Form/Class Biology Term 1 Living Systems Use This Sheet to Help You Track Your Progress

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Form/Class Biology Term 1 Living Systems Use This Sheet to Help You Track Your Progress


Form/Class e e h s

t n e m s s

Biology Term 1 – Living systems e s

Use this sheet to help you track your progress and reach your target: s A

– Self Peer Teacher 1    m r e

Assessment focus: T


Cells and organisation – Observing, interpreting and recording cell structure using a light microscope. g o l

Learning I can label the main parts of a microscope. o i / B Mastering I can explain the importance of microscopes to the / understanding of cell biology. Expanding I can analyse how advances in microscopes have / allowed scientists to discover more about cells.

Assessment focus: Cells and organisation – The similarities and differences between plant and animal cells. Learning I can state the similarities and differences between / plant and animal cells. Mastering I can apply my knowledge of cell structure to recognise / structures in unfamiliar cells. Expanding I can explain how the structure of specialised cells / relates to their function.

Assessment focus: Cells and organisation – The role of diffusion in the movement of materials in and between cells. Learning I can describe how diffusion moves substances in and / out of cells. Mastering I can explain how temperature affects the rate of / diffusion. Expanding I can use the particle model to explain how different / factors affect the rate of diffusion.

© Smart Learning Ltd 2014 – Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. SMART SCIENCE 1 t e Form/Class e Biology Term 1 h s t n e m s s

e Self Peer Teacher s s    A

Assessment focus: 1 Cells and organisation – The hierarchical organisation of multicellular organisms – from cells to tissues m r

e to organs to systems to organisms. T

y Learning I can identify structures as cells, tissues, organs or g o l / organ systems. o i

B Mastering I can order structures to show how living organisms are / organised. Expanding I can compare unicellular to multicellular organisms / and explain structural adaptations.

Assessment focus: The skeletal and muscular systems – The structure and functions of the human skeleton – to include support, protection and movement. Learning I can state the functions of the skeleton, muscles and / joints. Mastering I can explain how the antagonistic muscles provide / movement for the skeleton. Expanding I can compare the properties of tendons, muscles and / ligaments.

Assessment focus: The skeletal and muscular systems – The interaction between skeleton and muscles; the function of muscles and examples of antagonistic muscles. Learning I can recall that muscles contract to bring about / movement. Mastering I can label a synovial joint and explain the function of / each part. Expanding I can apply the functions of each part of the joint to / explain the causes and treatment of different injuries.

Teacher’s comments:

What I need to do to improve:

2 TEACHER’S HANDBOOK 1 © Smart Learning Ltd 2014 – Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.

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