TITLE of the ARTICLE (Slovak Language)

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TITLE of the ARTICLE (Slovak Language)

TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (Slovak language)


Name SURNAME (no academic degrees), Name SURNAME (second author)…


The article template will help you to format your article. Please, copy the document into your PC and insert the text according to the instructions. Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. The Abstract summarizes in one paragraph the major aspects of the entire article (topic, investigated issue, key results....). Abstract should be kept to about 500-1200characters (spaces included). Use Times New Roman, 10-point size; single line spaced; italics.

Kľúčové slová: Slovo. Slovo. Slovo. Slovo. Slovo. (min. 3, max. 8, maximálne dvojslovné spojenia; každé kľúčové slovo začína veľkým písmenom. Slová sa oddeľujú bodkou.)


Abstract in English language. . Abstract in English language. Abstract in English language. Abstract in English language. Abstract in English language. Abstract in English language. Abstract in English language.

Key words: Word. Word. Word. Word. Word.

Introduction Organize the information to present the more general aspects of the topic. Simply type your own text over sections of this document, the required spacing and formatting will be applied automatically. For titles of each section use 12- Times New Roman, bold, single- spaced and the title of each section must be numbered (left side of the text). Insert one single- spaced blank line between title of sections, subsections, tables (every table should have a caption and the headings should be placed above tables), pictures (the headings should be placed above pictures) and the text. Type your document in 12- Times New Roman, single- spaced.

1 Main text (section) Files must be in MS Word only (using „doc“ or „docx“ format). For subheadings use 12- Times New Roman, bold, italics and each subheading should be numbered. All references in the text are in parentheses. Cite references consistently, the information in parentheses contains author's last name and the year of publication (e.g. Schavel, 2012). For citations of a direct quote add also page number (e.g. Matoušek, 2005, s. 15).

1.1 Subheading The sequence of steps when writing the article: The title – The title in English language – Authors – Abstract – Key words – Abstract in English language – Key words in English language – The text (insert pictures and tables in the text) – Acknowledgements or Affiliation – Appendix – References. Bullet points are used in the following way: - First item. - Second item. - More..

Or: a) First item. b) Second item. c) More…

1.2 Tables

All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every table should have a caption. Headings should be placed above tables and centered. Sources and notes appear below the table, left justified. Please, do not use colored table templates. We recommend using standard table styles. An example of a table (there is one single-spaced blank line between heading and the table):

Table 1: Heading

Column A (t) Column B (t) Any entry 1 2 Another entry 3 4 Another entry 5 6


1.3 Images

Images are inserted in the text, do not send them separately. We recommend using images of good quality (min 150 dpi). Low-quality images and scans are not acceptable. All images should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every image should have a caption. Headings should be placed above images and centered. Source appears below the image, left justified.

An example of an image (there is one single-spaced blank line between heading and the image):

Image Image 1: Heading. Source: ProjectProject lifecyclelifecycle

Conclusion Use justified text so the left and right sides of the text block both have a straight edge. Please, do not change the proposed and required formatting of this template. 6 Do not number pages in your article; this will be done in the process of preparation the document for print. 5 1

4 2

3 References Reference list documents just the sources that you used for your article. This should be laid out according to STN ISO 690: 2012. The references are to be alphabetized by the fist author's last name.

Example: Book (Monograph citation):

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. 2015 (year of publication). Full title. Location: Publisher. 98 s. (page number) (ISBN).

Example: Reference to a chapter in an edited book (monograph) or proceeding:

AUTHOR'S (of the chapter) LAST NAME, Name. 2015 (year of publication). Full title of the chapter. In EDITOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (ed.). Full title of the book (monography) or proceeding. Location: Publisher. pp. XX-XX. (ISBN, ISSN).

Reference to journal article:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. 2015 (year of publication). Full title of the article. Journal title. Location: Publisher. Volume (Issue number), pp XX-XX. (ISSN).

Author Name and the last name and titles Institution, address E-mail address:

Affiliation (for example: research affiliation) should appear in a separate part, at the end of the article, using BOLD and ITALICS. Please do not put affiliation to any other part of your article. Please, follow the required form.

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