AFSCME Council 5, Local 34, Hennepin County Social Services and Related Employees s2

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AFSCME Council 5, Local 34, Hennepin County Social Services and Related Employees s2 AFSCME Council 5, Local 34, Hennepin County Social Services and Related Employees

Local 34 Treasurer Election in April – L 34 Banner – 04/2009 Vote by Mail! Issue Contents: Page 2 – Local 34 Officers & Stewards, AFSCME’s Day on the Hill: A Strong Economy for the Common Good, County Budget Sessions in April Page 3 – Highlights from Local 34 GA Meeting in March, Local 34 Election for Treasurer set to begin April 6th, Local 34 The Long Term and the Shortfall Calendar and Contacts April 2009 The finance department has crunched the numbers. Page 4 – County: What the Federal It’s not pretty. Stimulus Impact is for Hennepin County General Assembly Minnesota must erase a $6.4 billion deficit in the next Page 5 – Local 34 Reports from Day on two years. It’s the fourth straight Pawlenty budget in the Hill – Jean Diederich, Jacqueline Wednesday, Coleman, Elena Izaksonas and Brenda which the state has been forced to wipe out of a deficit. April 1, 2009 Louise, Good & Welfare (New Contacts) Federal stimulus money is helping big time, this time. It Page 6 – Status of House/ Senate/ 5:30 pm knocks the projected 2010-2011 deficit down to $4.57 Pawlenty Budget Proposals as of 3/18, Health Services Bldg, billion. But the one-time money does nada for the 2012- Union Pushback on Pawlenty’s Wage Freeze Plan – Should Government Room 110 2013 budget. That deficit balloons back up to $6.5 billion, according to the latest projections. Workers Face a Wage Freeze? Special accommodations will be Page 7 – Health Insurance Update, Thank It’s all evidence that, in the words of finance You Notes from Good & Welfare, Day on made for our physically commissioner Tom Hanson, Minnesota has “a long-term the Hill Report – Kela Williams challenged members. Please call structural deficit” that requires a long-term solution. Page 8 - Know Your Rights! – Review you 596-1003 or 348-0266 if Weingarten Right to Union Representation arrangements need to be made. What ‘Raising Revenue Fairly’ Means and Learn about the Garrity Warning; Joe Biden on Support for EFCA, How to Talk to Right now, the typical AFSCME member (like the typical Your Legislator Minnesota resident) earns $38,000 a year. Page 9 - All About Hilda – Hilda Solis, the We pay 12.6 percent of our income in state and local new Secretary of Labor, Legal News: Ysura taxes. The wealthiest Minnesotans, however, pay a much Case Goes Against Labor, How to Fight tinier share -- only 9.3 percent. Unlawful Terminations During Organizing Campaigns (Anyone Seen our Missing Making taxes fairer is part of solving the state’s Dental Hygienists?) May 2009 structural budget problems. If the richest Minnesotans – Page 10 – Hennepin County News about General Assembly those making a quarter-million dollars a year or more – Directors and Managers and Unpaid paid the same share that Minnesotans pay overall (11.7 Leave, How Technology is Used to Keep an Wednesday, percent), the state would raise $1 billion. Eye on Us, Vicki Moore’s Column – View May 6, 2009 If the Legislature closed corporate tax loopholes, and if from the Cheap Seats the governor quit trying to cut corporate taxes, the state Page 11 – Wes Volkenant’s Column, Workplace Bullying (HSB L15)* could raise $482 million more. Add it up: That’s nearly Note Room Change for May Page 12 – President Diederich’s Column, one-third of the projected deficit. American Labor Studies Center Local 34 Banner April 2009 -1- Local 34 Officers & Diane Fossen 543-2506, NorthPoint Dental Shawnice Reid 543-2699, NorthPoint Medical Stewards 3/1/09 Edgar Kusleika 348-3633, Msgs, Home Monitring President: James Stevenson 596-9220, STS Jean Diederich 348-0266 Jim– Edin 763-221-4443, STS 880 Phillip Gray 348-5771, Juvenile Justice Ctr Vice Presidents: Terry Grace 348-7308, Juvenile Justice Ctr Vicki Moore 348-Aboubker Ouassaddine 543-0373, Family Justice Ctr 5939 – 140 Bob Velez 543-0323, Family Justice Ctr Wesley Volkenant 348-Susan Frame 348-0293, Govt Center A15 Brian Arneson 348-7641, Govt Center A16 9592 – 630 Maureen Glover 348-4492, Govt Center A16 Chief Stewards: Carolyn Johnson 348-8586, Govt Center A16 Cliff Robinson 348-7542 Monica– Jochmans 348-4192, HSB 5 961 Penny Wile 348-7133, HSB 9 Cathy Cowden 543-0301 Lynn– Garrick 651-769-2305, MHP Telecommuter L890 Kristine Heckler 763-536-3912, Crystal Drop-in Ctr. Recording Secretary: Elena Izaksonas 521-3056, 4th Precinct Station Rita Salone 596-Pamela Shones 763-413-3113, 1800 Chicago 1003 – L890 Dennis Moore 879-3560, 1800 Chicago Treasurer: Jeff Meyer 348-5880, 1800 Chicago Patrick Regan 348-8760Martha – Dille 596-0622, Cty Home School L890 Trustees Membership Secretary: Jim Evans, Audie Lussier, Osman Aweis Katie Farber 543-0306 – Delta Dental Trustee L890 Monica Jochmans Sergeant-At-Arms: AFSCME’s 2009 Day on the Hill was a rousing success, as the following article Chalmers Davis 521-3056 – from the Council 5 web page attests…. N704 Note: Submissions for the May 2009 newsletter should be sent to the Editor by Monday, April 20. Submissions for the June Members-At-Large: 2009 newsletterA Strong will beEconomy due by May for 18. the Common Good Andrea Lazo-Rice 348- Submitted by AFSCME Council 5 on March 12, 2009 2249 – 959 Ibrahim Adam 348-2313 – AFSCME’s Day on the Hill rally was the 961 largest event to rock the Capitol rotunda this Angel Alexander 596- session. At least 1,100 members met with their legislators March 11 to help shape the 1863 – 630 state budget. With loud voices and strength Betty Pharr 348- in numbers, no one could ignore our 8263 – 630 message: Raise revenue fairly to save our Jacquelin Poole 348-4246 – jobs and the vital services that Minnesota 961 AFSCME Local 34 members, needs. Alex O. Gordon 348-6910 – Kassim & Lazo-Rice rock the 961 Capitol Our priorities to create a strong economy for Stewards: the common good: Zachary Rice 348-2274, Century Plaza 1  Sustain funding for quality education, transportation, health and human Ester Killion 596-7858, Century Plaza 1 services. Mara Hill 596-0947, Century Plaza  Restore aid to local governments to stabilize property taxes. 2  Raise revenue fairly, including fair taxes on persons earning more than Miguel Salazar 596-7465, Century Plaza $250,000. 2  Protect and create good jobs to jumpstart the Nancy Scarlotta 348-9452, Century Plaza economy. 2  Stop privatization that threatens the quality of Fatuma Kassim 596-8457, Century Plaza public services. 2 Halima Said 596-7465,  Move toward affordable health care for all Century Plaza 2 Minnesotans. Kela Williams 596-0954, Century Plaza 2 Flanked by his union brothers and sisters, Nickson Nyankabaria marched Jamoda Williams 596-8948, Century Plaza fearlessly to Gov. Pawlenty’s office with posters proclaiming “Our work 4 matters to Minnesotans.” A full day of training prepared members to lobby effectively and promote the public services they provide. Local 34 Banner April 2009 -2- To Contact the Newsletter Editor: Daryl Arola convinced several legislators, Call or e-mail— including Rep. Jeanne Poppe, to remove Wesley Volkenant - 612-348-9592 themselves from a bill to privatize fish hatcheries and tree nurseries. For Distribution concerns, contact: Rhonda Griffin at 612-543-0353

'Beyond Treading Water: Ideas Internet Web Site Developer: for Moving Forward' Session, John Herzog – 952-492-5233 April 13 at Government Center The county budget and tough decisions ahead are difficult to manage. At times UPCOMING LOCAL 34 like this, we need to draw on all MEETING SCHEDULE available resources, think creatively and share ideas. In "Beyond TreadingApril Water: Ideas for Moving Forward," employeesst General Assembly - HSB 110 share ways of coping at home and work,th identify resources and consider new15 E-Board - HSB 917 options. Attend a session on either April April 2009 May th S M T W T F S General Assembly - HSB L15 th 1 2 3 4 20 E-Board - HSB 917 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121314 15 16 17 18 May 2009 192021 22 23 24 25 S M T W T F S 262728 29 30 1 2 1 from 1 - 2 p.m. at the Hennepin 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 County Library - Central, Room S-275, 10111213141516 April 13 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. at the 17181920212223 Government Center, Employee 24252627282930 Development Classroom. 31 Register online at the HC Learning Center. The sessions are facilitated by Upcoming AFSCME Training The Sand Creek Group, Hennepin's Basic Steward Training Employee Assistance Program provider. April 21-22 – Council 5 Office For more information contact Financial Responsibility Training HealthWorks (Location: Government April 1 – Council 5 Office Center—A 120, SW Street Level, 300 S. 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55487 Telephone: 612-348-4628.) Who We Are http://hcnet/PA/PARepository.nsf/23232f781fbAFSCME’s 1.6 million members provide the vital services that make 6a016862569c300558949/5bb565f6aa8af730America happen. With members in hundreds of different occupations — 86257575004d1500?OpenDocument# from nurses to corrections officers, child care providers to sanitation %27Beyond%20Treading%20Water%3A%20Ideasworkers — AFSCME is the voice of the dedicated workers who take care of %20for America, and is a leading advocate for all working families. Council 5 Business Highlights from the March General Assembly—March 4, 2009 Representative: Officers attending were: Jean Diederich, Wes Volkenant, Ibrahim Adam, Chalmers Davis, Patrick Matt Nelson 651-287-0578 Regan, Rita Salone, Vicki Moore, Jacquelin Poole, Angel Alexander, Katie Farber, Alex Gordon, e-mail Matt at: Andrea Lazo-Rice and Cliff Robinson Excused Absences: Betty Pharr and Cathy Cowden [email protected] * Due to an inadvertent error, the Other News: officer nominations were closed at □ John Thorson of Council 5 spoke to the Council 5 Contact Information: the GA meeting without including the Local. For Day on the Hill, the two 300 Hardman Avenue South, nomination of Osman Aweis to AFSCME messages would be: we need to South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075- oppose Patrick Regan for Treasurer. put revenue on the table and cuts are 2469 The Local will be conducting an unsustainable! Governor Pawlenty does election by mail in April to determine not manage this State well – 6 of his 7 (651) 450-4990 Fax: (651) 450- years have found us in fiscal crisis. This 1908 which gentleman will be our year, the State faces a 13% hole. The Treasurer for 2009-2010. Governor has proposed corporate tax Officer Nominations : Local 34 Banner April 2009 -3- President: Job Title ______Jean Diederich Vice President (2): Work Location ______Vicki Moore, Wes Volkenant Mail Code ______Recording Secretary: Phone ______Rita Salone Treasurer: Patrick Regan * See Above I’m especially interested: Chief Steward (2): I want to sign up as a member Cliff Robinson, Cathy Cowden I want to sign up for Delta Dental Sergeant-at-Arms: Chalmers Davis To receive Delta Dental Insurance information: contact Cindy Pince at Membership Secretary: Council 5– 651-287-0564 Kela Williams Members-at-Large (6): Are you interested in setting the Local 34 website as your Microsoft Explorer home page? If so, go to the website address listed on the front page. Click on Jacqueline Coleman, Angel Alexander,ools” in the menu bar at the top of your page. Select “Internet Options.” Ibrahim Adam, Andrea Lazo-Rice,Under the “General” tab, find the option for Home Page, and copy the Local 34 Jacquelin Poole (1 Vacant position)address there. The next time you bring up your Internet connection, the website Trustee: (Position is vacant) will be your new Home Page. Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation Delegates: Patrick ReganDo You Have Friends Who Would Like to Receive Our (several delegate positions are vacant) Newsletter? St. Paul Regional Labor There is now a quick and simple way for you to become informed on a wide Federation Delegates: variety of issues concerning AFSCME Local 34. Just sign yourself up for our free Lindsay Schwab on-line newsletter! Please follow the directions below… (several delegate positions are vacant)Send an e-mail to the following address: [email protected] Changes: Betty Pharr withdrew hern the Subject Line or Text, state “Subscribe to 34 Newsletter”, identify who you are, and send it off. nomination as Member-at-Large;You will receive a confirmation e-mail within a week; you should have the latest Katie Farber withdrew her issue attached, so you can determine if you will be able to receive – and read – the nomination as Trustee; Alex Gordone-mail newsletter attachments. withdrew his nomination for Sergeant-at-Arms. Kela WilliamsNote: if at any time you want to stop receiving these updates, all you have to do is send an e-mail to the address listed above, state “Unsubscribe” in the Subject Line was nominated for Membershipor Text, and your name will be removed from our list. For Netscape users, you may Secretary and Lindsay Schwab wasneed to press “Reload” to get the most version. You can also access us from nominated as delegate to the St.our Local 34 Website at: From HCNet: Paul Regional Labor Federation. At the close of nominations, there were What will the Federal Stimulus Mean for Hennepin? no contested races. By motion, these You’d have to have been out of the country – or maybe off the planet – not to know about the individuals were elected to serve Local recently enacted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a.k.a. the federal 34 for 2009-2010 by unanimous ballot. stimulus package. But what does it mean for Hennepin County? Phil Eckhert, Housing, (see above for a subsequent change in plans..) Community Works and Transit, is heading the county’s Stimulus Coordinating Team – Thank you to Nominations Chair LaQuita organizing our bids for those funds and what we want to do with them. Working with him are Williams for handling this job this year! Yvonne Forsythe, Kaye Lockrem, Chuck Ballentine and DeVonna Pittman.

While most everyone has heard of the stimulus bill, many are unclear on some of its New to the County? concepts. Some facts: Just transferred into Local 34? The “stimulus package” isn’t a single pot of money to be doled out. It’s actually coming from over a hundred different funding streams. A small amount is coming as direct allocations: To sign up as a union member or Hennepin can expect to receive about $6 to $7 million for such things as homelessness to get answers to questions prevention, justice assistance funding and community development block grants without about AFSCME and membership having to compete for it. For most of the rest, funds will be awarded on a competitive basis and decisions are yet to be made. "It’s like two ends of a snake," explains Eckhert. "We know benefits, please complete this what’s in the federal act that’s been signed into law. And at the other end, on the local level form and send it to: we are generating a lot of ideas to use the funds. But in the middle, the details are just Katie Farber, Membership Secretary starting to emerge on how the money will be distributed and what the criteria are for FJC – mail code L890 – 612-543- choosing projects." 0306 Another common misconception is that all the money is coming immediately for projects Name that are fully prepared and just waiting for funds to implement. "Since the beginning of the ______year there’s been a lot of public discussion about 'shovel ready' projects and a 90-day start time," says Eckhert. The bill does have a strong emphasis on public works projects that can begin -- thus creating jobs -- quickly. However, stimulus funds will be available for many other Local 34 Banner April 2009 -4- things that have longer timelines. Eckhertincludes believes marriages, the birth or adoption of a child, prolonged that much of the money will be availableillness to the or hospitalization, or the death of a member, immediate end of 2011. family member or significant other – as defined in the Contract. Employees have asked whether stimulusIn the money case of surgery or prolonged illness, or for the birth or will save or create jobs for the countyadoption during of a child, flowers or plants can be sent to a member. Hennepin’s current era of tight budgets and loss of state funds. Probably not, says CountyIn situations involving the death of a member or a death in the Administrator Richard Johnson: "I wouldfamily say we of a member, memorials can be sent. (“Family” is defined should not expect any money out of thatthe stimulus same as in Article 16 – Funeral Leave – in our contract; it bill that’s going to be a short-term solution for Hennepin County." Eckhert notes, "It’sincludes: an irony that this federal money is available to createspouse, jobs at the same time Hennepin County's statechild, revenues are being significantly diminishedsignificant and other, we're developing financial strategies to reduceaunt/uncle, our cost structure, including positions.” He dividesfather/mother, the kinds of jobs that are likely to be createdsister/brother, by stimulus money into three categories:grandparent/grandparent-in-law, grandchildren, niece/nephew, or Primary -- jobs within the Hennepin Countya person regarded as a member of the member’s immediate organization. “There may be some county jobsfamily). that result from this. For instance, if we get funding to expand the Family Medical Center [HennepinIn the event of members getting married, retiring, gaining U.S. County Medical Center's overcrowded Lakecitizenship, Street or for a death in the family of a member or in clinic], there probably will be more staffthe than case they of the death of a member, a card can be sent to the currently have,” Eckhert says. However,family. primary jobs probably will be the smallest area of job growth. “There is a strong interest in creatingPlease send all requests for remembrances to the co-Chairs for the private jobs as opposed to governmentGood jobs. Theand Welfare Committee - Lisa Durkot (MC 965) or Merry County Board recognizes the infusion ofBrigham stimulus (MC L890). The referrals must include the name of the funds is one-time and relatively short term.member While and the reason for your request. If the request is for a being attentive to the goal of job creation,plant the or flowers, you will also need to include the person’s home board must also focus on the long-termphone funding number for delivery purposes. implications for the county."

Secondary – jobs created when outside businesses Sign Up for the PEOPLE Fund make hires in order to fulfill their contracts with The AFSCME People Fund is AFSCME’s political action fund, and is the county, such as construction work. “When the used to support our endorsed candidates. If many members dust settles, I expect to see a modest number of voluntarily pledge as little as $2.00 a payroll period, our ability to new county jobs, but most of the job growth will be in this or the tertiary level,” says Eckhert. get our endorsed candidates elected will be greatly enhanced. At $4.00 per pay period, a contributor receives an AFSCME green Tertiary – jobs that are a step further from jacket.the Please contact Betty Pharr at 348-8263 to sign up now! source of the funding, such as manufacturing jobs. For instance, if the county received funds for projects involving new technology, infrastructure2009 or Day on the Hill equipment, new manufacturing jobs could beComments from President Diederich: AFSCME Council 5's Day on the Hill, March 10- 11, created to supply the materials, equipment and2009 was a huge success. We had over 1100 AFSCME members from around the state attend technologies necessary for project completion.the The event - more than we had anticipated. The first day was geared towards workshops and effect of the stimulus money on these kinds theof second day towards legislative lobbying. The rally at the Capitol on Day Two was jobs is difficult to gauge, but county staff areespecially impressive with a wall of green on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of the rotunda. We working to make estimates as they apply forreally rocked the building with our chant of "Who are we? AFSCME!" The speeches by funding. members in the trenched were very moving. Robin Madsen from the St Paul library spoke of how delivery of services has been reduced due to the lack of local government aid. Carmen http://hcnet/PA/PARepository.nsf/ba3fb769620e78d7862569Brown from HCMC spoke to the cuts in medical services that have happened due to the lack d0006ef017/491e731d5a5b41aa8625756f0079ef9f?of funding and the impact those cuts have had on staff and patients. Carroll "Bird" Partridge OpenDocument from MnSCU talked about the effects of the shortfalls in education funding have had on their ability to maintain services in the school system. Renae McArthur from the Courts shared her Good and Welfare story of what happened when the Courts had to close the offices one afternoon a week because of having too much work and not enough people to do it. All of their comments The Good and Welfare highlighted the fact that the work that we do is for the common good of the residents of Committee was established to Minnesota. send remembrances to dues Local 34 had a good showing with close to 40 of our members attending one or both days of paying members at times of this event. Join me in thanking Ibrahim Adam, Angel Alexander, Gary Armstead, happiness or sorrow. This Jacqueline Coleman, Rhonda Conley-Shirley, Andre Davis, Chalmers Davis, Kathleen Farber, Diane Fossen, Maureen Glover, Alexander Gordon, Karen Gray, Local 34 Banner April 2009 -5- Phillip Gray, Rhonda Griffin, John Herzog,Elena Izaksonas Mara Hill, Elena Izaksonas, Fatuma Kassim, "March 11, 2009 marked the first Day on the Hill that I've attended. I received a Ester Killion, Lisa Kuebelbeck, Ed Kusleika, call from one of my co-workers inviting me to attend, but I declined as I am Andrea Lazo-Rice, Sheila Lipsco, Brenda forever short of vacation leave. However, Jean gave me a call and let me know Louise, Alice McGuiggan, Jeffrey Meyer, Vicki about the Union would be able to reimburse me for lost time should I take the day Moore, Betty Pharr, Patrick Regan, Shawnice off from work without pay. This enabled me to take advantage of the opportunity Reid, Clifford Robinson, Lindsay Schwab, to show my support for the Union, and to inform lawmakers about our important Laurie Simon, Bob Velez, Vern Wagner, and work for Hennepin County on behalf of the community. Kela Williams (I apologize if I’ve overlooked anyone's name) for representing you in St.I wasPaul. surprised by how well organized the DOTH was; very comforting since I had They served as your Local 34 representativesnever participated before. Despite the large number of AFSCME members from all lobbying for all of us at the Capitol, and overdid so the state, the event appeared to run smoothly, and I was always clear on well. They voiced their concerns about the needwhere to I was to be, at what time. It was interesting to see AFSCME members from raise the public's awareness of the work thatall overwe in attendance; this really reinforced for me the sense that, as a union do and how cuts in the services we providemember, will I am part of something larger. The presentations and planning time that impact the communities in which we live.were They part of the day allowed me to think about what exactly I would say when I shouted their support for the speakers at themet rally my legislators. I think my favorite part of the day was when union members and for adequate funding to protect the peopledivided we up by our home districts, and met with the legislators representing our serve. They spoke plainly with their senatorsneighborhoods and regarding union concerns. This helped me better understand the representatives about the need to raise revenueissues with which our representatives are currently struggling. I hope that the and to restore local government aid. It waslegislators plain similarly gained some insights from us as to what public employees from the looks on their faces that our membersand the communities we serve are now facing. These meetings certainly also were enthused about the work they did thatreinforced day. my sense of how approachable our government here is MN really is; Following are impressions from three ofwhen our I again met the State Representative whom I visited on DOTH a few days members who were first time attendees.later, on primary day, he remembered me and, I assume, the message that we page 7 for a Day on the Hill report fromdelivered Kela to him that day.Economic The day finished Woes up & with State a nice Budget buffet andChallenges a time to Williams. socialize." Brenda R. Louise "It was a pleasure to have accompanied Local 34 to the Day on the Hill.Budget I really Proposals – as of 3/18/09 learned a great deal about LocalGovernor's 34 and Budget: Governor Pawlenty released AFSCME as a whole. I also learnedhis modifications a great to his original budget that he deal about the upcoming state budgetproposed and on 1/9/2009. Since the January how all the funds are brokenbudget, down. the The forecast has increased our deficit to break-out sessions were also$6.4 verybillion; however the federal stimulus educational. I will use the skillsmakes I learned up almost the entire amount. The significant cuts in MA are during the break off sessions in future endeavors, for example whendelayed negotiating until 2011. The Governor has proposed new cuts to GAMC that with administration staff on mywill job total and $172 million. The Governor continues to depend on two public figures in my voting district.significant As a budgeting tricks. He is still proposing the use/loan of $1 matter of fact I was actuallybillion inspired from to future tobacco money and $1.3 billion in a school aid shift. eventually presume a publicThe office most (e.g., challenging proposal for health and human services is his plan school board, city council women,is to etc.) freeze and spending in this budget area for the next four years. While of course to get more active in LocalPawlenty 34. I still insists he won't approve a tax increase to solve the plan to start the process as I take officestate's as $4.6a billion deficit, the budget forecast assumes that local Member-at-Large on the Executive Boardgovernments will raise property taxes significantly. and help the stewards at NorthPoint. Hat's Off to AFSCME Local 34!" -House Jacqueline Budget: The rumors at the Capitol indicate that the House DFL Coleman Caucus is likely to establish budget targets for each division by the end of this week. Our voices must be heard in the coming days, as Health "When I signed up for “Day on theand Hill,” Human I Service dollars are poised to take on disproportionate was not sure what to expect.cuts. I was We believe the Senate's approach to solving the budget is unprepared for the planful, well thought out events of day two. Just like atbalanced. a regular Revenues must be part of the solution to the state's budget convention, I received my name tagdilemma. and Protect Health and Human Services from bearing a materials which were clearly laiddisproportionate out and share of the cuts. To meet the challenge of our had an easy to follow agenda designedweakening to economy and the state's budget deficit, every one of us is encourage my participation. going I had to some have to give something. But no one should be asked to give up apprehension about being there by myself everything. and instead was greeted warmlySenate by Budget my : Democrats in the Minnesota Senate proposed deep cuts union brothers and sisters atin Local education 34. It funding to help balance the state's budget. The plan would was also wonderful meeting new members cut spending by 7 percent across all budget areas. The largest programs of my union family who are also my neighbors as we shared ahit feeling are schools, of health and human services and aid to local government. camaraderie when we wentIn to total, see the our plan cuts $2.4 billion in spending. The plan also relies on $2 elected officials. The whole experience was billion in unspecified new revenue. empowering and gave me a feelingWhat's of the Ahead: The Legislature has established a very challenging strength that is possible whenschedule we stick to try to get the budget passed and to the Governor. All major together." policy bills have to be out of their first committee by March 27 and out Local 34 Banner April 2009 -6- of the other chamber’s committee by is in, will not protect personnel," Jim Monroe, who heads one of the several unions in April 7. They have scheduled an Minnesota state government said. "Those savings will then be diverted to another area of Easter recess from April 8 to April 14. the budget to plug that hole in the dike." According to a recent report in unemployment, Shortly after they return, and by April government work was a comparatively safe place to be during this period of massive job 22, both chambers are expected to losses. But in January, the unemployment rate among people associated with state government dropped 2.1%. But the government "industry" is projected to lose only .6% of adopt their budgets. With the its jobs in the state (2,642 jobs) in 2009. Governor’s continued opposition to any increase in revenue, the But, unlike private industry, the CEOs of state government are proposing a wage freeze that could extend for years. A bill at the Capitol would prohibit and wage increases for any assumption is the budget bills are government workers until the middle of 2011. If this all sounds familiar, Gov. Pawlenty likely to be vetoed. We could be proposed the same wage freeze during the last budget 'crisis' in 2003. looking at another shutdown of state government and several special MPR Poll: Yes – 22% (85 votes); No – 74% (289 votes); I Don’t Know – 4% (14 votes) sessions lasting into the summer and possibly the fall. Comments from MPR Readers: "Many state workers have already been laid off or had their hours cut. The question is whether they should ALSO be forced to take a 2-year+ pay freeze. I think that would be fine if every Unions Push Back on Pawlenty'sworker in the state, both private and public, was forced to take a pay freeze until July 1 of 2011. Call for Pay Freeze Oh, wait ... that's right ... this would only apply to public employees." ~ Lee by Tim Pugmire, Minnesota Public Radio, March"Compare 11, the average MN public employee wage increase over the last 6 years: 0%, 0%, 2%, 2009 2%, 3.25%, 3.25% =1.7% (avg.) to the COLA 1.4%, 2.1%, 2.7%, 4.1%, 3.3%, 2.3% =2.65% (avg.) Social Security" ~ David 03/10/payfreeze/ "Since I’ve been a state employee I have been forced to go on strike, go through a lay-off and go Negotiators for the state and public employeethrough a state govt. shut down. Now we are threatened with more layoffs. Don't tell me about unions get together next week to begin a jobnew security. It doesn't exist." ~ Cheryl round of contract talks. Similar talks are "Anyalso comparison between public employees and private sector employees is ludicrous. The pay getting started in Minnesota cities, countiesscale and is totally different especially when the economy is thriving. Public employees don't see school districts. With the state facing abonuses big or material pay hikes when the economy is good. Why should public employees accept budget deficit, Gov. Tim Pawlenty a haswage freeze when times are bad and accept minimum raises when times are good?" ~ Joe repeatedly urged public employees at all levels"I’ve been a state employee since 1979. I’ve been in my present position since 1983. I take of government to accept a salary freeze aspride a in my work and care a lot about the service I provide. Since 1983, I’ve earned from way to avoid layoffs. But union leaders say that's$10,000-$15,000 less per year than my private sector counterparts. Since 1983, that means I an unrealistic promise. have given up from $260,000-$390,000 in wages. That's a significant amount of money. Should "We're hopeful, in fact we expect, that cities,I invite a wage freeze for two years on top of this? You decide." ~ Bob counties, school districts across theGood state, & theWelfare : Thank You Notes state government, will do all thatThis they message can to is from Nicolleta Ferrario, negotiate a wage freeze for government employees across Minnesota," PawlentyShe would said. "If like to thank you for the beautiful flowers she received we can do that, that won't eliminate,after but her it will heart surgery. She hopes to be back to work soon. minimize government employee layoffs." Union leaders say they understand the state'sMichele financial L. Henry problems, but they say Pawlenty doesn't have the authority to dictate what shouldAFSCME be decided Local 34, at the bargaining table. OfficialsThank with you the for renewing your membership with your recent gift of $55 to the statewide teachers union haveSouthern a similar Poverty Law Center. Sadly, Obama’s election has aroused fierce disagreement with the governor. Tom Dooher, president of Education Minnesota, passionssaid he's toldamong white supremacists. We’re seeing an increase in hate group local negotiators to ask for proof ifactivity their school and threats of violence. And the suffering economy is helping these board counterparts claim a pay freezegroups will stokesave anger against minorities and recent immigrants. jobs. "We're not going to come out and say people should take a freeze. That Yourdoesn't response make during this historic, yet difficult, time means you will help allow sense." our team of legal experts, investigators, and educators to continue the crucial mission of fighting for justice and teaching lessons of tolerance and MPR: Should Governmentacceptance. Workers Accept a Wage Freeze? POSTED MARCH 11, 2009 BY BOB COLLINSLocal 34, together we will stand up against those who choose hate and HTTP://MINNESOTA.PUBLICRADIO.ORG/COLLECTIONS/SPECIviolence over accord and acceptance. I appreciate your commitment to AL/COLUMNS/NEWS_CUT/ARCHIVE/2009/03/SHOULD_GOV ERNMENT_WORKERS_ACCE.SHTMLjustice, and I know those we help will appreciate it even more. Has your salary been frozen? MPR's Tim Pugmire story above discusses unionSincerely, reaction to Gov. Tim Pawlenty's call for a wageMorris and benefit Dees, Southern Poverty Law Center freeze on state workers and teachers. "What's crazy about that kind of AFSCMEa statement, Local 34 any compensation savings whenAttn: we're Jean in as Diederich: much financial trouble as the state of Minnesota Local 34 Banner April 2009 -7- On behalf of the Nellie Stone Johnson Steering Committee and the six scholarship recipients, I would like to A First-Timer Reports on Her Day on the Hill thank you for your payment to the Nellie Experience Stone Johnson Scholarship Dinner. "This was my first DOTH (Day on the Hill) experience. I Please consider this letter your receipt didn't know what to expect. I thought that we'd be just for: sitting there listening to our Senator or Representative One Table of Eight speak on the current issues without much interaction with us common folk. Well, let's just say I was wrong. I know when our union members Check #322701- $490.00 come to anything, you know we bring it! The training sessions were very helpful. Because of generous supporters like you, I took a class on "Building the contract campaign in the worksite one member at a the Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship has time." The guest speakers were from Local #3142. I picked this workshop because I been able to offer financial support to have had experience with being our Membership Secretary and conducting a New minority students who have a union Employee Orientation. It really does take time to help non-members (fees-payers), and some members to fully understand the importance of being an AFSCME union connection. The program has provided member. At times we all want instant gratification. The real satisfaction of being a well over $150,000 in scholarships to union member is the strength (number of members=strength for negotiating more than 100 state universities, for our contracts) we have going into negotiations every 2 years. I wanted to find a way community and technical college inside to innovatively speak to potential members about joining the union. Even though students. their local was small and spread out, each officer committed themselves to keeping their members informed at each and every worksite. Thank you for contributing to the Nellie I had a great time and learned a lot of information about Senator Patricia Torres-Ray. Stone Johnson Scholarship! Our group formulated questions and concerns that we have in our community. Senator Sincerely, Torres-Ray was very welcoming. One of the main concerns was the Minnesota deficit The Nellie Stone Johnson Steering fiasco and how she plans to help resolve it. She gave us information that she thought Committee Health Carewas & useful Health to incorporate Insurance into the Issues reduction of the deficit in different possible formats. After our brief discussion, we gave her the "common-good card" that talks about Fair Comments from President Diederich: Taxes and how we could raise $1 billion to save our vital services that Minnesota wants Labor/Management Health Care Committeeand needs during these times of crisis. Senator Torres-Ray was very interested in we are having presentations from severalaccepting the card. groups of public entities regarding movingLastly, the highlight was marching to the office to Gov. Pawlenty's office with plenty of from a fully insured health insurance plansignatures to a that represented the union members and locals in attendance for DOTH. We self-insured health insurance plan. began to walk to Pawlenty's office shouting "WHO ARE WE? AFSCME!" When security Here are two terms we will keep in mind duringguard spotted us marching to the Governor's office, he said "Hey!, only the people the discussions over the course of the holdingyear: the sign will go in". So me, I put my thumb and my index finger around the Fully insured - a health coverage agreementposter and marched right on in. It was a very good and educational experience and under which an HMO, insurance companycan't or wait until nextLabor time to Unions, attend." Labor News & Legal Information non-profit health services corporation assumesKela Williams the risk of paying the covered person's health claims; Self insured - a funding arrangement Want to Have an Impact on Your Legislator? under which an employer agrees to useTake its aown digital photo of yourself standing outside of your home. Send the assets to pay the health claims of its photo to your State Representative, or State Senator, via e-mail, with a brief employees. Ultimate financial and legal responsibility for providing the healthnote benefit stating is you are a public employee, what you do (not just your job title-- assumed by the employer. but put it in generic terms they can understand) and say: "Is this the next home that will be foreclosed on in your district?" Hearing from the different groups on why they chose to become self-insured This will is bea powerful visual statement, and lets elected officials know that educational. The biggest hurdle thatpublic I will needemployees live (and pay taxes) in their districts. If you don’t have a to overcome is the fear of the unknowndigital as camera, it is or cell phone camera—mail a paper photo through U.S. mail, daunting to think about the enormity of the saying the same thing. risk we (the County) would take with self insurance. I suspect this fear is one I share with many of you. Perhaps this soon-to-be- educated scaredy cat is going toFriends be the best in the Right Places – 2009 Version person to represent you at the meetings as, if I can learn and come to terms with the Biden on EFCA concepts, anyone can. Feel free to contact us - By Matthew Cooper - March 5, 2009 Vicki Moore, Wes Volkenant, Doyle Juenke, Matt Nelson and me - with your Joequestions. Biden addressed We the AFL's Executive Committee in Miami and had these will do our best to get the answerscomments for you. on the Employee Free Choice Act. It doesn’t sound like any backing down:

Local 34 Banner April 2009 -8- So, folks, that's why there's no one inform the employee of his/her Weingarten rights; it is the employee’s responsibility to know thing we have to do. This is all going and request. to be difficult, and one of the most When the employee makes the request for a union representative to be present, difficult things will be to reinstitute management has three options: that basic bargain. And I think the (1) it can stop questioning until the representative arrives. way to do that is the Employee Free (2) it can call off the interview or, Choice Act. (Applause.) (3) it can tell the employee that it will call off the interview unless the employee voluntarily gives up his/her rights to a union representative (an option the employee should always Folks, let's get it straight -- we're not refuse.) asking -- we're not asking for Employers will often assert that the only role of a union representative in an investigatory anything we don't deserve. And we're interview is to observe the discussion. The Supreme Court, however, clearly acknowledges a not asking for anything that wasn't representative's right to assist and counsel workers during the interview. The Supreme Court intended when the NLRB said we has also ruled that during an investigatory interview management must inform the union should be encouraging -- encouraging representative of the subject of the interrogation. The representative must also be allowed to -- unions. We just want to level this speak privately with the employee before the interview. During the questioning, the playing field again. representative can interrupt to clarify a question or to object to confusing or intimidating Ladies and gentlemen, I think tactics. President Obama said it best when he While the interview is in progress the representative can not tell the employee what to say said -- I'm quoting -- "I don't buy the but he may advise them on how to answer a question. At the end of the interview the union argument that providing workers with representative can add information to support the employee's case. collective bargaining rights somehow weakens the economy or worsens the Garrity Warning: business environment." If you've got Garrity Warning Public Employees Only: A warning given to an employee by an employer during an employment investigation that requires the employee to either provide information workers who have a decent pay and or be discharged for refusing to provide information. If such a warning is given, the employee benefits, they also are customers for may object to the use of such information in a subsequent criminal proceeding on the basis your business. (Applause.) that a self-incriminating statement was made under duress. So let me add to that and say that I Garrity Warning: The Garrity case involved police officers who were being investigated for have a simple, basic belief, one that alleged fixing of traffic tickets. During the investigation the officers were told that anything we're going to work hard to put into they said might be used against them in any state criminal proceeding, and they had the action: If a union is what you want, a privilege to refuse to answer if the disclosure would tend to incriminate them, but if they union you're entitled to have. refused to answer they would be subject to removal from office. In summary, the court held (Applause.) that a later prosecution cannot constitutionally use statements coerced from the employee by a threat of removal from office if he/she fails to answer the question. A Garrity warning waives the government’s right to discipline an employee for remaining Interesting Article: “Your Medical silent, but preserves its right to use any statement the employee voluntarily makes against Records are Leaving Town, and Some him/her in a subsequent criminal prosecution. Notably absent is information about an Privacy and Health Advocates Aren’t employee’s Weingarten Rights. Despite all the warnings and legal language, employees still Happy About It” MinnPost, Marissa have a right to union representation. Employees need to remember that despite assurances Helms, March 10, 2009 that any information will not be used against them in a criminal proceeding; there are no assurances that the information will not be used against them in administrative or edical_records_are_leaving_town_and_some_privacy_and_h disciplinary proceedings. ealth_advocates_arent_happy_about_it Hennepin County is now using a document termed a “Reverse Garrity.” It’s used to conduct Know Your Rights! an administrative investigation of an employee involved in an incident with another employee. It requires the employee to sign that their interview is being conducted under Weingarten Rights: EMPLOYEE'Sthree conditions: 1) You do not have to participate in this interview; 2) Your refusal to answer RIGHT TO UNION REPRESENTATION any questions will not be grounds for discipline; 3) If you do not participate in this interview, The right of employees to have we union will base any disciplinary decision on other information we have available. representation at investigatory interviewsThis was is a “Reverse Garrity” because if the employee is facing criminal charges, the County can announced by the U.S. Supreme Court in arelease 1975 those answers to the police authorities. However, there’s no discipline if it’s refused. case ( NLRB vs. Weingarten, Inc. 420 U.S. 251, 88 LRRM 2689). These rights have becomeWikiNews: known as Hilda Solis Begins New Job as US Secretary of the Weingarten rights. Labor Employees have Weingarten rightsThursday, only February during 26, 2009 investigatory interviews. An investigatory interview occurs when a supervisor questionsOn anWednesday, employee February 25, Hilda Solis made her entrance as the new United States to obtain information which couldSecretary be used ofas Labor a saying she was "fired up and ready to go." Solis reported for basis for discipline or asks an employeeher first to defendday as the new Secretary after having been confirmed by the Senate by a his or her conduct. If an employeevote of 80–17. has a reasonable belief that discipline orAfter other being adverse confirmed, she resigned from her position as a Representative for consequences may result from whatCalifornia he or and she was sworn into her new position that same evening. She then joined says, the employee has the right tothe request cabinet union at President Obama's speech to Joint session of Congress which took representation. Management is notplace required on February to 24.

Local 34 Banner April 2009 -9- Solis' arrival was announced to all As noted at left, upon taking office as the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis announced to a Department of Labor employees who were crowd of her agency’s employees, “It’s time to put labor back in the Department of Labor.” In invited to attend an informal gathering to many quarters, Solis’s confirmation was met with derision. Comments like, “Go end to secret greet her on her first day. More than 1,000 ballot elections’” or “Great, just at a time we need to start cutting back unions, we get a union employees greeted Solis as she walked into stooge in place,” were prevalent, even in the ’mainstream media’ reader opinion sections. the Department of Labor's Frances Perkins Building. Solis stopped to shake hands and But, I like this commentary from a reader in Arizona, which reminds me why we fought so accept the congratulations of her new staff. hard for unions in Minnesota, and why we’re fighting to keep what we’ve won…. “Arizona is a right to work state - has been since its creation. We have more trouble down Solis briefly spoke to the assembly and then here in ‘pattern of behaviors’ in the workplace than anywhere else in the country. You do NOT set about to start her day. She addressed the want to work in a state that has the ‘pattern of behavior’ of a right to work state, like Arizona. crowd, assembled both inside and outside the In the America I live in, you go to your Wal-Mart manager, ask for a secret ballot, and you’ll building, by saying "We need to revitalize find yourself on the unemployment line fighting against a bad firing for benefits. You have no this agency." She also told the crowd, "It's one to go to for help on unfair practices, and no avenue to take when you are treated unfairly time to put labor back in the (sexual, everyday rudeness, blatant screaming at you). The way they treat us down here in Department of Labor." this right to work state – I wouldn’t wish it on my dog. There are no grievance procedures in The department has an annual budget of Arizona. There is no help for the common man. And the ones in power make darn sure you approximately $53 billion and nearly 17,000 know it. Don’t brush off those unions so fast. employees. Solis received a warm welcome from her new staff. Supreme Court Decides Ysura Case: Idaho’s Ban on Dues Checkoffs for Political Spending AFL-CIO Blog: Labor Department Employees Welcome Hilda Solis In Ysura v. Pocatello Education Association, the Court held 6-3 that a state law Posted By Tula Connell On February 26, 2009 prohibiting payroll deductions for political purposes does not violate the First Amendment. The case was brought by a group of state employee unions who wished solis/print/ to challenge Idaho's Voluntary Contributions Act (VCA), which provides in part that "deductions for political activities . . . shall not be deducted from the wages, earnings We’ve heard tell that after eight years of the or compensation of an employee", on the grounds that it was an unconstitutional Bush administration, employees in more than restriction on the employee's free speech. Before accepting Idaho's argument that the one federal governmental department have prohibition was intended to avoid the appearance of political favoritism, the Court welcomed the new Obama team members as held that while publicly administered payroll deductions for political purposes can though they were a enhance the unions’ exercise of First Amendment rights, Idaho is under no obligation liberating force. The to aid the unions in their political activities. And the State’s decision not to do so is not welcome was an abridgment of the unions’ speech; they are free to engage in such speech as they especially see fit. They simply are barred from enlisting the State in support of that endeavor. heartwarming when The Court reversed a decision by the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which employees greeted had found that Idaho was interfering with the functions of local governments and that Labor Department the statute was unconstitutional as a result. Secretary Hilda Solis. Also: As the Metropolitan Washington (D.C.) Council reports, sustained applause and Unlawful Terminations During Union Campaigns enthusiastic cheers erupted when Solis The EFCA spill-over effect has begun . . . . Two pieces are out trying to arrived and workers crowded around as she quantify how often employees are unlawfully terminated during a union worked her way toward the Labor organizing campaign, which is tied to pro-EFCA arguments that the current Department entrance, shaking hands and NLRA election process is broken. One study, by John Schmitt and Ben embracing employees as they greeted her Zipperer (Center for Economic and Policy Research), is entitled " Dropping the Ax: Illegal under a big banner proclaiming “Welcome to Firings During Union Election Campaigns, 1951-2007". Their conclusion: the Department of Labor.” By 2007, pro-union workers involved in union election campaigns faced about a 1.8 percent AFGE Local 12 President Alex Bastani puts it chance of being illegally fired during the course of the campaign. If we assume that this way, “We’ve waited eight years and employers target union organizers and activists, and that union organizers and activists one month for this. You’re a sight for make up about 10 percent of pro-union workers, our estimates suggest that almost one-in- sore eyes.” There’s a lot of damage to undo five union organizers or activists can expect to be fired as a result of their activities in a union after eight years in which the Bush election campaign. Since 2000, illegal firings have marred over one-in-four NLRB-sponsored administration refused to enforce or enact union elections, reaching 30 percent of elections in 2007. key health and safety standards, attacked In response, Justin Wilson (Center for Union Facts) claims that this figure is overstated workers’ overtime pay and otherwise because of faulty assumptions and inadequate data. In "An Analysis of Current NLRB Data supported Big Business over the interests of on Unlawful Terminations During Union Organization Campaigns, 2007 to 2008," Wilson America’s workers. And as Bastani continued, concludes that "a maximum of 3.75 percent of union organization campaigns included an unlawful “It’s like one of our managers said: Now termination." we can get to the work.” Commentary - Why America’s WorkingWho’s ClassWatching the Watchers: Emerging Technology in Needs a Hilda Solis at Labor the Workplace Comments by William Herbert, Deputy Chair, NY PERB Local 34 Banner April 2009 -10- Top Hennepin County Execs to Take Unpaid Leave: watching-t.html on-the.html Hennepin Directors Take Three Days Unpaid Leave to Help County: Managers The use of new communicationAsked to Take Unpaid Leave As Well technologies in the performance of work continues to grow at an exponential pace, resulting in the creation of massive amounts of workplace electronic data. According to the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, in October 2003, 55.5 percent of all employees in the United States usedvgnextoid=dcaff97a4edcf110VgnVCM2000000a124689RCRD a computer at work. Over three quartersHennepin County May Scale Back Plans, Focus on Essentials of those employees utilized workplace computers to access the internet and to VIEW FROM THE CHEAP SEATS send and receive emails. American employees spend approximately one  Vicki Moore, Local 34 Vice President quarter of their workday writing and I’ve enjoyed getting your calls and emails this month and meeting for lunch and Happy Hour. reading email. A Canadian study found It is helpful for me to know what you are thinking and experiencing as we get Downsized and that 60 percent of all employees engage in Redesigned. I am hearing that many people do not feel as if there are any clear criteria personal web surfing while at work. regarding the ‘who’ of reassignments and many remain in the dark as to where they will end Employer concerns regarding employee up. Some workers seem to be saying that not only is there no criteria but the information productivity, along with fears associated changes from week-to-week with little to no explanation or warning. Local 34 is raising the with potential litigation and regulatory reassignment and redesign issues at our Meet and Confer. We do not have Contract requirements such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Language in these areas. Nonetheless, we will continue to bring your concerns to the Act of 2002, have led the vast majority of attention of Management. I had hoped to have more information for this column; however, employers to issue computer use policies the newsletter deadline is before Meet and Confer this month. Meet me for lunch and/or and utilize various means to monitor Happy Hour for an update on this issue. Calls and emails are also welcome. I just like to see employee email, instant messaging, and people in real time occasionally. internet surfing. Many employers have This month I’m not going to be available for lunch on Friday. I am voluntarily changing my also installed filters to restrict employee Friday lunch break due to Coverage at the Front Door. In April, I will have lunch at HSB on access to particular websites. In one Wednesday, 04/15 from 11:30 – 12:15 and Happy Hour at The Little Wagon on Friday, May study, more than 25 percent of the 1 starting shortly after 5:00 p.m. The Little Wagon has a Trivia Contest. We need people so employers surveyed had terminated that Team Green can win. employees for misusing either email or the internet . . Here are some of the concerns we will be talking about at this month’s Meet and Confer: 1) The ramifications of the budget shortfall. What are the alternatives? Can community Despite employee perceptions to the contracts be cancelled to provide work for Hennepin County’s workforce some of whom did contrary, interpretations of constitutional, that work before accepting employment with Hennepin County? What about other contracted common law, and statutory provisions services? 2) Overage and Vacancy Adjustments and Layoff Planning & Notices; 3) What is establish only minimal employee rights an Integrated Client Service Delivery Model and how does it fit with plans for Regionalization? relating to email and internet use in the As you can see and know from showing up for work each day, revenue continues to be an workplace. In light of this gap between issue. I could tell you just how angry I am or how tired I am of paying for the wealthy. I could perception and legal reality, “it is time the tell you that it irritates me that auto workers had to re-negotiate their contract so that their American people had an open and honest auto company employers could be eligible for public money but bonuses in the financial debate on the relative importance of sector are untouchable because they are part of a contract. I am not buying the idea that privacy and security.” Without a reasoned there are different rules for different people and the productivity of some workers is greater and nuanced debate and discussion in that that of others, hence the different standards. I don’t generally watch Larry King or Judge legislatures, in the public square, and in Judy but did catch a snippet last night. Even Judge Judy thinks that what is happening does the office, employee workplace computer not pass the smell test. Okay, enough blah, blah from me. use will continue to live outside the scope of legal protections. AFSCME Council Five has crunched some numbers for us. Minnesota is getting federal stimulus money. It will help in the short-term but without new revenue, not in the long-term. Working Partnerships – Can The typical Minnesota resident and AFSCME member earns $38,000 per year and pays 12.6 percent of that income in state and local taxes. The wealthiest Minnesotans only pay 9.3 You Help? person of their income in state and local taxes. If the typical Minnesotan and those who The Local has approved a donation make $250,000 and up paid 11.7 percent of their income, the state would raise $1 billion. to Working Partnerships – affiliated If the Legislature closed corporate tax loopholes (and I think they may be trying), and if with the Minneapolis Regional Labor Governor Tim would stop trying to cut corporate taxes, the state would raise $882 million Federation – an affiliate of the AFL- more. These two steps would cut about one-third of the projected deficit. CIO. This agency gives $25 Cub Foods discount cards to union Here are some numbers to consider: brothers and sisters in need. 222,189 Unemployed Minnesota workers as of January partners/union.cfm 70,000 Additional job losses that state economist Tom Stinson projects through the end of 2010 Hennepin County News: 3,400 Public-sector job losses projected through the end of 2010 Local 34 Banner April 2009 -11- 10 that a workplace bullying law would impose a “civility code” on employees and Number of unemployed workers forwould each vacant allow people to recover damages for every little unpleasant exchange at full-time job in Minnesota work. But this is much more than a legal argument. 50 Recommended Book: The Bully at Work by Gary & Ruth Namie, 2003 (an Percent of vacant jobs in Minnesota that pay less than $11 an hour updated version is due for release in June, 2009).

Thank you AFSCME Council Five Don’t for your Cheat clear Yourself at Tax Time head and hard facts. I hope that eachWorking of you parents will may qualify for thousands of dollars in federal and state tax credits use this information when talking tocreated your friends, especially for them. But it’s not automatic: You’ve got to fill out extra families and the people who said thatpaperwork wanted if to you want extra money in your pocket. be leaders. Write those letters and dial those For workers with children, here’s the potential payoff: phones. You are as productive as anyone earning • The federal Earned Income Credit, worth up to $2,917 more than $250,000 per year. Your tax rate should for one child and $4,824 for two or more children. be comparable and what you have to say is just as • The federal Child Tax Credit, worth as much as $1,000 important. This is not the time to be shy, polite and Quote:indirect Be Yourself – Speak Up! – Who’sAnd that’s Better themore view forfrom the each child. Qualified?cheap seats for this month. • The Minnesota Working Family Credit, worth as much as an additional $729 for one child and $1,206 for two or Workplace Bullying as more children. Psychological Torture Working parents who earn as much as $41,646 a year may be eligible. For a more detailed look at how the credits work, visit Minding the Workplace, David Yamada - Wes Volkenant psychologicaltorture/ We must remember that severe On either side of this page, you’ve received an officer’s report on the state of our Local. President Diederich has informed you of our upcoming election for Local 34 Treasurer in April, she’s workplace bullying is a form of reported back on AFSCME’s hugely successful Day on the Hill, she’s given you a very personal psychological torture. This is borne out expression of the importance of the Employee Free Choice Act, and elsewhere in this issue, has by the findings contained in an talked about coming changes in the County’s health insurance structure. My new Vice important 2006 article published in the Presidential partner, Vicki Moore, writes of the many worried members of our Local as Social Management Communication Quarterly. Services ramps up its reassignments and gears itself for the looming lay-offs ahead. Vicki also Communications professors Sarah Tracy, takes you deep into the matter of state funding, the importance of properly utilizing the federal Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik, and Jess Alberts stimulus funds for its intended purpose of statewide recovery, and how crucial the need is for revenue to meet the budget needs in Minnesota. What can I add? examined how bullying targets perceived their experiences and found that targets’ First, I need to remind you that working for Hennepin County always means dealing with narratives “were saturated with change – at least it has in my nearly 19 years on this payroll. And so, it should come as no metaphors of beating, physical abuse, surprise that in 2009 we must again face that change is coming from the federal Obama and death.” Administration down through the state’s Pawlenty Administration to Hennepin County – to the way we do business, how we do business, and what business we do in HSPHD, Community Corrections, the Library, and elsewhere. One target reported feeling “maimed” and Many of our Social Workers and related Social Service job classifications have dealt with, or “character assassinated,” while others are looking at reassignments, new worksites, and greatly altered expectations as a result of used terms such as “‘beaten,’ ‘abused,’ the Children’s and Adults Redesigns. Programs dealing with truancy and adolescent parents ‘ripped,’ ‘broken,’ ‘scarred,’ and have gone away. The State is looking at taking on the Short Term Offender program, which ‘eviscerated’.” The bullying process was could save the County millions. At the County Home School, two Psychiatric Social Workers described alternatively as a “game or and a Senior Clinical Psychologist face eliminated positions, as that institution redesigns its battle,” a “nightmare,” “water torture,” services, eliminating the Beta program and reducing its cottages from seven to five. Our and a “noxious substance.” In describing valiant Electronic Home Monitoring crew, who have been out on the streets tracking wayward themselves, targets used terms such as juveniles, will be moved out to the Workhouse, merged with Adult monitoring services, and “slave or animal,” “prisoner,” child with might no longer go out into the community, as a result of Corrections’ redesigns. “an abusive father,” and “heartbroken Every agency we work for faces a grim budget outlook – first to resolve the 2009 budget by lover.” the end of June, then to deal with an equally frightful 2010 budget by year’s end. You’ve Workplace bullying, as many have come to seen or heard the worst-case scenario – re-doing the 2009 budget with 10% cuts. That define it, is targeted and often amounts to $24 million in HSPHD. Without expected federal stimulus funds to offset this malicious. In fact, the Healthy Workplace deficit, HSPHD could face about 160 lay-offs by the end of the second quarter. A more likely Bill (which is serving as the basis of most of possibility still suggests half that number – about 80 persons – and doesn’t take into account any potential lay-offs for the 2010 budget at year’s end. Lay-offs are coming to the workplace bullying legislation filed in many of our classifications – and change – in the programs we can provide, in the way we the U.S.) requires plaintiffs to prove malice, provide our services, in movement of staff through resulting reassignment, will follow. a very high standard under the law. Out of our March E-Board meeting, I’m pleased to report that Chief Steward Cliff Robinson Opponents of workplace bullying laws successfully persuaded us to support efforts to work with County Board members on bringing argue against opposing extended legal back all our DD and Waivered cases, assigning them to social workers, and providing work protections for those who have been and revenue that will help stem the number of social service lay-offs. The E-Board has also severely mistreated at work. Not all of approved a donation to Board Chair Mike Opat’s upcoming fundraiser – we want to work with these arguments are without merit, but and communicate with all of the County Board members in these times. Katie Farber – who one of the most misguided claims is plans to continue to wage her campaign to organize our fee-payers, even as she exits as our Local 34 Banner April 2009 -12- Membershipabout the rich contributions workers and their Secretary at theunions end of April have made to our nation’s economic, social, - introduced us cultural and political life. to “AFSCME Bucks” – part of the “Common Good Campaign” AFSCME is waging. Bring these oversized greenbacks to the local businesses you frequent, and remind them We Need Your Help – and It’s Easy! that as their customer, you’ll be impacted, as will they, by lay-offs or wage freezes resultingWe from live thein a very mobile society. In the past two to three years, current budget woes in Minnesota. many of you have moved, perhaps gotten married, or maybe Meet & Confers: At NorthPoint, wherechanged we’re in theyour home/personal e-mail address. Now, with a Local 34 process of adding Dental Hygienists to the Localelection by mail this month, we need to reach you! 34 ranks (and coincidentally, NorthPoint laid-off two of the eight as I write this!),Will you Medical please take a few minutes of your time, and give our staff Assistants are pleased that their Supervisor is be taking responsibility to find coverageat AFSCME when the Council 5 a call, so your records can be updated if you Assistants request time-off, not the Assistants have made changes the past few years? themselves. For the Dental Assistants, we finally got a resolution of the Saturday “on-call”While status, e-mail addresses remain optional, having accurate phone and learned they won’t be required tonumbers, be on-call addresses and e-mail addresses will help during our when designated as Saturday’s “back-up.”contract Nice campaigns and for other organizing. Please call Mary they can finally have a life on Saturdays they’re not scheduled to work! And from HSPHD, I’dHamilton like at Council 5 at 651-287-0562. Thank you! to thank steward Carolyn Johnson for her service on the Regionalization workgroup that developed the Integrated Client Service Delivery Model. Developed as a model for the Hub sites that will open in ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2010,

American Labor Studies this planLocal will 34 Officer Elections - as you may have already noted this elsewhere in the newsletter, impact everyonewe will have an election for one contested race, that of Treasurer. Ballots will be mailed to Center in HSPHD,you from at your home mailing address by April 6, 2009. If you have moved anytime in the past 518) 436-8516 Social Workersyear and are not sure if we have your current address, please contact me immediately with Paul F. Cole, Executive to HSRsthat information to so that you can get your ballot delivered to the correct address. Two positions were not filled during nominations - we had two positions without a person www.labor- nominated during the nominations process this year. One is for a one-year term as Member- internal supports, and yes, even Child Supportat -Large on the Executive Board and the other is a three year term as a Trustee. The studies.orgOfficers. Get to know it’s horizontal impactExecutive on Board has the responsibility to fill those positions by an election held at one of the how we’ll change our methods – look for andExecutive read Board meetings. That election will be held at the May 20, 2009 Executive Board Shaping HSPHD, dated March 2009. You’llmeeting see a held at 5:30 PM in HSB 917, 525 Portland Ave, Minneapolis MN. There is one 3-level model of service, from Initial Contactrequirement to for the positions - you must be a dues paying member of Local 34 for 12 Eligibility Determination and In-Depth Assessmentmonths prior to May 1, 2009. The duties of the Member-at-Large are to attend the General to Case Management and On-Going ServiceAssembly and and Executive Board meetings each month, represent the membership at Support. Wes appropriate Meet & Confer meetings with the Employer, serve as a Chair on one of the Standing Committees of the local, help with the monthly newsletter distribution and any Where a Click of the other duties as assigned by the President. The duties of the Trustee are to work on the annual audit of the Local's financial records. You work with two other Trustees and the Mouse Locates Quality Treasurer to review those records in accordance with the financial codes of AFSCME and prepare and present a report of the audit to the membership. Please contact me if you think Materials about Labor you might be interested in one of the positions so that I might answer any questions you History & might have. Day on the Hill - we had a record turnout for this event - over 1100 members attended in Labor Studies spite of the weather conditions. Since I served on the Council 5 Day on the Hill Committee, it was very gratifying to see so many of our AFSCME sisters and brothers from across the state enthused about the workshops and lobbying actions. All of our jobs are directly impacted by The non-profit American the lack of federal and state funding. We have already seen coworkers - friends - family - neighbors lose their jobs due to the budget cuts and know we will see more jobs lost before Labor Studies Center is this crisis is resolved. See page 5 for more of my comments on Day on the Hill – and my dedicated to providing a thank you to our @40 attendees, and for reports from three of our first time attendees. Then read Kela Williams’ report on Page 7. I encourage you to read what they had to say. It is clear wide variety of excellent that the impact from the event will carry over to their work lives. curriculum materials to K- Employee Free Choice Act - For information on this bill, visit the following web site: 12 teachers nationwide There is much misinformation out there sponsored by big businesses who feel that having a unionized work force will cost them Local 34 Banner April 2009 -13- too much money. After reading articles put out by the unions and by business groups, it is clear to me that the workers should have the right to decide to organize without fear of retribution from the employer. I grew up in a small town where unions were not welcome. There were several attempts to organize the factory where my dad worked. Each time, the employer would hold meetings that the workers had to attend. The employer would raise wages and benefits a little but - just enough to make most of those who voted to vote against the union. As employers go, dad was lucky enough to work for a relatively decent one but we would have done so much better if he had been making union wages. I can remember wishing that he and mom did not always have to worry about making his paycheck stretch so far. Life would have been a lot easier for them. When I came to Hennepin County and found that I got to be in a union, I signed that dues authorization card as fast as I could. My hope is that every worker in this country will one day have the chance to at least have the opportunity to sign a card expressing their desire to join a union - or to not sign a card - but to do so without worrying about repercussions from the "The Boss". I will ask John Herzog to post a sample letter that you can use to write to your federal senator or representative asking that they support the EFCA bills before them. I strongly encourage all of you to write those letters. If we have more people in unions, we will increase the power for all workers to get better working conditions, better health benefits, better pay. As Paul Wellstone said, "We all do better when we all do better." Local 34 celebrates our 59th birthday in April. Let's wish ourselves a very happy birthday! Jean

Have you read or commented at County Administrator Johnson’s Discussion Page – or attended one of his Brown Bag Lunches, yet? Your Executive Board encourages you to share your ideas – but remember, we also want to protect the integrity of our contract, too.

Local 34 Banner April 2009 -14-

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