Caldbeck Parish Council
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NOTICE of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council at Caldbeck Parish Hall on Monday 20 th January 2014 commencing at 7.30pm.
1 Apologies To receive apologies for absence. 2 Minutes To authorise the chairman to sign the minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting held on 9th December 2013 as a true record (copy enclosed) 3 Declaration of Interest a) Requests for Dispensations: The clerk to report any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and\or vote on any matter where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest. b) To receive any other declarations by members of interests in respect of items on this agenda. 4 Public Participation At the Chairman’s discretion, to allow members of the public an opportunity to ask questions and raise matters of interest. 5 Cumbria County Council Library Service changes – Book Drop Schemes; Mobile Library changes. Northern Fells Village Agent, Helen Sturges, will give information on a recent Library Service updating meeting she has attended on behalf of the community. 6 Next Generation Broadband To receive Paul Doherty’s report on progress with the scheme. 7 Planning decisions and applications a) Decisions: 7/2013/2278 Evening Hill, Hesket Newmarket, CA7 8JG. Proposed demolition of existing bungalow and construction of new two-storey house and single storey annexe. Approved with Conditions. 7/2013/2268 Calebreck Farm, Hesket Newmarket, CA7 8JR. Alteration to previously approved domestic store (7/2003/2262) to create additional bedroom accommodation. Approved with Conditions. b) Applications: 7/2013/2304. 3 Greenside Cottages, Caldbeck, CA7 8ER. Two storey domestic side extension. (Extension to response date agreed – 21st January). 7/2013/2011 Greenedge Cottage, Caldbeck, CA7 8ER. Install velux window in bathroom. (Extension to response date agreed – 21st January). c) Withdrawn: 7/2013/2262 Lords Mill, Caldbeck, CA7 8EW. Proposed alterations to fenestration on north elevations and addition of "sun tunnel" on south elevation roof. Repairs to chimney and lime pointing to stonework. Withdrawn. 8 Parish Council Election Costs Clerk to report on correspondence with Rory Stewart MP. 9 Parish Maintenance a) Cumbria Highways – revised scheme for providing salt/grit bins and heaps beside hilly roads. 1. Consider CALC email, and email from Duncan Fairbairn, suggesting likelihood that grit bins would be removed from Ratten Row, Hesket Lonning and Hesket Newmarket (Priority 2 gritting route) under the new scheme. b) 73/73A Caldbeck Rambler Bus – threatened withdrawal of CCC subsidy. 1. Letter sent by Clerk on Parish Council’s behalf 2. Email from Mrs R Nicholson c) Broken down wall at proposed building site (application refused), Hesket Newmarket Green. Consider action. d) Allotment transfer. Clerk to report. e) Cycle Stands provision. Clerk to report. f) Trees near Church Bridge. Clerk to report. g) To consider any possibilities for achieving foot and cycle path beside Hesket Lonning. Chairman to report h) Riverside path opposite Mina Barker’s house. Clerk to report. f) To consider any other urgent matters regarding Parish maintenance. 10 Monthly Accounts a) a) To approve the monthly expenditure and record of income: Receipts: None Payments: Caldbeck Parish Hall: Meeting Room hire 2013: £117.00 Mrs Eleanor Benson, Monitoring and cleaning disabled toilet at Chapel, Nov, Dec ’13, Jan ’14: £100.00 Information Commissioner, Data Protection Registration 2014-15: £35.00 Direct Debit 6th February c) Notification of Precept 2014 – 15 posted to Allerdale BC on 10.1.14. Parish Council Funding Requirement = £9,900, made up of Council Tax Support Grant of £282.46 and Precept of £9,617.54. d) To be notified of the current financial position. HSBC Current A/C 8th December 2013: £3,427.17 HSBC Deposit A/C 8th December 2013: £10,597.37 Interest 8th December: £0.56p HSBC Current A/C 8th January 2014: £1,667.06 HSBC Deposit A/C 8th January 2014: £10,598.00 Interest 8th January: £0.63p 11 To note items of correspondence received since the last meeting and take action as appropriate. 1. Three tier meeting, County and District Councils and Parish Councils, at Bothel on 12th Dec 2013. Norman Atkinson to report. Notes forwarded to Councillors 1.1.14 2. A Ryan, letter re three matters in Hesket Newmarket: the broken down wall beside the Play Area, the rotted wooden sign on the Green and parking on the edge of the Green. Emailed to Councillors 12.1.14 3. James Thurlow, Organiser of a 46 mile Ultra Run from Cartmel to ? Caldbeck. Emailed to Councillors 14.1.14 4. Allerdale Borough Council: Council Commitment to Local Communities 2012-15. Review and Consultation. Emailed to Councillors 10.1.14. The link is: [email protected] 5. Allerdale Borough Council: Budget Consultation Sessions – dates. Emailed to Councillors 10.1.14 6. CALC re Courses available to Clerks and Councillors. Emailed to Councillors 10.1.14 7. CALC re Neighbourhood Care Independence (NCI) project. Emailed to Councillors 10.1.14 8. Eden Rivers Trust. Notification of Apprenticeship scheme vacancies. Forwarded to Councillors 1.1.14 9. LDNPA Report of Consultation Responses on Housing Provision Supplementary Document. Forwarded to Councillors on 1.1.14 10. LDNPA Parish Update. Emailed to Councillors 1.1.14 11. Joan Roberts, enquiry about Potato Day. Emailed to Marjorie Watson who replied to the query with details of the day. 12. CALC Nominations requested for Royal Garden Party. 13. Rural Services Network Email Bulletin. Forwarded to Councillors 6.1.14, 13.1.14 12 a) Date of the next meeting: Monday 24th February 2014
This meeting will aim to close at 9.30pm
Mrs Antoinette Ward – Clerk. Mardale, Upton, Caldbeck, CA7 8EU. Tel: 016974 78220 Email: [email protected]