Rubric for 4Th Grade Thinglink Project

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Rubric for 4Th Grade Thinglink Project

5th Grade Animal Thinglink Project Rubric

Student Name: ______CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Use of Class Time Used time well Used time well Used some of the Did not use class during each class during each class time well during time to focus on period. Focused period. Usually each class period. the project OR on getting the focused on gettingThere was some often distracted project done. the project done focus on getting others. Never distracted and never the project done others. distracted others. but occasionally distracted others. Title Thinglink has an Thinglink has an Thinglink has title Thinglink has no appropriate title appropriate title, but title doesn’t title. using capital but student forget match subject. letters where to capitalize. needed. Required The Thinglink All but 1 of the All but 2 of the More than 2 of Elements includes all 5 required elements required elements the required required are included on are included on elements are elements . the poster. the poster. missing. .

Content - At least 3 2 additional tags 1 additional tag is No additional tags Accuracy additional tags are are included in included in the were added to the included in the the Thinglink. Thinglink. Thinglink. Thinglink.

Attractiveness The Thinglink is The Thinglink is The Thinglink is The Thinglink is exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly attractive in terms of design, layout attractive though messy or very of design, layout, and neatness. it may be a bit poorly designed. and neatness. messy. It is not attractive. Mechanics Capitalization and There are a There are 3 -4 There are 5 or punctuation are couple of errors inerrors in more errors in correct capitalization or capitalization or capitalization or throughout. punctuation punctuation punctuation throughout. throughout. throughout. Group Work Student worked Student worked Student had Student did not cooperatively cooperatively difficulty working work well with with partner(s) all with partner(s) with partner(s). partner(s). of the time. . most of the time.

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