Media Contact Kelly Moore (for Coopera) 515-720-9670 [email protected]

Hispanic Market Experts to Speak at National Credit Union Conference

(Des Moines, Iowa – Sept. 30, 2011) – In a breakout session titled “Product Strategies to Attract and Create the Loyalty of the Hispanic Community,” Coopera’s Warren Morrow and Miriam De Dios will address one of the hottest topics in the credit union industry. The presentation will take place on Oct. 26, 2011, at the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Community Credit Union and Growth Conference in San Francisco.

Young and largely underserved by financial institutions, Hispanic communities across the country represent a vast opportunity for credit unions.

“The average age of a credit union member is 47 and creeping older each year,” said De Dios, Coopera vice president. “On the other hand, the average age of the Hispanic population is 27. We have also seen that Hispanics use as many products per household as other members. They seek to borrow, they are responsible, they are loyal, and they refer their friends and family. It’s easy to see why Hispanics are appealing for credit unions.”

According to Morrow and De Dios, too many credit unions mistakenly believe translating their brochures and websites into Spanish is enough to reach the Hispanic market. In the presentation, the two will outline successful Hispanic outreach strategies and discuss the importance of adapting products to the market instead of expecting that the market will adapt to them.

About Coopera

Coopera is an Iowa-based economic development firm focusing on emerging markets that present unique growth opportunities for credit unions. Coopera’s bicultural and bilingual staff works with clients to assess their needs and develop custom solutions. Coopera is majority owned by the Iowa Credit Union League and is a strategic alliance partner of the Credit Union National Association. For more information visit

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