Original Choreography Competition
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The choreography competition will take place on 15 and/or 16 June 2007. The winner will be announced during the Saturday Night Dinner Show on 16 June 2007, where their winning dance will be showcased. The winner will also receive a guaranteed teaching slot at DanceFuntasia’s next event. It will be subject to a minimum of 3 entries, if not, the competition will be cancelled.
1) All dances entered will be taught during a 30 minute setting to a panel of judges. The choreographer will demonstrate and teach the dance to the judges and any other dancers in attendance wishing to learn the dance. In the case of multiple choreographers, only 1(one) of them need to be present during the teach. Competitors are primarily judged on their choreography and not their ability to teach the dance. 2) A step description for your dance must be faxed to (065)62602990 or emailed to [email protected] before May 20, 2007. 3) Choreographers choose and provide their own music on cassette tape or CD. A) Music – all will be judged in one category: 1) Phrased or non-Phrased 2) Country or non-Country 6) Points awarded based on A) Originality and uniqueness of the dance steps B) Flow of the dance and combination of the steps C) Compatability of the dance steps with music D) Artistic Interpretation of the music selected E) Accuracy, terminology and comprehensiveness of Step Decription F) Promotion potential 7) Line Dance, Country and Non-country dances will all be judged against each other in one category. 8) Only one dance entry allowed per choreographer. 9) Dance must be choreographed within the last 12 months.
ORIGINAL CHOREOGRAPHY SCORING FORMAT: 1) Variety, complexity, uniqueness of dance movements and content. 2) Overall flow and combination of dance steps. Use of transitional steps and directional changes. Ease of execution. 3) Phrasing: Number of counts used (even or uneven) and unit breakdown of dance steps. 4) Artistic interpretation of the dance music selected. 5) Uniqueness and appropriation of the dance music selected. 6) Promotional potential. 7) Popularity by the general public. Longevity potential.
CONDUCT FOR DANCERS: DanceFuntasia is a family oriented event. We encourage youth to attend. Having been said, we encourage all event participants to conduct themselves and dress in such a manner to bring credit to all dancers. Disruptive, offensive behavior and / or language will not be tolerated and may be cause for removal / banning from this event.
ATTIRE FOR COMPETITION: (BOTH MEN and WOMEN) 1) No hat or boots required. 2) Anything goes EXCEPT for the following: A) Thematic costumes: Example clowns or cows B) Thongs, g-strings, excessive nudity. C) Tank tops, sleeveless shirts. D) Use common sense (not biker or strip club attire).
It is of utmost importance that this event maintains the very highest judging standards. 1) The competition will be judged by a minimum of five (5) judges 2) Judges deal in privileged information and while we encourage their socializing with everyone, they and dancers / competitors are not to discuss specific judges observations or rulings. 3) Judges’ should not coach, teach, critique dancers they are judging until after the end of the competition. They should interact professionally with competitors and in no case discuss the results of any competition while the event is ongoing. 4) All decisions of the Judges findings / rulings, Judge Coordinator, and Event Promoter are considered final. Judge coordinator will consult event promoter regarding any and all rules, rule amendment interpretation and decisions. 5) Questions on administration and / or execution of the competition should be directed to the event promoters or judge coordinator. Questions involving after the fact rules interpretations should be held until after awards. 6) Judges and contestants are not allowed to discuss event specific matters until the event is over. Judges scores and other privileged information will not be divulged to anyone other than event promoter and judge coordinator. Questions on all matters should be directed to the event promoter or judge coordinator after awards have been given out. Non-compliance by competitors may result in point loss / disqualification. 7) Out of respect and courtesy to competitors, it is expected all judges will dress in a professional manner.