Science; Earth and Space Systems - describe, using models or simulations, the features of the moon’s surface - identify cycles in nature and describe the changes within the cycles Space Academy Language; Reading - understand the vocabulary and language structures appropriate for this grade level - summarize and explain the main ideas in information materials and cite details that Lunar Studies support the main idea - understand specialized words or terms - use a variety of conventions of formal texts to find and verify information

A Link to Learning web-based student learning activity

Read The Moon: Earth's Satellite at and answer the following questions.

1. Define "maria" and describe how they’re formed.

2. What are the light areas on the moon’s surface?

3. Describe what covers the lunar surface and explain the special name given to it.

4. At the Moonlight Madness page; read the information about the phases of the moon and then try the activity.

Record your score here: 

5. Using the Virtual Reality Moon Phases page; determine the phase of the moon on the date you were born and the phase of the moon today.

Your birth date:

Moon phase (use correct terminology):

Today's date:

Moon phase: