Minutes of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting s3
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DRAFT Minutes of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting ERCOT Austin – 7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744 Thursday, June 26, 2008 – 9:30am – 4:00pm
Members: Ashley, Kristy Exelon Generation Barrow, Les CPS Energy Belk, Brad LCRA Bivens, Danny OPUC Boyd, Phillip City of Lewisville Brewster, Chris City of Eastland Brown, Jeff Shell Energy Comstock, Read Direct Energy Dreyfus, Mark Austin Energy Greer, Clayton J Aron & Company Helton, Bob IPA Alt. Rep. for C. Seymour Houston, John CenterPoint Energy Johnson, Eddie Alt. Rep. for H. Lenox Jones, Brad Luminant Energy Jones, Randy Calpine Lange, Clif South Texas Electric Coop. Alt. Rep. for H. Wood Lewis, William Cirro Group McCalla, David GEUS Moss, Steven First Choice Power Pieniazek, Adrian NRG Texas Ross, Richard AEP Corporation Saenz, Fernando Brownsville PUB Smith, Bill Air Liquide Whittle, Brandon DB Energy Trading Zlotnik, Marcie StarTex Power
The following proxies were assigned: Mark Bruce to Adrian Pieniazek Bob Helton to Randy Jones Eric Hendrick to Marcie Zlotnik Shannon McClendon to Chris Brewster Oscar Robinson to Bill Smith John Sims to Clif Lange
Guests: Brandt, Adrianne Austin Energy Cochran, Seth Sempra Trading Damen, Lauren PUCT Daniels, Howard CenterPoint Energy Erbrick, Michael Epic Merchant Energy Firestone, Joel Direct Energy Frederick, Jennifer Direct Energy Goff, Eric Constellation Harrell, Patty DC Energy Hassink, Paul AEPSC James, Judith Texas Regional Entity Johnson, Eddie Brazos Electric Coop. Jones, Don Reliant Jones, Liz Oncor Quinn, Michael Oncor Electric Delivery Reid, Walter Wind Coalition Rexrode, Caryn Customized Energy Solutions Soutter, Mark Invenergy Starr, Lee Bryan Texas Utilities Trostle, Kay Chaparral Steel Troutman, Jennifer Direct Energy Wagner, Marguerite PSEG Walker, DeAnn CenterPoint Energy Walker, Mark NRG Texas Wittmeyer, Bob DME
ERCOT-ISO Staff: Albracht, Brittney Anderson, Troy Boren, Ann Day, Betty Doggett, Trip Gallo, Andrew Garza, Beth Grable, Mike Hobbs, Kristi Mickey, Joel Saathoff, Kent Sullivan, Jerry Teixeira, Jay
Unless otherwise indicated, all Market Segments were present for a vote.
TAC Chair Mark Dreyfus called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m., and requested that teleconference attendees employ their mute buttons when not speaking, and refrain from placing the call on hold.
Antitrust Admonition
DRAFT Minutes of the June 26, 2008 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public Page 2 of 7 Mr. Dreyfus directed attention to the Antitrust Admonition, which was displayed. A copy of the Antitrust Guidelines was available for review. Mr. Dreyfus reviewed assigned proxies and Alternate Representatives.
ERCOT Board of Directors (Board) Update Mr. Dreyfus reported that the Board approved all Revision Requests except for Protocol Revision Request (PRR) 753, PRR Appeals Process, which was remanded to TAC. Mr. Dreyfus also reported that ERCOT is developing a new schedule for the Texas Nodal Implementation Date, but is waiting for AREVA to deliver the Common Information Model (CIM) importer before publishing the new schedule; that a revised budget will be proposed after the new schedule is announced; and that Bob Kahn reported that quality remains the focus of the project. Mr. Dreyfus added that discussion of preferred implementation dates is needed.
Remand of PRR753 Mr. Dreyfus reviewed the Board discussion of PRR753; noted questions regarding timeline gaps, additional materials and discussions outside of the formal appeals process, and other types of appeals; and remanded PRR753 to the Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) for issue resolution. Mr. Dreyfus also reported that the Board procedures were amended to direct that non-PRR appeals should follow the PRR appeals process, but that adoption of the amendment is on hold until PRR753 is finalized.
Approval of Draft TAC Meeting Minutes (see Key Documents) 1 Randy Jones proposed clarifying revisions to the draft June 5 and June 13, 2008 TAC meeting minutes.
June 5, 2008 Brad Belk moved to approve the June 5, 2008 TAC meeting minutes as revised. Mr. R. Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
June 13, 2008 Mr. R. Jones moved to approve the June 13, 2008 TAC meeting minutes as revised. John Houston seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dreyfus welcomed Trip Doggett as ERCOT Chief Operating Officer, and requested that Market Participants bring Mr. Doggett suggestions for Texas Nodal Implementation Dates. Market Participants discussed whether there would be a formal TAC discussion of potential dates; that the metrics of reliability and least disruption should be considered; and that once a new nodal schedule is published, the Transition Plan Task Force (TPTF) would also accept comments, but that TAC should provide input before the new schedule is developed.
Protocol Revision Subcommittee Report (PRS) (see Key Documents) In the absence of both Kevin Gresham and Steve Madden, Ann Boren reported on the recent activities of PRS, and presented PRRs and Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) for TAC consideration.
PRR761, Inadvertent Energy Account Revision Mr. Houston moved to recommend approval of PRR761 as recommended by PRS. Richard Ross seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
1 Key Documents referenced in these minutes may be accessed on the ERCOT website at: http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2008/06/20080626-TAC DRAFT Minutes of the June 26, 2008 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public Page 3 of 7 Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) Mr. Houston moved to recommend approval of the following NPRRs as recommended by PRS: o NPRR111, Timelines for Response by ERCOT to TSP Requests o NPRR117, Resource Registration Clarification o NPRR118, Section 14, Synchronization of Zonal Protocols o NPRR119, Resource Limit Calculator o NPRR120, Corrections and Clarifications for Real Time Settlements o NPRR122, Simplify Ancillary Services Settlement Formulas o NPRR123, Inadvertent Energy Account Revision Mr. Ross seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR097, Changes to Section 8, Performance Monitoring and Compliance Judith James reviewed Texas Regional Entity (TRE) comments to NPRR097. Troy Anderson noted that NPRRs before TAC are believed to be scope changes, but essential for proper system function; that discussion of the NPRRs had been discussed at all ERCOT levels, including the Executive Committee; that most though not all activity would be at the staff rather than vendor level; and that these NPRRs, as well as others to come, could pose incremental impacts to the revised budget. Market Participants discussed the desirability of performance metrics going before the Board for increased visibility before implementation; and whether Board approval would be required for enforceability. Mr. Ross highlighted potential confusion with certain Nodal Operating Guide Revision Requests requiring Board approval while others only require TAC approval.
Mr. Houston moved to recommend approval of NPRR097 as revised by TAC. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR107, Nodal Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Mr. Dreyfus noted that the budget impact of NPRR107 is less than $50,000, but that is the smallest category.
Mr. R. Jones moved to recommend approval of NPRR107 as recommended by PRS. William Lewis seconded the motion. The motion carried with two abstentions from the Independent Power Marketer (IPM) Market Segment.
NPRR112, Emergency Base Point Price Revision Some Market Participants questioned whether this NPRR creates the correct incentives and whether there is any reason for Resources to submit offers that are not up to the System Wide Offer Cap. Proponents of the NPRR responded that scarcity pricing is necessary to encourage investment in an energy-only market; and that it is the responsibility of the Independent Market Monitor (IMM) to discern scarcity versus economic withholding.
Adrian Pieniazek moved to recommend approval of NPRR112 as recommended by PRS. Kristy Ashley seconded the motion. The motion carried with four opposing votes from the Consumer Market Segment, and two abstentions from the Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) Market Segment.
NPRR130, CRR Settlements Revenue Equalization Mr. Dreyfus noted that NPRR130 carries a budget impact of $50,000 – $100,000, but that ERCOT believes that NPRR130 is essential for nodal implementation.
DRAFT Minutes of the June 26, 2008 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public Page 4 of 7 Mr. R. Jones moved to recommend approval of NPRR130 as recommended by PRS. Mr. Houston seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Report (see Key Documents) Lee Starr provided an update on recent COPS activities.
Load Profiling Guide Revision Request (LPGRR) 029, Modification of Time-Of-Use Schedule Approval Process Mr. Starr reported that COPS recommends approval of LPGRR029, but suggested it be tabled until the supporting PRR765, Time of Use Revisions, comes before TAC.
Ms. Ashley moved to table LPGRR029 until the supporting PRR comes before TAC. Brad Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS) Report Mr. R. Jones reviewed recent ROS activities, and related ROS discussion of Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) 018, Synchronization of OGRR204, Hotline Technology Update; and NOGRR019, Synchronization of OGRR206, Black Start Satellite Phones.
Clayton Greer moved to recommend approval of NOGRR018 and NOGRR019. Mr. Pieniazek seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Wind Workshop Follow-Up Items Mr. R. Jones reported that ERCOT has implemented multiple Commercially Significant Constraint (CSC) limit studies for all five CSC areas, and as a procedural step that does not require a PRR or NPRR. Mr. R. Jones also reported that the Operations Working Group (OWG) will initiate an OGRR to eliminate the requirement that a public appeal to conserve energy must be made in Emergency Electric Curtailment Program (EECP) Step 2. Market Participants discussed that ERCOT recently issued an appeal before EECP to beneficial effect; that in some instances an appeal in Step 2 is unnecessary or undesirable; and that ERCOT operators should have flexibility as to whether or not to issue an appeal.
Market Participants briefly discussed the Scheduled Outage moratorium in preparation for the implementation of the nodal market, noting that TAC recently rescinded specific dates, and that the item is currently under review by the TPTF.
Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) (see Key Documents) Brad Belk provided an update on recent WMS activities and reviewed the June 2008 WMS meeting.
Revised WMS Procedures Mr. Belk presented revised WMS Procedures to convert the Verifiable Cost Task Force (VCTF) to the Verifiable Cost Working Group (VCWG) for TAC’s consideration.
Steven Moss moved to approve the revised WMS Procedures. Chris Brewster seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
DRAFT Minutes of the June 26, 2008 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public Page 5 of 7 Texas Nodal Implementation (see Key Documents) TPTF Report Joel Mickey reviewed TPTF open action items regarding Wind-Powered Generation Resources (WGRs) and coming reassessment of the 30-day timeline for system maintenance in Protocol Section 21.12.5, Reinstatement of Zonal Protocol Provisions.
Approval of TPTF Milestone Completion Mr. Brewster moved that TAC acknowledge TPTF completion of the following milestones:
MIS Business Requirements for Notices, Notifications, Alarms and Alerts EMS-MMS MOTE Conceptual System Design
Mr. R. Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dreyfus requested that Mr. Mickey keep TAC apprised of the open action items. Market Participants discussed the costs of attempting to perfect the CIM; and that delays to nodal implementation might allow more time for testing. Mr. Dreyfus encouraged broad participation in meetings, and an open mind regarding model accuracy and a process viable for all Market Participants.
ERCOT Report – Program Update Jerry Sullivan provided a Nodal Program update, and reviewed schedule revision planning considerations. Mr. Doggett added that he participated in the recent hearing of the House Committee on Regulated Industries, and contrary to indications in the media, he did not comment on a Texas Nodal Implementation Date.
Mr. Sullivan also reported on the status of the CIM Importer and the Single Entry Model (SEM) validation timeline. Market Participants discussed that model inaccuracies can drive prices; that validation elements remain an unknown; and that the timeline before validation becomes a critical path issue is also unknown.
Operations and Planning Reports (see Key Documents) ERCOT Recommendation for Closely Related Elements (CRE) Modifications Beth Garza reviewed action since the adoption of PRR764, Zonal Congestion and CSCs/CREs; Protocol Section 7.2.3 authorizing ECOT staff to propose modifications to the list of CREs; the need for additional CREs; and ERCOT’s proposal for the addition of two “Combinatorial” CREs.
Market Participants discussed transfer limits and trips due to oscillation; that the two cases presented were most efficiently solved using zonal techniques; that ERCOT has experience managing limits with both zonal and local congestion; and that selecting a unit is a challenge for ERCOT when multiple units will solve the problem, as there is not a way to rotate or apportion the instructions.
Market Participants further discussed that the zonal market is being abandoned because congestion costs cannot be directly assigned, and that the market-driven approach should be selected in this time before nodal implementation; that additional stability studies are needed, as are sensitivity studies in time for high wind conditions in the fall; and that current studies are not available for review, so there is no effective way for Market Participants to evaluate other opinions.
Market Participants also discussed that the market has not had enough time to determine that zonal solutions are the most efficient; that study information about the system should not be released to the public domain; that the proposal would effectively increase the number of time that the West-to-North DRAFT Minutes of the June 26, 2008 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public Page 6 of 7 constraint is activated, and that the issue is an area voltage problem, rather than a transfer limit; and that there exists a transient stability issue. Market Participants further discussed the impact of inertia on limits; and that ERCOT is trying to improve transparency without jeopardizing security.
Read Comstock moved that TAC remand the proposed CRE modification to the Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) for further analysis, that WMS and ROS consider the issue before it returns to a regularly-scheduled TAC meeting, and that ERCOT maintain current operations under PRR764. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. Market Participants discussed that CMWG recommended the action, as did ERCOT; and that time is needed to ensure transparency. The motion failed with 16 in favor, 12 opposed and one abstention.
Mr. R. Jones moved that TAC approve the proposed CRE modification as presented, and that the modification be effective as soon as possible. Ms. Ashley seconded the motion. The motion failed with 13 in favor, 13 opposed and three abstentions.
Market Participants discussed whether or not TAC had taken action, and whether the proposed modifications would go into effect. Upon review of Protocol Section 7.2.3 and the TAC Procedures, Mr. Gallo noted that an act of TAC requires an affirmative vote of 67%, and that in this case, TAC did not act, and so the proposal would go forward.
AEP Presidio Transmission Project Jay Teixeira presented the AEP Presidio Transmission Project recommendation, project need and reliability analysis, and noted that ERCOT will request endorsement of the project by the Board.
Mr. Houston moved to endorse the AEP Presidio Transmission Project. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. Mr. Dreyfus noted that TAC continues to have discussions regarding its role in the transmission project process, and that discussions should continue. The motion carried with one abstention from the Independent Generator Market Segment.
Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Report Jennifer Troutman provided an update on recent RMS activities, reviewed the June 2008 RMS meeting, and noted that approximately 40,000 ESI IDs were transitioned in recent Mass Transition events. Mr. Dreyfus reported that he presented recent Mass Transition event timelines to the Board, and conveyed the Board’s appreciation for the market’s efforts to improve the mass transition process.
Other Business Mr. Houston expressed concern that ERCOT lacks understanding of the issues associated with validation of the CIM; that all Market Participants will be affected by an incorrect model; that validation is an iterative process, and a plan does not currently exist to correct errors in the model.
Mr. Doggett requested time on future TAC agendas for ERCOT directors to review their respective area’s responsibilities, and receive feedback from Market Participants. Mr. Doggett added that organizational charts would be available, and that Market Participants may contact directors or himself to discuss any issues.
Adjournment Mr. Dreyfus adjourned the meeting at 2:37 p.m.
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