Sue Peterson 810 S. Pleasantview Drive Weslaco, Texas 78596
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WWESLACOESLACO EEASTAST HHIGHIGH SSCHOOLCHOOL “Creating new visions; Reaching new horizons”
SUE PETERSON 810 S. Pleasantview Drive Weslaco, Texas 78596 Principal Phone (956) 969-6950 Fax (956) 968-8693
Contact Information: Grade Level: 9-12 Instructor: .J. C. Miller Room #:402 Conference Time: Email: [email protected] Phone Number: (956) 969-6950 Website:
Letter of Introduction:
Dear Parents,
My name is James Miller and I am your son’s/daughter’s art teacher for the 2013-14 school year at Weslaco East. I have 12 years’ experience teaching students about the fine arts and have worked as a fine arts curriculum writer, art consultant, and regional director for state art competitions.
The “Four C’s”, Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity, are the skills that are imperative to preparing your son or daughter for the new global society. The fine arts are the key to students competing in tomorrow’s global workforce; allowing them to think outside of the box, have an appreciation of cultural perspectives, and work with a large level of information and technical literacy.
Art 1 is designed to challenge students with a variety of visual mediums and perspectives from cultures throughout the world. Your child will learn art appreciation, studio design, and represent their school and community with their ideas. I look forward to teaching your child and am happy to meet with you if you have any questions or concerns!
J.C. Miller
1 Course Description:
Art 1 is designed as an entry-level course for the high school student. The curriculum provides a broad base of art experiences in two and three dimensional design. Each art unit includes a sequentially structured, hands-on experience, art vocabularies, and a theoretical section that relates the cultural, historical, aesthetic significance, and critical analysis of the art form. The emphasis in each unit is on the student development of 21st century skills; communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.
Grading Procedures/Policies:
“A” 100 to 90 student: Excels in artistic skill and leanings through Projects; Strong work habits; Genuine dedication to art; Goes beyond classroom activities; Contributes to the class; Pays attention and completes homework with much time, enthusiasm and effort; Helps others develop with patience; Very respectful of others and is well respected in the class by peers.
“B” 89 to 80 student: Dedicated to developing artistic skills; Completes homework with effort; Pays attention in class and contributes to discussions; Proficient project work; Very Respectful of others.
“C” 79 to 70 student: Develops knowledge in art appreciation; Some Class Participation; Acceptable project work; Completes some homework assignments; Pays attention in class; Very Respectful of others.
“D” 69 student: Little development in art appreciation; Little to no class participation; Unacceptable completion of projects and/or homework; Little interaction with others.
“F” 59 student: No effort in class; Unacceptable project completion; Does not participate in class; Fails to hand in homework; Treats others with Disrespect.
15% Exams
25% Daily Grade
20% Sketchbook
40% Project 2
Classroom Expectations:
The art class is designed to emphasize visual theory and design with a variety of tools and mediums. My goal as a teacher is to provide students with a safe environment that allows the implementation of 21st century skills.
Rules: 1. Be respectful of yourself, others, and our studio and materials. 2. Be prepared to work and learn 3. Be Safe 4. Be Creative and positive
Mr. Miller’s Guidelines for Success
1. Respect: zero tolerance policy for offensive language, destruction of artwork or property. Use of cell phones or any other device is prohibited unless scheduled by Mr. Miller for specific lessons. Electronic devices used in unscheduled times will be collected and given to office with a $15 dollar charge. Eating and drinking in the studio is prohibited except for breakfast. 2. Be Prepared: Bring your materials daily, be on time to class and with project due dates. 3. Be Safe: Listen to instructions and be aware of your space and surroundings. 4. Be Creative and Positive: Ask questions, appreciate other people’s opinions / perspectives, and try new things to grow as an individual.
Required Materials:
Graphite pencils Sharpie ink Markers Color Pencils: Prang or Crayola Pencil #2 Water color set- Prang or Crayola Hand Sharpeners Drawing Pad ( 50 pages minimum )
WWESLACOESLACO EEASTAST HHIGHIGH SSCHOOLCHOOL “Creating new visions; Reaching new horizons”
SUE PETERSON 810 S. Pleasantview Drive Weslaco, Texas 78596 Principal Phone (956) 969-6950 Fax (956) 968-8693
Please sign and return this page to the teacher.
Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Parent Contact Information:
Home phone#: ______
Mother’s Cell #: ______
Work #: ______
Email: ______
Father’s Cell #: ______
Work #: ______
Email: ______
Emergency # ______Person’s Relationship to Student: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______
Small Learning Community: ______
Advocate: ______