Agenda Review Session

Meeting: Agenda Review Session Key Roles

Date: August 29, 2002 Leader: K. Dobbs People Facilitator:

Start Time: 5:30 p.m. End Time: 7:00 p.m. Timekeeper: Process Facilitator:

Location: NIAGARA FALLS HIGH Minute Taker: L. Leissle Scribe: Secondary Facilitator: SCHOOL Participants: Board members, Guest Participants: Dr. Frank Calzi Superintendent, Administrative staff Meeting Purpose: Discuss agenda items as Preparation Required: listed

TIME (min.) TOPIC PURPOSE* DISCUSSION DESIRED OUTCOME LEADER 5:30-6:30 (60) Analysis of Board/Superintendent P, F Dr. Frank Calzi Provide analysis of Board and Superintendent Evaluations evaluations 6:30-6:55 (25) Review of Agenda P, F R. Dumas Review Regular Board Meeting Agenda

*P = Presentation PS = Problem Solving D = Decision Making F = Feedback (Information Sharing) (Information Processing) (Information Sharing)