Topic: My Q3 Test Demo Results :) on My G400/PD 5.21
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What follows here is a thread posted to the MURC forums on the night of September 6, 1999. Unfortunately, due to extreme language and HTML activity, it had to be removed.
Author Topic: My Q3 Test Demo Results :)....on my G400/PD 5.21 CoolBreeze Member posted 09-05-1999 20:51
Hello all,
My results with 5.21:
(this is how i play when online...speed/quality)
-Forced AGPx1 -Forced Disabled V Sync -Sky was turned off -Billiniar -Tex Quality Down one notch from top -simpleItems 1 typed in console -everything else maxed out at 1024x768x32
Timedemo map 1 : 33.5 fps
Timedemo map 2 : 34.5 fps
This is on a :
P3 500(not overclocked), 128 mb PC 100 sdram, 8.4 gig Seagate HDD, AOpen 40x CD ROM, MX300 sound, Cable Modem, G400 32 OEM SH(not overclocked, or tweaked in anyway,except v sync) I find this to be more than playable...i get no slowdowns...and it looks great too. How ever you can see the difference in the Tex quality from one notch down compared to maxed out. The floor doesnt look as detailed...but when in fragging fools i really dont have time to stare at the floor . Also...when im playing the fps meter usually stays around 50...sometimes jumps to 90 in hallways....and drops to 20-25 in HUGE rocket wars....but all in all....its smooth sailing. Please write back with some responses...thanx.
------CoolBreeze aka KAST
IP: Logged CoolBreeze Member posted 09-05-1999 20:53
....hehe and my mobo is a SE440BX-2 by Intel....
------CoolBreeze aka KAST
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-05-1999 23:22
Much too slow ......
I get 38 fps in 32 bit with EVERYTHING on the max ....of course with a tnt2u and not a g400(max) I play at 1024*768*16bit , 16 tex , bilinear , vsync off , tex full ! , all other full detail at 52 fps demo1
Just check the fps when you are at map 2 rail plattform with more than 10 players with the whole scenery on the screen and you know that all below 50 is crap..
p.s.: in version 1.08 there is no need to disable sky because there are no more slowdowns as in previous versions..
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-05-1999).]
IP: Logged Maniac Member posted 09-06-1999 01:11
Well Yippee for you Deprived! but he was looking for some constructive feedback(your Q3 score seem about right for your system). Yes we're all sooo impressed with your crappy little poor-ass image quality TNT, now take a hike!!
IP: Logged
CoolBreeze Member posted 09-06-1999 01:28
Hey Fucko (Deprived),
This is a MATROX forum(in case you havent noticed, and the topic of the forum is what? :MATROX HARDWARE)...i don’t give a shit about you crappy ass image quality bout posting some benchmarks with your MAX(still cannot figure out why you bought it)....with the 5.21 drivers....and lets compare. Aye?....Oh yeah i forgot who i was talking to....the idiot who cannot even configure his own rig....oh well never mind. the rest of the forum...could you please post some results at this res. with the 5.21 drivers with 32/32 and bilinear. Thanx for your time
------CoolBreeze aka KAST
IP: Logged bobby2 Member posted 09-06-1999 03:01
Ok 1024x768 top qual 32/32 bilinear P3-560 OEM G400 32meg, vsync et al disabled. q3demo1: 36.7 q3demo2: 46.4
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-06-1999 05:47
And again , i just tell you how fast the tnt2ultra is and you keep insulting ME ! Ok, coolbreeze (maybe "warmsteam" would be a better nick for you ?) , you started the flame war in THIS thread and i just wait for ant to ban you ....(how do i know this is never going to happen ?)
The max numbers you got are correct ...
(and i NEVER was too stupid to setup my machine ..matrox ALWAYS was too stupid to make good drivers. Please don´t be that angry only shows your jealousy......
p.s.: and image quality of tnt2ultra is not as good as g400 i admit BUT FAR from being bad !
IP: Logged dnickle Member posted 09-06-1999 06:26
36.4fps demo1 37.5fps demo2 BX6r2,Cel 450a,single head 32meg oem at 154/205, 128 PC133 HSDRAM
IP: Logged dnickle Member posted 09-06-1999 06:43
Hey Depraved, I get 43.5fps in demo1, with your settings, on a Celeron. I get 45.3fps in demo2. Not too shabby I'd say!
IP: Logged CoolBreeze Member posted 09-06-1999 07:13
I am not getting mad by any means...and i am far from jealous. I asked in my original post for ppl to respond with their results with the 5.21 drivers...and a MATROX G400...not a Nvidia card. For some reason this has gone over you head once again(im not suprised one bit). about answering the thread like everyone else...or is that too much for your brain to handle? card is NOT a is an OEM Single Head 32mb...not overclocked....nor is my PC...i have a feeling my scores are higher than that of your MAX...therefore you dont want to post them and show how you CANNOT config you card/rig correctly. To the rest of the ppl who are using a G400 in reply to this thread...would you please list your Q3 settings and if you are using PD 5.21 or 5.13, a reg or a MAX G400(clocked @ what speed?)....and your rig specs...thanx again.
------CoolBreeze aka KAST
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-06-1999 07:45
Now They'll Pay! I'll show them who is master over computers!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE R.I.P. Tombman
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Borg Member posted 09-06-1999 09:34
Deprived !...shut the fuck up abot your damm TNT2ultra ..OK ! my friend have TNT2ULTRA & playing @ hes PC doesent give me that feeling that G400 is slower in Q3 & we got nearly the same config..
but in one case u r right MATROX realy blows up with these NEW drivers..I lost about few fps in all Q2,Q3 tests & 3dmark is lower to..
& MATROX lied us all the time about PERFORMANCE ...I wondering what the HELL was BETA BOYS doing & not notice that POOR PERFORMANCE of NEW drivers ???? 25 % PERFORMANCE incrase...they sed...pihh
I see only decrase in all fields games ,banch & thats the bitter truth
waiting for better drivers
like i knowe MATROX in 6 month..perhaps.. ...this is not good,not good at all ....
IP: Logged
dbdg Member posted 09-06-1999 11:13
Just so that you lads have something to compare your G400 to, of which I will have soon. PIII 450 not o/c 128 MB PC 100 G200 8 MB SGRam Quake 3 best quality, all other options on. 1024 768 demo 1 5.5 fps.
IP: Logged dbdg Member posted 09-06-1999 11:17
sorry these are with ther 5.21 drivers as they come, no fiddling with v sync.
I don't know about you lot but when benchmarking quake 2 and 3 with 5.13 and 5.21 it went like this.
Quake 2 ~2% decrease Quake 3 ~15% increase.
Strange don't you think.
These were just as the drivers came no disabling of v sync.
------PIII 450 not o/c G200 128 MB PC100.
IP: Logged Scytale Member posted 09-06-1999 11:59
If you G400+Q3 groupies want to improve performance, disable VSync and disable Triple Buffering (it serves no purpose w/o VSync). This will free up graphics card memory for (high res) textures and will reduce AGP transfers.
Also works for Q2 and a lot of other stuff... in general it allows for higher resolutions.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-06-1999 16:29
Warmsteam , as long as the g400(max) cannot reach 50 fps in q3 at 1024*768* (16 OR 32 bit) i will NOT swap it in again into my pc because for me it is just too slow... And stop insulting me because it will get you nowhere ...
p.s.: fuck you and your slow g400...
IP: Logged Jihad Member posted 09-06-1999 16:59
Hey Deprived (aka Assfuck)
I am very happy for you and your new lover the TNT2U, but I know know you can increase your fps in q3 with your G400Max, Let's see hmmm, I know you can stick it up your ass, that's right right up your ass. That SHOULD give you at least 10-15 fps in Q3 but if it doesn't I know you will like that feeling you gay homo.
p.s. don't respond I won't be
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-06-1999 17:04
There's always such a warm, friendly feeling in threads where the deprived tombman has left his mark.
IP: Logged
neo Member posted 09-06-1999 17:04
Yeah, you are so right deprived. I love 50fps, but find 35-36fps just unplayable. LOL. Since you have declared your MAX no good: move on, to the NVIDIA forum. Perhaps you can then get your MAX to work and start telling them how much better your Matrox card is.
ps. I can't believe you beat 4 million other sperm.
IP: Logged Nuno Member posted 09-06-1999 19:11
IP: Logged Jacco Hoeve Member posted 09-06-1999 19:40
1 tip:
If someone posts its scores on a TNT2U or something I dont find that particulairly offending.. actually (while I own a G400..great card) I find it kinda interesting and thus not offending..but by reacting the way you ppl did you start a flame war..and its not even his fault..
------Jacco ----- MSI-6167,Athlon 500MHz,256MB,G400 16MSH(160/200) IP: Logged
CoolBreeze Member posted 09-06-1999 20:21
"Stop insulting me because it is getting you nowhere..." well i guess by you saying "...fuck you and your slow G400..." and calling me "Warmsteam"(which is the most lame insult ive ever heard)....YOU are the one getting nowhere...huh?...why the hell do you even stay in this fourum? You dont even use Matrox hardware. Why dont you come back when you are acctually using you G400...until have nothing to add here.
------CoolBreeze aka KAST IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-06-1999 22:04
Coolbreeze , (aka : *the little dog that can´t fuck the big dog because its legs are too small* ) : you just react like I WANT and you don´t even notice it I just have to say "nvidia" and you make : "bark , bark , bark .." I find this very amusing ----ehhehehe.
p.s.: and i USE matrox hardware , i bought matrox hardware and i have the fucking , stinking right to post whatever I want ..eheh
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-06-1999).]
IP: Logged LAMFDTK Member posted 09-06-1999 22:23
People dont feed the animals.... Ant where the "close thread button" ?/Please?
IP: Logged
wiggo Member posted 09-06-1999 22:59
I have been having a few problems with poor framerates in Q3 after the driver change and so I went to the Matrox newsgroup in the quest for help. After some suggestions, I posted the following:
------Well, I was using the normal reghacks and the various tweak programs, but I may have gone over the top (the tweak monkey in me tends to get the better :-). So, I decided on another win98se reinstall, and a complete bios reset (back to default settings). I have just finished testing Quake 3 and I am pleased to say I got the following results (all q3demo1):
Default G400 Clockspeed No Sound 32bit colour/textures 16bit Z 800x600 34.8 fps 640x480 36.5 fps
G400 o/c to 150/200 800x600 36 fps
+Low Quality Sound 800x600 35.5 fps
+High Quality Sound 800x600 35.2 fps
+network card 800x600 34.4 fps
1024x768 32.9 fps
FlipOnVblank not enabled in registry These scores show starting off from a clean system configuration and then gradually adding all the normal functions (and ramping up the resolution).
My complete system spec is: Celeron 466 o/c 525, Matrox G400 o/c 150/200, 256 SDRAM, WD 418000 HD, Diamond MX300 Soundcard, 3COM 900B NIC, 3COM Cablemodem.
I was interested to see the small decrease in fps as I increased the resolution. Is Q3 cpu limited on this setup?
------Also, all the quality settings (sky, items etc.) are 'on high' (if you know what I mean). And I don't want to get involved in a g400 vs TNT2 arguement (did I make the right decision :-)) I just wanted to share that with anyone who couldn't seem to get the fps they should be getting. And is Q3 cpu limited in my setup?
[This message has been edited by wiggo (edited 09-06-1999).]
IP: Logged CoolBreeze Member posted 09-06-1999 23:07
I dont know what it is with you and you sick mind...(and you imagination of your dog fetish)...that think you have me acting just how you want. I guess you wanted me to tear you down in every reply ive given...because thats what i have done. I appologize to the rest of the people who i was trying contact to have a normal thread about Q3 benchmarks, instead it turns into a flame war-shit storm which is Deprived's trademark...This is my last post on this Ant would you please close it...its obviously hit a brick wall, and going nowhere.
------CoolBreeze aka KAST
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-06-1999 23:18
Tombman: hehehehehehehehehe! i spit on your pissy sh!t matrox.. hehehehehe! you son of pig-dogs breath! hehehehehe! i spent $250 on a video card and now its in my garbage can hehehehehe!.. I get xx.x fps with my tnt2 hehehehehehehe! which is x.x fps than I ever got with my pig-dog G400! hehehehehe!
Will someone please call the guys in the white coats already? =)
------Kind Regards,
KvH [This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-06-1999).]
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 02:10
Coolbreeze . i know that you have many problems with your life so you really need me as a person that you can insult. BUT if you carefully read this thread from the beginning I just postet my tnt2u scores ALONG with a good hint for q3 (sky can be On without performance loss) AND YOU STARTET the flaming with your very first answer by calling me "fucko"! If ant should ban someone it is rather YOU! YOU startet the flaming , and if ant is a real man he would BAN YOU ! If ant will ban me or let you (try to) insult me then it is absolutely clear that he is NOT treating everyone equally and that he is very unfair .
To all the others : since i have both cards i don´t care which card will be faster ..i will always have the fastest card on the market
p.s.: coolshit , never think that you can tear me down ....others have tried but always failed ..
p.p.s.. neo , i made it against 4 million sperms because i was made by nvidia and the others were made by matrox ..ehheh [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 02:20
tombman, you sure a piece of work!!!
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 02:25
Peice of something...but probably not work
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 02:31
Yeah , a piece of superiority
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 02:34
Oh yea...I'm sure none of us would have been "superior" enough to plant some flame bait, then edit it out of your original post once the flames started. How clever.
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 02:38
Well, a sperm doesn't have to be smart.. just stubborn. =) ------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Joel Member posted 09-07-1999 02:39
Have you also noticed how he loves to post with flame bait and then goes back and edits the post so that he can say he didn't start it.
Damn Kruzin you beat me to it again.
[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 03:07
AND YOU STARTET the flaming with your very first answer
Superior??? IQ???? yeah right!!! You can't even spell correctly. quote:
Please don´t be that angry only shows your jealousy......
Jealousy about what??? Sure as hell can't be your taste in computer equipment, or your "superior" knowledge in how to set up a system, or even your "135 IQ". quote: And stop insulting me because it will get you nowhere ... p.s.: fuck you and your slow g400...
Fuck you and your sub-standard intelligence quote:
Hey Deprived (aka Assfuck)
Jihad, you hit the nail on the head!
To all the others : since i have both cards i don´t care which card will be faster ..i will always have the fastest card on the market Maybe so, but you will have the worst set-up system in the world, and the slowest brain to boot.
P.S. No deprived animals were harmed in the posting of this message. However, it may be that some Beastiality with sheep may be interrupted due to said animal reading this post.
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 03:22
Then show me the original posting with flamebait ...if you can´t , just shut up ! (the fact that i have edited the msg does NOT prove that there was flamebait !) And even if it was it has SURELY been taken out after 1 minute , because i can control myself ....opposite to you ..
p.s.: hage..a sperm doesn´t have to be smart ..but fast ..just as my tnt2u ..hehe
p.p.s.: and rags , MY system was always working correctly ..matrox just sucked ever ..
p.p.p.s.: i would rather write in german but i think you stupid americans are too hamburger- fat-brained to understand a different language
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 03:28
[This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 09-07-1999).] [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 09-07-1999).]
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 03:32
Um, Nuno, how about some narration to go along with that? (Smiling, but still wondering just what it meant)
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 03:35
Well, he said he was a sperm made by Nvidia, So Nvidia´s Sperm equals to...
eh, don´t mind that, it´s already late and I surely could learn some HTML That´s not quite the way I wanted to display it.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 03:38
Hage ....wondering ? Too stupid to understand ? Ok, that should be me made by a nvidia sperm..(very funny ...YAWN!)
(2 lead-in Javascript boxes interrupt the entry onto this page [to which one must answer by clicking "OK"].. the first says: "deprived fucked my cat!!!" the second says "then he went after my dog!!!!") =)
Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 03:41
"because i can control myself" We wish!
"opposite to you" certainly have not shown any control in your behaivior. (Speaking for myself here) I have not used one profane word, or outright attacked you in any way. I have not blatently told you to "shut up" as you have to me.
So opposite, yes. But you have the roles completely backwards. You have not shown once ounce of control.
Hmmmm....I wonder who's gonna get banned for all this BS (again)....
IP: Logged Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 03:42
I´m glad you like it.
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 03:43
Well, that message was written before Nuno edited it.
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged IlleglWpns Member posted 09-07-1999 03:57
I usually refrain from entering flamewars, but Deprived, you are really talking out of your ass here. You said that "you didn't start it", well let me quote your first line:
"Much to slow.....
and then " know that all below 50 is crap"
In short you are openly trashing the other guys results and saying that framerates below 50 are crap. You expect him toreact well to that?!!! Why bother posting to a Matrox board if you don't use or like their hardware. We all know that Matrox has problems with OpenGl, so you are contributing nothing new or constructive to this board. And if you really wanted to prove your maturity you could refrain from swearing and explain yourself calmly instead of ranting like an idiot.
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 03:58
Tombman finally lands that job:
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged
deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 03:58
Kruzin , all flaming from me that was after the first initial flaming of coolbreeze didn´t count because it was NOT The starter! (known as the law of ant ) Your witty (burp..) little comments ARE flaming so you are not unguilty ! I hate those hypocritic , slimy guys ... If you have something to say then do it like a man and not a fucking politician..
p.s.: ill.., well...that´s the whole problem , i trash on his RESULTS and not on him ! A correct answer from coolbreeze could have been : "Nice tombman , but i am not interrested in tnt2u results but in g400 results ..." Of course this would have required a half-way mature person ..
And the constructive part was that he could turn ON sky ..
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:03
Our hero's superiority is immediately recognized by his co-workers:
=) ------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:07
Hage ,.....yes ..comics ..that suits your IQ ..
IP: Logged Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 04:11
Apart from all the joking here:
You must realize that you sound ARROGANT when you start bullshitting like that. Oh boy, you must be really good. You will always have the fast, the best system/videocard around. You truly despise a person just because he doesn´t get 50fps in some moronic game-to-be benchmark? If you have the money to own two of the most expensive video-cards, great for you. If three months from now you will spend $300 more for another video card, great for you. If you spend all your money in your computer, great for you... no wait, great for your hardware shop.
Man we all know here TNT2 is faster in OGL, yippee, hurray, super, super! Are you happy now?
You´ve got an attitude problem, in case you didn´t notice it.
Which part of "Redistibution in whole or in part prohibited" didn´t you understand? =)
[This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:12
I am...not...a mature person
Well put, tombman.
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:15
Nuno..yes i am happy now
Rags : quote " I love....cock..sucking" I knew it rags , you don´t have to tell me AGAIN !
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:16
Finally, our hero, realizing he has little time or wits left to annoy us, brings in his friend, Twat Yanked Low, to stand in for him.
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:18
I love....cock..sucking
I knew you would come out of your closet sooner or later....Good for You!!!
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!! IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:18
Well technically, Nuno, I only linked to their site, so I'm not really redistributing or copying. =)
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:23
Rags , i know you love it , WHY do have to repeat it ?? Just keep sucking and let me alone , i love girls ..
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:25
Yeah, your mom just can't get enough of my schtick in her throat, can she?
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:29
Oh, And why do I have to repeat it??? Because your brain is realllly slow, so I have to talk slowly and often so it can comprehend.
Rags ------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:30
She would have liked it really but you failed again to get an erection always ..sad , sad ..maybe some viagra could help? (hehe)
Yeah , my brain maybe slow but it is working with massive parallelism not like your one brain cell overclocked to insane speeds
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 04:31
"If you have something to say then do it like a man and not a fucking politician.."
OK...since you insist so gracefully.
You're a smelly little ass wipe, with a severe inferiority complex, who cannot discuss any topic intelligently, and needs to act out his pent-up aggressions on the net, for lack of balls in real life. You believe only your opinion can be correct, and all who disagree, or believe differently should be gassed. You would rather insult and swear at opposing views than take on anything that would show how ignorant you really are. Your head is shoved so far up your ass, you can see what you had for lunch 20 min ago.
If you would like more of my opinions, feel free to request them =)
IP: Logged
Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 04:32
IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:34
Yes, Kruzin, please give us more =)
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged
tombman Member posted 09-07-1999 04:35
Yeah, I am a homosexual pedophile who can't comprehend the simplest of things call me tombman or deprived for short.
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:36
By the way, GraveRobber, my IQ is 151. And what was yours again?
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged tombman Member posted 09-07-1999 04:38
135*10 to the -1 power
[This message has been edited by tombman (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:39
Kruzin , YOU are having this complex because , remember , it is your task to bash on the newbies here at the forum ...And i only want you getting gassed not all the people..
IP: Logged
Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 04:40
At least we got a Fun Thread of the Week Release Candidate. IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:40
By the way, why did you call yourself Tombman? Are you the depraved (sp?) pervert who was digging up all those dead bodies and raping their nostrils? I thought there was a hint of one of Peter Lorre's sinister little slimeball characters in your prose..
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged tombman Member posted 09-07-1999 04:41
I take that back Kruzin, you are the man, I kiss your feet. I have no business being behind a keyboard.
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:44
Glad to see you finally realize how stupid you are, tombman!!!
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:45
Oh man , this tombman is really sick ...
IP: Logged
Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:46
He sure is, aint he?
IP: Logged
ALBPM Member posted 09-07-1999 04:49
Darn!!! I'm gone for half a day and the shit has hit the fan...LOL
So, I see we have a "Special Needs Kid" on the Forum. Damn Tumor, looks like we need to give you your very own Forum to crap in since you can't get along with anyone.
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 04:49
Hehehe. My 'task' here. I have no task. This is a hobby. I help where I can, and torch the trash when I feel like it. You, on the other hand, do this for your perverted sexual kicks. You are so frustrated IRL, that the only way you can feel like a man is to mouth off to a forum, where you know you will never have to face the people you insult.
Now, why don't you go back and look at the threads from this weekend. Then come back and tell me who contributed more, and helped more new users. You, or me?
So who should be gassed, the helpful, normally friendly guy who offers help when treated with common respect, or the pathetic little twit who only shows up to get his jollies bragging about his FPS time and time again. I bet you go through a lot of screen wipes, jacking off to your benchmarks so much.
You are a pimple on the ass of a bigger, uglier pimple. Someone should just POP your puss filled head.
WEeeeeeeee =) IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:50
My sources say you're a dumbass!!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 04:54
Bad man!!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Nuno Member posted 09-07-1999 04:57
I hope your cat didn´t catch any infectious disease, like herpes or something.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 04:57
Thank you for your explanation for YOU being on this forum ..and it is a task NOT a hobby !
IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 04:59
Someone here is an HTML genius! I was about to give Kruzin the Editor's Choice Award for Extreme Eloquence, but whoever inserted those little windows has moved into a tie! Gentlemen, shall we have a flameoff?
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Maniac Member posted 09-07-1999 05:01
Why oh why?? Did I really spark all this mistrust and dislike? And to think I thought about deleting my post...oh boy =)
IP: Logged SwAmPlAdY Junior Member posted 09-07-1999 05:01
Hehe, who's cat did deprive fuck and who's dog did he go after? =)
(One lead-in Javascript box interrupts entry onto this page [to which one must answer by clicking "OK"].. it says: here, kitty kitty kitty! ... deprived, stay away from those cats!!!)
Author Topic: My Q3 Test Demo Results :)....on my G400/PD 5.21 Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:01
Burn, baby burn!!! tombman inferno!!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 05:03
It would be a task if I where here by someones instructions or request.
Since I just do it because I want to, it's a hobby.
I bet you have your full 2.5 inch erection right now, getting all this attention from a bunch of guys. Careful, don't get any on your keyboard.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 05:06
Do you really think that those little html tricks really impress me ? Nope. It is not a hobby , kruzin , it is a sickness.
[This message has been edited by deprived (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
ALBPM Member posted 09-07-1999 05:08
Watch out SwAmPlAdY he's coming after you next!!!
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:10
Yeah, tombman you just are so hard to impress what with your superior IQ and your endless wallet (better known as "daddy's wallet"), We, with our day-to-day jobs and mediocre IQ's (if ya call 182 mediocre) are pretty boring. I guess that's why you have nothing better to do than keep on typing.
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged IlleglWpns Member posted 09-07-1999 05:13
Holy crap!!! 30+ messages in an hour!!
Anyway Deprived, don't expect someone to show more self control than you yourself show. You may have trashed Coolbreeze's results and not Coolbreeze, but there was no reason to trash anything. Don't act surprised that people were pissed at your arrogance. And if you wanted to be helpful, you could have posted your tip without any of the fps bragging crap. IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 05:15
deprived: hehehehehe, nothing you can do will impress me you dirty little pig's penises! It is I, master of computers, yes, yes, hehehehehehehehehe... I with the $1800 monitor I bought so I can watch juvenile hamster porn at my superior 1600x1200 resolution! hehehehehehehehehe... I am so obviously superior to all of you I need not even learn the language I flame in! hehehehehehehe... With my superior intellect, I learned your silly little language in only 16 years of watching old Peter Lorre movies on TV! hehehehehehehe.. (he's SO sexy, you know... and he's DEAD!) hehehehehehehehe.. I get such wonderful erections from looking at ugly dead people! hehehehehehehe!
[This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 05:19
It is 6 o clock in the morning now and i simply don´t have the time to play this little game any longer ..don´t forget that I solely have to answer all this bullshit ..
p.s.: you can continue playing the "tombman" game but the star (me) will no longer answer ..
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:21
Yeah, you're a legend in your own mind.
------That's your wife on the back of my horse!!
[This message has been edited by Rags (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 05:24
Well, Rags, you have to give him this.. he sure has some spunk! Too bad he keeps shooting it into those innocent little rodents. =)
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:25
He is a sick bastard, aint he?
IP: Logged ALBPM Member posted 09-07-1999 05:26
No Rags, that's his Mom on the back of your Horse. Poor Horse...LOL
IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 05:28
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:29
Hey, deprived, did you know that your mom's large ass is bump-mapped?
IP: Logged
Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 05:31
Of course he knows....he bump maps it every night!
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:31
Waitaminute...a map wouldn't cover her ass, it would have to be bump-atlassed.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 05:32
ehheehh , i tempted you all to use the dark side of the force and you all failed ... I despise you .. IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:33
Yer mom just showed us her darkest side.
IP: Logged KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 05:33
Next time we have a barbecue, let's try to leave something for next time. I fear there's not much left of our deprived little friend than a few ashes smoldering on the ground.
------Kind Regards,
IP: Logged Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 05:34
Oh No! We've created Tylau junior! =)
Keep your word just once in your life, depraived, and stop answering.
IP: Logged deprived Member posted 09-07-1999 05:39
Kruzin , you jewish shmuck , better you just shut up , ok ?
IP: Logged
Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:40
Pretty fly for a Rabbi.
IP: Logged
Kruzin Member posted 09-07-1999 05:47
1) You are now showing you are a lowlife racist or supremisist. Pathetic. Now we KNOW who should be gassed.
B) I'm not Jewish, I'm Catholic. Not that it has any bearing on anything here. Is there some reason you feel a need to drag religion into this? Either way, your comment is proof positive of what an idiot you really are.
Keep typing. I havent seen anything this funny in months!
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:50
Give 'em the chair!!! The chair!!!
IP: Logged
KvHagedorn Member posted 09-07-1999 05:55
Has anyone checked out deprived's e-mail address? LOL... [email protected]!
deprived: hehehehehehehe... yesss, yesss, I'm a psycho it's true, but I've learned to love myself for what I am! hehehehehe... I know I am the reincarnation of Adolf Eichmann... HEIL!.. oops.. hehehehehe you can't get me! You're all JEWS! hehehehehehehe! Everyone's a Jew! hehehehehehehe... really, really, I need to go back to my bunker and get some sleep.. hehehehehe... ------Kind Regards,
[This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-07-1999).]
IP: Logged Rags Member posted 09-07-1999 05:55
Either way, your comment is proof positive of what an idiot you really are.
Every post is proof positive of what an idiot this dick head is.
IP: Logged DentyCracker Member posted 09-07-1999 06:05
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Mr. Pitt I thnk we're done here. Time to scatter the charred remains into an ill wind. This will bring no one any good, it is indeeed the remains of deprived/tombman.
Next time just ignore the idiot. He relishes attention having obviously lacked it growing up. Seriously we should just ignore his fuckery and not sink to his abominably low level.
IP: Logged
paulcs Member posted 09-07-1999 07:44
Good heavens. What a mess!
Wait until Ant gets home.
Paul [email protected] IP: Logged Wombat Member posted 09-07-1999 09:05
My my, this is entertaining.
Throw another idiot on the fire!
IP: Logged
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