Independent Novel Project 9th Literature – Mrs. Swanson

Each nine weeks, you are to complete one independent novel project for class. I must approve the novel that you choose to read. The book must be age/reading level appropriate and must be a fictional novel.

In addition to reading the novel, you must complete a reading log and complete one of the project options listed below. You will be presenting your project to the class.

Reading Logs and Projects will be due Wednesday, March 1st. You may, however, turn in your project and present as soon as you finish.

Reading Log (Must be completed) [30 points] Write a three-sentence summary of each chapter of your novel. Make sure that you put the chapter number before each summary.

Project Choices (Choose one of the following to complete and present.) Creatively compile your project to turn it in. [60 points]

Become the Author ~ Write a new ending for the story, a new adventure for the main character, or the beginning of a sequel. The tone and format should be the same as the original novel. If you get rid of old characters, then tell what happened to them; if you invent new characters, then describe them. This should be at least 2 chapters long.

Memorable Quotes ~ Choose at least five quotes from your book that were extremely memorable and important to the development of the story somehow. Include the quote, the page number that it was on, and the person who said it. Then, write a paragraph for each quote explaining why the quote was significant and important to the story. Display your quotes creatively.

Collage ~ Create a word and/or picture collage representing the entire novel (main characters, major events, turning point, etc.). This must be done on a poster board (8” x 11” paper is too small). This must be accompanied by a written explanation of why you selected the certain words and/or pictures. You should have at least 10 items on your collage. This must be neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Comic Book ~ Re-write the entire novel in comic book form. Your comic book must include all characters and plot developments. Captions must be included. You should remain true to any physical or setting descriptions.

Diary ~ Keep a diary from a main character’s point of view (your gender doesn’t matter). This should include her/his thoughts & feelings, actions, and significant events from the entire novel. You should have at least 10 detailed entries. Also, you should design a creative diary cover that is symbolic or represents something about your book.

Power Point ~ Create a Power Point Presentation about your novel. This should include a minimum of 15 slides that have a sufficient amount of pictures, clipart, and animations. The following information must be included: The title and author of your book; a brief summary of your story, including setting, conflict, and major events; and descriptions of the main characters. (You may also want to include a slide for your opinion of the story, which is a required component for the presentation.)

Sound Track ~ Select (from an outside source) or write 10 songs or poems that you feel say something about the theme, mood, characters or settings of the novel. Explain in a paragraph for each song why you selected or wrote the poem/song. Display your song choices creatively. Video Project ~ Lights! Camera! Action! Create a short movie clip that depicts scene(s) from your book. You may act in the movie or direct other actors. You must include a written script with character names and descriptions, setting descriptions, and all dialogue and actions. Your film has to be at least 3-5 minutes in length.

Presentation (10 points) You will share your project with the class, being sure to include a brief summary of the book (excluding the ending), a description and explanation of what you did for your project, and your opinion of the story. Make sure that you have an introduction and conclusion for your presentation and a visual aid (may be your project if it’s an effective visual aid).


Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own.

In this class, plagiarism includes...

1. turning in another’s work as one’s own

2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class)

3. including a source but failing to cite it

4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own

Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment (TEST GRADE). The teacher will notify the administration and contact parents if cheating / plagiarism is suspected.