Introduction to Psychology I

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Introduction to Psychology I

1 Introduction to Psychology I PSYC-105 Unit 3 Practice Test Chapters 6 and 7

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) A mother with a three-month-old may startle when she hears her baby cry, but she may not respond in the same way to other babies' cries due to A) insight learning. B) spontaneous recovery. C) discrimination learning. D) shaping. E) extinction. Page Ref: 212 Topic: The Essentials of Classical Conditioning

2) You are on your way to class and you walk by a Burger King restaurant. You smell the french fries and you start to salivate. This association is the result of A) classical conditioning. B) stimulus generalization. C) olfactory hallucinations. D) hunger messages from the cortex. E) operant conditioning. Page Ref: 209 Topic: The Essentials of Classical Conditioning

3) If Tyler is on a fixed interval schedule for doing his chores, we should expect that he will A) never know when he will be rewarded. B) not do many chores until just before allowance time. C) work hard consistently during the course of the week. D) keep doing his chores, even when he no longer receives allowance. E) do his chores to prevent punishment by his parents. Page Ref: 222 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement

4) If I asked you what you ate for dinner on Saturday, it might be a difficult task. However, if I reminded you that you went to Outback Steakhouse with your mother and aunt, it may be easier. Why is that? A) There is no more proactive interference. B) You are now utilizing procedural memory. C) You are now relying on recognition rather than recall. D) You have been provided with retrieval cues. E) You have used maintenance rehearsal to access the memory. Page Ref: 259 Topic: Long-Term Memory Processing 2 5) If knowing the names of your current teachers makes it difficult to remember the names of your teachers from last year, you are experiencing A) misattribution. B) suggestibility. C) proactive interference. D) retroactive interference. E) transience. Page Ref: 272 Topic: Blocking

6) Glenn remembers the time he interviewed Randy. This type of memory would be considered a(n) A) procedural memory. B) semantic memory. C) chunk. D) sensory memory. E) episodic memory. Page Ref: 260 Topic: Long-Term Memory Processing

7) A student who consistently receives bad grades may eventually stop trying to do well as a result of A) classical conditioning. B) spontaneous recovery. C) the Premack principle. D) learned helplessness. E) vicarious conditioning. Page Ref: 225 Topic: The Problem of Punishment

8) Food, sex, and water would be considered examples of ______because they are biologically valuable. A) continuous reinforcers B) conditioned stimuli C) primary reinforcers D) intermittent reinforcers E) secondary reinforcers Page Ref: 219 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement

9) Simon read the words 'bed,' 'night,' 'snore,' 'dream,' 'comfort,' and 'pillow' to Jennifer. As a result of misattribution, we could expect Jennifer to A) remember the first and last words, but not the middle words. B) remember the word sleep. C) confuse the order of the words. D) experience some sleepiness. E) only remember three or four of the words. Page Ref: 273 Topic: Misattribution 3 10) Homer is at Moe's Tavern when he spots his friend, Barney. Barney mentions the name and address of a new donut shop. Homer remembers this information long enough to jot it down on a napkin a few seconds later while in the ______memory stage. A) working B) gustatory C) procedural D) long-term E) sensory Page Ref: 250 Topic: The Three Memory Stages

11) Bonnie is trying to remember what grocery items she needs from the stores. She repeats the words, "Eggs, cookies, bread, tortillas, and pretzels" over and over again in her mind. Bonnie is utilizing which memory technique? A) maintenance rehearsal B) chunking C) retroactive interference D) transduction E) elaborative rehearsal Page Ref: 257 Topic: Processing in Working Memory

12) If it is raining, the rain is a stimulus that ______you to use an umbrella. A) negatively reinforces B) positively reinforces C) forces D) shapes E) negatively punishes Page Ref: 218 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement

13) To remember how to play "Fire And Rain" on the guitar, James Taylor must rely on A) a flashbulb memory. B) episodic memory. C) procedural memory. D) semantic memory. E) mnemonics. Page Ref: 259 Topic: Long-Term Memory Processing 4 14) Social learning would predict that if Danny watches his mother behave violently, then Danny will A) learn to avoid his mother. B) behave violently, too. C) become fearful of her. D) disapprove of his mother. E) strongly oppose violence. Page Ref: 234 Topic: Social Learning

15) Brian is a four-year-old who does not like his 'yucky' cold medicine. Each time he sees his father with the medicine, he becomes upset. Through the process of ______, the medicine is now a(n) ______. A) operant conditioning; negative reinforcer B) appetitive conditioning; conditioned stimulus C) aversive conditioning; conditioned stimulus D) negative reinforcement; conditioned stimulus E) conditioned reinforcement; unconditioned response Page Ref: 212 Topic: Applications of Classical Conditioning

16) If Sheena's favorite video store is using a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, she is most likely to receive a free video A) after she has rented twelve videos. B) each time she is the lucky customer of the day. C) after she has been a customer there for one year. D) every time she rents a video. E) every now and then; it's unpredictable. Page Ref: 221 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement

17) Robert's dog, Little Gut, runs to Robert when he says, "Come." If one day, Little Gut comes running when Robert says, "Dumb," we might say that Little Gut has demonstrated A) stimulus generalization. B) insight learning. C) spontaneous recovery. D) social learning. E) intermittent reinforcement. Page Ref: 211 Topic: The Essentials of Classical Conditioning

18) When you are asked to remember your student identification number, you are using A) recognition. B) memory traces. C) implicit memory. D) procedural memory. E) recall. Page Ref: 267 Topic: Implicit and Explicit Memory 5 19) Thomas coughs when his food gets stuck in his throat. This would not be considered learning because A) coughing is only done for survival purposes. B) it is not a permanent behavior. C) it is a difficult skill, biologically speaking. D) coughing is merely a reflex. E) not everyone would cough in this situation. Page Ref: 207 Topic: Introduction

20) Tobias receives a gold star on a chart on his family's refrigerator every time he brings home an A on one of his tests. These gold stars act as A) positive punishment. B) primary reinforcers. C) social potentiation. D) negative reinforcement. E) secondary reinforcers. Page Ref: 219 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement

21) Rather than telling people his phone number is 981-5267, Bob usually tells friends his number is 981- LAMP to take advantage of A) recall. B) engrams. C) elaborative rehearsal. D) recognition. E) maintenance rehearsal. Page Ref: 258 Topic: Processing in Working Memory

22) The descriptors "positive" and "negative," when used in reference to reinforcers, are synonyms for A) "pleasant" and "unpleasant." B) "new" and "familiar." C) "add" and "remove." D) "increase" and "decrease." E) "voluntary" and "involuntary." Page Ref: 218 Topic: The Power of Reinforcement 6 23) Luiz is being asked to remember a series of the following 15 letters: FOXHOWLSWANTBUG. He finds this to be easier to remember as the four words "fox howls want bug," rather than 15 individual letters. Luiz has used a process known as A) maintenance rehearsal. B) eidetic imagery. C) long-term potentiation. D) chunking. E) recognition. Page Ref: 257 Topic: Processing in Working Memory

24) H.M. suffers with ______, as he is unable to form new memories. A) anterograde amnesia B) retrograde amnesia C) proactive interference D) retroactive interference E) repression Page Ref: 262 Topic: Long-Term Memory Processing

25) As a marine biologist, you are trying to teach a dolphin to jump over a bar. At first, you reward the dolphin every time it swims near the bar. Then, you only reward her when she emerges from the water near the bar. Eventually, you reward the dolphin each time she jumps out of the water. Then, you only reward the dolphin when she jumps over the bar. Which learning technique did you use? A) shaping B) classical conditioning C) discrimination D) spontaneous recovery E) positive punishment Page Ref: 227 Topic: Alternatives to Punishment

Answer Key 1) C 14) B 2) A 15) C 3) B 16) A 4) D 17) A 5) D 18) E 6) E 19) D 7) D 20) E 8) C 21) C 9) B 22) C 10) A 23) D 11) A 24) A 12) A 25) A 13) C

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