Walton Central School District
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May 6, 2014
Regular Students taking Participation Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by in Government class President Breese, at 7:00 PM, in the Board Room, Stockton introduced themselves. Avenue. There was no other public comment at this time. Trustees present: Breese, Grossmann, Reynolds, Neale, Hoyt, Beers and Williams. Trustees absent: None. Call to Order
Others present: Superintendent Clough; Amanda Hoover, Director of Special Education; Sarah Quereau, Faculty. The following arrived at 7:36 PM: S. Corey Phraner, District Roll Call Clerk; Principals Michael Snider, Julie Bergman and Michael Virgil; Andrew Gates, Athletic Director; Tracy Williams, Transportation Supervisor; Andrew Jackson, Director of Facilities II; P.J. Harmer, Community Relations; Sal Salvia and Laura Bradish, Faculty; Dawn Schermerhorn, Jacqueline Brown, Ann Lezer and Donna Pierce, Staff; Students of the Month and families; Sierra Budine, Chelsey Mead, Joy Trimbell, Kathryn Morgan, Madeline Vitti, Tiara Nichols, Amber Pierce and Morgan McAdams, Students; Peter Wahl, Joelene Wahl, David Brown, Joyce Brown, Frank Ward, Keath Davis, Deanna O’Connor, Virginia Velardi, Paul Duprey and Carol Michalski, Community Members; Lillian Brown, The Walton Reporter.
It was moved by Neale, seconded by Grossmann, that the Board Meet, in Executive Session, at 7:00 PM, to review recommendations of the CSE and CPSE. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried.
General Session re-convened at 7:30 PM. The Board of Executive Session Education moved to the cafeteria for the Regular meeting.
STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - Townsend Elementary School – Madison Reed - Dr. George F. Mack Middle School – Mackenize Gray General Session - O’Neill High School – Ryan Cobane
President Breese thanked the students for helping to make Correspondence/Informatio Walton Central School a better place. Students and their n families were excused at 7:45 PM. Students of the Month that the current Revenue Status Report (See Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, Public Comment – Out of Order 2014, Attachment #2) be accepted as presented. It was moved by Reynolds, seconded by Neale, to recess that the current Budget the Regular Board Meeting until the conclusion of the Status Report (See Budget Hearing. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, President Breese stated that at this time the Budget Hearing Attachment #3) be will begin. accepted as presented.
It was moved by Hoyt, seconded by Reynolds, to return to the regular meeting. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. Recess Regular Meeting
MEETINGS - 2014-15 Proposed Meeting Dates Budget Hearing It was moved by Grossmann, seconded by Neale, that the minutes of April 22, 2014 Regular Meeting be approved as presented. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. Return to Regular Meeting
Mr. Wahl suggested that teachers voluntarily agree to increase the school year without students for workshops. Correspondence/Informatio Mrs. Michalski asked what the reductions in BOCES 8:1:1 n slots account for? Changes in IEP or enrollment in Career Meetings Academy. She further asked what is done with any money left over from the budget? Any rollover goes back into the Approval of Minutes general fund. Why change from Powerschool to School Tools and from Cleartrack to IEP Direct in this fiscal climate? Programs are not doing what we need them to do. A student asked if there will be cuts to the AM or PM Public Comment BOCES? No. Mr. Duprey suggested a project for senior students involving writing letters to themselves to be opened in the future reflecting their current goals and to see what they accomplished and if their goals had changed.
Additions/changes to the agenda were read by the District Clerk.
Trustee Neale suggested adding items 12e and 12f to the consent agenda. It was moved by Neale, seconded by Grossmann, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and approve, accept and acknowledge the following Consent Agenda items as amended: that the current Treasurer’s Report (See Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #1) be Addition(s) to the Agenda accepted as presented. documents for the Consent Agenda School District to offer a public contract of lease to interested vendors, for purposes of Accept Treasurer’s Report engaging in mining/quarrying operation of Accept Revenue Status Report bluestone on the premises of the Accept Budget Status Report District upon such terms and conditions as may be appropriate.
that the current Claim Auditor’s Logs (See Supplemental And it is further Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #4) be accepted as presented. RESOLVED, that the that the following donations be accepted with sincere Superintendent of appreciation: Schools shall provide - $20.00 from the Ouleout Creek Golf Course to the the appropriate Forensics Speech & Debate Club notices and follow - $300.00 from Best Value NY, Inc. to the Forensics the procedures Speech & Debate Club mandated by - $100.00 from Country Club Motors to the Forensics General Municipal Speech & Debate Club Law §103, et - $20.00 from the Sidney Federal Credit Union to sequitor as well as sponsor the 2014-15 Math Challenge the School District’s that the attached list of items dated April 24, 2014 (See policies regarding Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment procurement and #5) be declared surplus and disposed of. sale/lease. that the attached 2014-15 School Calendar (See that Nicole Rutherford Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment be appointed as a Long- #6) be adopted. Term Substitute Teacher that the following resolution be approved by the Board effective April 22, 2014 of Education RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is Accept Claim Auditor’s Logs hereby directed to prepare Requests for Proposals for the hiring and retention of a duly licensed real estate agent or appraiser to determine the value of Accept Donations certain unused real estate owned by the District for the purposes of possible sale. Said Request for Proposals shall be conducted in accordance with General Municipal Law §104-b and Board Policy. that the following resolution be approved by the Board of Education RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed and authorized to prepare the necessary specifications, plans, notices and other Declare Surplus Trustee Beers’ request to pull two items from the Adopt 2014-15 School Calendar consent agenda was not heard prior to the vote. Authorize Request for Proposals It was moved by Grossmann, seconded by Williams, that the previously voted upon Item 8 consent agenda be rescinded. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried.
Trustee Beers requested Authorize Bid Items 13e Appointment of Substitute Business Manager and Appointment of Deputy Purchasing Agent be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed in Executive Session prior to a vote.
It was moved by Neale, seconded by Reynolds, to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and approve, accept and acknowledge the following Consent Agenda items as further amended: that the current Treasurer’s Report (See Personnel – Appointment(s) – Nichole Rutherford – Supplemental Minute Long-Term Substitute Teacher Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #1) be that the Board of Education of the Walton Central accepted as presented. School District, pursuant to Rule XIV of the Civil Service that the current Rules for Delaware County and its political subdivisions, Revenue Status Report upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of (See Supplemental Schools, does hereby appoint Destinie Caves to the Minute Folder, May 6, labor class position of Part-Time Food Service Helper, 2014, Attachment #2) and serving a 26-week probationary period, to be accepted as commence on May 7, 2014 at the rate of presented. $4,571.13/annum. that the current Budget that Carol King be appointed as a Substitute Business Status Report (See Manager effective May 6, 2014 at a rate of $450.00 per- Supplemental Minute diem. Folder, May 6, 2014, that Carol King be appointed as a Deputy Purchasing Attachment #3) be Agent effective May 6, 2014. accepted as presented. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. that the current Claim Auditor’s Logs (See Supplemental Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #4) be accepted as presented. that the following donations be accepted with sincere appreciation: - $100.00 from - $20.00 from the Ouleout Creek Golf Course to the Country Club Motors Forensics Speech & Debate Club to the Forensics - $300.00 from Best Value NY, Inc. to the Forensics Speech & Debate Speech & Debate Club Club Destinie Caves – Part-Time Food Service Helper - $20.00 from the Sidney Federal Credit Union to sponsor the 2014-15 Math Challenge that the attached list of items dated April 24, 2014 (See Supplemental Carol King – Substitute Business Manager Minute Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #5) Carol King – Deputy Purchasing Agent be declared surplus and disposed of. that the attached 2014- Request to remove items from Consent Agenda 15 School Calendar (See Supplemental Minute Resind Consent Agenda Folder, May 6, 2014, Attachment #6) be adopted. that the following Remove items from Consent Agenda resolution be approved by the Board of Education RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to prepare Requests for Accept Treasurer’s Report Proposals for the hiring and retention of a duly licensed Accept Revenue Status Report real estate agent or appraiser to Accept Budget Status Report determine the value of certain unused real estate owned by Accept Claim Auditor’s Logs the District for the purposes of possible sale. Said Request Accept Donations for Proposals shall be conducted in accordance with General Municipal Law §104-b and Authorize Bid Board Policy. that the following resolution be approved by the Board of Education RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed and authorized to prepare the necessary specifications, plans, notices and other documents for the School District to offer a public contract of lease to interested vendors, for purposes of engaging in mining/quarrying operation of bluestone on the premises of the District upon such terms and conditions as may be appropriate.
And it is further
RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools shall provide the appropriate notices and follow the procedures mandated by General Municipal Law Personnel – Appointment(s) §103, et sequitor as well as the School District’s – Nichole Rutherford – policies regarding procurement and sale/lease. Long-Term Substitute that Nicole Rutherford be appointed as a Long-Term Teacher Substitute Teacher effective April 22, 2014 Destinie Caves – Part- that the Board of Education of the Walton Central Time Food Service Helper School District, pursuant to Rule XIV of the Civil Service Rules for Delaware County and its political subdivisions, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint Destinie Caves to the labor class position of Part-Time Food Service Helper, and serving a 26-week probationary period, to commence on May 7, 2014 at the rate of $4,571.13/annum. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. Superintendent Clough introduced Mr. Rutherford and the The Clarkson School program, stating that junior Declare Surplus Logan Alvarez has been accepted for the fall of 2014. Mr. Rutherford Adopt 2014-15 School Calendar reviewed the one-year early college entrance program Authorize Request for Proposals which was founded in 1978. Students live on campus and receive assistance throughout the year to transition to college living. He reviewed options available to the students to finish high school. Students may continue their education at Clarkson University or transfer to another university. Mr. Rutherford was excused at 9:00 PM. Superintendent Remarks Superintendent’s Remarks: We will be restructuring administration, Mr. Snider will be principal of grades 6 through 12 and Mrs. Bergman will move to the elementary level. As you know, we have been working on schedules for the secondary level. The developed schedule will allow us to keep middle school teachers in the middle school. We are looking at half-day professional development at Townsend school. Executive Session It was moved by Reynolds, seconded by Williams, that the Board Meet, in Executive Session, at 9:03 PM, to discuss a matter relating to the employment of a particular person. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried. General Session General Session re-convened at 9:40 PM. Personnel – Appointment(s) It was moved by Beers, seconded by Reynolds, that Carol - King be appointed as a Substitute Business Manager Carol King – Substitute effective May 6, 2014 at a rate of $450.00 per-diem. Yes 7 Business Manager – No 0 – Carried.
It was moved by Hoyt, seconded by Williams, that Carol Carol King – Deputy King be appointed as a Deputy Purchasing Agent effective Purchasing Agent May 6, 2014. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried.
It was moved by Neale, seconded by Hoyt, that the Adjournment meeting be adjourned. Yes 7 – No 0 – Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.
S. Corey Phraner Roger B. Clough II District Clerk Assistant Clerk
Presentation – The Clarkson School – Matthew Rutherford