School Enterprise Challenge Business Idea Template
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Business Plan Template Stage 2
New Business Track This template is for schools who are starting a business for the first time
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PART ONE Section A: Your Details
Country INDIA
Section B: Your Business Details Business Name SRIJAN
Business Activity CRAFT/ HANDICRAFT
Main product / service Folders, Money envelopes, Decorative/gift items Greeting cards
No. of students in business team 16
No. of students in school 1600
Total Start Up Budget in US $ (Estimated) 35.48$
Total Sales Income in US $ (Estimated) 55,38$
Net Profit in US $ (Estimated) 18.408$
Section C: Market Research and Target Market
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What Market Research did you do? We conducted a market sample survey on our potential customers. As we thought it will help us two ways, one it would help us study the market response and secondly would indirectly advertise our upcoming enterprise. The questionnaire was prepared by students and contained 10 questions. We included 40 household/individuals in one sample. Data collection was done by 6 students. Each student did 10 samples. 10 questionnaires were responded by students from classes 6 to 10 at random, another 10 questionnaires were done from parents. Similarly 10 teachers were selected at random to respond to the questionnaire while another 10 were conducted by 3 students in their neighbourhood. The collected data was analysed by marketing team. The analysis provided us crucial insight into the likely response and expectations of our targeted customer group from our enterprise. The survey helped us to decide the handcrafted items which were most likely to be purchased by our potential customers. The survey also revealed to us that people don’t ascertain a fixed amount to be spent on craft items. That propelled us to make our products pocket friendly and to some extent slash our proposed investment to make it a profitable venture. Also a scanned specimen of questionnaire is put in appendix.
What were the results of your Market research? The survey mainly helped us decide what core craft items we should produce. Though the survey results at the same time reveals that we will have to be flexible/innovative in designing our product, because in India expenses are heavily guided/driven by festivals, events and occasions. Major findings are: 1. Almost 50% of the interviewed people revealed that they regularly buy craft items, while a similar % of people purchased only occasionally . 2. It was a relief to know that only 7.5 % prepared their own craft items. 3. The survey revealed that majority of the respondents were ready to purchase more than one type of craft items. Almost 50% of them gave decorative items/gift items as their preferred purchase along with folders and money envelopes. While approximately 38% showed keenness to buy folders, envelopes and greeting cards. While, 17.5 % preferred study table items. 4.The survey also revealed that we are going to face tough competition from two established brands Archies and Fabindia which have been listed as favourite brands to buy gift items and other craft items by at least 37 % and 35 % respondents respectively. 5. 70% of the interviewed people revealed that too they looked for multiple factors while buying a craft item. For example, price, aesthetic appeal, accessibility, eco-friendly etc 6. At least 72% revealed that they buy craft items at exhibitions mainly. 7. 50% of the survey people look foe good service from seller. 8. 100% of them evinced interest in buying eco friendly crafted items prepared by us. 9. The survey revealed that people keep a very small budget ranging rupees 100 to 1000 to be spent on such items.
Section D: Competitors and Competitive Advantage TOP TIP! To help you score high marks in Section D, read our Competitor Analysis guidance in Weekly Guide 5 and in the ‘Resources’ section of your school profile!
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Who are your main competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Please fill in the table below. You may add extra rows if you need to. (5)
Competitor Name Strengths Weaknesses Who are your main What are your competitor’s main What are your competitor’s main competitors? strengths? weaknesses? E.g. Mary’s vegetables E.g. Good reputation E.g. Limited selection of vegetables Archies 1) A well established brands in 1) High prices greetings, gift items. 2) Largely machine made products 2) Huge investment and large scale manufacturing. 3) Impressive advertisements 4) Good quality and variety 5) A preferred brand by students and youngsters. 6) Strong marketing 7) Large market share Fabindia 1)Strong loyalty amongst the 1) Very expensive. regular buyers for the brand 2) Limited variety and amount 2) Large investment/large scale particularly for craft study table manufacturing. items. 3) Eco friendly, organic products. 3) Few options for kids 4) Contemporary styling. 4) Sometimes non availability of 5) Strong advertising. desired craft items. 6) A well established brand. 5) Mainly a preferred brand for 7) Highly skilled artisans. garments.
Earthstore 1) Eco friendly products. 1) Very expensive. 2) Arrange of items. 2) Limited clientile. 3) Limited number of pieces for items. 4) Now closed down main outlet in Panchkula sector 9.
If you have more detailed information about your competitors, please include it here: Fabindia- In the business since 1960. Archies- established in 1979. Earlier known for song books, posters, leather patches. Diversified into greetings, artificial jewellery, crystal wear, stationery, gift items, perfumes etc Website- Earthstore-
4. How are you going to be better than your competitors?
1) Low prices: One of our competitors (fabindia) is rated as very expensive. Similarly archies though has a wider price spectrum is going to be much more expensive than our products. We will use mainly recycled raw material. 2) Customised services: We will customise our product designs and colour combinations as per our customers’ requirement when they order in advance. 3) Contemporary styling: Certain items are traditional to Indian customs like money envelops. These are the envelops in which “ Shagun” (gift money) on auspicious occasions like marriage etc.iIs given. Our team is designing these traditional items in contemporary designs. Its going to be same USP for other items as well.
Section E: SWOT Analysis TOP TIP! To help you score high marks in Section E, refer to the SWOT Analysis guidance in Weekly Guide 5. Remember! Your Strengths and Weaknesses are internal to your business and in the present. Your Opportunities and Threats are external to your business and in the future. 5. Complete the SWOT Analysis below. (5)
Strengths – Weaknesses – 1) Exclusive designing/styling of products. Each 1) Limited selling opportunities outside school product will have a unique design and a fresh premises. This will also entail more expenses in thought terms of transportation cost for which we are not 2) Strong team of students with artistic bent ready yet. 3) Good reputation of the school will help us 2) Time management and balancing between build our market. school curriculum/annual school plan and 4)Students parents and staff monitors are going maintaining business operations continuously is to be our captive market. going to be difficult. 5)Eco friendly handicraft products. 3) Finesse in finished products can be an issue with buyers as our students/artisans are new with no previous experience of producing an article from commercial point of view. Opportunities – Threats – 1) Our school offers several opportunities in form 1) Converting our initial customers into regular of exhibitions, competitions/symposia etc. when buyers is going to be challenging. we have parents and other visitors including 2) Other emerging handicraft based enterprises. students/staff of other schools who can be our For example:- recent opening of handicraft pitara potential buyers. in Sector 20 panchkula 2) Social media can be used effectively to build 3) Regular exhibitions being held by artisans from brand preference for “Srijan” since youngsters across the nation in the neighbouring city of are looked to using social media. Chandigarh at regular intervals. 3) People are increasingly preferring eco-friendly items. So we intend to reduce the use of non- biodegradable items by students, staff/parents. As ww are offering eco-friendly bio degradable products. 4) We hope to influence more students joining
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are enterprise once it takes off successfully. 5) Maybe we can tie up with an NGO promoting the cause of artisans and provide a platform in our enterprise to market their products.
Section F: Operational Plan What steps will you take to start your business? These steps are: 1) Since craft is a very wide category so first thing for us was to decide on the products/items we would produce. For this we did the market survey in first place 2) After this we decided on the team. Each member was assigned his/her duty. 3) Then our team analysed the market surveys and decided on the products that we should produce 4)The team will first work on designing the logo think of a tagline .Alongside mission statement would also be developed. 5)The social media team would then work setting up the blog and Facebook page for the enterprise “srijan” 6) List of raw materials and other inputs like glue scissors etc. Which would be required for production was prepared. 7) The team then thought of ways to raise fund. The team decided to collect paper scraps. Collected paper scarp was shifted to retain re useable items and rest would be sold to scrap dealer. 8) Team decided to combine features of a cooperative and self help group to carry out its operations and raise start-up capital. 9) Getting a workshop/storage room from the school. 10) Prepare for the launch event.
How will you produce or deliver your product or service? Task How long? How often Who?
1)Formation of team 5-7 days Once Board of directors
2) Designing of logo and 1 week once Social media and creative mission statement. heads
3)Assigning roles to team 1 week once Team leader/board of members directors. 4) Market survey analysis. 1 week once Marketing team
5) Deciding the products 2-3 days Once (might be reviewed Board of to be produced. after a month to directors/production team incorporate festival demands or customer responses). 6) Framing financial plan. 20 days once Board of director and finance team. 7) Old paper collection 2 days once Production team driver. 8) Raising funds. 7-10 days once Finance team
9) Purchasing raw 2 hours Once in a month Respective production
material and other input. unit managers 10 )Social media and 3 months Once or Twice in a week Social media team and advertising. creative heads
11)Producing products 3 months 3 days a week for 1 hour Production team each day 12)Stock checking 3 months Once in 10 days Production team
How is your business team structured?
Section G: Marketing and Sales Plan Tell us about your 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). (10) Product:- Our craft items will include folders, money envelopes, invites/greeting cards and decorative items to be produced from eco-frinedly material. There would be extensive use of discarded paper material and other bio-drgradable products in making our products. Price:- Our prices are going to be low in comparison to our competitors. However while pricing our product we are going to keep a normal profit margin over and above the estimated costs. Place:- Our products will mainly be sold from school premises to our students, staff and parents during school hours. We will also have sale stalls during school events including exhibitions, parent teacher meets, seminars etc . We will have a sale outlet at “suvidha”-honesty shop of our school. In addition students may get the customised orders from their immediate neighbourhood which would be delivered through them only. Promotion:- We will be promoting our product at school during exhibitions,workshops,parent teacher meetings and through social media like blog and facebook .a mention in school circulars and school press releases.We will offer some minimum discount for multiple purchases.
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Section H: People, Profit, Planet
10. How does your business meet the People, Profit and Planet criteria? Please give an example for each criteria. People:- 1) Our product will be produced from eco-friendly, bio-degradable products. 2) Our initiative aims at promoting the concept of micro level enterprises for people with marginal investment capacities. 3) Instilling one future generation (enterprise students) to be a job provider rather than being a job seeker. 4) Highlighting importance of acquiring skills.
Profit:- 1) Raw material is partly going to be purchased and partly using discarded paper items easily available in school so input costs are going to be low. 2) Production place and marketing space is going to be provided by school rent free. 3) We are going to adopt neighbourhood marketing where students can get order for our products from their immediate neighbourhood to be delivered by from only. Hence no transportation costs.
Planet:- 1) Using waste material as raw material to a great extent will help reduce clutter to some extent. 2) Producing and promoting products made from cotton cloth residues and thus helping people shun the use of plastic folders.
Section I: Financing Strategy
11. How much start-up capital do you need to start your business and how will you raise this money? We will need about 3000 Indian Rupees is the start up capital. 1) We decided to organise one enterprise on the basis of ‘cooperatives’ and ‘self help groups’. Interested students were invited to be part of the enterprise and pool their savings and initially contributed about 2500 rupees. 2) Newspaper and old paper collection drive was conducted for three classes. After shifting the material collected non-usable items were sold off which generated about 500 rupees.
Section J: Sustainability and Business Development
12. How will you keep your business running after this school year?
1) We have many members who would stay in school for minimum 2 years. 2) We plan to involve new members and pass on the business to them. 3) Ploughing back the profits into the business. 4) Assigning brownie points to students taking up enterprise.
13. Where do you see the business in 5 years? 1) May be we tie up with some NGO dealing with artisans’ upliftment to get their craft products for sale. As we can’t make the students labour. This will help incarese the scale of production.It will also help students appreciate thedictum of’ corporate social responsibility’. 2) Buying our own paper recycling machine if it doesn’t materialise this year. 3) May be invite other DAV schools for a joint venture.
Appendix (OPTIONAL Bonus Points)
Srijan Logo
Mission Statement The enterprise aims at encouraging first generation entrepreneurs with marginal means of investment to set up micro level enterprises. This is to instill the confidence to be a job provider rather than being a job seeker. Besides this, by accepting this challenge, we intend to raise entrepreneurs who would empathise and facilitate marginal artisans convert their skills into a profitable venture. This enterprise also aims at
11 New Business Plan Template 2015 promoting eco-friendly products, using waste paper items as raw material and shunning the use of plastics.
Students doing market survey and preparing for the launch event respectively
Circular to the Parents Our school has taken up ‘School Enterprise Challenge’ floated by the educational charity, ‘Teach a Man to Fish’. The objective of this challenge is to raise socially responsible entrepreneurs. To attain this objective, we are setting up an enterprise named ‘Srijan’, to be run and managed by young budding student entrepreneurs of our School. This enterprise is an in-house production venture of craft items, to be handcrafted by our students. To make it eco-friendly and raise funds for this challenge, we request you to donate old newspapers, magazines, wedding invitations, greeting cards, handmade sheets or any other paper items by Thursday, 23rd July, at Hansraj Public School, Sector-6, Panchkula. We look forward to your support in our endeavor to make this hands-on learning a great experience for our students. Note: 1. Parents are requested to drop all material at gate no. 1 with the school guard. 2. Students bringing the material themselves may submit it to their respective block peons COMPETITOR ANALYSIS TEMPLATE My Business Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Archies Fabindia Earthstore Where is the Hansraj Public School Main market S.C.F. 349 Sector 9 competitor Sector 6 Panchkula Sector 7 Sector 9 Panchkula located? Panchkula Panchkula What product Folders, money Cards ,folders, Garments Gift /decorative or service do envelopes ,greeting printed mugs, ,gift /decorative items ,bags, they sell? cards ,decorative / gift gift items items, bags, organic food items organic food items etc. items etc. What are the Folders Rupees 50 Folders rupees Folders competitor’s Money envelopes 325 onwards Money Money prices?(per rupees 10-15 Greeting cards envelopes 5 for envelopes unit) Greeting cards ruppes Rupees 50 rupees 160 Greeting cards 15 onwards Photo frames Decorative/ gift Decorative/ gift items or Decorative/ gift rupees 330- 990 items or knick knick knacks 20 average items or knick Decorative/ gift knacks NA knacks rupees items or knick Showroom 75 onwards knacks rupees permanently 225 onwards closed down when visited Available online What are their 8 am to 2 pm on regular 10 am to 8 pm 11 am to 8 pm 11 am to 8 pm operating days hours? Longer hours during school exhibition ,fete & other special events Who are their School students ,staff, Teenagers and Upper middle & Mixed income customers? parents and visitors on youngsters High income school events adults What methods Through social media Advertisements, Advertisements, Advertisements of marketing ,Promotional stalls websites, regular websites, Website do they use? during school events, messages to weekly word of mouth existing messages to (students, parents, staff), customers existing finding a mention in customers on school press releases new arrivals, circulars/communicatio promotional
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n workshops & Market surveys How are they Recording observations Adding new Adding variety, Building trying to and incorporating products range Contemporary preference for develop or feedback/ suggestions from time to styling organic expand? from customers time Exclusivity in products Adding variety in Array of items every product decorative/ gift items for every Organic range occasion/festival products Do they have Yes school has a very Yes Yes Yes good good reputation reputation amongst parents, staff, locally? students & cal residents Do they offer Customized No Prompt services, No information extra services? products weekly messages to existing customers on new arrivals, free workshops on block printing, cooking snacks etc. What are their Handmade eco Variety Quality ,Styling Organic items strengths? friendly and & organic reasonably priced products products What is their Customised Variety and range Production form Eco friendly Unique Selling products natural materials Organic products Point? Eco friendly Creations by products skilled artisans & Non repetitive contemporary designing styling How can we beat Customised this competition? products Exclusive designs Contemporary appeal Reasonable prices
Students with their sample exhibits during school exhibition
PART TWO Financial Plan This section will be awarded a total of 15 Points. These 15 Points will be allocated as follows:- Section A (5), Section B+C+D (5), Section E+F (5), Section G+H TOP TIP! You may complete your Financial Plan using your local currency. Please tell us what this is, E.g. Indian Rupees. In the template we will ask you to convert your TOTALS into US $. You can use this website to do this: Remember to write down the exchange rate you are using in the box below! Please add any extra rows to the tables where necessary. Local Currency used (E.g. Indian Rupees) Indian Rupee INR
Exchange rate to US Dollars (E.g. 1 US $ = 59.7 1 US $ =63.9972 Rupees Indian Rupees) Period of time budgeted for (E.g. 3 months) 4 Months
Section A: Start-Up Budget (Estimated) TOP TIP Your Start-Up Budget is the costs of the Equipment and Supplies that you will need to start your business. If you already have the products that you need to start up your business please list them here and put 0 as the Unit cost. 1. Please list all your Start-Up Costs. Start Up Equipment Quantity Unit Cost Total Costs of your Equipment (Quantity x
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Unit Cost) Scissors/cutters 8 0 0 Computers 1 0 0 Printer 1 0 0 New painting brushes 4 28.25 113 Start Up Supplies/Expenses Quantity Unit Costs Total Costs of your Supplies/ Expenses (Quantity x Unit Costs) Handmade sheets thick 27 35 945 Glue 4 150(500 gram each) 600 Paints/posters colours 1 pack of 12 200 200 Glitters 2 95 190 Mirrors 100 0.5 50 Handmade sheet (thin) 3 15 45 Velcro 1 metre 30 30 Miscellaneous 100 Total Start up Budget Local Currency (Add your Total Costs 2273 Together) In US Dollars $ 35.458
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………….
Section B: Income (Estimated) 2. Please list all the products or services that your business will sell. Please tell us the amount you think you will sell and the price at which you will sell them. Name of Product or service Quantity Sales Price Sales Income (Quantity x Sales Price) 1) Folders 25 50 1250 2) Money envelopes(a) 50 10 500 3)Money envelopes(b) 20 15 300 4)Decorative/ gift items 4)a) Photo frames(regular size) 5 90 450 4) b) Study table combo pen 2 100 200 hold set. 4)c) Paper Mache flower vase 3 100 300 4)d) Gift tags/cards 10 15 150 4)e)Knick knacks 20 20 (Average Price) 400 Total Income Local Currency 3550 (Add all the ‘Sales Income’ together) In US Dollars $ 55.38
Section C: Direct Costs (Estimated) TOP TIP
Direct Costs refer to materials, labour and expenses related to the production of a specific product or service. Don’t forget that the direct costs from your Start-Up Supplies/Expenses in Section A should be included here too. 3. Please list all of the items you will need to buy in order to make or provide each product or service. Name of Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Costs (Quantity x Unit Cost) Product/Service 1 Folders
Handmade sheets 17 35 595 Glue 750 gm 150 for 500gm 225 Velcro 1 metre 30 30 Poster colours 2 16.66 33 (33.3) Product/Service 2 Money Envelopes ( a& b)
Handmade sheets 10 35 350 Glue 200 gm 150 for 500gm 60 Poster colours 1 16.66 17 (16.66 ) Glitters 0.5 95 47.50
Product/Service 3 Decorative/Gift items
Poster colours 9 16.66 150 Glue 1050 gm 150 for 500 gm 315 Mirrors 100 0.5 50 Glitters 1.5 95 142.5 Handmade sheets(thin) 3 15 45 Miscellaneous 100 Total Direct Costs Local Currency 2160 (Add up all the Total Costs) In US Dollars $ 33.696
Section D: Gross Profit (Estimated) 4. Please calculate your Gross Profit in your Local Currency and then convert it to US Dollars $. Calculation Local Currency US Dollars $
Total Sales Income 3550 55.38 Total Direct Costs 2160 33.696 Gross Profit 1390 21.684 (Total Sales Income – Total Direct Costs)
Section E: Indirect Costs (Estimated) Top Tip Indirect costs are items that you need to spend money on to run your business. However, they are not related to the making of your product or service. E.g. Marketing or transportation costs involved in getting your product to market.
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5. Please list all of your Indirect Costs. Name of item Quantity Unit Cost Total Costs (Quantity x Unit Cost) Market survey forms(Printed 40 0 0 free by school) Circular for donation of paper 200 0 0 waste(Printed free by school) Transportation cost( to 3 70 210 purchase raw material)
Total Indirect Costs Local Currency 210 (Add up all the Total Costs) In US Dollars $ 3.276
Section F: Net Profit (Estimated) 6. Please calculate your Net Profit in your local currency and convert this to US Dollars.
Calculation Local Currency US Dollars $
Gross profit 1390 21.684
Total Indirect Costs 210 3.276
Net Profit (Gross Profit – Total Indirect Costs) 1180 18.408
Section G: Return on Investment (OPTIONAL) 7. Please calculate your Return on Investment (Optional)
Net Profit 1180 Total Start Up Budget 2273 Net Profit / Start Up Budget x 100 = Return on 51.91 Investment (%)
Section H: Pay Back Period (OPTIONAL) 8. Please calculate the Pay Back Period for your Start-Up Costs (Optional) a. Budget Period E.g. 4 months 4 months b. How many months until you make your first 1.5 months sales? c. Net Profit 1180 d. Average Net Profit per month once sales have 472 started: c / (a – b) e. Start Up Budget 2273 f. Pay Back Period: b + ( e / d) 1.5+(2273/472)=6.31months
Additional Comments: If you have any additional comments about your Financial Plan please put them in here:
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