Business Meeting Minutes Report

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Business Meeting Minutes Report

Business Meeting Minutes Report JAKARTA BLAKENEY/GRAMMATEUS February 15, 2015

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Psi Phi Omega Chapter


The meeting was held on 2/15/2015 at The Humanim Center: 1701 Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21213. The meeting was called to order by Soror Joan Wilmer-Stewart at (4:53) a.m.(X) p.m. There were fifty (19) financial Sorors and (5) guests present. A quorum was established. (X) Yes ( ) No.

SORORS PRESENT (please remove “X” to indicate Soror was not present)

Soror Kara Beverly X Soror Jala McClelland X Soror Jakarta Blakeney Soror Tiffani Middleton X X Soror Eris Colston Soror Catherine Soror Roshonda Nicholson Contee- Davis X Soror Bardett Premick X Michelle Dawson Soror Tiffaney Parkman Janelle Easley X X Tonja Eaton X Soror Samantha RDL Kimberly Grade X Richards X Annette Griffin Soror Dawnielle Kilby – Robb X Suzanne Jewell X Soror Sia Rose Soror Mary Harris Soror Renatta Sanders

Jones X Soror Erin Logan Soror Chantel Sanford Soror Lynette Smith X Maybin X Soror Nyambi Shannon Soror Latasha Soror Deanne Titus X McArthur- Davis Soror Margo Walker X Soror Joan Wilmer- Stewart X MEDITATION Lead: Soror Bardett Premick Romans 8:28

The agenda was adopted as amended. (X) Yes ( ) No. Each officer will present an update on their reports - 1 min only. Soror Roshonda Contee-Davis moved to accept the agenda as modified ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Soror Chantal Sanford Smith 2nd . Motion carried. Soror Jakarta Blakeney conducted roll call and validated a quorum. The minutes of January 18, 2015 were approved. (X) Yes ( ) No. APPROVAL OF MINUTES and ROLL CALL Soror Roshonda moved to accept the minutes as presented, Soror Margo Lead: Soror Jakarta Blakeney Walker 2nd. Motion carried. ~OFFICERS~

Basileus Lead: Soror Joan Wilmer-Stewart Written report submitted. Sorors were updated on the current programs of the committee:  ASCEND: Session 1 was a success the students and their parents were excited and engaged. Session 2 will be 2/28/15 9a-12p. More sorors are needed to be coaches.  The Heart Ball, sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA) will be 2/28/15. Thanks to all sorors who signed up. We are looking forward to participating in this event.  We are preparing for the NARC Project,that will take place at the North Atlantic Regional Conference. Soror Tiffani Middleton, will provide more information on the event via Pink Nottes. First Anti-Basileus (Program)  Target leads identified and will be reaching out to committee Lead: Soror Roshonda Contee Davis members soon. Written report submitted. Soror Jakarta Blakeney presented the Membership report in Soror Michelle Dawson absence.  Pearl Partners purpose is to foster sisterly relations and retain membership. The program will be rolling out this week. Soror Second Anti-Basileus (Membership) Michelle Dawson will be forthcoming with more information and Lead: Soror Michelle Dawspn correcting the list of Sorors and Partners Epistoleus Lead: TEXT Tamiochus Written report submitted. See attached report. Lead:  Operating Report Beginning Balance 12, 660.76 Total Deposits 1, 135.00 Total Debits 3, 411.13 Ending Balance 8,803.55 Business Meeting Minutes Report JAKARTA BLAKENEY/GRAMMATEUS February 15, 2015

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Psi Phi Omega Chapter

 Charm City Pearls Foundations Beginnings Balance 3,360.04 Total Deposit 9,805.00 Total Debits 250.00 Ending Balance 11, 015.04

 PPO Scholarship Beginning Balance 429.87 Debits 000.00 Ending Balance 429.87  Program Account Beginning Balance 1,521.44 No Debits 0.00  Ending Balance 1,521.44 Written report submitted. See Report  Total receipts for the month of January 2015 10, 940.00.  28 Sorors are financial as of 2/14/2015  Office Hours: 30 mins before and 30 mins after the business meeting.  Soror Deanne Titus will set up office to collect funds for journal ads. Pecunious Grammateus Times and locations will be in Pink Notes. Funds can also be mailed Lead: Soror Deanne Titus to the p.o. box. See Pink Notes for address. Hodegos Written Report submitted. Lead: Soror Janelle Easley  Guidelines for the monthly Repast schedule will be updated due to Madame Basileus being removed from the month of September.  The repast guidelines will be distributed to all incoming sorors.  Guidelines for the monthly Repast menu updated.  Soror Janelle Easley will be requesting additional funds from the Finance committee due to a decreasing budget.  Sorors with birthdays in January and February were recognized. Soror Lynne Maybin 1/20 and Soror Kim Grade 2/17 and Soror Dawn Kilby-Robb 2/5 were presented with a birthday card and get well correspondence was sent to Soror Catherine Nicholson.  New Sorors to the chapter will be receiving information on how to order official Psi Phi Omega merchandise:chapter blazers and chapter t-shirts.  Visiting Sorors were welcomed to the chapter and we welcomed our first two undergraduate transiton sorors. Welcome sorors!! Philacter Lead: TEXT Historian Lead: TEXT Business Manager Lead: TEXT Member At Large Lead: TEXT ~COMMITTEES~ AUDIT Lead: TEXT AWARDS Lead: TEXT BYLAWS Lead: Soror Samantha RDL Richards TEXT CONNECTION Lead: TEXT Written report submitted.  Sorors with birthdays in January and February were recognized: Soror Lynne Maybin 1/20 and Soror Kim Grade 2/17 and Soror Dawn Kilby-Robb 2/5 were presented with a birthday card and get well correspondence was sent to Soror Catherine Nicholson.  New Sorors to the chapter will be receiving information on how to order official Psi Phi Omega merchandise: chapter blazers and chapter t-shirts. COURTESIES and PROTOCOL  Visiting Sorors were welcomed to the chapter and we welcomed our Lead: Janelle Easley first two undergraduate transiton sorors. Welcome sorors!! FINANCE Lead: TEXT FUNDRAISING Lead: TEXT INVESTMENTS Lead: TEXT LEADERSHIP Lead: TEXT NEWSLETTER / WEBSITE Lead: TEXT NOMINATING  Four newly created positions are open for election for 2015: Lead: Soror Jala McClelland  Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Anti-Tamiochus, Pan Hellenic Representative and Nominating Committee. See bylaws for eligibility requirements and duties.  Anti-Tamiochus: Soror Nyambi nominated herself. No nominations from the floor. Soror Nyambi Shannon does not meet the requirements. The position will be appointed.  Anti-Pecuninous Grammateus: There were no nominations. No Business Meeting Minutes Report JAKARTA BLAKENEY/GRAMMATEUS February 15, 2015

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Psi Phi Omega Chapter

nominations from the floor. The position will be appointed.  Pan Hellenic Representative: No Sorors were nominated. No nominations from the floor. Position will be appointed.  Nominating Committee (3): Soror Chantel Sanford-Smith nominated herself. There were no nominations from the floor. Will appoint the other 2 position.  Any sorors interested in these positions please contact Madame Basileus. PUBLIC RELATIONS Lead: TEXT RETREAT Lead: TEXT SCHOLARSHIP Lead: TEXT STANDARDS Lead: TEXT TECHNOLOGY Lead: TEXT ARCHIVES Lead: TEXT EAF Lead: TEXT ~OTHER~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS NARC Delegates:  We have 2 seats available to be delegates at the North Atlantic Regional Conference (NARC). Duties of the delegates read. There is no tenure requirement for this position.  Soror Kara Beverly and Soror Janelle Easley put their name on the NEW BUSINESS slate to be delegates for the 2015 NARC ANNOUNCEMENTS Sisterly Relations has a special gift for all sorors at the end of the meeting.

The singing of the hymn.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:39 ( ) a.m. (X) p.m

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