular telephones to drugs/alcohol, water guns, hardballs, bats, school are responsible for keeping their articles of pornography, and violent or other telephones turned off and in their locker or paraphernalia not conducive to a safe, orderly desks during the school day. environment. These items, plus anything else 2. Student shall not turn on or use cellular which could cause problems of control at telephones while being transported in school, will be taken from students. Parents authorized district vehicles to and from will be notified and, in most cases, asked to school-sponsored activities or field trips, come to school to discuss the seriousness of the unless they receive permission from the situation. supervising teacher, bus driver or there is an emergency situation that jeopardizes the Electronic Communication Devices safety of students, staff, chaperones or the In order to maintain a non-disruptive learning bus driver. environment and reduce the opportunity to 3. Any parent/guardian who wants his/her child violate the academic honesty policy to use a cellular telephone at an requirements, via texting we do not allow unauthorized time may submit a request to electronic communication devices to be used the student’s principal or his/her designee, during the school day. If students choose to explaining the reasons for the unauthorized use cell phones or electronic devices outside of use. The Principal’s or her designee’s the guidelines in the handbook they will be decision shall be final. subject to the following procedures: 1st time—cell phone is taken, turned into the office, and returned to the student at the end of Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco And Look Alike the day. This will be documented in the office. Products 2nd time–cell phone is taken, turned into the office, and parents will be called to pick the Waunakee Community Schools are drug free phone up (not returned to the student), and schools. Smoking, chewing or possession of detention assigned. tobacco products or any items that ignite 3rd time—cell phone is taken, turned into the (lighters/matches) are prohibited at all times on office, and will be returned to the parent at the school property, at school events, or activities end of the school year (June 10). sponsored by the school. Drugs, alcohol, and/or look alike related paraphernalia or any other The Waunakee Community School District substance that causes intoxication or results in shall not be responsible for the safety or mind or mood alterations, including deliberate securing of personal electronic equipment that use of over-the counter or unregulated students choose to bring to school. The district substances for this purpose but excluding may examine the cellular phone and search its substances taken as directed with a valid contents if there is a reason to believe the prescription are prohibited at all times. school policies, rules or regulations have been Students who violate this policy are subject to 27 violated. (Legal Ref.: Section 118.258 disciplinary action including suspension or Wisconsin Statutes) expulsion. In addition, students who violate this policy will be referred to law enforcement officers.

Weapons and Look Alike Weapons Exception:

Weapons and look alike weapons are The building principal may allow weapons prohibited. No person shall possess, use, or in the building for purposes of store a weapon on school property, on demonstration or educational presentations. school buses, or at any school related This approval must be in writing and event. A weapon is an object that, by its granted prior to the weapon being brought design and/or use, can cause bodily injury to school. The weapon will be maintained or property damage. This includes, but is in the possession of the principal except not limited to guns, knives, razors, karate during the actual demonstration or sticks, nunchaku, metal knuckles, chains, presentation. and similar items or destructive devices such as explosives or fire bombs. A weapon is also defined as any facsimile firearm such as a toy, starter pistol or other object that can be perceived as a weapon (look alike). Any student violating this policy shall be subject to penalties outlined in state, federal and local laws including mandatory expulsion from school. Parent/guardians and law enforcement officials will be notified in all cases. Weapons will be confiscated by the district. Promotion/Retention

Academic ability is the major criteria to be academic criteria and other factors utilized in determining the promotion or mentioned previously. A committee retention of a student at a specific grade composed of the classroom teacher, level. The acquisition of the basic skills in director of student services, guidance the core subject areas are of primary counselor, school psychologist, school concern. The subjects of reading and math social worker, reading resource teacher and dominate the elementary/intermediate years principal, review student progress in the and gradually give way to more inclusion areas of social development, school history of science and social studies. Social of achievement, emotional development, development, beginning foundations of ability, achievement test results, existence sound work habits, and the early stages of of exceptional educational needs, and other problem-solving and decision making, are educational characteristics (age, learning equally as important. style, work habits) and make a recommendation to promote or retain. Final The decision to promote or retain a student placement of a student is made by the is done after careful consideration of all the school principal and is subject to appeal by the parents/guardians. 28


Crossing Guards the parking lot. Drop off/pick up the child Adult crossing guards are on duty from 7:20 to nearest the bike racks on the south end of 8:15 a.m. and 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the school. Proceed through the outer loop around intersections of 4th and South , 8th and South, the parking lot. Stop at first stop sign and yield 5th and Century, North Madison and Verleen, to any buses entering the bus lane. and South and Main Streets. Always be cautious of children on bikes and Motorists should show respect for and follow walking. Do not use the driveway in front of directions from safety patrol students and the school loading/unloading area to drop off crossing guards. If a crossing guard signals cars children. The local police will ticket to stop, motorists must obey and remain individuals using that area immediately before stopped until the guard directs them to proceed. and after school. This area is only to be used by To avoid accidents involving children follow buses. these tips: Obey all crossing guard signals and commands. Prairie: Adults dropping off or picking up Watch for children who may run to or from should do so only in the parent drop off area in school and buses. the south parking lot in front of the building. Slow down near schools. The speed limit is 15 Attention “Walker” parents: To encourage mph unless otherwise posted. independence and to eliminate confusion, we  Slow down and be ready to stop wherever would like the children dropped off at the front children are present. doors of the school or the back gates near the fence, where they can walk with other children Dropping Off / Picking Up Students to their classrooms. We do not want parents on the playground during school or recess. Arboretum: Please drop off and pick up your child on the west side of the school in front of Intermediate: Please drop off / pick up your the main entrance. This drop off and pick up child on the west side of South Street or in the loop follows the perimeter of the parking lot. area north of the main school entrance. Please Arrows indicate direction. If you want to walk do not park in the parking lot or the road into your child in, please park in the west parking the parking lot. lot and then walk your child in. Please do not park in the parent pick up and drop off area. Emergency Procedures Bus students will be dropped off and picked up Emergency evacuation procedures will be on the north side of Arboretum School. Thank practiced regularly. Information specific to you for your help in creating a safe procedures that are to be followed will be environment for the children at Arboretum. posted in classrooms and explained by teachers. All students should follow general Heritage School: Adults transporting students rules. in cars should enter off South Street. Proceed straight forward toward the playground. Drive Safety and Well Being of Students around the perimeter of Any behavior which is potentially dangerous to the safety and well being of others is prohibited. 29

Student Accident Insurance Plan Property Damage/Vandalism The Waunakee Community School District Damage to school property or materials must secures a Student Accident Insurance Plan be paid for by the student and/or parents of the which covers all students in our school. The student involved. Insurance Plan is an EXCESS MEDICAL INSURANCE ONLY; if families have their Recess Attire own insurance they must use it to its fullest Students should always dress appropriately for then this insurance will review and consider the weather conditions. General guidelines for EXCESS not paid by your policy subject to the keeping students in school in the morning or master contract. The Student Accident during recess are: temperature of 0; wind chill Insurance Plan provides benefits to all students of –10, or rainy conditions. School staff will while attending school during the hours and on monitor weather conditions and make decisions the days when school is in session. based on current weather reports. Students are expected to wear boots and snow pants while playing in the snow. Please label your child’s outerwear so it may be returned if lost. School Rules

Parents are essential in assisting children in Playground Rules developing and strengthening the qualities of The following are safety rules for equipment respect, responsibility and self-discipline. Each and property: teacher has a discipline plan they share with and remind students of regularly. · Sit on the slide; do not walk up or down the Predetermined consequences and rewards slide. provide the students with a logical way of · Use jump ropes for their intended purposes. predicting consequences of the choices they · Do not jump off playground equipment. make. · One person per swing; swings are to be sat on only. Twisting swings or winding of Students are expected to display respect, swings is not allowed. responsibility and self-discipline at all times. · Baseballs, hardballs, and bats are only · Keeping hands, feet and other objects to allowed with adult supervision. yourself. · Pea gravel, wood chips, and sand are to · Respecting things that belong to the school remain on the ground and are not to be and others. thrown. · Using polite and appropriate language. · No games involving physical contact are · Walking and using a quiet voice in the allowed. school building. · Snowball throwing is allowed only at · Following directions from adults working designated targets. in the school the first time they are given. · Line up quickly and quietly at the end of · Not interfering with learning or teaching. recess. · No gum chewing or hats. All activities end when the bell/whistle sounds. Students who escalate through the classroom Please return all balls, ropes, etc. discipline plan and/or consistently choose not to display respect, responsibility and self- 30 discipline will be referred to the principal. Parents will be notified and students will receive appropriate consequences based on the severity of their behavioral choice.

Recess Attire Request for Students to Remain Indoors Students should always dress appropriately for Recess for weather conditions. General guidelines An adult must be present whenever a child for keeping students in school in the is to stay in for recess. Please limit these morning or during recess are: temperature requests. We may require a note from a of 0; wind chill of –10, or rainy conditions. physician when it is necessary for a child to School staff will monitor weather remain in for an extended period of time. conditions and make decisions based on current weather reports. Students are Safety and Well Being of Students expected to wear boots and snow pants Safety is our primary concern. Any while playing in the snow. Please label behavior which is potentially dangerous to your child’s outerwear so it may be the safety and well being of others is returned if lost. prohibited. Special Services

Counseling Program Additional translation services and Counseling program offers services for all resources are also available; please contact students. Through classroom activities, the ELL teacher for more information. small group discussions and individual meetings with students, the counselor helps DPI requires that our English language students to better understand themselves, to learners participate in alternate assessments make good decisions, and to solve to the WKCE who have attended school in problems. If you would like to discuss a the United States less than 3 years. The concern with or feel your child could ELL teacher will contact you regarding benefit from services of the school these fall classroom assessments. counselor, please call the office for further information. Pathways Students identified through nomination by English Language Learner parents or teachers as having a high interest Students whose second language is or ability may be eligible to participate in English, are eligible to receive English programming provided through the Language Learner (ELL) services. Pathways Program. The Pathways program Generally, parents indicate this information of the Waunakee Community School on the enrollment form and then are asked District provides assistance to meet the to complete a short Home Language learning needs of highly able students. Survey. After the student’s English is assessed, parents must complete a Reading Specialist Permission to Participate form. ELL The reading specialist helps in identifying Services are based on teacher(s) input, students with needs in the area of reading student language needs, and ELL teacher and provides remediation to assist students availability. Services may include direction in academic growth. The specialist in this instruction, “as needed” instruction, area works with small groups or academic monitoring and/or providing individuals and is often involved in the 31 written present translations. Instruction assessment process. may occur in the classroom or in a pull-out situation.

School Social Worker Student Teachers The school social worker assists students The Waunakee Community School District and families who are experiencing welcomes student teachers from area difficulties in relationships at school and at colleges and universities. Helping to train home. future teachers is part of the District’s responsibility to the educational Special Education Programs community. The Waunakee Community School District provides special education programs for Statement of students who have been identified as having disabilities. Students are identified Non-Discrimination through a process which involves individual assessment, multi-disciplinary The Waunakee Community School District team meetings, and review by the Director does not discriminate against pupils on the of Special Education, Mr. Kurt Eley, who basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, may be reached at 849-2015. creed, pregnancy, religion, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or Programs offered are: Speech and physical, mental, emotional or learning Language, Cognitive Disabilities, Early disability or handicap in its education Childhood, Learning Disabilities and programs or activities. Federal law Behavioral/Emotionally Disturbed. Related prohibits discrimination in employment on Services are: Physical Therapy, the basis of age, race, color, national origin, Occupational Therapy and Adaptive sex, religion or handicap. The Wisconsin Physical Education. Fair Employment Law also prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of creed, marital status, ancestry, arrest record or conviction record, or sexual orientation. Student Dress Students clothing should be appropriate for the working and learning environment. Students are expected and required to wear clothing that is neat, clean, safe, fits well, is worn properly and reflects good taste. Any type of attire that is obscene, attracts undue attention to the wearer and causes a disturbance or safety concern for the wearer, or others, is not allowed. Students are expected to wear pants which fit appropriately, insure that no underclothing is showing, and that there is not a risk of pants falling down. Shirts must cover all underclothing (tank top straps should be at least “three fingers wide,” stomachs should not be showing and halter tops are not allowed). The three finger width rule can be at the principal’s discretion at the k-4 level. Only chains used exclusively as jewelry are allowed (no chains from pants). Clothing with advertisements for controlled substances (drugs including tobacco and alcohol), sexually explicit, gang related, vulgar or insulting decorations, are not compatible with the school environment and are not allowed. Students will be asked to get another shirt or turn their shirt inside out. 32

Student Records Student records means all records relating to information contained in the education records individual pupils maintained by the school but of the student is inaccurate or misleading or not including notes or records maintained for violates the privacy or other rights of the personal use by a staff member. “Record” student may request that this information be means any material on which written, drawn, amended. This request should include a printed, spoken, visual, or electromagnetic statement of the record to be amended and the information is recorded or preserved regardless reason for the amendment. The request should of physical form or characteristics. be addressed to the district’s custodian of records (Director of Special Education). Access to Student Records: Only licensed school officials, teachers and staff members Maintenance and Destruction of Records: who have a legitimate educational interest will Files may be reviewed at any time by the be granted access to student records. An access custodian of records. While students are listing in each school building lists these attending school in the District, their records individuals. A record will be kept of all persons will be maintained in the school of attendance. (except parents/guardians and eligible students) The building principal shall have primary who have had access to a student’s central or responsibility for maintaining the cumulative file, and this record will be confidentiality of all pupil records kept at available for parents/guardians. school. When the student ceases to be enrolled in the district (or should the new school of Parent/Guardian Right to Inspect and attendance be unknown), behavioral records Review: Only parents/custodial guardians have will be maintained for one year after leaving the right to inspect and review their child’s (unless permission is secured to keep longer) records. They also have the right to have their and progress records shall be maintained for at request to inspect and review honored within a least five years after the student ceases to be reasonable period of time (not to exceed 45 enrolled in the district. days after a request has been made.) A request from a third party must be accompanied by an Disclosure of Information From Records: authorization for such release from the School records, including personally parent/guardian or eligible students. Individuals identifiable information in behavioral records, must establish proper identification of the will be transferred to another district upon person requesting the record. The school receipt of written confirmation of enrollment in contact person is the building principal. If such district. circumstances effectively prevent the parent from exercising their right to inspect and Disclosure to Federal and State Officials: review the student’s records, the educational The Waunakee Community School District will agency must (a) provide the parent with a copy disclose information to federal and state of the requested record; or (b) make other officials under the following circumstances: arrangements for the parent to inspect and a. An audit of federally supported education review the requested records. programs and; b. In connection with enforcement or Procedure for Amendment of Records: The compliance with federal legal requirements parent/guardian who believes which relate to federally supported education programs. 33

Complaint Procedure: Complaints alleging educational agency or institution non compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERP-1) can be filed at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

Supplies/Textbook Fees

Supplies/Textbook Fees: The Waunakee Community School District charges a supplies/textbook fee. This fee is approved annually by the Board of Education. The fee varies by grade level. The fee is charged to partially offset the district’s costs for providing consumable supplies, textbooks, and workbooks to students.

Waiver of Fees: The Waunakee Community School District charges fees for several purposes. All district fees will be waived for families who qualify for the federal free/reduced lunch program. Applications for the federal free/reduced lunch program are sent home to all families prior to the start of the school year. Questions about the program can be directed to Rebecca McDonough at 849-2491.

Parents submitting an application for free/reduced price meals at the time of registration/enrollment do not need to pay the student fee. If it is determined later that the parent did not qualify, the school will contact the parent to collect the student fee. If a parent pays the fees, and is later determined to qualify for free/reduced meals by November 1st of that year, any fee paid will be reimbursed to the parent.

Student fees paid by parents who move out of the district are not reimbursable. Fees paid by parents who move into the district are reduced according to the time remaining in the school year. Supplies/Textbook Fees: Kindergarten: $16.00 Grades 1-4: $18.00 Grades 5-6: $20.00 34

Weather Emergencies

Early Dismissal Information School Closing for Inclement Weather and Emergencies If students are dismissed early from school due to inclement weather or other reasons, If school is closed for any reason an does your child know what to do? Please announcement will be made over the radio. discuss early dismissal procedures with Please tune to any of the following radio your child throughout the school year, stations: especially on mornings of possible WHA (970 AM) WOLX (94.9 FM) snow/ice storms. WTSO (1070 AM) WMLI (96.7 FM) WIBU (1240 AM) WMGN (98 FM) If school is dismissed early your child will WTDY (1480 AM) WNWC (102.5 FM) be instructed according to the information WWQM (106.1 FM) you supplied at the beginning of the year on the “Early Dismissal Form.” Parents The following television stations. who requested a call on the Early Release Channel 3 WISC Channel 15 WMTV Form are the only individuals who will be Channel 27 WKOW Channel 4 (local called. Parents/guardians who have only) requested to be called and have multiple children will receive more than one And finally on the Waunakee School telephone call. Please remember that if website your plans change and/or your home and work phone numbers change, a new form Parents are reminded to make arrangements must be completed. Please call the office if for the care of their child if school is you need a new form. If an early release dismissed before the end of the day. Please from school is required, our goal is to review early dismissal arrangements with insure students know what procedures to your child on a regular basis, especially follow once dismissed and that all students when severe weather is forecast. arrive home safely and have adequate supervision upon arrival home.

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