Middlesex County Vocational & Technical High School
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Welcome to the Dance Program at the School of Performing Arts MCVTS
The School of Performing Arts – Dance Program is thrilled to open its doors to your unique talents and abilities. To foster your growth as a young artist, we have established a professional environment for your artistic training. That environment requires adherence and understanding of certain rules and procedures. You will find in this booklet all of the Performing Arts guidelines students must follow. Please read it carefully and become familiar with our expectations.
You will find similar regulations apply once you reach professional employment. The kind of work ethic you will gain by following these procedures will help you in your future career. With your cooperation, we can all achieve a dynamic and vibrant year together.
The School of Performing Arts curriculum complies and exceeds the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in Performing Arts. It also meets the expectations of excellence established by the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools. During the students’ four years in our program, they will be trained for admission to a post- secondary, conservatory-style, college or independent training program and/or for an entry-level position in arts organizations . Students are afforded annual performance opportunities through their School of Performing Arts curriculum and through extra-curricular activities. In addition, all students participate and receive training in production positions, such as stage crew, stage management, front-of-house and others. These assignments are essential to facilitate occupational readiness in this highly collaborative art.
Please review the MCVTHS POLICY EDITION and Student Handbook for a complete list of rules, regulations, policies, and school codes governing our students.
With warmest regards,
Cleo Mack Dance Instructor
PERSONNEL FOR 2015 -2016 Mr. Jeff Bicsko...... MCVTS/EB Principal Mr. Brian Brown...... MCVTS/EB Performing Arts Supervisor Ms. Judith Alexander...... MCVTS/EB Assistant Principal Mrs. Susan Cipperly ...... Guidance Counselor Ms. Maria Aladren...... Theatre Instructor Ms. Cleo Mack ...... Dance Instructor Dance Curricular Program
The four-year dance program is composed of these courses of study:
. Ballet Technique i/ii/iii/iV
. Modern Technique i/ii/iii/iV
. Jazz Technique/Hip Hop i/ii.
. Improvisation I/II
. Composition
. Creative Process
. Choreography
. Pilates
. Dance History
. Dance Critique
. World Dance
. Anatomy
. Repertory
. Dance for Camera In-class Requirements
In general, your weekly schedule will follow a pattern as outlined below. Some weeks the pattern will be broken to allow for special events, tech weeks, or guest artists.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Ballet Technique Pilates/Yoga Modern Ballet Technique Modern Technique Technique
Dance History Rep Improvisation Creative Process/Composition
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Ballet Technique Pilates/Yoga Modern Ballet Technique Modern Technique Technique
Ballet Technique Rep Improvisation Creative Process
Seniors Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Senior Seminar
Ballet Technique Pilates/Yoga Modern Ballet Technique Modern Technique Technique
Dance History Rep Improvisation Choreography
IN- SCHOOL DRESS CODE Dance has a very specific set of requirements for clothing. Most of the requirements deal with the need to observe the body during class for placement and articulation. Students in the School of Performing Arts are required to abide by the standards of the program. Failure to comply with the dress code will result in a “zero” grade for the date of the code violation.
· School of Performing Arts uniform for Dancers (to be worn or have available every day): Ballet Class o Leotards – Can be any color and cut for class. o Tights – Black and pink preferred, tan also is acceptable. o Split sole ballet shoes – Can be canvas or leather. o Ballet skirts, legwarmers, and dance sweaters or solid color fitting shirts may be worn for warmth when needed. o For safety reasons, no large, dangling, loose, distracting or inhibiting jewelry is allowed during rehearsals or technique classes, and fingernails must be kept short with rounded corners. o Hair must be held back in a secure bun.
Modern Class o Leotards – Can be an color and cut for class. o Tights – Black and pink preferred, tan is also acceptable. o Black pants or shorts - must be tight fitting. o Modern class is to be taken barefoot. o Legwarmers, dance sweaters or solid color fitting shirts may be worn for warmth when needed. o For safety reasons, no large, dangling, loose, distracting or inhibiting jewelry is allowed during rehearsals or technique classes, and fingernails must be kept short with rounded corners. o Hair must be pulled back from face, but must also allow for free movement of the head on the floor.
Performance Foundations o Leotards – Black and nude, princess seam , thin strap, low back. These items will be needed by October. o Tights – Black and pink convertible foot.
A dancers best defense against injury and exhaustion is preparation. To that end, each dancer must have a dance bag with them in every class, rehearsal, and performance with the following items: o An extra leotard o Legwarmers o Tights o Ballet slippers o Socks o Warm-ups (pants and a dance sweater) o Hair bands o Hair nets o Bobby pins o Band Aids o Water ** o Snacks** o Notebook and pen/pencil
** If you sustain a chronic injury or are healing from a sprain or strain, you should carry an elastic sleeve or brace in your bag GRADING PROCEDURES . PARTICIPATION GRADE PROGRAM. Objective: To aid the student’s self-reflection and interest in the education process and to increase the student’s ability to self-motivate and self-critic. Context: Every marking level the students’ participation in the program accounts for 30% of a marking level grade. Currently, a participation grade looks at involvement in the classroom, detail to procedures, adherence to dress code and team work.
. HOMEWORK GRADE. o Homework grades account for 10% of a marking level grade o All homework assignment—whether written or performed are graded. o Homework materials will be graded the day they are due. Each day they are late five (5) points will be taken off. I will take work UP TO FIVE DAYS LATE. After that, you can turn it at the end of the marking period for HALF THE POINTS YOU WOULD HAVE RECEIVED.
. EXAM GRADE o Exam grades count for 30% of the marking level grade. o Students will receive one written exam, one execution exam, one performance exam and one project exam every marking level.
. PROJECTS AND PERFORMANCE GRADE o Exam grades count for 30% of the marking level grade. o Students will receive one written exam, one execution exam, one performance exam and one project exam every marking level.
. GRADING NOTES. o The Performing Arts Curriculum is CUMMULATIVE through the four-years of the program. For each year, materials worked on and created in previous marking periods are assumed to exist and will be counted in the final grade. If you did not do work in the last marking period, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE IT UP ON YOUR OWN. o If you miss class without an excuse you will receive a zero for that day o If you miss class for any reason, you are responsible for the material covered in class, material distributed and changes made to the syllabus.
My failure to collect material, review journals, etc. does not relieve you from your responsibility to have those assignments done. IF SUCH AN EVENT OCCURS, I CAN COLLECT THE MATERIALS AT ANY TIME AFTER THEIR DUE DATE. You will not be penalized as late. If you don’t have the materials, I will assume you were not ready at the time they were due and you will not be counted as on time. HISTORY/CRITICISM SHOW ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS Students are required to attend ALL School of Performing Arts events listed in the calendar. Proof of attendance must include either ticket stub or program. All students must turn in a critical review of each show. This critical review will be counted towards your History/Criticism homework.
ACADEMIC STANDARDS Students are expected to maintain a grade of C or better in their program. Students who receive a D in their dance classes for any given quarter will be put in probation. Students who receive two Ds in consecutive quarters will be asked to leave the program at the end of the quarter. Students who receive an F in any given quarter will be asked to leave the program at the end of that quarter.
Grades for the dance class are only partially based on “talent work.” A student that promptly completes assignments as requested and is not chronically tardy will receive at least a C. The creative quality of his or her work will be shown in the span between a C (average creativity) and an A (outstanding creativity). A grade below a C will always reflect sub-par work ethic. By the same token, innate talent will not make up for lack of actual work. IF YOU DON’T TURN YOUR WORK IN, YOU SHOULD NOT REMAIN IN THE PROGRAM.
ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS POLICY Attendance is mandatory. An unexcused absence will count as a zero for participation for that day. Participation accounts for 40% of the marking period grades. Three tardies count as an unexcused absence. Performance Requirements Curricular performances are MANDATORY. They constitute a major element of your training in theatre. No amount of in-class technique will make up for the experience of performing in front of an audience or producing a major show. These performance events are graded and failure to participate will be grounds for dismissal from the program.
You will be expected to participate in the following:
Fall Dance Concert Mandatory Rehearsals: December 7th – 9th Mandatory Performance: December 10th and 11th
Student Choreography Show Mandatory Rehearsal 4:00-9:00 Janueary 25-January 28 Mandatory Performance January 29
Spring Dance Concert Mandatory Rehearsals 4:00-9:00 May 9th – May 11th Mandatory Performance: May 12th and 13th
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A student who actively pursues a performance or production career beyond the School of Performing Arts may request a substitute experience with a professional1 performance company. Advance permission of the School of Performing Arts faculty is necessary, as well as the ability of a faculty member to
1 A professional company is defined as a for-profit performance, TV or film company, a union-associated company or film studio, or a college-level educational performance or film. attend or view for evaluation in the case of performance. Additional assignments may be required in order to equal the scale and scope of the curricular in-school experience.
ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS POLICY Prompt arrival at rehearsal and performance call times is expected. Three tardies will result in lowering the grade by one letter (e.g. an A will become a B) for the particular production. When students arrive late, it affects the entire production team and diminishes the student’s own potential for success.
Failure to attend a technical rehearsal, dress rehearsal, or performance will result in an F for the curricular performance project and mandatory dismissal from the show. Students and their families are encouraged to recognize the extreme importance of these dates/times. Professionals will only miss a performance under EXTREME duress and the lengths to which true pros will go to honor their commitment are legendary. Instilling this ethic among the students is of the utmost importance. No student performances are insignificant. They are at the core of our work.
REHEARSAL SCHEDULE PROCEDURES Even though faculty will use class time to rehearse and produce these projects, after-school rehearsals are inevitable and mandatory. Extra-curricular Programs
FIELD TRIPS – CLASS TRIPS The MCVTS School of Performing Arts students have the opportunity to attend professional performances during the school day. Students and their families pay for the tickets.
We invite parents to chaperone these trips. Please, acknowledge your desire to chaperone by marking the “adult count” box and adding the corresponding ticket to the total.
FIELD TRIPS – OPTIONAL TRIPS The MCVTS School of Performing Arts students have the opportunity to attend professional performances in the evening on their own or as part of a larger group. The school provides you with a tentative list of trips with this handbook. Students use their own transportation for after-school trips and are not under the care of the school system. The prices listed below for these tickets are at face value. Usually, we can get a deep discount with group tickets and other promotions. Tickets for optional shows are not due at this time, but you must indicate interest in a show by marking the “student count” box. This allows us to get the best pricing available, which we will then notify to you. For optional shows, we usually also meet a number of college students from other places and many times we gather afterwards to chat about the play. For optional shows, we highly encourage that you accompany your child or that you make sure that other parents are chaperoning the event. NEITHER THE SCHOOL NOR THE TEACHERS ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR STUDENTS ON OPTIONAL TRIPS. The trips are offered as part of a larger theatre community that gets together on a regular basis to see shows. Any show the student attends beyond the required class trips can be used for extra-credit, if the student turns in a written review.
Through the year, other optional trips may appear. We will keep you informed of any opportunities that may arise. We highly encourage parents to accompany their children in these trips. Please, acknowledge your desire to attend the event by marking the “adult count” box.
COMPETITIONS The School of Performing Arts often performs at competitions and festivals such as Middlesex County Teen Arts Festival and the State Teen Arts Festival. Details on this year’s competition schedule will be sent with the students as they become available.
SPECIAL EVENTS Each June, the School of Performing Arts dedicates one night for its annual Graduation Dinner, an end-of-year celebration of the achievements of graduating seniors. Students, parents, and guests come together for a potluck dinner and graduation and awards ceremonies. The School of Performing Arts also takes this opportunity to announce some of the following year’s plans. Students may choose to wear dressy clothes to add to the evening’s festivities. DRESS CODE FOR FIELD TRIPS AND OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS Students should use a “dressy casual” standard. On occasion, we will require a more unified look when school representation is needed. Administrative Procedures
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Students caught or suspected in cheating may be referred to the Principal’s Office for appropriate disciplinary action according to MCVTHS policy.
Whenever a student uses research materials that are either directly quoted or altered in vocabulary only, the student must give credit to the source and/or author of the original idea and information. Copying without due credit is plagiarism, which in addition to being a disciplinary offense, will affect the student’s assignment grade considerably.
Students are specifically warned against the use of web sites that encourage and facilitate plagiarism. Sites that provide materials for students to reproduce and submit as their own work are unacceptable and illegal and will result in a failing assignment grade.
THEFT Illegal possession of another person’s belongings or school property is a serious matter and will be treated as such. Any student who possesses, takes, or conspires to take something that does not belong to them will be subject to suspension, municipal arrest, and prosecution. Students may also be liable for restitution for unreturned or damaged belongings.
Extra lockers are located backstage in the auditorium or in the dance studio. Students may bring their own padlocks to secure personal items. Extra money and valuables (like jewelry and electronics) should never be brought to the auditorium since there have been cases of theft in the past. MCVTHS assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen personal property, although a police report may be filed with the East Brunswick police on duty at MCVTHS.
FOOD POLICIES Consumption of food or beverages in the Auditorium and Dance Studio is strictly prohibited. In all instances, students are expected to clean up after themselves and respect the need for cleanliness in our work areas.
For safety reason, chewing gum is STRICTLY prohibited during practical training exercises in both Theatre and Dance.
06-07 Student Handbook Page 13 For Parents Or Guardians
AUDIENCE ETIQUETTE It is considered unprofessional to appear in the auditorium or lobby in costume or stage make up before, during, or after a performance. In order to honor the professional etiquette, we request that are students do not meet parents before or during performance. All performers will go out to the lobby at performance’s end.
It is inappropriate for the performers’ family and friends to visit the backstage area before the completion of the entire performance. Flowers, cards, or gifts should be given to an usher for delivery before the show, or guests may wait to see performers in the lobby after the show.
The students work diligently and with great pride on their performances. Please do not add stress to our performances by bringing infants and small children. All audience members should be old enough to sit quietly for at least 60 minutes. The School of Performing Arts reserves the right to deny access to performances to any youngsters who cannot guarantee respectful, silent behavior.
The taking of flash photographs and videotaping of most plays during performance is strictly prohibited. Non-copyright performances may be videotaped provided the videographer arrives 45 minutes before the start of the performance to position equipment. The School of Performing Arts makes copies of its archival videos and photographs available.
Eating, drinking, and smoking are prohibited in the auditorium. Refreshments are sold in the lobby before the shows and at intermission.
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES MCVTHS does not formally schedule regular conferences with parents and students to evaluate progress, but a conference may be requested at any time during the school year. Please contact Ms. Cipperly to schedule an appointment.
CONTACT INFORMATION CHANGES The School of Performing Arts should be notified immediately of any change of address, phone number, or parental guardianship. Parents should complete the MCVTHS Emergency Card promptly in September and keep the school nurse up to date with any medical or health concerns.
VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL No visitors are allowed into any classroom or rehearsal without the permission of the Main Office and the School of Performing Arts faculty. Anyone who wishes to bring a prospective student to sample the school must ask advance permission of the classroom teacher as well as the Main Office. A visitor’s pass is required. Visitors will be expected to participate in the day’s classroom activities.
CONTACTING THE SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS To reach a member of the MCVTHS Administrative Staff, call (732) 254–8700.
Ms. Susan Cipperly is the School of Performing Arts’ guidance counselor. Ms. Cipperly is here to facilitate the audition process, the school admission process, academic schedules, career counseling, and any other needs or problems that may arise during the year. She can be contacted at (732) 254–8700, ext. 1817, or by appointment in the Guidance Office, which is adjacent to the Main Office. To reach Ms. Mack, call the Main Office and leave a message, detailing the best time and place to reach you. You may also reach Ms. Mack at any time through e-mail at [email protected]. E-mail is Ms. Mack’s preferred form of communication.
The School of Performing Arts faculty is composed of working professionals in the field. Please, do not request free after hours coaching, audition help or individual classes. Both teachers take on private students for a fee, if you are interested in additional help. SIGNATURE PAGE
The clauses written here have some of the most important elements of the program. To avoid confusion later in the year we are asking that a parent or guardian initial and sign this page and the page be returned to school for a grade.
Curricular performances are MANDATORY they constitute a major element of your training in theatre. No amount of in-class technique will make up for the experience of performing in front of an audience or producing a major ATTENTION!!! show. These performance events are graded and failure to participate will be grounds for dismissal from the Please initial program. ATTENTION!!! One UNEXCUSED absence from a scheduled rehearsal will lower your grade one letter (e.g. from an A to a B). Please initial More than one unexcused absence is grounds for dismissal from the show and will result in an F for the project.
Failure to attend a technical rehearsal, dress rehearsal, or performance will result in an F for the curricular performance project, mandatory dismissal from the show, and a probation status in the program.
Students are expected to maintain a grade of C or better in their theatre program. Students who receive a D in their theatre classes for any given quarter will be put in probation. Students who receive two Ds in consecutive quarters will be asked to leave the program at the end of the quarter. Students who receive an F in any given ATTENTION!!! Please initial quarter will be asked to leave the program at the end of that quarter. I have read this Handbook with my child and I understand the requirements of the Theatre program.
Parents Name:______
Parent’s Signature:______