Chemistry 2004-2005, Syllabus and Classroom Rules

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Chemistry 2004-2005, Syllabus and Classroom Rules

George Washington HS 2015-16 Mr. Applebaum Student name ______Period ___

Engineering - Course Syllabus and Class Rules

Description: An introductory classroom and project based course covering the engineering profession.

Course Objective: To introduce students to the engineering profession and prepare them for success through the integration of the following important skills: technical problem solving and engineering design, ethical decision-making, teamwork, and communicating to diverse audiences. The course will differentiate study and growth in various fields of engineering including material, chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical, bio-medical, aerospace and environmental engineering. Using hands-on construction projects, research based projects, video, and demonstrations, students will explore cryogenics, refractories, metals, plastics, glass and ceramics in an exploration of materials science. New for 2014-15: Top students in the class may be invited to participate in the PA Science Olympiads.

Labs: Students will develop projects and conduct forensic engineering analysis to various commercial products. Students will disassemble, assemble, and document various items to learn how they work and what caused parts to fail. Student will evaluate each other when they work in groups.

Videos: Students will use video to explore various facets of the engineering profession. Students will typically have to research and explain in detail various topics presented by the video.

Website / E-mail contact / Blog: Students can access an on-line textbook or, upon request, be issued a textbook on account to keep at home. A classroom set will be maintained. My e-mail is [email protected]. I can also be reached through the school at 215-961-2001. A daily blog and additional support information can be found on .

Textbook: No formal textbook is available for the course however, many text resources will be made available in print an on-line for course support.

Notebook, pencil & calculator: Students are required to have a scientific calculator and use dark colored pencil or pen. A dedicated 3-ring binder is required for the course for current notes and handouts. . Cell phone calculators are discouraged and will not be permitted on exams. Grades will be reduced if these required materials are missing.

Grades: 65% Classwork/Homework/Labs/Projects/Constructed Response, 30% Exams and Quizzes, 5% Class Participation. Assignments include: posted pre-class work, worksheets, homework, notebook checks, lab reports, journals, and projects. Class work and homework are worth 5-10 points per assignment. Quizzes, labs, and unit projects are worth 25 to 50 points. Exams and projects are worth 50 to 100 points. Exams dates are posted in advance. If you miss an exam, be prepared to make it up the day you return to class. Copied work, regardless of who copied whom, is an automatic split grade, an “F”. Most class/home work is recorded on a three point scale as follows:

Entry mark % Score Meaning 0 0 0 No effort shown, late, or missing 3 - 60% Minimal effort with poor understanding or late 4  80% Incomplete, partially correct, or < 5 days late 5 + 100% Met or exceeded expectations Grade reports will be periodically posted by ID number in class and interim reports will be sent home once each report card period. Current grades report can be provided at any time.

Seats: Seats are assigned to aid attendance, grading, and a classroom leaning environment. Under no circumstances are students to sit in another seat or move about the room without permission. Pencils are to be sharpened as upon entry to the room and trash is to be thrown out upon exit. Refusal to take assigned seats or to maintain a clean area for others will ultimately result in lowered participation grades, calls home, and a referral to the school discipline office.

Absences & Missing Work: You are responsible for the material covered/assigned in class regardless of attendance. Use the website blog. Since each lesson builds on the previous day, plan on getting makeup work before the next class. Missed worksheets are available outside of class time and are often on-line (see blog). Do not expect to meet me just before or after class except to set an appointment for make up work. Have at least one dependable class friend for coverage. Unexcused absences lower your participation grade and may prevent makeup work from being issued.

Pre-Class Work, Lateness, and Cutting: Pre-class work will always be posted. Class begins when you walk through the door and you are expected to be in your seat by the time the bell rings. You should begin completing pre-class work or reviewing prior work; Do not socialize expecting the teacher to tell you to begin work otherwise you risk loosing points for the day. Just being in the room does mean you are participating in class. You will be reported late if you begin work five minutes after the 2nd bell and cutting if you miss 20 minutes or more of class time. GWHS lateness/cut policy is enforced.

Class Rules and Disciplinary Actions: Please respect the classroom as a place for learning. Posted rules include: “Be on-time, be prepared, be polite, and be involved”. The “Codes of Student Conduct” are enforced. Consequences include a one-on-one meeting, detentions, calls home, and referrals to disciplinarians and/or counselors. As part of our “Small Learning Community” (SLC) program, issues with particular students will be discussed with other teachers on a bi-weekly basis.

Disruptions: Repeated inappropriate disruptions can reduce your grade on class participation and distract others. Questions and comments should be relevant to our topic. Otherwise speak to me and/or your classmates outside of the class time. Cell phones, headphones, and electronic games are not permitted in class and will result in disciplinary action if seen up to and including confiscation.

Teachers Desk: My desk is not public. Do not touch materials on it or in it without my permission.

The Bell: The bell does NOT dismiss the class; I dismiss the class. If you get up to pack you things, walk to the door, or leave before I dismiss the class, I will take appropriate disciplinary action.

A Few Tips to Success: Follow instructions. Use the course website resources. Raise your hand to comment or ask questions. Do not talk while others are addressing the class. Do your own work; but work with others, especially during projects and labs. Date and sign each page of your work. Make sure all your numbers have units and your writing is neat and make sense - PROOFREAD. Write your name and period on each paper you submit.

Class time is your time to learn and further develop lifetime habits. I am available to assist you with any questions or concerns you have during regular hours and before or after school. If you pay attention in class, participate and complete the assigned work, you should have a successful and rewarding year. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.

– Mr. Applebaum

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