A-B-C Checklist Student: ______Location: ______

Staff Involved: Location: Antecedent Behavior Consequence Asked to do something Aggression: Nothing / Ignored Could not get desired item Non-compliance: Physical redirection to activity Loud / Disruptive Environment Property Destruction: Verbal redirection to activity Stopped from doing an activity Running Away: Required to continue activity Told “No” Screaming/Crying/Tantrum Time-out (duration:______) Other student: Off-task Removed from room Transitional time: Vocalization: Response cost Attention given to others Self-injurious behavior: Office referral Nothing, “out of the blue” Describe: Interruption/Blocking of behavior Free-play situation Removed reinforcer Alone Other: Other: Other:

Staff Involved: Location: Antecedent Behavior Consequence Asked to do something Aggression: Nothing / Ignored Could not get desired item Non-compliance: Physical redirection to activity Loud / Disruptive Environment Property Destruction: Verbal redirection to activity Stopped from doing an activity Running Away: Required to continue activity Told “No” Screaming/Crying/Tantrum Time-out (duration:______) Other student: Off-task Removed from room Transitional time: Vocalization: Response cost Attention given to others Self-injurious behavior: Office referral Nothing, “out of the blue” Describe: Interruption/Blocking of behavior Free-play situation Removed reinforcer Alone Other: Other: Other:

Staff Involved: Location: Antecedent Behavior Consequence Asked to do something Aggression: Nothing / Ignored Could not get desired item Non-compliance: Physical redirection to activity Loud / Disruptive Environment Property Destruction: Verbal redirection to activity Stopped from doing an activity Running Away: Required to continue activity Told “No” Screaming/Crying/Tantrum Time-out (duration:______) Other student: Off-task Removed from room Transitional time: Vocalization: Response cost Attention given to others Self-injurious behavior: Office referral Nothing, “out of the blue” Describe: Interruption/Blocking of behavior Free-play situation Removed reinforcer Alone Other: Other:

Staff Involved: Location: Antecedent Behavior Consequence Asked to do something Aggression: Nothing / Ignored Could not get desired item Non-compliance: Physical redirection to activity Loud / Disruptive Environment Property Destruction: Verbal redirection to activity Stopped from doing an activity Running Away: Required to continue activity Told “No” Screaming/Crying/Tantrum Time-out (duration:______) Other student: Off-task Removed from room Transitional time: Vocalization: Response cost Attention given to others Self-injurious behavior: Office referral Nothing, “out of the blue” Describe: Interruption/Blocking of behavior Free-play situation Removed reinforcer Alone Other: Other: