M.Sc. (Hons.) Microbial & Food Technology

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M.Sc. (Hons.) Microbial & Food Technology

Syllabus M.Sc. (Hons.) Microbial & Food Technology Sessions 2016-17 and 2017-2018

The course will consist of four semesters, two in each year. In each of the semesters I, II and III, there would be four theory papers and two practical papers. In semester IV, there would be two theory papers and one practical paper. In addition to this, students would undertake research as project work on problems relevant to Biotechnology in semester IV. As the project work is time bound and to be completed with in the stipulated period of IVth semester, a maximum of three students can work under the supervision of a teacher. Only those faculty members fulfilling the qualifications as per UGC guidelines can supervise the project work. The students will undertake in-plant training of 4- 6 weeks at various industries/institutions/R & D centers at the end of semester II, which would be evaluated in semester III and IV. During the M.Sc. course, the students would visit at least two industries/R & D centers to become familiar with the industrial operations and sophisticated scientific equipments, etc. Hands-on training to the students on sophisticated equipments like CHN analyzer, biochemical analyzer, HPLC, HP-TLC, GC, AAS, fluorescence microscope, phase contrast microscope, inverted microscope, electron microscope, electrochemical analyzer, electrochemical work station, fiber optic spectrofluorimeter, RT-PCR, gel documentation system, ELISA reader, ultracentrifuge, CO 2 incubator, ultrasonicator, fermenter (10 L capacity), protein purification system (AKTAPRIME+), boiler, etc. during the practical classes is mandatory. Each theory paper shall have 4 hours teaching and 3 practical hours per week. Each theory paper shall be of 100 marks of which 75 marks shall be allocated to theory paper set by external examiner and 25 marks to the internal assessment. The internal assessment would comprise of one assignment of 5 marks, one seminar of 5 marks and test of 10 marks (average of the two tests shall be considered), and attendance of 5 marks. The awards of internal assessment shall be dispatched by the Head of the department before the commencement of semester examinations. The seminars would be allotted to all the students from the respective syllabi of theory papers in such a way that each student would be assessed by the teacher of the subject. The subjects and distribution of marks shall be as under: Semester-I Theory Papers Paper I: Macromolecular Biochemistry & Metabolomics 100 Marks Paper II: Advanced Microbial Genetics & Genetic Engineering 100 Marks Paper III: General Microbiology 100 Marks Paper IV: Advanced Food Processing & Preservation 100 Marks

1 Practical Papers Practical Paper I: Pertaining to theory paper I and II 100 Marks Practical Paper II: Pertaining to theory paper III and IV 100 Marks ______Total 600 Marks ______Semester-II Theory Papers Paper V: Modern Food Microbiology 100 Marks Paper VI: Advanced Food Chemistry 100 Marks Paper VII: Principles of Fermentation Technology 100 Marks Paper VIII: Advanced Microbial Technology 100 Marks Practical Papers Practical Paper III: Pertaining to theory paper V and VI 100 Marks Practical Paper IV: Pertaining to theory paper VII and VIII 100 Marks ______Total 600 Marks ______Semester-III Theory Papers Paper IX: Advances in Dairy & Meat Technology 100 Marks Paper X: Advances in Fruit, Vegetable & Cereal Processing 100 Marks Paper XI: Advances in Environmental Technology 100 Marks Paper XII: Entrepreneurship and Legal Food Technology 100 Marks Practical Papers Practical Paper V: Pertaining to theory paper IX and X 100 Marks Practical Paper VI: Pertaining to theory paper XI and XII 100 Marks ______Total 600 Marks ______Semester-IV Theory Papers Paper XIII: Computational Biology & Applied Bioinformatics 100 Marks Paper XIV: Food Engineering 100 Marks

2 Practical Paper Practical Paper VII: Pertaining to theory paper XIII and XIV 100 Marks In-Plant Training* Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Project Work** Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory ______Total 300 Marks ______

*In-plant training seminars shall be evaluated by a board of three teachers and the result would be communicated by Head of the Department before commencement of semester IV examinations. *Project work would be evaluated by one examiner and the result would be communicated by Head of the Department after the evaluation of project work by the examiner.

3 M.Sc. (Hons.) Microbial & Food Technology Part I Semester I


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Introduction to macromolecules: Macromolecules and their monomeric subunits, fitness of the aqueous environment for living organisms, ionization of water, water as a reactant, pH, Handerson-Hasselbalch equation, biological buffers, amino acid titration curves, four levels of architecture of proteins, interactions stabilizing 3D structure of proteins, purification and protein functions, peptide synthesis by automated solid phase. 2. Structure, functions and properties of carbohydrates and nucleic acids: Nomenclature and classification of carbohydrates, polysaccharides (cellulose, chitin, hyaluronic acid), glycoconjugates (proteoglycans, glycoproteins and glycolipids), nature of glycosidic bond, properties of monosaccharides, analysis of carbohydrates, purine, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides, structure of DNA and RNA, internucleotide bonding, properties of DNA, nucleoproteins and viruses, solid phase synthesis of DNA. 3. Structure, function and properties of lipids: Fatty acids (saturated, unsaturated and essential), neutral lipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, and isoprenoids, eicosanoids and phosphatidyl inositol as intracellular messanger, separation and analysis of lipids. 4 4. Enzymes: Classification, nomenclature and properties of enzymes, enzyme kinetics, Michaelis- Menten equation, turn over number, enzyme catalysis with two substrates (ternary complex or ping-pong mechanism), enzyme inhibition, isozymes, catalytic antibodies, purification. 5. Biological membranes, bacterial cell wall, membrane channel and pumps: Micelles, liposomes, properties of biological membranes, fluid mosaic model, membrane mediated transport, Donnan effect, sodium-potassium pump, calcium pump, calcium-sodium exchanger, symporters and antiporters, physical and chemical composition of bacterial cell wall and biosynthesis. 6. Biosignalling: Molecular mechanism of signal transduction (specificity, amplification, desensitization/adaption, and integration), Molecular circuits (receptors, enzymes, channels and regulatory proteins). SECTION-B 7. Metabolomics & protein metabolism: Metabolic flux analysis; Metabolic control analysis; Redirecting metabolic flow. 8. Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycolysis, TCA cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, ED-pathway, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and glycogen storage and diseases, uronic acid pathway, regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation. 9. Lipid metabolism: Oxidation of fatty acids, synthesis of fatty acids including essential fatty acids, biosynthesis of neutral lipids, phospholipids and cholesterol, regulation of fatty acid metabolism. Nucleic acid metabolism: Biosynthesis and degradation of purines and pyrimidines, nucleotides and their regulation, disorders of nucleic acid metabolism. 10. Biosynthesis of essential amino acids, regulation of amino acid biosynthesis, metabolic breakdown of amino acids leading to Krebs cycle intermediates, urea cycle, disorders of phenylalanine breakdown (PKU) and inherited defects of urea cycle. 11. Calcium, phosphorous, vitamins and hormone metabolism: Structure and functions of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins, hormones, biological functions of calcium (Structure, function, signaling function and enzymatic functions) and phosphorous, disorders of calcium-insulin-vitamin D, phosphorous, parathyroid hormones and calcitonin. 12. Plant metabolism: Photosynthetic pigments, cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow, C-3 cycle and C-4 cycles, CAM, glyoxylate pathway, calvin cycle, nitrogen fixation and role of nitrogenase complex. Recommended Readings: 1. Biochemistry by L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York (2002). 2. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry by R.K. Murray, D.A. Bender, K.M. Botham, P.J. Kennelly, V.W. Rodwell and P.A. Weil, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., India (2012). 3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by D.L. Nelson and M.M. Cox, Macmillan worth Publisher, New York, USA (2012). 5 4. Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols by W. Weckwerth, Humana Press, USA (2006). 5. Metabolomics: The Frontier of Systems Biology by M. Tomita and T. Nishioka, Springer Verlag, Japan (2005). 6. The Handbook of Metabonomics and Metabolomics by J. Lindon, Jeremy Nicholson and Elaine Holmes, Elsevier, UK (2006).


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Microbial genomes: Structure and types of genetic material; Complexity and organization of genomes, overlapping genes, plasmids, repetitive DNA and movable genes in bacteria and yeast; Mechanisms of transposition. 2. Replication and genetic recombination: Microbial replication processes; Rolling circle and theta replication; Mechanism of recombination in bacteria-homologous and site-specific, Holliday model, role of recABCD; Yeast mating type switch. 3. Mutability and repair of DNA: Mutagenic agents, molecular basis of spontaneous and induced mutations, replication errors; Site-directed mutagenesis; Applications of mutant organisms in food industry; DNA repair mechanisms-excision repair, N-glycosylase excision repair, photo reactivation; SOS repair, recombination repair. 4. Microbial gene expression: Characteristics of genetic code and genetic code database; Initiation, elongation and termination of transcription and translation in microbes; Post-transcriptional modifications-capping, polyadenylation, intron splicing, tRNA processing, rRNA processing, RNA export, RNA editing; Post-translational modifications-proteolytic cleavage, covalent modifications, glycosylation; Protein splicing-inteins/exteins; protein maturation-folding, 6 protein targeting, protein degradation-lysosomes, ubiquitin and proteasome; Transcription and translation inhibitors. 5. Regulation of gene expression in bacteria and yeast: Operon models, induction and repression in Lac, Ara, and Trp operons; Stringent response, quorum sensing, signal transduction; Advantages of E. coli expression system; Yeast as E. coli of eukaryotes. 6. Techniques of genetic engineering: Polymerase chain reaction-variants and applications, reverse transcription, in situ hybridization; Blotting techniques-southern, northern, western, dot, south- western and north-western blotting; Agarose gel electrophoresis; DNA sequencing-Maxam- Gilbert and Sanger’s techniques, pyrosequencing, whole genome sequencing and assembly, new generation sequencing; Chromosome walking, chromosome jumping, chemical gene synthesis. SECTION-B 7. DNA replicating and modifying enzymes: Thermostable DNA polymerases, reverse transcriptase, class I, IIS, IIB, IIG, III and IV restriction enzymes and Rebase database, exo-nucleases, terminal transferase, RNases, S1 nuclease, polynucleotide kinase, DNA ligases. 8. Tools of genetic engineering: Vectors from plasmids, phages and viruses-phagemids, cosmids (Biology, derivation strategies and applications), host ranges, in vitro packaging. 9. Construction of recombinant DNA: Cloning strategies, preparation, properties and applications of genomic and cDNA libraries; Transformation techniques for E. coli and yeast-chemical, physical and biological strategies. 10. Recombinant selection and identification: Direct and indirect methods; Reporter genes, immunological methods, blotting techniques, south-western screening, north-western screening, maxi and mini cells, nucleic acid hybridization-colony and plaque hybridization, in vitro translation systems. 11. Recombinant protein expression, purification and applications: Expression enhancement strategies for bacteria and yeast; Protein engineering-directed evolution and gene shuffling; Tools and utility of recombinant gene designing, fusion tagging and cleavage strategies, downstream processing strategies; Industrial applications of genetic engineering. 12. Metabolomics and metabolic engineering: Metabolomics; Central metabolism of E. coli, strategies to increase metabolic flow; Overproduction of tryptophan and lysine in C. glutamicum; Metabolic engineering for creating novel products: indigo, melanin and polyhydroxyalkanoates in E. coli, carotenoids biosynthesis in Erwinia herbicola; Metabolic engineering for novel substrate utilization-S. cerevisiae for utilization of lignocellulosics (Cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin and xylose).

7 Recommended Readings: 1. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Volume 73 (Metabolic Engineering) by J. Nielsen, Springer Verlag, USA (2001). 2. From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology by J.W. Dale, M. von Schantz and N. Plant, John-Wiley & Sons Ltd., USA (2012). 3. Genomes 3 by T.A. Brown, Garland Science, New York (2006). 4. Lewin’s Genes X by J.E. Krebs, E.S. Goldstein and S.T. Kilpatrick, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC Sudbury, USA (2011). 5. Metabolic Engineering by S.Y. Lee and E.P. Popoutsakis, Marcel Dekker, Taylor & Francis Group, USA (1999). 6. Molecular Biology of Gene by J.D. Watson, T.A. Baker, S.P. Bell, A. Gann, M. Levine and R. Losick, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., USA (2008). 7. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA by B.R. Glick and J.J. Pasternak, ASM Press, USA (2010). 8. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics by S.B. Primrose and R. Twymann, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, USA (2006). 9. Text book of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations by T.M. Devlin, Wiley-Liss, USA (2002).


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Introduction: Historical development and relevance of microbiology to biotechnology. 2. Microscope and microscopy: Principles and applications of bright field, fluorescence, phase- contrast, transmission, electron and scanning electron microscopy, a brief discussion. 8 3. Microbial groups: Prokaryotes (bacteria, archaebacteria, cyanobacteria, mycoplasma, actinomycetes), eukaryotes (molds, slime molds, yeast, algae, fungi, protozoa) and viruses (bacterial, plant and animal); a general account of characteristics, structure and functions. 4. Principles of microbial nutrition: Requirements for carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, growth factors, etc. role of oxygen in nutrition, nutritional categories among micro-organisms. 5. Methods of microbiology: Pure culture techniques, preparation of culture media, types of media; sterilization techniques; methods for culturing anaerobes; cultural characteristics, maintenance and preservation of culture. 6. Strain improvement: Methods of improvement and stability of biotechnologically important cultures. SECTION-B 7. Microbial growth: Definition, mathematical nature and expression of growth, measurement and efficiency of growth; factors affecting growth; synchronous and diauxic growth; continuous culture; sporogenesis and spore generation. 8. Concept of energy generation: Aerobiosis, anaerobiosis and concept of autotrophs; fermentative types of microorganisms. 9. Microbial genetics: Modes of bacterial recombination, conjugation, transformation and transduction in bacteria. 10. Microorganisms as geochemical agents: Fitness of micro organisms as agent of geochemical change; cycles of matter and microbial interactions. 11. Biological nitrogen fixation: Microbiology of symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation; root nodule formation and its functions; nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria structure and function of heterocyst. 12. Quality control and waste management: Role of microbiology in quality control and waste management in food processing industries. Recommended Readings: 1. Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology by J.C. Pommerville, Jones & Bartlett Learning, USA (2012). 2. Brock Biology of Microorganisms by M.T. Madigan, J.M. Martingo, D.A. Stahl and D.P. Clark, Pearson Education Limited, USA (2011). 3. General Microbiology by R.Y. Stanier, J.L. Ingraham, M.L. Wheelis and P.R. Painter, Mac Millan, Hong Kong (2005). 4. Microbiology by M.J. Pelczar, E.C.S. Chan and N.R. Krieg, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, India (1993).

9 5. Microbiology: A Human Perspective by E.W. Nester, D. Anderson, Jr. Roberts and C. Evans, Mc Graw-Hill Education, India (2011). 6. Microbiology: An Introduction by G.J. Tortora, Pearson Education, India (2008). 7. Microbiology: Principles and Explorations by J.G. Black, John Wiley & Sons, USA (2008). 8. Practical Handbook of Microbiology by E. Goldman and H.L. Green, CRC Press, USA (2009). 9. Principles of Microbiology by R.M. Atlas, WC Brown Publishers, USA (1997). PAPER-IV ADVANCED FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION

M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Introduction: Importance and scope of food processing and preservation, National and international perspectives of food processing; Historical developments in food processing and preservation; Foods perishability; Food deterioration-causes and prevention. 2. Ambient temperature processing: Preparation of raw material, size reduction, homogenization, mixing and forming, mechanical separation and membrane concentration. 3. High temperature processing: Concept of D, F and Z values, Time-temperature control process, blanching, pasteurization, commercial sterilization, canning, evaporation, dehydration, baking and roasting, frying. 4. Low temperature processing: Controlled atmosphere storage, chilling, refrigeration, freeze concentration, freeze drying, osmotic dehydration. 5. Conventional food preservation and post processing technology: Asepsis, preservation by chemicals, food bioprotection/biopreservatives-bacteriocins, steeping preservation, preservation by fermentation, pickling, coating and enrobing.

10 6. Recent trends in food processing and preservation: Irradiation processing- microwave and ionizing radiations; Hydrostatic preservation; Ultrasound food processing; Pulsed electric field food processing. SECTION-B 7. Food packaging: Packaging, functions of a package, types of containers, package design considerations, packing materials-properties and testing procedures, labeling; Packaging of fruits and vegetables. 8. Recent trends in packaging: Aseptic packaging, retort pouch processing technology, vacuum packaging, intelligent/active packaging, RFID/smart tag in labeling of foods, biodegradable packaging, nanotechnology in food packaging. 9. Foods of increasing sophistication: Functional/bioactive foods, Nutraceuticals, GM foods, organic foods, concept of intermediate moisture foods, Nanotechnology in food materials-risks and benefits. 10. Quality control, food safety and regulations: Instrumental analysis in food quality control and evaluation; Sensory evaluation of foods-sensory panels, sensory thresholds, sensory tests; Concept of quality assurance; Regulatory control of food quality: FDA, Codex Alimentarius, BIS, ISO, Agmark, Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, HACCP, Food Safety Management System. 11. Food plant sanitation and waste disposal:Personal hygiene, Hygienic water for processing; Food Industry waste-types, disposal and management. 12. Setting up of food processing unit: Site Selection, selection of processing technology, plant layout, organizational structure; Marketing concept; Food plant economics. Recommended Readings: 1. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing by D.-W. Sun, Academic Press, USA (2005). 2. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice by G.L. Robertson, CRC Press, USA (2012). 3. Food Preservation Techniques by Z. Peter and B. Leif, CRC Press, USA (2003). 4. Food Processing by J.M. Conor and W.A. Shieps, John Wiley and Sons, USA (1997). 5. Food Processing Handbook by J.G. Brennan and A.S. Grandison, Wiley VCH, USA (2012). 6. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice by P.J. Fellows, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., UK (2009). 7. Food Processing: Principles and Applications by J.S. Smith, Y.H. Hui, Blackwell Publs., 2008 8. Food Science by N.N. Potter, CBS Publishers, India (2006). 9. Handbook of Food Preservationby M.S. Rahman, CRC Press, USA, (2007). 10. Handbook of Food Process Design, Volume 1 and 2 by M.S. Rahman and J. Ahmed, John Wiley & Sons, USA (2012). 11. New Methods of Food Preservation by G.W. Gould, Blackie Academic & Professional, UK (1995).

11 12. Principles of Food Processing by D.R. Heldman and R.W. Hartel, Chapman and Hall, USA (1997). 13. Progress in Food Preservation by R. Bhat and G. Paliyath, John Wiley & Sons, USA (2012). 14. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and Practicesby H.T. Lawless and H. Heymann, Springer, USA (2010). PRACTICAL PAPER-I Pertaining to: Theory Paper I: Macromolecular Biochemistry & Metabolomics Theory Paper II: Advanced Microbial Genetics & Genetic Engineering

M. Marks: 100 Total practical hours: 60 Time: 4 hours

1. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of reducing and total sugars by biochemical and biophysical techniques. 2. Determination of acid value of a fat/oil. 3. Determination of cholesterol-total, free and esterified. 4. Isolation, qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipids, and determination of acid number and iodine number. 5. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of protein by biochemical and biophysical techniques. 6. Isolation of chloroplast by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. 7. Uric acid and urea estimation from serum and urine samples. 8. Detection of phenylketone urea. 9. Estimation of calcium and phosphorus in blood and urine. 10. Demonstration of protein modeling on computers. 11. Isolation of casein from milk. 12. Determination of starch content from wheat flour. 13. Demonstration of Hill reaction. 14. Applications of Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for the preparation of buffer solutions. 15. To determine vitamin C content in a citrus fruit. 16. Determination of enzyme activity, Km and Vmax of α- amylase/invertase. 17. Determination of nucleic acid (DNA & RNA) by biophysical techniques. 18. Resolution of serum protein by starch gel electrophoresis. 19. Estimation of DNA by DPA method and RNA by Orcinol method. 20. Isolation of plasmid and genomic DNA of E. coli and yeast. 21. Isolation of RNA from bacteria and yeast. 22. Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of DNA and RNA.

12 23. Recombinant protein analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 24. To determine purity of DNA and RNA. 25. Demonstration of polymerase chain reaction. 26. Isolation and purification of yeast m-RNA. 27. Restriction mapping of plasmid DNA. 28. Ligation of recombinant DNA. 29. Physical and chemical techniques of transformation of E. coli and yeast. 30. Cloning and expression of recombinant genes in E. coli. PRACTICAL PAPER-II Pertaining to: Theory Paper III: General Microbiology Theory Paper IV: Advanced Food Processing and Preservation

M. Marks: 100 Total practical hours: 60 Time: 4 hours

1. Staining techniques in Microbiology-simple, negative, differential, spore and capsule staining. 2. Isolation and purification of microorganisms by streak plate method, pour plate method and use of selective media. 3. Maintenance and preservation techniques of aerobic and anaerobic cultures.

4. Cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms in anaerobic jar and CO2 incubator. 5. Morphological, biochemical and physiological characterization of microorganisms for taxonomic identification. 6. Isolation of cyanobacteria and cyanophages. 7. Strain improvement by physical and chemical mutagenesis. 8. Determination of coliform bacteria in water and food samples. 9. Determination of viability of microbial culture by microscopic technique. 10. Measurement of size of microorganisms by microscopic method. 11. Hanging drop preparation to check motility of microorganisms. 12. Construction of bacterial growth curve and determination of generation time. 13. Microbial growth measurements by different techniques and determination of factors affecting growth of microorganisms. 14. Selection, grading and sorting of various raw materials for food processing on the basis of different quality parameters. 15. Ambient temperature processing of the given food material. 16. Effects of low temperature storage on various foods.

13 17. Preservation of food by drying, chemical and radiation. 18. To study the effect of different variables on roasting of food items. 19. To study the effect of steam blanching, chemical blanching and hot water blanching on quality of processed foods. 20. To study the effect of variables on blanching of food items. 21. High temperature processing of the given food material-sterilization, drying, evaporation. 22. Demonstration and prevention of browning reactions by different methods. 23. Moisture content comparison of fresh and intermediate moisture foods 24. To study the efficacy of a food plant sanitizer 25. Shelf life evaluation of various food products. 26. To study the types of packages. 27. To study the water vapour transmission of different packaging materials. 28. To conduct organoleptic, nutritional and sensory evaluation of processed food products. 29. To study the sensory threshold limit of laboratory panelists. 30. Water testing for food processing. 31. To conduct hazard analysis in food processing line of a given plant. 32. To determine the CCPs, control measure and corrective action in HACCP plan in food processing line of a given plant. 33. Preparation of feasibility study report for setting up a food plant.

14 Semester II

PAPER-V MODERN FOOD MICROBIOLOGY M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Introduction: History of food microbiology-food processing, food borne diseases and food legislation. 2. Microbial sources: Primary and secondary sources of microorganisms in food, microorganisms relevant in food microbiology. 3. Microbial growth in food: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the growth of microorganisms in food; Spores and their significance in food industry. 4. Microbiology of raw, processed and spoilt foods: Fruits and vegetables, meat and meat products, milk and milk products, eggs, canned foods, cereal and cereal products; Biochemical changes brought by microorganisms. 5. Food safety: Indicators of food safety, microbiological criteria of foods. 6. Natural toxicants: Sea food intoxication, chemical intoxication. SECTION-B 7. Food borne bacterial pathogens: Habitat, incidence in food, symptoms, nutritional requirement, effect of preservative methods, pathogenesis and prevention- Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis, Shigella dysenteriae, Vibrio cholerae and Campylobacter jejuni. 8. Food borne parasites: Habitat, incidence in food, symptoms, nutritional requirement, effect of preservative methods, pathogenesis and prevention- Giardiasis, Amoebiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Taeniasis and Trichinellosis.

15 9. Food borne pathogenesis: Habitat, incidence in food, symptoms, nutritional requirement, effect of preservative methods, pathogenesis and prevention-Hepatitis virus, overview of food intoxication by mycotoxins. 10. Fermented foods: Bread, sauerkraut, soy sauce, miso, tempeh. 11. Microbial analysis of food: Conventional methods (microscopic, cultural, physical, chemical and immunological), animal assays and cell culture systems. 12. Modern methods in microbial analysis of food: PCR, RT-PCT, Micro-arrays, AFLP, RAPD, PFGE, RFLP, bacteriophage and ribotyping. Recommended Readings: 1. Emerging Food Borne Pathogens by Yasmine Motarjemi and Martin Adams, Woodhead Publishing Limited, UK (2006). 2. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology by K.R. Aneja, New Age International Publications, India (2009). 3. Food Borne Diseases by D.O. Cliver and H.P. Riemann, Academic Press, UK (2002). 4. Food Microbiology and Laboratory Practice by C. Bell, P. Neaves and A.P. Williams, Blackwell Publishing, UK (2005). 5. Food Microbiology by M.P. Doyle and L.R. Beuchat, ASM Press, USA (2007). 6. Food Microbiology by M.R. Adams and M.O. Moss, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2008). 7. Food Microbiology by W.C. Frazier and D.C. Westhoff, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, India (2003). 8. Food Microbiology-A Laboratory Manual by A.E. Yousef and C. Carlstrom, Wiley Publication, USA (2003). 9. Fundamental Food Microbiology by B. Ray and A.K. Bhunia, CRC Press, UK (2008). 10. Modern Food Microbiology by J.M. Jay, M.J. Loessner and D.A. Golden, Springer Publication, USA (2005).


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Carbohydrates: Pectin, dextrins, starch, hemicelluloses and dietary fibres-structure, stereochemistry and properties; mechanism of browning reactions-Maillard reaction and caramelization. 2. Proteins: Food sources of proteins; functional properties of proteins in food matrices-solubility, elasticity, emulsification and foaming; Mechanism of enzymatic browning-kinetics and control; texturized vegetable proteins-methods and uses; Application of enzymes in food industry. 3. Lipids: MUFA and PUFA - occurrence and significance; Partial hydrogenation of oils; Trans-fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids-occurrence and significance; Lipid peroxidation-mechanism and control; Natural and synthetic antioxidants in foods and their mode of action. 4. Flavour componds: E-number classification; Flavours-structural basis of taste modalities; Flavor enhancers-monosodium glutamate, 5’-nucleotides and maltol, E-number classification of flavor compounds; Synthesis and biosynthesis of food emulsifiers and their E-number classification. 5. Food colorants: Synthesis and molecular properties of natural food colorants-carotenoids, chlorophylls, anthocyanins and tannins-nutraceutic properties and stability; Synthetic colorants and their food safety concerns; E-number classification of food colours. 6. Aroma substances: Threshold value, aroma value; Mechanism of enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions (nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds, pyranones, furanones, thiols, pyrazines, volatile sulfur compounds); Synthetic aroma compounds.

17 SECTION-B 7. Milk and dairy products: Composition of milk proteins, enzymes in milk, reactions during heat processing; Reaction mechanism of milk coagulation and cheese ripening; Aroma compounds in dairy products-diacetyls and butanediols; Overview of enzymes in dairy processing. 8. Egg: Structure and composition; Egg proteins-albumen and yolk proteins; Reaction mechanism of thermal coagulation, foaming and emulsification; Storage of eggs. 9. Meat: Meat proteins-actin, myosin, myoglobin, collagen; Biochemical changes affecting meat quality; Chemical aspects of meat stability; Reaction mechanism of meat tenderization and chemistry of processed meat and sausages; Overview of enzymes in meat processing. 10. Sweeteners: Sources, properties and health benefits of natural, synthetic and artificial sweeteners; Chemistry and synthesis, functional and sensory properties, and safety of sugar substitutes-aspartame, cyclamate, inulin, saccharin, stevia, thaumatin. 11. Cereals and baked products: Chemical composition of wheat, barley, oat and rice; Cereal proteins- Osborne fractions of cereals, wheat gluten proteins; Structure of wheat gluten, wheat-gluten formation; Bread and baked products-storage, effect of additives on baking properties; Baking process-conditions, biochemical reactions and physical changes; Overview of enzymes in bakery. 12. Non-alcoholic beverages: Tea-type and composition, reactions involved in processing of tea, storage and brewing; Coffee-types and composition, coffee products, substitutes and adjuncts. Recommended Readings: 1. Advances in Food Biochemistry by F. Yildiz, CRC Press, UK (2010). 2. Bioactive Proteins and Peptides as Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals by Y. Mine, E.N. Chan and B. Jiang, Wiley-Blackwell, USA (2010). 3. Biochemistry of Foods by N.A.M. Eskin and F. Shahidi, Academic Press, USA (2013). 4. Chemical, Biological and Functional Aspects of Food Lipids by Z.E. Sikorski and A. Kolakowska, CRC Press, UK (2011). 5. Enzymes in Food Processing by G.A. Tucker and L.F.J. Woods, Blackie Academic, UK (1995). 6. Food Additives by A.L. Branen, P.M. Davidson, S. Salminen and J.H. Thorngate, Marcel-Dekker, USA (2001). 7. Food Chemistry by H.D. Belitz, W. Grosch and P. Schieberle, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2004). 8. Food Chemistry: A Laboratory Manual by D.D. Miller, Wiley-Blackwell, USA (2014). 9. Food Enzymes: Structure and Mechanism by Dominic W.S. Wong, Chapman & Hall, USA (1995). 10. Food: The Chemistry of its Components by T. Coultate, RSC Publishing, UK (2009). 11. Lipid Biochemistry: An Introduction by M.I. Gurr, J.L. Harwood and K.N. Frayn, Blackwell Science Publications, USA (2002). 12. Principles of Food Chemistry by J.M. de Man, AN ASPEAN Publication, USA (1999).


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Introduction: Principles of upstream and downstream processing; Unit operations involved in bioprocesses.

2. Fermentation: Types of fermentation-submerged fermentation, surface fermentation and solid substrate fermentation; Factors affecting fermentation; Kinetics of Batch, fed batch and continuous fermentations.

3. Bioreactors: Designing and development of a bioreactor; Aeration and agitation systems for bioreactors; Bioreactor configurations; Scale-up of bioprocess 4. Inline and online monitoring of bioreactors. 5. Transport phenomenon in bioreactors: Mass transfer coefficient (KLa) for gases and liquids, determination of KLa, factors affecting KLa value in bioprocesses; Heat transfer-general considerations; Dimensionless groups; Fluid rheology. 6. Shake-flask fermentations: Rotary and rocker shakers; Agitation and aeration in roller tubes, static and submerged cultures; Factors affecting oxygen solution rates in shake-flasks.

19 SECTION-B 7. Sterilization: Principles and practices; Thermal death kinetics of batch and continuous sterilization of media; Air sterilization in lab scale and industrial fermenters; Kinetics of fibrous air filters. 8. Raw materials: Preparation of conventional and non-conventional substrates for microbial & food fermentation; Chemicals and biological control of raw materials, storage transport and homogenization. 9. Inoculum development: Techniques for the development of inocula for industrial fermentations/procedures of aseptic inoculation of industrial fermenters. 10. Isolation and extraction of bioproducts: Separation of cells-foam separation, flocculation, agglomeration, filtration and centrifugation; Cell disruption-physical, chemical and mechanical methods; Liquid-liquid extraction-Salt/solvent precipitation, aqueous two-phase extraction and dialysis.

11. Recovery and purification of bioproducts: Chromatographic techniques-adsorption, ion exchange, molecular sieve, affinity, hydrophobic, high performance liquid chromatography, gas-liquid and gas-solid chromatography; Electrophoresis; Finishing techniques in bioprocesses (Distillation, electrodialysis, evaporation, drying, crystallography).

12. Fermentation economics: Economic analysis of projects, project selection, R & D planning for projects; Techno-economic parameters for commercial evaluation of bioprocesses; Capital cost; Direct and indirect manufacturing costs, etc.

Recommended Readings: 1. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals by J.E. Bailley and D.F. Ollis, Tata McGraw-Hill, USA (2010). 2. Bioprocess Engineering Principles by P.M. Doran, Academic Press, USA (2012). 3. Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts by M.L. Schuler and F. Kargi, Prentice Hall, USA (2002). 4. Biotechnology by H.-J. Rehm and G. Reed, VCH, Germany (2001). 5. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Volume 1 and 2 by M. Moo Young, Pergamon Press, UK (2011). 6. Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology,R.H. Baltz, Julian E. Davies and Arnold L. Demain, ASM Press, USA (2010). 7. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology byN. Okafor, Science Publishers, USA (2007). 8. Principles of Fermentation Technology by P.F. Stanbury, A. Whitaker and S. Hall, Aditya Publishers, India (1997).


M. Marks: 75 Lectures to be delivered: 60 Time allowed: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 40% (Theory and Practical separately)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Section-A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and carry I5 marks each. Section-C consists of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 15 marks in all. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section-E. 2. The use of scientific calculators is allowed. SECTION-A 1. Microbial transformations: Biotransformation types; Reichstein-Grussner synthesis;Application of biotransformation in food and pharmaceutical industry. 2. Microbial biomass for food and feed: Algal, bacterial, fungal and yeast biomass; Technologies for the production of SCP, Nutritional value and safety issues of SCP. 3. Production of Bakers yeast: Yeast strains, raw materials, supplements and process conditions for yeast growth in fermenters, harvesting and drying, stability of active dry yeast during storage, contaminant risks, packaging. 4. Production of alcoholic beverages: Raw materials, culture, fermentation technology and post fermentation processing of distilled alcoholic beverages (whiskey, vodka, brandy and rum). 5. Production of beer and wine: Types, raw materials, culture, fermentation technology and post- fermentation processing, defects. 6. Production of biofuels: Fermentativeproduction of liquid biofuels-ethanol, acetone and butanol; Raw materials, fermentation technology, recovery, major factors affecting production of biofuels. SECTION-B 7. Production of organic acids: Citric acid, acetic acid, gluconic acid, lactic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid; Raw materials, fermentation technology, recovery and applications. 8. Production of food additives/ingredients and vitamins: Fermentative production of amino acids (L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid) and vitamins (Thiamin B-1, Riboflavin B-2), vitamin B-12), recovery and applications; Biocolours, Bioflavours.

21 9. Production of pharmaceutical products: Fermentative production of antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, erythromycins, vancomycins); Vaccines, recombinant vaccines and steroid transformations. 10. Production of biofertilizers and bioinsecticides: Industrial production of biofertilizers (Rhizobium inoculants, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and blue green algae) and biopestisides/insecticides, packaging and storage, constraints. 11. Microbial Enzymes and polysaccharides: Fermentative production and recovery of microbial food enzymes (amylases, pectinases, inulinases etc.) and polysaccharides (Xanthan gums, dextran, pullulan). 12. Advances in microbial technology: Recombinant fermentations, strategies for fermentation with recombinant organisms and stability issues of recombinants; Applications of immobilized/co- immobilized cells/enzymes in fermentation industry; Biosynthesis of nanomaterials (silver and gold nanomaterials).

Recommended Readings: 1. Basic Biotechnology by C. Ratledge and B. Kristianse, Cambridge University Press, UK (2006). 2. Biotechnology by H.-J. Rehm and G. Reed, VCH, Germany (2001). 3. Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology by W. Crueger, A. Crueger and T.D. Brock, Sinauer Associates Inc., USA (1991). 4. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Volume 1 and 2 by Murray Moo Young, Pergamon Press, UK (2011). 5. Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction by M.M.J. Waites, N.L. Morgan, J.S. Rockey and G. Higton, John Wiley & Sons, USA (2010). 6. Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology byR.H. Baltz, J.E. Davies and A.L. Demain, ASM Press, USA (2010). 7. Microbial Biotechnology, Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology by A.N. Glazer and H. Nikaido, Cambridge University Press, UK (2007). 8. Microbial Biotechnology: Principles and Applications by Y.K. Lee, World Scientific Publs, Singapore (2006). 9. Microorganisms and Biotechnology by J. Taylor, N. Thornes, UK (2001). 10. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology byN. Okafor, Science Publishers, USA (2007). 11. Prescott and Dunn’s Industrial Microbiology by G. Reed, CBS Publishers and Distributors, India (2004).


Pertaining to:

Theory Paper V: Modern Food Microbiology Theory Paper VI: Advanced Food Chemistry

M. Marks: 100 Total practical hours: 60 Time: 4 hours

1. Introduction to safety in a food microbiology lab. 2. Qualitative study of microflora in primary sources of microorganisms in food. 3. Effect of extrinsic factors (pH, water activity) on growth of microorganisms in food sample. 4. Effect of preservation methods on growth of microorganisms in food sample. 5. Detection of coliforms in water sample by MPN method. 6. Study of microflora associated with fresh and spoilt fruits and vegetables. 7. Study of microflora associated with spoilt canned food/egg. 8. Study of microflora associated with fresh, processed and spoiled meat. 9. Study of microflora associated with cereals and cereal products. 10. Study of microflora associated with milk and milk products. 11. Effect of sanitizers on microbial load. 12. Detection of food borne pathogens in a given food sample. 13. To determine the dextrose equivalents during bioconversion of starch to form dextrins. 14. To determine the non enzymatic browning of different sugars. 15. To study the functionality of a protein at different pH conditions. 16. To study the activity of Type II lipoxygenase enzyme in soya flour. 17. To perform polyphenol oxidase enzyme assisted browning and study the kinetics of the reaction. 18. To determine the peroxide value of oil samples. 19. To determine the antioxidative factor of synthetic antioxidant BHT by radical scavenging. 20. To determine the antioxidative factor of natural antioxidant in green tea by radical scavenging. 21. To identify the food additive in the given samples based on E-number classification. 22. Comparison of chlorophyll content in spinach before and after processing. 23. Comparison of lycopene content in tomato before and after processing.


Pertaining to:

Theory Paper VII: Principles of Fermentation Technology

Theory Paper VIII: Advanced Microbial Technology

M. Marks: 100 Total practical hours: 60 Time: 4 hours

1. Demonstration of a laboratory scale bioreactor (10 L). 2. Cell disruption by physical, chemical and mechanical methods. 3. Ammonium sulphate and solvent precipitation for protein concentration. 4. Dialysis and ultrafiltration for purification of bioproducts. 5. Paper, thin layer chromatography, HPLC and HPTLC of bioproducts. 6. Lyophilization of bioproducts. 7. Distillation and evaporation for the recovery of bioproducts. 8. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins. 9. Molecular weight determination of proteins by electrophoresis and gel exclusion chromatography. 10. Determination of thermal death kinetics of batch sterilization. 11. Determination of KLa during fermentation. 12. Rheological investigations on fermented broths. 13. Preparation of fungal starter culture by roll bottle technique. 14. Microbiological and biochemical evaluation of substrates. 15. Solid state fermentation for the production of microbial products. 16. Factors affecting submerged fermentation. 17. Demonstration & operation of ultrasonicator. 18. Optimization of cell disruption for the release of intracellular enzyme. 19. Comparison of kinetics of soluble and immobilized enzyme. 20. Demonstration of processing of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. 21. Demonstration of purification techniques. 22. Production and estimation of single cell protein. 23. Production of citric acid from A. niger.

24 24. Laboratory production of vinegar. 25. Production and estimation of penicillin from P. chrysogenum. 26. Optimization of immobilization of cells for the production of ethanol, citric acid and aspartic acid. 27. Laboratory preparation of wine and beer. 28. Chemical evaluation and hedonic testing of wine and beer from various raw materials. 29. Laboratory production of ethanol from various raw materials. 30. Laboratory production of biofertilizers. 31. Production and drying of bakers yeast. 32. Fermentative production of food enzymes. 33. Enzymatic production of high fructose syrup from inulin.


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