Town of Highland s1

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Town of Highland s1




Supervisor calls meeting to order Flag Salute Roll Call, all board members present. MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to approve the Town Clerks minutes dates July 10, 2012 seconded by Councilman Gutekunst discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve the June 2012 Financial Statement seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes. CORRESPONDENCE Received monthly report from the American Legion Corp. Received montly report from the Yulan Fire Dept. Received monthly report from the Animal Control Officer Received monthly report from the Highland Lake Fire Dept. Received notice from the Park Bar informing the board of their liquor license renewal Received notice from the Barryville Hotel informing the Board of their liquor license renewal. Received notice from the Carriage House informing the Board of their liquor license renewal. Received letter from Ron and Phyllis Mercier thanking Tom Ebers for an outstanding job on Hartung Road. Received letter from the Knights of Columbus inviting all to the Blue Mass on September 9, 2012. Received report from Teri Cole Youth Director Received monthly report from Renee Ozomek, Assessor. Received letter from the Yulan Fire Department informing the Board of their intent to sell beer/wine at the Annual Von Steuben Festival on September 15, 2012 HIGHWAY Highway Superintendent Tom Ebers states we have been sealing the roads and we are going surplus the following items:  5KW Generator W/ Trailer( Motor Runs/No Electric)  1950 era International Bulldozer  1 ½ yard. Stainless Sander W/Honda Motor  1984 Ford L-8000 Ford (cab & chassis)  2004 dodge Ram 2500W/Fisher Minute Mount 8” Plow  2003 Ford Expedition XLT SUPERVISOR REPORT Supervisor Boyar states the letter requesting budget levels were sent out to all participants. Allan Scott from the IDA speaks in reference to revolving loan funds they have available for small business in the County. Carol Roig speaks in reference to the Sullivan County Climate Action Plan. PUBLIC COMMENT William Hofaker states I will with all my power if I can now and in the future see the appeal of Local Law # 3-2012, I think it is wrong . On my over an American Bald Eagle picked up a road kill and had taken it to my front yard. My wife and I thrilled that we live in a place that a Bald Eagle sat down in my front yard. I want to see that 100 years from now and this picture 100 years from now a drilling rig is not in that picture. I don’t want to see drilling, fraking, industrialization of this Township. A Local Law was put through by the Board here and almost passed it as it first came through with all the things that did not belong in a law that had to do with banning fraking in this Township. Luckily there were some concerned citizen that saw it in time and luckily the Board was open minded enough to review it and take out most of the articles that had nothing to do with drilling or industrialization. In the future we have to work together is what I think we are all working for is this beautiful area we live in and keep it like that as long as possible. I don’t think we need to do it with rash and silly that favor one portion of the population over the other. COMMUNITY PLANNING/SENIORS Supervisor Boyar states we will be installing the security camera at the Senior Center and I am meeting with the seniors and see if there are any concerns we should be addressing. I do want to compliment the job done on the patio at the Senior Center. BUILDINGS Councilman Bosch state the new concrete patio was finished a few weeks ago, Tom and the Highway Crew backfilled, seeded and it looks beautiful. The electric work at the cull de sac is finished. The fire alarm system is still malfunctioning and Steve Kaufman will be starting shortly. The building inspector Dave Kuebler has reported that eight roads at York Lake Estates have new proper road signs so Emergency Service can find the homes. Dave is now working on three buildings that are in bad shape and should be torn down, if the property owners take care of it then we don’t have a problem , if not then it will come to the Board. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Supervisor Boyar states I really as Supervisor have a feeling of comfort knowing that Scott rises to the occasion in an emergency situation, he is here. BUILDINGS Councilman Gutekunst states we are changing our phone over to Time Warner and we will save about $250 per month. In addition we will use those saving to update and bring in a new phone system that different departments can transfer phone calls to each other. UDC Supervisor Boyar states we now allow from our website you can view the River Management Plan. SCENIC BYWAY REPORT Councilwoman Scully we received a grant to put towards the lighting. BEAUTIFICATION / RENAISSANCE Arnold Gruel state they did a beautiful job with the lighting and everything worked out nice in the cull de sac in Barryville. PERSONEL Supervisor Boyar state we need to go into executive session and set schedule for Labor Contract for Highway Contract and also to discuss the possible real estate deal with the County. H EROES PARK Supervisor Boyar states the pavers are being engraved and I have talked to the installer and they will create a design as to where the memory bricks should go. OLD BUSINESS Supervisor Boyar states the Comprehensive Plans are in the Town Clerks Office. MOTION BY Councilman Gutekunst to approve the Von Steuben Day Sign at the Town Hall seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to approve the advertisement of the Highway surplus seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to establish the Highway Superintendent’s credit for NYS Retirement purposes only at six hours a day seconded by Councilman Gutekunst discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve Time Warner as home vender for the town phone service except for the Senior Center seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Gutekunst to approve the audited General Abstract # 8 Claims 262 to 314 in the amount of $35,917.26 seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Gutekunst to approve the audited Highway Abstract # 8 claims 88 to 102 in the amount of $117,714.46 seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Gutekunst to approve the audited Street lights Abstract # 8 in the amount of $170.93 seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes. PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Hanson speaks in reference to the Budget and putting the expenses on line. William Hofaker speaks in reference to the Public Safety Committee and they are pushing for a seven million dollar upgrade of the Emergency Services Radio System the Sullivan County and when that comes to pass all fire personnel and truck and base station will all have to have new radio and that will have to come out of Town Tax and a lot of us in the Fire Service think this is wrong, there is nothing wrong with the radio system we have now. The money they are talking about is obscene and I do not think it is necessary. Supervisor Boyar states he will ask our Legislature Kathy LaBuda to come to our Town Board Meeting to speak about this. Carol Roig states there is a great family event at the NACL Theatre this Sunday. MOTION BY Councilwoman Scully to go into Executive Session to discuss real estate and personal matters seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to come out of executive session seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes. MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to adjourn seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes. Respectively submitted Doreen Hanson, Town Clerk

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