Strategic Diversity Group

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Strategic Diversity Group

Strategic Diversity Group Minutes


Date: 21 June 2016 at 14.00 Chair: Chief Constable David Shaw Minute-taker: Jackie Hartley

Name Capacity

Attendance: Lee Bowers UNISON, Warwickshire Zaid Khan DI, MSN Sharon Cannings DCI, Stop & Search Project Chris Mair Chair, SW IAG Elizabeth Baio Vice Chair, Disability IAG Kal Parkash Strategic Equality & Diversity Advisor Katrina Gilman Equality & Diversity Advisor Paul Dazemoor Vice Chair, SIAG Jatinder Birdi Chair, SIAG Kesh Ladwa Recruitment Manager Debbie Mullis OPCC, Warwickshire Adrian Davis Insp, Special Projects Team, Warks Jo-Ann Golding Equality & Diversity Advisor David Shaw Chief Constable Chris Singer Assistant Chief Constable

Apologies: Penny Curtis HR Officer Clive Griffiths Health & Safety Manager Martin McNevin Ch Supt, Protective Services Lee Davenport Ch Supt, Local Policing Amanda Blakeman Assistant Chief Constable Wayne Parkes Head of ICT Adrian Symonds Equality & Diversity Advisor Michael Piper Disability IAG Gill Christie HR Business Partner Jason Downes DCI, Warwickshire Police Mal Ullah Chair, Alliance BME IAG Simon Payne Police Federation, Warwickshire

Open Session

No. Item

1. Attendance & Apologies

As above.

1 2. Minutes of the last meeting (March 2016)

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.


Action 08 – 220316: Kal Parkash to monitor the numbers of the new tactile warrant cards being issued and provide an update at the next meeting.

Work is ongoing regarding the wording to be used on the warrant cards. A further update will be given at the meeting in September. Action discharged.

Action 09 – 220316: Ch Supt Lee Davenport to provide an update on the pilot regarding the use of drones once this is complete.

An update will be provided once this work is complete. Action discharged.

Action 10 – 220316: CC David Shaw to raise the involvement of IAG members at the time of critical incidents and in pre-planned operations at Chiefs’ Forum.

This has been included in SIOs training and those involved with critical incidents. Members gave an update regarding calls that they had received asking for their assistance. ACC Singer will ensure that CMPG and the Warwickshire unit are aware of the benefits of involving IAG members also. Item discharged.

Action 14 – 210616: ACC Singer to ensure that CMPG and Warwickshire Unit are aware of the benefits of involving IAG members at the time of critical incidents.

Action 15 – 210616: A standing item is added to the Agenda for Strategic Diversity Group – Feedback from IAGs regarding their involvement with critical incidents.

Action 11 – 220316: Ch Supt Lee Davenport to ensure that local policing officers are aware that IAG members are available to assist at times of critical incidents if their input is required.

This will be addressed within the ongoing agenda item. Item discharged

Action 12 – 220316: When available, the Retention Policy to be added as an item to the Agenda for Strategic Diversity Group. (Kal Parkash/Mukesh Ladwa) The draft Retention Policy will be submitted to this meeting for consultation when available. Action to be carried forward to next meeting.

Action 13 – 220316: Limited Duties to be included as an item on the Agenda in 12 months’ time (Kal Parkash). Discharged.

3. Specials Recruitment

Adrian Davis gave a brief overview on the applications and interest received. An update was also given on training and the processes regarding vetting and occupational health and how the recruitment drive is marketed.

2 4. BME 2018 Programme and Recruitment

Kesh Ladwa provided a briefing and gave details of the number of BME applications, succession planning, timeline for the project and marketing strategy.

5. Hate Crime

Kal Parkash gave an update on behalf of Ch Insp Jason Downes. This included an update on workshops that are taking place internally and with community partners, the national hate crime action plan, an initiative being run in Shropshire to involve communities, development of training practises for Command and Control staff and work taking place with IAGs on victim satisfaction.

A discussion took place regarding the publication of outcomes regarding court cases and how positive outcomes might be communicated. It was decided to discuss this at the next meeting when performance data should also be made available.

Action 16 – 210616: Item to be added to the Agenda for the meeting taking place on 20.09.16 – Review Performance Data in relation to Court Cases and Publicising Positive Outcomes. (Zaid Khan, SSI)

6. Stop & Search

DCI Sharon Cannings updated those present.

Work is continuing towards the recommendations made in the HMIC report.

The focus is on training and awareness and guidance to officers. Also looking at community engagement work, particularly around outcomes and being transparent with the public. Members of the public and IAG members have been invited to take part in the ride along scheme. A video blog is also being made about the experience of Chris Mair when he accompanied an officer in Worcester. The external facing website is being progressed and has been revamped and feedback was invited on the stop and search page. This includes details on how to make a complaint following a stop and search.

7. IAG Updates

Updates were received from IAGs.

Discussion took place regarding the difficulties and possible solutions for members attending meetings.

A question was raised as to how to ensure new recruits were briefed about the work of IAGs. Jo-Ann Golding agreed to check with Learning & Development that invites are continuing to be issued to SIAG members to recruitment days taking place in Warwickshire and West Mercia.

The work that is taking place with regard to mental health was mentioned. Supported by MIND, 30 members of staff are training to be counsellors. Katrina Gilmore agreed to speak to T/ Sgt Phillipa Cookson to extend an invitation for her to provide an update at IAG meetings.

Jatinder Birdi mentioned that he was hoping to attend Wellbeing Board. Jackie Hartley to ask Anne Twigg to forward the dates (Note: Jackie has requested this).

3 8. Staff Network Updates

Updates were received from staff networks.

In response to a question as to whether there is an induction pack available when new officers start and how to supply information on the support networks to them, Kal Parkash advised that work was ongoing and the meeting would be updated as appropriate.

9. Office of Police & Crime Commissioner

Debbie Mullis attended the meeting to represent both PCCs and gave an update.

CC David Shaw asked that both PCCs were made aware that IAG colleagues would be very much like to meet with them.

10. Reasonable Adjustment (Disability Working Group)

Kal Parkash gave an update on behalf of Penny Curtis. The new Work Place Adjustments process is due to be to be launched at the end of July. The working group are due to meet again at the beginning of July to review the process prior to consulting with critical friends. There are still a number of individuals waiting on adjustments. These have all been escalated accordingly and an action plan for each has been put in place to track progress. Penny is working with Business Support Managers to ensure they are fully updated to support the work the ICT logistic support roles cover – with the implementation of software. Regular updates are fed through Workforce Management Group and Richard Elkin is fully updated on the progress of cases.

Action 17 - 210616: Jackie Hartley to email Richard Elkin asking that he provide CC Shaw with a list of outstanding adjustments. (Email sent - Action discharged)

11. Transgender Toolkit

Kal Parkash referred to the Transgender Toolkit paper that had been circulated prior to the meeting. Kal will work with IAGs to review the document which is work in progress and will be discussed at the next meeting.

12. Equality & Diversity Advisors Verbal Update

Katrina Gilman and Jo-Ann Golding updated the meeting on their areas of work.

13. AOB

Kal Parkash mentioned that dates for IAG hate crime training will be available soon.

CC Shaw advised that with Nav Malik’s success in gaining an Assistant Chief Constable post with Cambridgeshire Police then there was a need to identify a Chief Officer to lead on delivery board around diversity. Richard Elkin, ACC Chris Singer and ACC Amanda Blakeman have been approached and will confirm who this will be.

As this was CC Shaw’s last meeting before his retirement he thanked everyone for all their help, support and fun whilst he had been Chair.

4 On behalf of the Group, Kal Parkash formally thanked CC Shaw for his commitment and leadership around the diversity agenda.

The next meeting will take place at Hindlip on 20 September 2016 at 10.00.

The meeting ended at 16.10.

No Closed Session Recorded

No items reported.


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