Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Stop Picking on Me!
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Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Stop Picking On Me!
Central Question: Bullying. How do we stop it in our school?
Creator: Waddell, Nada [email protected] (adapted for TMS by Tess Mustain) Source: TLI 2010 Staff PBL Plans (West Virginia)
Project Idea: Students will obtain, interpret, and understand information about bullying as well as use that information to create a media presentation to share with their peers.
I Can Statement: collaborate with peers to research materials in order to plan, create, organize and present an age- appropriate media product, with documented sources and computer-generated graphic aids that demonstrates format, purpose and audience.
Performance Objectives: I Know… How to generate questions for age-appropriate product presentation How to use comprehension strategies to find needed information for their age-appropriate media product How to cite sources of information How to collaborate to complete the age-appropriate media product How to plan, create, and present an age-appropriate media product I Do… Plan, develop, and present an age-appropriate media product Rehearse/practice presentation on media product Cite sources of information Create a task chart Generate and answer questions needed for successful completion of an age-appropriate media presentation Collaborate with team members to successfully complete an age-appropriate media presentation Use comprehension strategies to find needed information for age-appropriate media presentation Evaluate peers by various rubrics Complete self-assessment of the project
Assessment Plan: Summative: Age appropriate media project assessed with Public Service Message Rubric Formative: Research Log Task Management Chart Collaboration Rubric Presentation Rubric Self-Evaluation Rubric Reflection: Inside/Outside Circle Activity
Materials: Bullying Statistics Quiz Entry Document PBL Assignment for Groups Presentation Rubric Collaboration Rubric Public Service Message Rubric Research Log Task Management Chart Self Evaluation Form Inside-Outside Project Reflection Questions Handout Optional Bullying Statistics Page (This is an optional page that teachers may want to use for basic bullying statistics.) Resource Website Attachment To differentiate instruction, the teacher allows students to choose what they will investigate, how they will investigate, what resources they will use, and how they will present their findings depending on their personal interest and learning profile. The teacher will scaffold instruction to meet individual student needs through mini-lessons as needed for individuals, small groups, and/or whole group so all students can successfully meet the goals of this project.
Manage the Process:
Step 1: Ahead of time: Teacher will: prepare the room with a graffiti wall. Teacher may use a large sheet of paper, or bulletin board, as a graffiti wall to hang in one area.
divide students into groups of four or five
schedule the computer lab at the school, if needed, to allow student time for Internet access to complete research of the topic and to develop presentations for group project.
prepare folders for the groups of the needed materials for the project- o Public Service Message Rubric, o Presentation Rubric, o Collaboration Rubric, o Resource Log, o Entry Document PBL Assignment, o Resource Website Attachment, o Self-Evaluation Form, o Task Management Chart
Step 2: First Day of PBL- Entry Event: Suggested Time- 1 day As students enter the room on the first day of the PBL, they will see a graffiti wall in the room. Students will be directed to write/draw on the wall about a time when they have been bullied, have seen someone else be bullied, or bullied someone else. Students may also write how they felt about being bullied, seeing others being bullied, or bullying someone else. The students do not need to sign their names as they work on the graffiti board. This graffiti wall will hang in the room for the duration of the PBL.
The teacher will introduce the PBL with the Bullying Statistics Quiz PowerPoint. This PowerPoint quiz gives basic statistics on bullying. Answers to the quiz questions are in the PowerPoint notes at the bottom of each slide. Teachers may use responders or the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down assessment methods.
As an alternative to using the Bullying Statistic Quiz PowerPoint, the teacher may use the following site that contains an online quiz with fifteen questions that are used for basic knowledge on bullying. The quiz questions are used as a pre- assessment of the student’s knowledge of bullying statistics.
Teacher will facilitate a discussion introducing the driving question, Bullying. How can we stop it in our school? (suggestion: use the strategy Philosophical Chairs),
Explain the PBL Assignment. This public service message must include o a definition of bullying, o characteristics of a bully, o examples of bullying and legal consequences, o and possible solutions to the bullying problems for our school.
Step 3: Research & Production Suggested Time: 8-10 days Teacher will insure that students have access to computers to complete research and presentations. (Library Computers: Available Friday May 18 and Monday – Friday May 21-25) Teacher will give each group a folder of the needed materials for the project
(1 Day) Teams will develop a Team Contract that will specify what each member will do to fulfill his/her part of the project. It is important that the teams create the contract and that every member signs it to signify a commitment to the group. Teacher will offer assistance to groups who need help in developing a team contract.
(2 Days) Groups are assigned the task of researching bullying statistics and its effects on student’s lives.
(3 Days) Each group will develop a public service message with possible solutions to the bullying problems for our school.
Teacher will facilitate the class by teacher observations and presenting mini clinics of skills needed by students to complete the PBL successfully. Teacher will assess the progress of the project through teacher observation, student Research Log form, Task Management Form, and frequent conferencing with group members. Teacher will use the Collaboration Rubric in the assessment of group work.
Groups will prepare for their practice presentation to another student group at the end of Step Three.
Step 4: Practice & Peer Review Suggested Time: 1-2 days At least one day is assigned for practice presentation of the group projects.
Teams will peer review each other in the practice presentation. Students will use the Presentation Rubric and Public Service Message Rubric as tools of assessment.
Teams will give feedback to another team on the strengths and challenges of the presentation.
Each group will be encouraged to use the feedback from the peer review to improve their project.
Allow time for students to revise their project’s after the peer review.
Step 5: Presentation Suggested time: 1-3 days Groups will present their PBL project to their peers.
Groups are assessed on final project using Presentation Rubric and Public Service Message Rubric.
Students in each group will complete the Self-Evaluation assessment form and the Collaboration Rubric.
At the end of this PBL, students will take down the graffiti wall and tear it apart as a symbol of destroying bullying at the school. Teacher may choose to have students sign a new wall as a pledge of anti-bullying.
Teacher will prepare final feedback to each group project.
Project Evaluation: Students are assessed using: Presentation Rubric Collaboration Rubric Self Evaluation Form Public Service Message Rubric Research Log Task Management Chart. Teacher will facilitate discussion on final thoughts on the project by using the Inside-Outside Circle technique. Directions for finding the Inside-Outside Circle instructions are included in the Inside-Outside Circle Project Reflection Question Handout.