Word Cell List UNI-MONO

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Word Cell List UNI-MONO

Word Cell List 1. — UNI-MONO

4 1. unicorn – a one-horned creature uni=one corn=horn 5 2. universe – to turn as one; planets orbiting in space verse=to turn or change; 6 3. unify – to make as one; to join together fy=to make 7 4. unipod – one-footed pod=foot 8 5. unison – one-sound, to speak as one son=sound 9 6. unicycle - one-wheeled vehicle cycle – wheel 10 7. unilingual – able to speak one language lingu – tongue al – of or pertaining to 11 8. unilateral – one-sided later/lateral – side 12 9. uniform – same shape and size form – shape or form 13 10. unity – oneness, togetherness ty – state, quality, condition of 14 11 monotone – flat speech; using only one tone ton=a sound or tone 15 12. monopoly – a company that controls all poly=the right to sell something 16 sales of a product or service 17 13. monochrome – having only one-color; black & white chrome=color 18 14. monolith – a large block or stone; a large statue or lith=stone 19 building resembling a monolith 20 15. monotheism – belief in one god. theo=god ism=belief system; doctrine


1. bicentennial – taking place every 200 years bi=two cent=hundred enni/annu=year 2. bisect – to cut into two equal pieces sect=cut/divide 3. bigamy – illegally married to 2 people at the same time gamy=marriage 4. triplet – a set of three; usually 3 babies born at the same time tri=three plet=fold; thickness 5. trilogy – a set of 3 books or stories logy=collection; science of; study of; story 6. trifoliate – having 3 leaves foli=leaf ate=having the quality of 7. quadrilateral – a shape with 4 sides/corners quad/quadri=four later/lateral=side 8. quarterly – happening 4 times a year quart=four er=that which ly=occuring 9. quintet – a group of 5, usually related to music quint=five et=group of 10. pentathlon – an athletic contest consisting of 5 events pent=five athlon=athletic contest

Word Cell List 3.--UNI-DECA

21 1. uniform – all one shape or size uni=one form=shape or size 22 2. monogram – a design composed of 1 or more letters; mono=one gram=writing/drawing 23 typically the initials of a name 24 3. bilingual – speaking 2 languages bi-two lingual=language or tongue 25 4. trident – a 3-pronged spear tri=three dent=tooth or prong 26 5. quadrant – one quarter of a divided plane quadr=four ant=that which 27 6. pentagon – a 5-sided figure penta=five gon=corner/angle 28 7. sextet-a group of 6; usually musicians sext=six et=group 29 8. hexagram – a 6-pointed star, such as the Star of David hexa=six gram=drawing 30 9. septuplets – a set of 7 septu=seven plet=fold 31 10. heptagon – a shape with 7 sides/corners hept=seven gon=corner/angle 32 11. octopus – a large-headed mollusk with 8 tentacles octo=eight pus=foot 33 12. octave – a musical scale of 8 tones oct=eight ave=that which is 34 13. nonagenarian – a person between 90-99 years old nona=nine gen=birth arian=one who 35 14. decade – a period of 10 years dec=ten ade=characteristic of 15. decimal – a number system based on 10 digits decim=ten al=that which Word Cell List 4.-- CIDE/DENT/DORM 1. homicide – the killing of one human being by another homi=man cide=kill 2. suicide – the act of taking one’s own life sui=self 3. genocide – the deliberate slaughter of a race of people geno=race of people 4. pesticide – a substance used to kill insects pesti=pest; plague 5. dentist – one who is licensed to clean, fill, or pull teeth dent/denti=tooth ist=one who 6. dentifrice – a substance used for cleaning teeth; toothpaste frice=to rub 7. orthodontist – a dentist who specializes in straightening teeth ortho=correct; straight 8. dentures – a set of false teeth ure=state of being 9. dormant – sleeping; not active dorm/dormit=sleep ant=doing/being 10. dormitory – a place used for the purpose of sleeping ory=place for

Word Cell List 5.--ABLE/IBLE/ANT/ANTI/ANTE 1. amiable – friendly; likable; agreeable ami=love/friend able=able 2. enable – to make able or possible en=to make 3. portable – able to be carried or moved port=carry 4. durable – strong; lasting dur=hard 5. audible – able to be heard aud=hear ible=able 6. incredible – not able to be believed in=not cred=believe/belief 7. edible – able to be eaten ed=eat 8. antonym – an opposite word ant =opposite/against onym=word/name 9. antiseptic – a substance that prevent germs anti =opposite/against septic=decay/rot 10. antibiotic – a medicine used to kill bacteria; ex. penicillin bio=life tic=pertaining to 11. antidote – that which prevents the action of a poison do/dote=give 12. antipathy – a feeling of strong dislike pathy=feeling/suffering 13. antemeridian – before the middle of the day ante=before meri=middle di=day 14. antemortem – happening before death mortem=death/die 15. antebellum – the period before war; usually the Civil War bellum=war

Word Cell List 6.--ARCH/CARN/HEMI/SEMI 1. archrival – main competitor arch/archy=main/chief rival=competitor 2. monarch – the sole ruler of a kingdom; a king or queen mon=one/single 3. anarchy – without rule; absence of government an=without 4. matriarch – the female leader of a tribe, clan, or family matri=mother 5. carnivorous – flesh-eating (as in lions, tigers, sharks) carn=meat/flesh vorous=eating 6. reincarnation - rebirth into a new body re=again; back in=into ation=condition of 7. carnage – massive slaughter as in a war; a massacre age=that which 8. carnival – a time of feasting before Lent iv=having the quality of al=of or pertaining to 9. hemisphere – half of a ball or sphere such as a globe hemi=half sphere=ball/globe 10. semiannual – taking place twice a year semi=half/partial annu=year al=pertaining to Word Cell List 7.--FACT/FY – to make; to form into 1. factory – place where goods are made fact=make or do ory=place for 2. manufacture – to make products by hand or machinery manu=hand ure=to do 3. petrify – to frighten so badly as to make one turn to stone petri=rock fy=to make 4. amplify – to make larger or louder ampli=large 5. pacify – to make peace paci=peace

FLECT/FLEX – to bend; to turn 6. deflect – to turn away from; to cause to deviate from course de=away from flect=to turn 7. flexible – capable of being bent flex=bend ible=able/capable 8. genuflect – to bow or kneel as a show of respect genu=knee flect=to bend 9. reflect – to bend back light; as in a mirror image re=back/again 10. reflex – bent or thrown back; an involuntary action or re=back response such as sneezing or flinching

FRACT/FRAG - to break 11. fracture – to break or separate ure = to do 12. refract – to deflect/bend light re = again/back 13. fraction – part of a whole ion = the act of; the result of 14. fragment – a small part broken off frag = break ment = state/quality of 15. fragile – easily broken; very delicate ile = condition


1. floral – of or pertaining to flowers flor/floral = flower 2. florist – one who arranges and sells flowers ist = one who 3. millionaire – one who has a least a million dollars milli = thousand aire=one who 4. amphibian – an animal able to live on land or water amphi = both bi = life an = one who/that which 5. Mediterranean - a large sea located between Europe & Africa medi = middle terr=land/earth anean=that which 6. subterranean – that which is underground sub = under or near 7. librarian=one who is in charge of books/a library libr=book arian=one who 8. urban=relating to the city urb=city an=that which 9. suburban – relating to an area on the outskirts of a city sub = under or near urb= city an=that which 10. solitary – that which is alone soli = single; alone ary = that which

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