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Special Commentary and Offering


At $80 billion, GM is one of the world’s largest pension funds. There has been much written about the funding gap that companies like GM, Ford, and others are facing. The enormity of the gap has put the stock prices of these companies on a roller coaster ride. How is a company like GM coping with this problem? With yields on US investments at all time lows, GM announced on Friday that they will move at least $4 billion into Emerging Markets Debt. The reason: with pitifully low returns in the US, foreign markets are the only remaining place to receive any kind of return.

Now, where are they investing? The world seems like a very big place. Well, not really. First, you can discount all of Africa, except South Africa, as a possible destination because of a lack of any bond issues. Next, the returns in Europe are as low as the US. Asia has only three options. Japan, yields are lower than US; China, not enough bonds issued; Korea, bonds are too low yielding. How quickly the world has shrunk! The place to go for yield is Latin America! Where? Yes! Latin America. GM, Ford and others are pouring money into one special place. Brazil. Did you know that Brazil has the 9th largest economy in the world? Why not follow the lead of these Blue Chip companies and give yourself the same, higher return, on your portfolio.

There are several solid Latin American opportunities, but our number one pick is AMBEV. AmBev is the largest beverage company in Latin America and the sixth largest beverage company in the world. This leadership position allows Brazilian products to compete with the main companies in the industry, generating a foreign currency inflow to the country and the acknowlegement of national production excellence. They bottle several U.S. Brands and many popular soft drinks and beers in Latin America. They are stable and investment grade. The stock of Ambev trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The listing requirements of the New York Stock Exchange are very exacting. We have been following it for more than a year. The stock code is: ABV, currently about $22.00. Their website is AMBEV The annual report takes a minute or two to download but is worth it. AMBEV ANNUAL REPORT PDF.

The best current debt offering for AMBEV, it is one of the highest yielding investment grade bonds in the world.

Currency US Dollar Coupon 8.75% Maturity 09/15/2013 Yield 7.57% Price 108.00 Ratings BAA3,BBB- Tsy Spread: +332

The advantage of this investment to a company like GM is enormous. The same return on a US based asset of the same rating is can be as much as 200 basis points lower. What does that mean? An extra $20 per year for every $1000 invested. You do the math. GM is putting $ 4 billion to work. That’s an extra $20 million for every $1 billion invested! You may not be part of the GM pension plan. But that shouldn’t stop you from reaping the benefits of their portfolio managers!

For stock investors we will also take your orders. GM is a big leader in the financial world and we may be ahead of a number of companys who may soon send a portion of their pension investments toward Brazil.

Daily Email Scroll List of US Market Best Market Opportunities Ratings Level AAA to BAA –Taxable and Federal Tax Exempt Offering Schedule: Mon. 5yr; Tue. 10yr; Wed. 20yr; Thu. 30yr Offered at a Basis Point Spread to United States Treasuries. A Basis Point equals 1/100th of 1.0% or 100 basis points is Equal to 1.0%. Low Commissions not included see below.

We searched most of the major inventories in the US, many of which are only available to dealers, and proudly offer our Best Bond Values for Today.

(Order any of these bonds online by clicking: ORDER BONDS. If you do not yet have an account with us, you need to fill out the New Account Application by clicking: OPEN NEW ACCOUNT

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Issue Niagara Falls Bridge Rev (NY) Ratings Aaa / AAA (FGIC) Coupon 5.25% Toll System Bonds Maturity 10/01/2015 Yield to Mat. 3.70% Call Non-call Yield to Call n.a. Price 114.689 +/- US Tsy. -56 b.p.

Issue Cook County Sch Distr (IL) Ratings Aaa / AAA (MBIA) Coupon 0.00% G.O. bonds Maturity 12/01/2016 Yield to Mat. 4.34% Call Non-call Yield to Call n.a. Price 57.35 + 8 b.p. +/- US TSY

Issue Augusta Cnty Dev Auth (VA) Ratings A1 / NR Coupon 4.375% Hospital Rev Maturity 09/01/2016 Yield to Mat. 4.34% Call Non-call Yield to Call n.a. Price 100.34 +/- US Tsy. + 8 b.p.

Issue Golden St Tobac Secur (CA) Ratings Baa2/ BBB- Coupon 5.125% (Asset Backed) Maturity 06/01/2014 Yield to Mat. 4.95% Call 06/01/2004 @ Par Yield to Call 1.95% Price 101.41 +/- US Tsy. + 69 b.p. (+95 to 6mos. T-bill)


Issue IBRD International Bank Ratings Aaa / AAA Global Notes Coupon 3.625% Maturity 05/21/2013 Yield to Mat. 4.24% Call Non-call Yield to Call. n.a. Price 95.26 +/- US Tsy. - 2 b.p.

Issue Dow Chemical Co Ratings A3 / A- Coupon 6.00% Maturity 10/01/2012 Yield to Mat. 5.15% Call Non-call Yield to Call n.a. Price 105.94 +/- US Tsy. + 89 b.p.

Issue General Motors Accept Corp Ratings A3 / BBB Coupon 7.00% Maturity 02/01/2012 Yield to Mat. 5.76% Call Non-call Yield to Call. n.a. Price 107.94 +/- US Tsy. + 150 b.p.

Issue Eastman Kodak Co. Ratings Baa3 / BBB- Coupon 7.25% Maturity 11/15/2013 Yield to Mat. 6.41% Call Non-call Yield to Call n.a. Price 106.06 +/- US Tsy. + 215 b.p.

The offers above are subject to availability and change in price. If we cannot offer the bonds above, we will find alternatives for you. You must open an account with us to purchase any of these bonds. You can do this by clicking here: OPEN AN ACCOUNT and simply taking 10 minutes to fill out our new account form.

Once your account is open, to buy any bonds we offer you can simple click here to purchase bonds: ORDER BONDS.

Commissions: The prices shown above do not include our low commissions of $5.00 per $1,000 face amount of bonds up $25,000 face amount and then $3.00 thereafter. Orders over $100,000 may be subject to discounts. There is a safekeeping charge of $39.00 per year and a charge of $39.00 to deliver each separate security to another account. There are also incidental charges for cash disbursements from your account and account transfer fees.

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