4 Minute Fitness Script

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4 Minute Fitness Script

4 Minute Fitness Script

The Learning Plan

Learn the movements from the 4 Minute Fitness DVD, and practice those moves until they feel quite comfortable.

And then watch the "Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body” Live Seminar DVD, and learn the small points.

Once you feel comfortable, then began learning and memorizing the Lesson Modules. These Modules will help you skillfully and accurately teach most of the basic important principles found in 4 Minute Fitness.

Then begin learning the Script Modules, and repeat them until you feel comfortable "speaking" the moves. The Script Modules will help you skillfully and accurately and safely teach the physical movements found in 4 Minute Fitness.

Review the "Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body” DVD and make notes about layout, and the order of subject presentation. You can organize and structure the session in any way that works for you (although -- because my session has been crafted over years and it works -- I would suggest not making too many changes.). You can make cards, or notes, or create a Power Point presentation -- anything that will help you stay on track. When you have the Modules memorized, you will simply need to figure out when you wish to teach them.

Comments surrounded by (parenthesis) may be taught or omitted. Comments that have  are jokes that I have found particularly effective.

Why learn all this?

1. To dramatically increase your personal benefits. If you fully understand the theory, and grasp the small but powerful aspects of each move, you will create significantly more personal benefits from your practice. This is vitally important for Ultimate and Certification students.

2. To create value for your students. Almost all of you joined this Certification program to make a difference. Your “job” when teaching is to create so much value for each and every part of 4 Minute Fitness that participants will leave and do it – hopefully everyday for life. Memorizing these modules will help you create huge value!

3. To make money. It is possible to make a professional wage teaching this 3 hour session. Memorizing these few short sections is a small task, given the income potential.

4. To give you confidence. If you repeat out loud each of these modules a hundred times or more, they will become a part of your brain. Then – when you are presenting (and perhaps a little nervous), the words will come when you need them. Practice, practice, practice – and you will become confident and professional. Certification Procedure

Attending a Symposium

Should you decide to attend a Symposium, we will focus on perfecting the scripts in front of small groups. Practicing with groups is a lot of fun and will dramatically increase your confidence level.

You will be amazed as to the speed of progress when surrounded by caring people.

Sending in a tape or DVD

Should you decide to become Certified by sending me a tape or a DVD, then teach each Lesson Module so I can see and hear you (it's okay to turn the camera off between each module so that you can prepare for the next).

Then teach each movement (I need to see and hear you), following the Script Module. (Again -- it's okay to turn the camera off between each module so that you can prepare for the next).

At the end of the tape, please do the moves from beginning to end, flowing without breaks. Please see the power phrases loudly and clearly so that I can hear them (so your future students will be able to hear them) as you are doing the movements. Camera from the front is fine.

Speak loudly, as if talking to the back of a large room. And smile lots – it will make the process easier and more fun.

Do your best to memorize each section. Repeat each section at least 100 times so they become part of your brain. (I have placed one section/subject per page, so you can print and work with one section at a time. Step by step, slowly but surely).

That said – I do not expect you to repeat the content work for word when you are teaching. You may be nervous, or you may want to change the wording to fit your personality. But by memorizing the script, you will be much more likely to include all the important principles – principles needed to create value for your students. KEY LESSON MODULES

1. Safety (same script as in the tai chi script)

Every person in this room has a different body, with different strengths, weakness and injuries.

Do not do anything that your doctor, physiotherapist, OT, chiropractor or health care professional has told you not to do.

Do not do anything you know you shouldn’t do.

Do not do anything if you think it will hurt, or if it hurts.

If you have a history of back pain, be very gentle. Be patient.

If you are pregnant, do any core turning very gently and incorporate any cautions or restrictions you may have been given by your doctor.

If you have had a hip replacement, incorporate any cautions or restrictions you may have been given by your surgeon.

(Some of you haven’t taken a deep breath since the late 60’s.) We will be taking deep breaths during the movements. If you feel dizzy at any point, slow the breathing down to normal and sit immediately if the dizziness persists or worsens.

If you have arthritis in your knees, you may have to alter moves to avoid any twisting or torque. Always keep your knee pointing over your toe in any posture.

This class is non competitive. Do not compare yourself to any other student. Trust that your progress is as it should be for you. 2. Standing

Most of us have been given all sorts of different directions about the proper way to stand.

(At this point -- I ask the audience for directions as to how they have been told how to stand, and then I asked them to join me as we follow all directions together. Shoulders back, stomach in, pelvic tilt, "hold a dime between your cheeks", chest up, back straight, etc. Then I ask them to take a deep breath into the belly -- which of course they can't because it's being held so tightly. This approach is a pile of fun and helps people realize how silly and often contradictory some of those directions are.)

Let's try something different. Surgically implant had titanium look in your skull at the crown. Put another one in the roof and attach the two with the chain. Imagine the person beside you winching you up so that your head is elevated and you feel suspended from the crown.

From there, relax your feet, relax your ankles, relax your knees and feel as if your whole body is falling away from your head. Let your pelvis simply hang. (And if you are holding a dime, let it drop. Don't worry about picking it up now because I guarantee you -- nobody wants it after where it has been. )

Relax your spine. As they say in the ancient writings -- "let your spine hang like a string of pearls in the wind".

From there -- your shoulders simply hang.

Now -- take a deep breathe into your belly and see how much easier this is.

All of the exercises in 4 Minute Fitness are done from this position. 3. Breathing (same script as in the tai chi script) (Perfect for the breathing techniques taught after the standing section)

99% of us breathe poorly. We take shallow, panting breaths that keep us alive, but do not allow us to thrive. The style of tai chi breathing we will teach you and incorporate into the movements will help you become better breathers.

We will breathe in through the nose to warm and clean the air. And breathe out through the mouth (although some prefer to breathe out through their nose, and that is OK). Please do not “close your throat” to control the air going out. Use the belly to control air speed, leaving the throat wide open.

As we breathe in, the belly expands (gets big). As we breathe out, the belly contracts (gets smaller), forcing the air out. This is opposite to the way most people breathe. The only way to improve breathing is to practice daily, so here we go.

Place your hands on your belly. Begin drawing a huge breath in through your nose and feel as if it is going right down to the bottom of the belly, filling the belly as it expands into your hands. Then let the air fill the chest as it expands.

When the lungs feel completely full, begin exhaling as the belly begins to contract (forcing the air out). Feel the hands go in. The chest also relaxes, completing the emptying process.

If you feel dizzy, be cautious. With some practice, you will feel less and less dizzy.

(IMPORTANT - at this point, ask them how they are feeling after taking a few deep breaths. Many will feel energized, relaxed, focused, tingly, etc.. It is really important to have them feel a significant benefits that the breathing has to offer. Some will feel dizzy. 99% of North Americans are poor breathers and simply need to practice. The dizziness happens less and less as they become more proficient readers.)

4. Benefits of this style of deep tai chi breathing (same script as in the tai chi script)

- Increases relaxation. Deep breathing produces a reflex called a “Relaxation Response”. There are receptors (like buttons) deep in the chest. Taking a deep breath presses these receptors and produces an almost instant state of relaxation.

- Feeds our cells. Each of our cells does something like 2000 – 5000 major functions per second. They need oxygen to function well. Most of us breathe so poorly that they just barely get enough. Deep breathing provides the fuel they need to thrive, and increases our energy and sense of vibrancy.

- Improves immune function. Our torso is filled with a fluid called lymph. Lymph is a vital part of our immure system and it must move to be effective. It only moves if we move. Taking a deep breath, especially in conjunction with torso twisting, moves the lymph and increases its effectiveness in protecting our bodies. 5. Core (similar to the tai chi script) (Perfect at the beginning of the third move)

How many people here have had back pain? How many of you have missed work due to back pain? The number two reason people miss work in North America is lower back pain. It costs businesses and organizations a small fortune, but on a personal basis it can be devastating. When your back is bad, more often than not you can't get out of bed, or play with your children or grandchildren (or worse -- you can't golf ).

Most of us have a core or torso that is lifeless and inflexible. But that can change. I am going to teach you the second secret of Yang style tai chi, a secret that will help create a more supple core, and a stronger and more flexible spine. One of the most common results is significantly less back pain.

Most of us move our spines in only two dimensions – up and down, forwards and backwards. To dramatically improve spinal health, I'll show you how to safely and gently rotate each vertebra.

(I like to use a visual metaphor. How many people here have cats? Cats are amazingly flexible. Rarely do you see them exercise and they certainly don't lift weights -- but they stretch all the time. Cats can lick places you could only dream of . While I know I will never be as flexible as a cat, I can always move toward flexibility rather than move away.)

The second secret of Yang style tai chi is this: if you fix the bottom … don't let your bottom turn… and fix the top… keep looking at me… and rotate your shoulders under the chin (this is easier as we get older and as we have more chins ), YOU WILL ROTATE EVERY VERTEBRAE IN YOUR SPINE. Do this gently and remember that flexibility is gained gradually, so please be patient.

(Repeat this a few times, and always remind people to stop when they have had enough.)

When you take your core and twist it like a dishrag, you move a fluid called lymph. This fluid is a vital part of the immune system and it must move around, but it doesn't have a heart to move it. It simply moves when you move. This type of exercise can dramatically improve immune function.

When we add deep breathing to this twist, this fluid moves even more -- providing significant benefit to your immune function. 6. Flexibility (Often good to use at the beginning, when people are listing their reasons to be here, telling you what they want)

One of the best ways to age more gracefully is to become more flexible -- both mentally and physically. 4 Minute Fitness will increase the flexibility of many of your joints, especially your core and your spine.

Acquiring flexibility requires patience, but once you become more flexible -- you maintain that flexibility for a long time. The key is to remember that if you gain just 1/8 of an inch of flexibility a week, you will be 1 inch more flexible in just two months. And 6 inches more flexible in a year.

Once you become more flexible you will enjoy every aspect of your life more fully. You will also become more graceful and coordinated. The key is to be patient.

7. Patience (Good to use when people are about half way into learning the movements, when you sense some frustration)

Sometimes people feel frustrated when they try to remember a series of movements. Sometimes your little voices say things like "you can't remember this", "you are too clumsy" or similar.

It is vitally important to reframe this type of thinking. As we age, our brains need to be exercised in different ways. This type of training is a marvelous exercise for the brain, and will increase brain capacity as well as coordination, better balance and grace.

The key is to smile and to be persistent. 8. Neurochemicals (AKA neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, neuroproteins) (This module is perfect in the middle of the last exercise, as a segue between body and mind).

At this time, I'd like you to move into a position that would demonstrate to the world that you are depressed.

Most people hunched their shoulders and look down.

Science says that adopting a posture of depression will make you more depressed, so please stand straight again.

Why does this happen?

Remember I said we have 60 trillion cells, with each cell of doing 2000 to 5000 major functions per second? How do these cells communicate? (And don't say “cell phone” )

Cells use chemicals to communicate, chemicals that can almost instantly surround your cells -- remember how instantly a shot of adrenalin affects your whole body. You cannot feel love without a chemical (phenythylamine), you cannot feel bliss without a chemical (anadamine). The feeling of hope is created by a chemical; the feeling of despair is created by a lack of that chemical. There are “contracting” chemicals that create anger, hate, resentment, jealousy. There are “expansive” chemicals that create love, joy, peace, gratitude, satisfaction.

When you adopt a posture of depression, you slow the release of neurochemicals that make you feel better. Those chemicals are endorphins (short for endogenous, which means produced by the body and morphine, which kills pain) and serotonin -- the chemical that helps you keep happy (SSRI antidepressants keep this chemical in the brain longer).

4 Minute Fitness will show you ways to decrease the dangerous and negative chemicals surrounding your cells and increase the ones that will help you feel great. Understanding these techniques will help you take charge of your feelings and of your life.

9. Smiling (After the break, at the beginning of the mind section)

Please stand and close your eyes. Rate how you are feeling on a scale of one to 10, with one being “we better call an ambulance” and 10 being “I feel so good I can't believe I'm alive!” Remember that number and open your eyes. How many people were at a 1, 2, 3, etc.

Now close your eyes again and this time look up and smile. Plant a huge smile on your face. A huge toothy grin. Keep it there as long as you possibly can. (It actually doesn't do anything -- I just like to watch. I just said that to keep you smiling )

At this point, re-rate how you are feeling on that same scale of one to 10 and give it a number. How many of you went up a notch or two? Why?

The act of looking up and smiling releases neurochemicals that make you feel good. For that reason, we will smile throughout the entire 4 Minute Fitness regime. 10. Motivation - "Yes, Yes, Yes"

(My favorite part, taught after people have raised their neurochemicals by smiling. Review the Seminar DVD)

Have people began stomping their foot, clapping their hands and then screaming "Yes, Yes, Yes. (I often demonstrate this first, and then say that we have the field of all possibilities in front of us at this point. We can do the best “Yes, Yes” ever done in the entire universe, or we can do a small, polite, timid “Yes, Yes”. The choice is theirs, but I tell them that they will get more out of it by having a whole pile of fun. I tell them that I'm going to do the best one I can.)

Let’s do this as loud as we can…….. Yes, yes, yes, yes….

That was fantastic -- now let's try it on the other side and see if we can make it even better………….. Yes, yes, yes, yes….

Now immediately close your eyes and re-rate how you are feeling on a scale of one to 10 and remember that number.

How many of you went up a notch or two doing the exercise? How many of you are prepared to do this every day for the rest of your lives?

We need to talk….

Who do you know that does this on a regular basis?. Athletes do this to become pumped, psyched, to be the best they can be. Why don't we do the same thing?

(I often joke at this point that the reason we don't do the same thing is because the work the athletes to his ever so much more important than anything we do. The audience pauses and says – “hey – we do lots of things more important”, and I ask -- what do you do that might be slightly more important than playing football or baseball? They of course offer many things that are more important.)

Why don’t we choose to be the best at our work, the best parent, the best partner? Most of us don't because we don’t know that we can. This technique will help you choose to be the best you can be, and then choose to get the most out of every day.

(Here's where you can show them how to do it silently, without yelling. Or in a closet, so they don't embarrass themselves. Or in a bank line up -- just in their heads. It works well no matter how you do it. See Seminar DVD.)

How many of you are now prepared to do this every day for a month in one form or another?

We will end 4 Minute Fitness with any "Yes, Yes, Yes". 11. Reticular Activating System (RAS) (After the motivational section)

All of us have a part of the brain that -- if properly programmed -- can lead us to great happiness. Conversely -- if unconsciously programmed -- this part of the brain will create a life of misery.

This part is called the Reticular Activating System. It acts as secretary or office manager. It takes all of the nervous signals coming into the brain -- signals like nerve pressure from sitting, taste in your mouth, everything that you hear, everything that you see -- and decides which of these signals should be sent to the conscious brain.

This is important – the reticular Activating System sends what it thinks is important, or what you have told it is important. Most of us program this part of the brain negatively. The last part of 4 Minute Fitness will show you ways to consciously program this part of the brain so it will bring into your life what you want, not what you don't want.

Here is an example of how this part of the brain works. Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car, you begin to see that car everywhere? Or if you are pregnant, you start to see pregnant people everywhere? This is an example of the almost magical abilities of a Reticular Activating system to bring into your consciousness what it thinks you want to know. Does anyone have any similar examples?

Within the exercises, we are now going to use energized "Power Phrases". These are like affirmations, except they are done with energy -- as if they are real, as if they are truly happening right now. The energy simply helps program the RAS faster.

(PLEASE say the Power Phrases – with suggested phrases listed near the bottom of this document – when you do your complete 4 Minute Fitness from beginning to end). SCRIPT MODULES

Exercise ONE – lower body

Key Points - sink between feet - knees always over feet for a safe structure - last inch gives ten times the benefit - slow coming back up

For this exercise, I'd like you to getting onto a big, fat, grain fed, barrel-chested mare. This visualization will keep your knees in the proper position as you begin the exercise. (If you are sitting on a horse and you are knock-kneed -- you have a very sick horse ).

Standing tall, feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Relax, and let your body sink down between your feet -- not behind your feet. If you sink behind your feet, you can almost sit on your heels and still not get a stretch. But if you actually sink down between your feet, pushing your knees directly over your toes -- you'll keep your knees strong and get a significantly better hip stretch.

And then come up – but come up SLOWLY, slowly, slowly to increase the exercise potential.

At this point, as you go up and down -- the exercise doesn't feel that profound. This is where we incorporate a secret from tai chi practice. "The last inch gives you 10 times the benefit". If you feel strong, if your knees feel fine, then when you get to the bottom of this exercise -- totally relax all of your leg and bum muscles so that you sink another inch or two. The last inch is where you'll start to increase your flexibility. The last inch is where you will find benefits.

(Do the squats a few times and then move on). Exercise one – upper body

Key Points - shoulders always relaxed - squeeze shoulder blades together to exercise “stress muscles” - do not push arms too far foward

Now let's do the upper body. Bring your palms up, and bring your elbows straight back. And then push the arms forward.

Now once again -- this doesn't seem too profound. So we need to incorporate the last inch rule. How many of you carry your stress in your shoulders and your neck? (Almost everybody does). In most cases, when you are stressed, the trapezius and rhomboid muscles are in spasm. And one of the best ways to reduce the spasm is to exercise those muscles. But how do you do that?

This time, bring your elbows straight back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. See if you can make them meet in the middle of your back. If you are wearing a shirt with buttons, feel as if you were going to pop the top button. In this posture, you are exercising the "stress" muscles and also opening the chest.

Now as you start to push forward -- this is the one place we do not want to incorporate the "last inch" rule. If you push the arms out too far, then your shoulders rise and you end up doing the "Ed Sullivan" approach to 4 Minute Fitness. (How many of you have even heard of Ed Sullivan?)

Exercise one – add breathing

Bring your elbows back and, as you inhale deep into your belly - feel the shoulder blades squeezing together. As you push your arms forward, exhale

Exercise one – all together

Bring your elbows back with a big inhale, then as you begin to exhale -- sink between the legs (feeling the stretch as you near the bottom).

As you begin to rise, inhale and squeeze the shoulders together as the elbows come back. (Repeat several times.)

Nicely done. Can you feel the difference and potential? Exercise TWO – lower body

Key Points - caution with balance – an inch is just fine - keep knee bent to act as shock absorber or spring - do not step back into athletic stance – sink first, then place

This exercise will help you improve your balance. It is vitally important that you use caution here. Some of you know your balance isn't good. And some of you who think your balance is good may find otherwise. So be cautious, use the chair in front of you if you need it (or use your walker or cane if necessary).

We are going to lift a leg off the floor. Even a quarter of an inch off the floor will begin to improve your balance, so lift slowly and just a little bit to begin with.

From your tall stance, slowly shift all your weight on to your right leg (presenter shifts onto the left leg to mirror or the audience). Keep your supporting leg bent -- like a spring -- to give you a better balance.

Now lift your left leg slightly off the ground. If your balance is good and you are athletic, then you can lift your leg as high as you wish -- the higher the better.

Rather than simply falling back onto your left leg, continue holding the leg up and sink onto your supporting leg. Relax onto this leg and then slowly place your free leg into the shoulder with position. By sinking on the supporting leg, you further challenge to balance while at the same time you increase the strength of the leg.

(Repeat from side to side a few times).

Exercise two– upper body

Key Points - when arms scoop, do not raise shoulders

The arms scoop and cross in front of the body, coming up so the hands are just below the eyes. Notice if you raise your hands higher than your eyes, your shoulders elevate. We absolutely do not want to raise the shoulders at any time throughout the 4 Minute Fitness exercises.

Then let the hands separate and open the arms as if you are going to greet somebody with a hug.

(Repeat several times). Exercise two – add breathing

This time as you scoop taking huge breath into your belly, expanding up into your chest. And as your arm separate, exhale slowly and completely.

(Repeat a few times).

Exercise two – all together

Key Points - feel as if arms are pulling leg up (to enhance coordination) - breathe deep into belly to improve balance

To put it all together, as you take a deep breath, scoop the arms up the front, shift onto the right leg and feel as if you are drawing the left knee up. Feel as if the arms are actually pulling the leg up -- even if it only goes up an inch or two.

Is important here to breathe down into your belly even though you are lifting up. Too many people breathe high into the chest when they lift up their arms which dramatically raises their centers of gravity, increasing the odds of falling. The rule here -- lift up, breathe down.

Then as you relax on your supporting leg, begin to exhale as you place your free foot into the athletic stance and open your arms. Exhale fully.

(Repeat several times). Exercise THREE – lower and upper body

Key Points - caution with pregancy - caution with the back – do not overdo it. (See Flexibility Module) - second secret of Yang Style Tai Chi (see Core Module)

This exercise can make a huge difference in the health of your back.

(Core talk works well here).

I'm going to teach you the second secret of Yang style tai chi.

CORE: (Teach the second secret at this point)

This move can be taught standing or sitting. If you are sitting, then your bottom is fixed. When you are standing, it is important to keep the hips still.

SHOULDERS: 4 Minute Fitness will gently move and stretch all of your muscles and joints. This exercise will not only move your core, it will also give you a full range of motion exercise in your shoulders (be cautious if you have a frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injury).

Standing tall, rotate the shoulders to the right and reach behind with your right hand. Have the arm do a full circle from the bottom to the top as you turn your shoulders, and then -- as you turn back to the front have that right arm/hand simply and gently fall down the front of the body (draw a line down the front of the body). The left arm simply follows the shoulder and comes for the ride.

Repeat going in the other direction.

Exercise three – add breathing

This time as you turn, take a big breath into your belly and your chest. It will feel tight, but this tightness is valuable, providing a deep internal massage, a massage that will dramatically help move the lymph in your body – further stimulating your immune system.

Exercise three – all together

Now simply repeat the exercise with the movement and the breathing.

Hips still, head still. Reach back with your right arm as you take a deep breath into the belly, with the left hand simply coming for the ride. Draw a large circle with your arm, then as you rotate back to the front, begin your exhale – completing the exhale as your right hand draws a line from the top of your head down your center. (The visualization will be that the hand is drawing energy or similar from the top of the head through the entire body and into the ground). Exercise FOUR – lower body

Key Points - caution with hip replacements or pregnancy - imagining someone pulling both arms will dramatically increase core movement - keep both feet on the ground - shoulders relaxed

The second last exercise begins with your legs further apart (as long as you have a good grip on the floor). In this exercise, you shift the weight from one leg to another, turning the body to the corner of the room (about 45 degrees). Turn both feet in the direction of the turn so that the knees remain safe. You'll end up facing a corner of the room, with 70% of the weight on the front leg and 30% of the weight on the back leg. Keep both feet on the ground.

(Repeat a couple of times, shifting the feet with each turn).

Exercise three – upper body

How many of you have ever been waiters or waitresses? I'd like you to take a cup of coffee in your right hand, and shift your weight and turn to the left side while reaching your right hand toward the left corner of the room.

If you want to double your tips, then reach your left hand behind you to the back corner of the room. Keep your shoulders fully relaxed. (This teaches the basic structure).

Now this exercise is good, but it can be made even more effective by imagining that two people are each pulling a hands. The effect is that you will end up twisting around your center, your chest will begin feeling as if it is turning to the back of the room. Remember -- the last inch gives you 10 times the benefit. This extra pull will create a significant increase in torso (core) activity, an increase in spinal rotation, and possibly stretches up one or both legs. Remember to keep both feet on the ground.

Now repeat on the other side.

Exercise four – add breathing (and altogether)

Once again, begin shifting your weight to the left, bringing your right hand to the left corner. I should do this, take a deep breath into the belly and then into the chest. Feel as if someone is pulling your hands, creating a twist in the body. Fully inhale by the end of the twist.

Exhale as you come back. Exercise FIVE – lower body

Key Points - wider stance - neurochemicals lesson - arch chest up (pushing out 45 degrees) and back - shoulders relaxed

The lower body in this exercise is very similar to the first, except rather than feeling like you are on a barrel-chested mare, imagine sitting on a Clydesdale -- a huge horse. Or perhaps even an elephant.

Once again we will sink down between the feet, but with the legs further spread -- the stretch is different. If it feels safe to do so -- remember that the last inch will give you 10 times the benefit.

Exercise Five – upper body

Press the back of your hands together in front of your body and then slowly raise them in front of your body. As soon as the shoulders feel like they want to rise, then open the arms (“like at Lotus flower opening to the sun", “a satellite dish opening to the satellite”  or similar). Keep the hands below eye level.

Exercise five – add breathing

As you bring your hands together and raise them, take a big breath in. As you bring the arms down, fully exhale.

Exercise five – making it more profound

(At this point, I mentioned that we are going to segue from the body to the mind. I then get them to demonstrate a posture of depression -- see above)

To help counter our tendencies to slouch and find balance in our posture, this time raise your hands up the center – and ARCH the upper back. Push the chest out and up, but do not let the head fall back.

Repeat this several times, with breathing.

To finish -- have the audience do a “Bruce Lee” thing with their hands (and I usually get them to make a "Bruce Lee" sound -- it gives them a laugh). IMPORTANT

(Now is the time to have them sit down and notice how they are feeling. Ask them to tell you how they are feeling, so that others can listen and possibly identify with the benefits. They must connect with the benefits!)


Do each of the moves from beginning to end, as if you were leading a class. Remember to repeat the Power phrases (below), modifying them as you wish.

Remember to remind students to take a deep breath, and remind them on a regular basis to smile. And at this point -- it's just fine for you to have fun in the process.

Power Phrases

1.” Now is the only time”, or just "now". Be here now.

Make it real. Notice everything around you, notice the coolness of the air coming in through your nostrils and flowing into your body (a powerful meditation technique), notice any part of your body that is tight and soften it. Notice the colors, the people, your thoughts. Being present takes practice. We do this first to help you become more present for the rest of the Power Phrases.

2. “I am love”, "I love you", for some people -- "God loves me or I love God", “I love me” and more

The key here is to make your thoughts of love so real that you will actually release the neurochemicals of love into your body. Remember -- the brain does not know the difference between real and imagined, so make use of this and surround yourself with love.

Who is the person you should love first? You. Love yourself first, because if you don't find yourself lovable, how do you expect other people to love you?

Remember to focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Do not focus on a lack of love, for you will attract less love. Focus on somebody in your life -- either now or in the past -- that you love dearly. (If there is no one at this point, then make someone up. They are infinitely easier to get along with! )

3. Medical visualization -- "I am strong", "I am alive", "I am healed", "I am safe"

Use these images, and any other images you like to imagine this energy flowing in to the top of your head, filling your head, gushing down through your neck into your chest, gushing into your abdomen, down your legs and into the ground. (This is adapted from a form of Chi Kung or qigong called Guan Chi Fa qigong. Time it with the hand moving down in front of the body).

Feel it, see it, taste it. Make it so real. 4. Gratitude -- "thank you"

Think of all the things in your life for which you are grateful. The World Health Organization states that human beings need four things to live a decent life -- food (and water), shelter, clothing and reasonable access to medications. We are the luckiest people on the face of the earth, and I believe it is important to remind ourselves of our immense good fortune on a daily basis so that we can live in gratitude, so that we can find mental balance in our lives.

(Make your own list, as I have below, and feel grateful for whatever works for you as you are teaching, or whatever is appropriate for your class.)

Thank you for my work, thank you for my friendship, thank you for the huge variety of food choices I have, thank you for my freedom to worship as I wish or not to worship, thank you for my freedom to vote.

Thank you for my eyes, for one day I know I will not see. Thank you for the beauty that I see. Thank you for my ears and thank you for music. Thank you for all of my body parts that are still working so well. Thank you for my life. (Thank you for Viagra, for one day we may need it ). Etc.

5. All is well

In the big picture, billions of people have been born, lived, and died before us. I can only assume that this is the way it is supposed to be. By repeating the phrase "all is well", you can significantly reduce the levels of circulating stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). Low levels of these hormones can be damaging to our health. By relaxing into the concept that "all is well", we can lower our level of stress significantly.


It is so important to finish strongly. Before we do the entire series of movements from beginning to end, I usually thank them for coming. I then suggest that in our society, we look outside of ourselves in the search for inner peace. Perhaps we should be looking inside (metaphorically -- there are many beautiful diamonds outside, but the one that shines the brightest is inside. Often it seems like that diamond is hard to find. Mind-body wellness techniques are designed to help us look inside, to help us get to know ourselves.

The two sayings that I use to finish:

1. "It is wisdom to know others, it is enlightenment to know oneself" (ancient saying)

2. “Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important represents an unconscious commitment to the unimportant” (Stephen Covey). Do the important things, like 4 Minute Fitness - first.

It helps that you will end with a rousing "Yes, Yes, Yes". Thank them for their attendance, and remind them to be focused when they drive home.

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