Slinfold Parish Council s1

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Slinfold Parish Council s1

Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Email:[email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 30th April 2009 At 8.10pm in the Parish Room

081/09 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors R Hillyard (Chairman), C Burke, W Coad, N Jefferys, F Jobling, A Skeates, E Sorensen and D White. Also present: P Rowlinson (District) and Parish Clerk M Burroughs.

Apologies – Cllrs. M Dunkerton and G Stenton-Chandler.

082/09 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

Cllr. Jefferys declared a personal interest in item 085/09 (077/09 Six Acres). Cllr. Burke declared a personal interest in 088/09 (Certificate of Lawful Development, DC/09/0555). There were no other declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests.

083/09 Chairman’s Announcements i. School Car Park – the plans for the car park have been drawn up and the planning application is being dealt with by the school. The funds have been agreed in principal by the CLC and WSCC. WSCC are putting a proposal to the HDC Planning Obligations Panel. ii. Arrangements are in place for the Parish Council Reception on Friday 8th May 2009. iii. AGM 28th May 2009 – This meeting will include the election of officials i.e. Chair & Vice Chair. Councillors have been asked to consider representation on sub-committees and advisory groups. iv. It was agreed to arrange SALC training at a cost of £350. The Clerk will try to arrange a training session on a Thursday evening between 7 and 9 pm. v. Downs Link Amenity - Correspondence from Mr B Tanner, in connection with purchasing a seat, attending to the notice board and mapping to show village amenities, was discussed. It was suggested that the ‘Slinfold Society’ group might like to purchase a seat however there are complicated issues to resolve with regard to ownership of the land, siting of the seat and the issue of a whether this is a designated bridleway or footpath is yet to be resolved. Cllr. Skeates will discuss these issues with the Countryside Ranger. vi. A communication from a resident in Streetfield Road with regard to dog attacks, dog fouling, parking on the pavements and re-siting the litterbin outside the church was discussed. It was agreed that dog attacks and parking on the pavements is a matter for the Police and these matters have been referred to the PCSO. The Clerk will refer the issue of dog fouling to the Street Scene Team Wardens and Cllr. Hillyard will look at whether the litterbin outside the church can be moved to improve access. vii. It was RESOLVED to approve the cost of around £300 to distribute approximately 850 Annual Parish Reports to residents in the village. The Clerk will arrange for the report to be printed, members were requested to offer support with regard to distribution, the reports will be posted. viii. The update of the Slinfold Parish Plan was discussed but it was agreed to talk about this in more detail at a future meeting. ix. Low flying helicopters – The Clerk has received a communication from a resident in Slinfold whose windows rattled and bed shook as a result of a helicopter flying, it would seem dangerously low, at 10.40 pm on 27th April 2009. Councillors felt that the helicopters were perhaps flying lower that they used to. The Clerk has referred this matter to Cllr. P Rowlinson to investigate. 084/09 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 26 th March 2009 as previously circulated.

The draft minutes for the Parish Council Meeting having been circulated, were taken as read and it was agreed that the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.

085/09 Approval of the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting on 21st April 2009.

The draft minutes having been circulated were agreed and signed as a true record.

The following recommendations were RESOLVED by the full Committee:

 070/09 - that the Annual Accounts, including KGV, and the Annual Government Statement as circulated be approved.  072/09 – that the Assets and Liabilities as circulated with the minutes be approved.  075/09 – that the PWLB loan is not paid off; there is no benefit to doing this given the redemption penalty involved.  076/09 – that the Litter Warden’s salary be increased by 2.75%.  077/09 – that Councillor Jefferys obtains the existing job specification for grounds maintenance in Six Acres and quotes for a one off cut as required. A working party will meet to discuss the issue of how the funds should be managed when the transfer is complete; this party will report back to the next meeting. The Clerk will agenda this topic for a full discussion at the next meeting.  078/09 – that a new Co-op account is opened with a cheque for £25,000.  079/09 – that the street-lighting maintenance contract stays with WSCC who are arranging a new contract for the next 25 years at a cost of £30 a year per light. This contract is cheaper than Southern Electric and COLAS and provides for replacement of streetlights > 15 years old with no cost to the Parish.

086/09 Matters arising from 084/09 (Parish Council Minutes), for information only i) The Internal Auditor has visited the Clerk, signed off the accounts and prepared his report. ii) Cllr. Wendy Coad will represent the Youth Club at the Slinfold Village Hall meetings.

087/09 Matters arising from the Public Session

There were no matters arising from the public session for this meeting. Those matters arising from the Annual Parish Meeting will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting.

088/09 Planning Report

Cllr. Burke presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council.

New and amended planning applications: The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Group. HDC has been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:

HDC Date received Address & Post Code of Name Applicant Feedback to HDC Planning Committee Application Nature of application by HDC application or Agent (Date) number

Lydwicke Farm Hayes DC/09/0702 24/04/2009 Re-position access Mr Chris Magee Feedback Outstanding Lane Slinfold West Sussex

Violets Farm Guildford Planning Advisory Committee has No Erection of single storey barn style 3-bay car DC/09/0573 03/04/2009 Road Slinfold Horsham Mr Matthew Lines Objection (U5/5). 23/04/2009. To be port and log store West Sussex RH13 0RA ratified by PC 30/4/2009 Chapel View The Street Planning Advisory Committee has No Surgery to 1 Ash tree (Works to Trees in a DC/09/0572 03/04/2009 Slinfold Horsham West Mrs Jean Morgan Objection (U5/5). 16/04/2009. To be Conservation Area) Sussex RH13 0RP ratified by PC 30/4/2009

HDC has advised that no feedback is 1 Lyons Road Slinfold required. However, the Planning Dormer extension to roof (Certificate of Lawful Mr Bernie DC/09/0555 31/03/2009 Horsham West Sussex Advisory Committee has advised HDC Development - Proposed) Armstrong RH13 0RY (23/4) that this extension is out of character. The Paddocks Billingshurst No objection provided applicant has no Road Broadbridge Heath Mr Jonathan DC/09/0542 30/03/2009 Erection of tree house PIR lighting and plants trees to Horsham West Sussex Crouch obscure the neighbours view. RH12 3LR

F C Lane Electronics HDC has advised that no feedback is Limited Slinfold Lodge Erection of staff dwelling approved under required. However, the Planning South Eastern DC/09/0526 27/03/2009 Stane Street Slinfold SF/37/83 (Certificate of Lawful Development - Advisory Committee has advised HDC Planning Services Horsham West Sussex Proposed (23/4) that a new application should be RH13 0RN submitted and legal advice sought

Extend the area available for licensable Random Hall Hotel Stane activities to include a proposed extension to the Planning Advisory Committee has No LI/08/0723 20/03/2009 Street Slinfold Horsham main residential area. Entertainment facilities Objection (U5/5). 06/04/2009. To be West Sussex RH13 0QX restricted to the interior. No change to existing ratified by PC 30/4/2009 activities

To strip and re-tile all clay tile elevations to the Violets Farm Guildford outbuilding and stables including membrane Planning Advisory Committee has No DC/09/0508 24/03/2009 Road Slinfold Horsham and repairs to roof timbers found defective with Mr Matthew Lines Objection (S5/5). 06/04/2009. To be West Sussex RH13 0RA material on a like for like basis (Listed Building ratified by PC 30/4/2009 Consent)

Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Planning Advisory Committee has No Lane Broadbridge Heath Conversion of barn to form a 2-storey x 3-bed Mr and Mrs DC/09/0464 18/03/2009 Objection (S4/5). 06/04/2009. To be Horsham West Sussex dwelling Listed Building Consent) Scarborough ratified by PC 30/4/2009 RH12 3PJ

Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Planning Advisory Committee has No Lane Broadbridge Heath Conversion of barn to form a 2-storey x 3-bed Mr and Mrs DC/09/0463 18/03/2009 Objection (S4/5). 06/04/2009. To be Horsham West Sussex dwelling (Full Planning) Scarborough ratified by PC 30/4/2009 RH12 3PJ

Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn: The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow:

HDC Application Date received Address & Post Code of Nature of application Status Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) number by HDC application

Warrenside Farm Elmhurst Oak framed garage with store/hobbies Application Planning Advisory Committee has No Objection (S4/5). DC/09/0279 20/02/2009 Lane Slinfold Horsham room above Permitted 16/03/2009. To be ratified by PC 26/3/2009 West Sussex RH13 0RJ

Lower Lodge The Haven Amendment to previously approved barn Application DC/09/0243 12/02/2009 Billingshurst West Sussex conversion (DC/05/1061) to include 5/3/2009 HDC advised No Objection Permitted RH14 9BE internal alterations

Alterations to south elevation of Gaskyns Lyons Road approved swimming pool (Building 11) to 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site Application DC/09/0206 06/02/2009 Slinfold Horsham West provide small extension with hipped visit planned for the 27/2/2009. Site visit 27th Feb - Permitted Sussex RH13 0QT gable roof (amendment to DC/08/1620) Confirmed No Objection. Listed Building Consent

Alterations to south elevation of Gaskyns Lyons Road approved swimming pool (Building 11) to 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site Application DC/09/0205 06/02/2009 Slinfold Horsham West provide small extension with hipped visit planned for the 27/2/2009. Site visit 27th Feb - Permitted Sussex RH13 0QT gable roof (amendment to DC/08/1619) Confirmed No Objection. Full Planning

4 x Dormer windows to replace 8 roof Gaskyns Lyons Road 26/2/2009 Feedback from the PC will be based upon site lights on Building 22 currently under Application DC/09/0155 30/01/2009 Slinfold Horsham West visit planned for the 27/2/2009. Site visit 27th Feb 2/1 No construction (Amendment to previously Permitted Sussex RH13 0QT objection. approved application DC/08/1618).

Chapel Cottage The Street Conversion of garage into habitable Application Planning Advisory Committee (U 5/5) No Objection. DC/08/2186 13-Oct-08 Slinfold Horsham West space and re-positioning at front Permitted Ratified PC Meeting 30 Oct 2008. Sussex RH13 0RR entrance door (Listed Building...

Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC: The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.

Appeals: DC/08/1013 Rowarts, Five Oaks Road – Change of use of two timber frames barns – Dismissed.

New Enforcement issues: Date received by HDC Enforcement No Address & Post Code of application Brief details HDC

Land opposite Holmbush Cottages, Hayes Possible residential use of a EN/09/0197 14-Apr-09 Lane, Slinfold caravan placed on agricultural land

Other matters - DC/09/0076 KGV MUGA; Cllr. White provided members present with an update on this application.

089/09 Report from County Councillor

Cllr. Hodgson was not present at this meeting.

090/09 Report from District Councillor(s)

Cllr. Rowlinson provided an update on the following:

 His promotion to Cabinet Member responsible for Planning;  E-consultation process on planning applications and advised that, where the Parish Council have strong views on applications that we feel should go to Committee, we should refer these to him and he will take account of members views;  HDC email address which is now working;  Rescheduled diary so that he has one half day a week for council matters;  His views on the low flying helicopter issue.

091/09 Finance i) A list of accounts to be paid in the sum of £27,165.15 was distributed to all Councillors present. The list was reviewed and duly agreed. Details of The Clerk and Litter Warden’s salaries are available upon request. Payments April 2009 Cheq/DD Payee £ Saxon (Garage Hire) DD Saxon Weald £36.88 Street lighting 2326 Southern Electric £326.41 CLERKS SALARY 2327 MRS M BURROUGHS CLERKS EXPENSES 2328 MRS M BURROUGHS £65.17 LW SALARY & EXPENSES 2329 MR A BAKER Hall Rental 2330 Slinfold Village Hall £123.50 SALC 2331 Subscriptions £475.98 Chairman’s Allowance 2332 Mrs R Hillyard £9.98 Parish Council Reception 2333 Mrs R Hillyard £154.01 Open Co-op Accounts 2334 Slinfold Parish Council £25,000.00 P J Consultants 2335 Peter Frost £110.00 TOTAL £27,165.15

ii. The EC Grant has been increased to £2,310. iii. It was agreed not to make a donation to Victim Support or the West Sussex Mediations Service.

092/09 Highway Matters

i. A communication has been received from Mr B Tanner with regard to a hazardous section on the connection from Farm Lane to the Downs Link. This matter has been referred to the WSCC Access Ranger. ii. The Clerk has received a report of motorbikes being used in the field opposite 17 Hayes Lane. This matter is being investigated by the PCSO.

There were no other matters to report.

093/09 Clerk’s Announcements & Correspondence Received

Clerks Announcements - None:

Correspondence Received: The following correspondence was made available for Councillors to review:

 European & County Council Elections 4th June 2009.  NHS Trust updates.  Southern Water Business Plan 2010 - 2015.  Public Sector Equality Duties.  ICO Freedom of Information DVD.  Scrutiny & Overview Committee Work Programme  Partnership News April 2009.  LCU April 2009.  Horsham & District Heritage Matters Spring 2009.  Slinfold Village Hall – Minutes 21st January 2009 & 16th March 2009.  HDC Council Meeting – 22nd April 2009.

094/09 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

 Cllr. White provided an update on the Sports Association Meeting.

095/09 Members’ Questions and Comments

 Cllr. White advised that the Youth Club had received a grant of £1,000.  Cllr. White asked if the Parish Council had any objection to Slinfold taking part in a Purple Bus initiative being run by the Weald School; there were no objections raised.  Cllr. Coad asked if the Parish Council had any objection to a Snack Wagon run by HDC and Youth Services visiting Slinfold; there were no objections raised.  Cllr. Skeates shared a communication with regard to the Tanbridge Sponsored Walk on 3 July 2009.

096/09 Items for the Parish Magazine

 Meeting Schedule for the coming months.  Downs Link Surface  Elections 3 June  Cllr. Rowlinson’s new role  Dog Fouling  Hedge Cutting  Sponsored Walk Tanbridge

097/09 Next Meeting(s)

Thursday 28th May 2009 – Annual General Meeting (Parish Room) 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 10.30pm.

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