Classification of Everyday Living

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Classification of Everyday Living

Classification of Everyday Living Version 1.0

Working Draft 03

23 January 2017

Technical Committee: OASIS Classification of Everyday Living (COEL) TC Chairs: Joss Langford ([email protected]), Activinsights Ltd David Snelling ([email protected]), Fujitsu Limited Editors: Paul Bruton ([email protected]), Tessella Ltd. Joss Langford ([email protected]), Activinsights Ltd Matthew Reed ([email protected]), Coelition David Snelling ([email protected]), Fujitsu Limited

Additional artefacts: The additional artefact is a JSON object that provides the content of the Classification of Everyday Living model:  COEL model V1.0 ( Related work: This specification is related to: TBD Abstract: This document provides TBD. Status: This Working Draft (WD) has been produced by one or more TC Members; it has not yet been voted on by the TC or approved as a Committee Draft (Committee Specification Draft or a Committee Note Draft). The OASIS document Approval Process begins officially with a TC vote to approve a WD as a Committee Draft. A TC may approve a Working Draft, revise it, and re- approve it any number of times as a Committee Draft. URI patterns: Initial publication URI: TBD Permanent "Latest version" URI: TBD (Managed by OASIS TC Administration; please don’t modify.)

Copyright © OASIS Open 2015. All Rights Reserved. All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The full Policy may be found at the OASIS website. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 103 Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and OASIS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 103 Table of Contents

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 103 Appendix A. Introduction This document provides an overview of the structure of the specification and defines the model of the hierarchical taxonomy that provides the holistic framework for measuring everyday living events. The content of the model is defined in the document by a link to the JSON object.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 103 A.1 Objective

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 103 A.2 Summary of key COEL concepts

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 103 A.3 Implementations

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 103 A.4 Terminology The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in Error: Reference source not found.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 103 A.5 Notational Conventions

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 of 103 A.6 Normative References [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [RFC4627] D. Crockford, The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), July 2006, [RFC7617] J. Reschke, Ed., "The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme", RFC 7617, September 2015. [RFC5246] Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 103 A.7 Non-Normative References [Coelition]

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 of 103 A.8 Glossary (quite a bit from the RPE document) PseudonymousKey: A string formatted as a UUID as defined in [RFC_4122, Section 3] that uniquely identifies pseudonymously, an entity in the ecosystem. These are used for Consumer, Operator, Service Provider, and Device identifiers. DateTime: A string formatted as a date-time according to [RFC_3339]. Used to represent the time of an event within the ecosystem. Authorization Authentication Protocol: There are two authentication/authorisation protocols used in the ecosystem. In all cases the underlying connection is protected by server side authenticated transport level security (TLS) [RFC5246][Ref??]. The two classes are 1) None: where the TSL connection is anonymous from the client side and therefore there is neither authentication nor authorisation required; and 2) BasicAuth: where the client must both authenticate and be authorised using HTTP Basic Authorisation Authentication [refRFC7617??].

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 of 103 Appendix B. A COEL ecosystem (This section is non- normative)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 of 103 B.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 103 B.2 Roles

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 of 103 B.2.1 Summary of Roles

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 of 103 B.2.2 Identity Authority

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 103 B.2.3 Date Engine

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 of 103 B.2.4 Service Provider

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 of 103 B.2.5 Operator

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 of 103 B.2.6 Consumer

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 of 103 B.3 Principles of Operation of a COEL ecosystem

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 of 103 B.4 Ecosystem structure

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 103 B.4.1 Relationships between actors

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 103 B.4.2 Data Flows

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 103 B.4.3 Security considerations

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 103 Appendix C. COEL by Example (This section is non- normative)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 103 C.1 Setting up a consumer facing health care service with COEL

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 of 103 C.2 Setting up the Data Engine – Service Provider – Operator handshakes

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 of 103 C.3 Registering a Consumer

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 30 of 103 C.4 Getting Consent

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 31 of 103 C.5 Delivering Service Journey

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 32 of 103 C.6 Etc

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 33 of 103 Appendix D. The Classification of Everyday Living

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 34 of 103 D.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 of 103 D.2 Knowledge Base

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 of 103 D.3 COEL Data Model Specification

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 of 103 D.4 Methodology

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 38 of 103 D.5 Principles behind structuring and populating the knowledge base

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 39 of 103 D.6 Structure of the COEL model

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 40 of 103 D.7 Description of the COEL taxonomy

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 41 of 103 D.8 Visualising the COEL model

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 42 of 103 D.9 Principles for version control of COEL model

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 43 of 103 D.10 Permanent location of COEL JSON artefacts

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 44 of 103 Appendix E. The Behavioural Atom

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 45 of 103 E.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 46 of 103 E.2 COEL Behavioural Atom Specification

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 47 of 103 E.3 Behavioural Atom Examples

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 48 of 103 Appendix F. Minimal Management Interface

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 49 of 103 F.1 Introduction This section defines the Minimal Management Interface (MMI) between the Data Engine and other actors in the ecosystem. It provides an information request operation through which all actors in the ecosystem discover the URLs for all operations on the Data Engine. It provides operation definitions on the Data Engine for use by a Service Provider to register a new Operator, to retrieve a list of existing Operators, to retrieve a list of Consumers associated with a given Operator, to suspend and resume Operators, register and unassign Devices and to assure a consumer is registered. It also provides operation definitions on the Data Engine for use by an Operator to register a Consumer, forget a Consumer and to associate a device with a consumer. This interface represents the minimal requirements of a Data Engine’s management interface, but does not limit this interface to these capabilities. High quality Data Engines may offer more comprehensive management services.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 50 of 103 F.2 COEL Minimal Management Interface Specification (MMI)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 51 of 103 F.2.1 Authorization Protocol To access all Service Provider operations on the Data Engine MMI API, Service Providers MUST use the BasicAuth Authorization Protocol. To assess all Operator operations on the Data Engine MMI API, Operators MUST use the None Authorization Protocol.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 52 of 103 F.2.2 Information Request Every Data Engine SHALL publish its Data Engine Home URI. Performing a GET on this URI SHALL return general information about the Data Engine as JSON object.

Method Request Response Status Response Response Body Body Content-Type GET /home None 200 (OK) application/json JSON object

Format for the response body JSON object: Name Value Description REQUIRED The URI of the Atoms service encoded as a AtomsURI String Yes string. The URI of the Query service encoded as a QueryURI String Yes string. The URI of the Management service encoded as ManagementURI String Yes a string. ServerTime Integer Current server time in UTC as a Unix timestamp. Yes The current status of the Atoms service encoded AtomsStatus String as a string. It MUST be one of "Up", "Down", or Yes "Unknown". The current status of the Query service encoded QueryStatus String as a string. It MUST be one of "Up", "Down", or Yes "Unknown". The current status of the Management service ManagementStatus String encoded as a string. It MUST be one of "Up", Yes "Down", or "Unknown".

The JSON object of the response MAY contain additional fields with information about the Data Engine.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 53 of 103 F.2.2.1 Example (non-normative) Example request message:

GET /home

Example response message:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{"AtomsURI": "", "QueryURI": "", "ManagementURI": "", "AtomsStatus": "Up", "QueryStatus": "Up", "ManagementStatus", "Up", "ServerTime": 1470822001}

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 54 of 103 F.2.3 Service Provider: Create New Operator Create a new Operator within the Data Engine and associate it with the requesting Service Provider. Completion of this operation allows the Operator to register new Consumers. If successful, an HTTP status code of 200 OK MUST be returned. If unsuccessful, an HTTP error code SHOULD be returned and a JSON object MAY be returned providing some explanation of the failure. If validation of the OperatorID fails, with a 410 (Gone) error from the IDA, an error 410 (Gone) should be returned.

Method Request Response Status Response Response Body Body Content-Type POST service- JSON object 200 (OK) None None provider/operator 410 (Gone) application/json JSON object

Format for Content of the request body JSON object: Name Value Description REQUIRED Pseudonymo A Pseudonymous Key generated by an IDA and OperatorID Yes usKey associated with the Operator being registered. Time stamp of the OperatorID indicating when TimeStamp DateTime Yes the IDA created this Pseudonymous Key. Signature proving that an IDA created this Signature String Yes OperatorID.

Format forContent of the response body JSON object: Name Value Description REQUIRED An optional description of why the registration Reason String No failed.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 55 of 103 F.2.3.1 Example (non-normative)

Example request message: POST service-provider/operator


Example response message:

HTTP/1.1 410 Gone

{"Reason":"Operator was not valid."}

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 56 of 103 F.2.4 Service Provider: Retrieve Operator List

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 57 of 103 F.2.5 Service Provider: Retrieve Consumer List

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 58 of 103 F.2.6 Service Provider: Forget Consumer

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 59 of 103 F.2.7 Operator: Create New Consumer

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 60 of 103 F.2.8 Operator: Assign a Device to a Consumer

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 61 of 103 Appendix G.Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 62 of 103 G.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 63 of 103 G.2 COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface Specification (BAP)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 64 of 103 G.2.1 HTTP Protocol

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 65 of 103 G.2.2 Media Types for Messages

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 66 of 103 G.2.3 Operations

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 67 of 103 G.2.4 Security

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 68 of 103 G.2.5 Exceptions

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 69 of 103 Appendix H. Public Query Interface

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 70 of 103 H.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 71 of 103 H.2 COEL Public Query Interface Specification (PQI)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 72 of 103 H.2.1 Authentication and Authorisation

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 73 of 103 H.2.2 Query Operation

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 74 of 103 H.2.3 Segment Data

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 75 of 103 Appendix I. Identity Authority Interface

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 76 of 103 I.1 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 77 of 103 I.1.1 The Identity Authority (IDA)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 78 of 103 I.1.2 IDA Protocol Overview

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 79 of 103 I.2 COEL Identity Authority Interface Specification (IDA)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 80 of 103 I.2.1 Overview

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 81 of 103 I.2.2 Introduction

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 82 of 103 I.2.3 Authentication and Authorisation

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 83 of 103 I.2.4 PseudonymousKey endpoint

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 84 of 103 I.2.5 PseudonymousKeyBatch endpoint

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 85 of 103 I.2.6 Validation endpoint

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 86 of 103 Appendix J. COEL Policies & Adjacencies (This section is non-normative)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 87 of 103 J.1 Security standards

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 88 of 103 J.2 Consent standards

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 89 of 103 J.3 Identity Assurance standards

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 90 of 103 J.4 Quality-of-Service policies

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 91 of 103 J.5 Use Cases

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 92 of 103 Appendix K. Conformance

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 93 of 103 K.1 Conformance Targets Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 contain the following implementations that are subject to compliance: COEL Data Model COEL Behavioural Atom COEL Minimal Management Interface (MMI) COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface (BAP) COEL Public Query Interface (PQI) COEL Identity Authority Interface (IDA)

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 94 of 103 K.2 Conformance Clause 1: COEL Data Model A data object conforms to this specification as COEL Data Model if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It is valid according to the structure and rules defined in section COEL Data Model Specification4.3 "COEL Data Model Specification".

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 95 of 103 K.3 Conformance Clause 2: COEL Behavioural Atom A data object conforms to this specification as COEL Behavioural Atom if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It is valid according to the structure and rules defined in section COEL Behavioural Atom Specification5.2 "COEL Behavioural Atom Specification".

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 96 of 103 K.4 Conformance Clause 3: COEL Minimal Management Interface A Data Engine process or program conforms to this specification as COEL Minimal Management Interface if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It can understand and process the functions defined in section COEL Minimal Management Interface Specification (MMI)6.2 "COEL Minimal Management Interface (MMI)" according to their rules and semantics. (b) It generates errors as required in error cases described in section COEL Minimal Management Interface Specification (MMI)6.2.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 97 of 103 K.5 Conformance Clause 4: COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface A Service Provider process or program conforms to this specification as COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It classifies events with the COEL Data Model as defined in Clause 1: COEL Data Model. (b) It can correctly format Behavioural Atoms as defined in Clause 2: COEL Behavioural Atom. (c) It can transmit or transfer Behavioural Atoms as defined in section COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface Specification (BAP)7.2 "COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface Specification (BAP)".

A Data Engine process or program conforms to this specification as COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It can parse and recognize the elements of any conforming COEL Behavioural Atom, and generates errors for those data objects that fail to conform as COEL Behavioural Atom when this is clearly intended. (b) It can receive Behavioural Atoms as defined in section COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface Specification (BAP)7.2 "COEL Behavioural Atom Protocol Interface Specification (BAP)". (c) It generates errors as required in error cases described in section 7.2. (d) It correctly implenentsimplements the COEL Minimal Management Interface as defined in clause Clause 3

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 98 of 103 K.6 Conformance Clause 5: COEL Public Query Interface A Data Engine process or program conforms to this specification as COEL Public Query Interface if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It can correctly format Behavioural Atoms as defined in Clause 2: COEL Behavioural Atom. (b) It can understand and process the functions defined in section COEL Public Query Interface Specification (PQI)8.2 "COEL Public Query Interface (PQI)" according to their rules and semantics. (c) It generates errors as required in error cases described in section 8.2COEL Public Query Interface Specification (PQI). (d) It correctly implenentsimplements the COEL Minimal Management Interface as defined in clause 3

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 99 of 103 K.7 Conformance Clause 6: COEL Identity Authority Interface An Identity Authority process or program conforms to this specification as COEL Identity Authority Interface if it satisfies all the statements below: (a) It can understand and process the functions defined in section COEL Identity Authority Interface Specification (IDA)9.2 "COEL Identity Authority Interface (IDA)" according to their rules and semantics. (b) It generates errors as required in error cases described in section COEL Identity Authority Interface Specification (IDA)9.2.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 100 of 103 Appendix L. Acknowledgments The following individuals have participated in the creation of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged: Participants: MACROBUTTON Paul Bruton, Individual Member Joss Langford, Activinsights Matthew Reed, Coelition David Snelling, Fujitsu

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 101 of 103 Appendix M.Known Extensions to the COEL Model

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 102 of 103 Appendix N. Revision History

Revision Date Editor Changes Made 0 23/01/2017 David Snelling Initial document outline 1 Joss Langford Atom -> Behavioural Atom Added Behavioural Atom section Moved IDA section Standardised section formats & titles Basic conformance text added 2 27/01/2017 Paul Bruton Added section ’10: Data Engine’ to separate out the data engine information request from the BAP. For discussion: Further restructuring needed. 3 27/01/2017 Paul Bruton Reverted previous changes after discussion: Decided to move Information Request from BAP to MMI Section. Re-ordered sections and conformance clauses to put MMI first 4 02/02/2017 David Snelling Added first two sections of the MMI for discussion. 5 02/09/2017 David Snelling Updated the definitions section for authorization protocols and two data types. 6 21/02/2017 Paul Bruton Put in references for TLS, BasicAuth. Some minor corrections and comments.

COEL-v1.0-wd03 Working Draft 03 23 January 2017 Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2017. All Rights Reserved. Page 103 of 103

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