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Town of Concrete Town Council Meeting December 11, 2017
6:00 p.m. Mayor Jason Miller called the meeting to order. Mayor Miller led the gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Council Members: Rob Thomas, Jude Dippold, Mike Bartel, Marla Reed and Ginger Kyritsis.
Staff Present: Public Works Director Alan Wilkins, Town Attorney David Day, Clerk Treasurer Andrea Fichter, Town Engineer Cody Hart and Town Planner Marianne Manville-Ailles.
Audience Members Signed In: Betty Seguin, Eric Archuletta, Bill Pfeifer, Dana and Debra Curtis, and Chazlyn Lovely.
Public Participation: None
Events Application: Concrete Chamber of Commerce – Skagit Eagle Festival: Marla Reed made a motion to approve. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Special Presentations: Public Safety: Mayor Miller reported the November incident report is in the council packets for review.
CRH Engineering-Cody Hart: Task Order 2017-9 I&I Project PS&E: Cody updated on the task order to complete the planning phase of the I&I project to get ready for the contractor work. He stated with the current amount budgeted within the funding that not all of the engineering design funds will be needed and can be shifted to the construction phase. He stated the work will consist of side sewer replacement, manhole replacement and trenchless sewer pipe repairs. He stated the preliminary design work will get the documents prepared for the contractor and will need to meet funding agency requirements.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve the task order. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Pay Request #3 – First Street Waterline, JAG Corp: Cody stated the project has progressed longer than originally anticipated. He stated this progress payment is for work completed and is not based on length, but on actual work performed.
Mayor Miller stated that JAG Corp has submitted a letter to the town stating they will be asking for additional funds on this project due to unforeseen circumstances. He stated they haven’t stated an actual dollar figure or any details yet. Cody stated he cannot comment until a more detailed request is submitted.
Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve the pay request. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Task Order 2018-1 – 2018 On-Call Services: Cody reported this is for services not noted under other task orders that are specific to certain projects. He stated this allows for work that needs completed and requires more immediate attention.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve the task order. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. i December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller Cody reported the First Street Waterline project should be completed this week.
He also reported the Superior Building demolition plans have been submitted to the town and have been completed under budget. He stated after the town and funding agency review the plans, they will be finalized and there may be one final invoice to close out this portion of the project.
He also reported he is keeping the right-of-way portion of the Secondary Access project on his radar and the town may have an option of getting those funds released early.
He also reported that he has submitted the year-end report which is separate from their council packets and gives updates on all the projects worked on in 2017.
Tuttle Engineering: Main Street, Progress Payment #3 – Trimaxx Construction: Mayor Miller reported the contractor has completed everything but the final layer of asphalt, which will occur in the spring. He stated this is mainly due to weather.
Marla Reed requested that in the future, when the town is doing roadway work, that the contractor hired needs to make sure they are keeping in constant contact with the school transportation department. She reported three instances last week where the buses had difficulty running their routes through the construction area. She stated that she would like to see something in future contracts for communicating work schedules so buses are aware in advance. Alan stated there is something like this in the contract, but it needs to be reiterated to the contractor.
Mayor Miller stated this pay request is for work to date and there is money left for the final paving in the spring.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
November 2017 Incident Report - Mayor Miller stated we will go back to the public safety portion.
Sergeant Adams stated there have been 7 stops in the school zone.
He stated they have also increased patrols in the Town Center during the evenings. He stated they have been having a few issues up there. He also stated that one individual was cited for DUI twice in one night and arrested after the second stop.
Ginger asked about the mail theft that has been happening. Sergeant Adams stated that he was not aware of any reports in town limits. He stated when this happens, report it to the post office and to law enforcement.
Jude Dippold reported on an option called Informed Delivery, that a person can sign up for on the United State Postal Service website. He stated this gives you an email notification when items have been delivered and a picture/list of everything that had been delivered so that a person can ensure they received all their mail.
Consent Agenda: Town Council Minutes: November 27, 2017 Approval of Claims Checks: #3831-#3871 Approval of Payroll Checks
Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. ii December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller Public Hearings: Capital Facilities Plan – Ordinance #775: Marianne reported this is the annual update for the town’s Comprehensive Plan for the Capital Facilities Plan and Parks inventory. She stated there was a question at the last meeting regarding the grit chamber at the wastewater treatment plan. She stated that has been removed and dollar figures have been updated. She reported it is good to have this updated each year so that items completed can be removed and new ones added if needed.
Mayor Miller opened the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. With no public comment, Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 6:34 p.m.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve the ordinance. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Critical Areas, LU17-003 – Ordinance #776: Marianne reported the Growth Management Act requires periodic updates and review of the Critical Areas Ordinance. She stated that it must meet best available science as stated by the Department of Ecology. She stated that if an entity chooses not to follow DOE guidelines, they must hire their own consultant and be able to explain the nature of best available science that is being used. She stated the town has chosen to follow DOE guidelines. Marianne reviewed the changes that have been made with this update.
Mayor Miller noted two spelling errors within the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Miller opened the public hearing at 6:39 p.m. With no public comment, Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 6:40 p.m.
Jude Dippold made a motion to approve the ordinance. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Old Business: Town Flag Approval: Resolution #2017-14: Mayor Miller noted a couple of typos within the resolution.
Mayor Miller stated that Eric Archuletta is here again tonight if there are any questions. He stated the top four choices are in front of them, along with the top choice from the EDC.
Jude Dippold stated that he prefers the 3rd runner up.
Ginger Kyritsis stated that her choice is the one that is being recommended by the EDC. She stated it has Sauk Mountain and the silos and Sauk Mountain is our mountain.
Rob Thomas stated that he would like to see snow added to Sauk. He stated graphically he likes #3, but he likes the one with Sauk and the silos, which is representative of the town.
Ginger asked if the chosen design can be tweaked. Eric stated yes, a plan of attack is outlined for working with the artist to complete and finalize the design.
Marla Reed stated that she is okay with one chosen by the EDC, but she believes it is too dark as it is right now.
Rob Thomas stated that he is okay with this going to the committee and designer, and then work with the graphic designer to finalize and then bring that back to the council.
Discussion ensued on the design and the tweaks that can be done, and what things will be addressed when it is taken to the committee. iii December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller Mayor Miller brought this back to the council. Discussion ensued on the language and verbiage within the resolution.
Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Rob Thomas nominated Ginger Kyritsis as the council member to be a part of the final flag design committee. Jude Dippold seconded the nomination. The nomination carried.
Eric Archuletta stated that he will contact the artist and congratulations was announced for the winner of the flag design contest, Becky Azure.
Mayor Miller stated that at the last council meeting, the branding plan from the EDC was discussed and he apologized for not being clearer on the approval that was being requested from the council. Mayor Miller asked if the council agrees with the items within the plan.
Eric Archuletta stated this is coming at it from the 30,000-foot level and is a strategic plan. He stated once council approves, the EDC can move forward and finalize certain items. He stated all items will be brought back before council for final approval.
Rob Thomas stated that he would like to verify the council is not choosing a particular slogan or anything tonight and if so, then he is okay with moving forward.
It was the consensus of the council for the EDC to move forward finalizing items within the branding plan.
GMA Coordinated Planning Agreement - Resolution #2017-13: Marianne reported the County GMA was enacted in 1990. She stated that in 1995, a Framework Agreement was developed between several jurisdictions within Skagit County and nobody knows why the town was not originally a part of it.
Marianne explained the purpose of this agreement and that the town has been attending these meetings and has to abide by the regulations in place, but has not had a vote in the process. She stated adopting this agreement will allow for the town to join the committee and gives the town more of a voice and a vote.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
TIB Grant Agreement – Cedar Street Project: Mayor Miller stated this is the grant agreement for the funding the town has been awarded for the Cedar Street Project.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mears Field Lot #A/B and Lot #47/48 Modifications: Andrea stated when the binding site plan was updated this summer, Lots A and B and Lots 47 and 48 became one lot each and are now known as Lots A/B and 47/48. She stated this modification agreement will take the existing leases and combine them into one lease instead of two.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve both. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. iv December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller New Business: Towing Services Proposals: Andrea reported that two proposals were received. She stated that one proposal stood out to her. She stated that Carl’s is offering lower rates and also already has contracts in place with several other municipalities.
Rob Thomas made a motion to develop and sign a contract with Carl’s Towing, after final approval of the town attorney. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mears Field Lots #24-#25: Andrea stated this is a lease assignment. She stated the current leaseholders just got these leases in May, so the new leaseholder will have only lost about 6 months on the leases, giving him 4½ years to complete hangar construction. She stated the current leaseholder stated that he is going to be buying one of the museum hangars, so he doesn’t need these vacant lots anymore.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve. Mike Bartel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mears Field Lot #28: Andrea reported she received an email from the current leaseholder, who is relinquishing the lease at the end of the year and no further action by the council is necessary.
Discussion Items: None.
Council Reports: Airport: Mike Bartel: Nothing new to report.
Parks: Marla Reed: Marla stated that more fill will be brought to the site this week and it will need to be spread out. Mayor Miller asked if Alan was aware of this and Alan stated that it is on his radar and he will let the rest of the Public Works team know tomorrow. Mayor Miller also reported they will do the rain garden transplanting in the spring. He also reported he is still waiting on a quote from Thompson’s on the trees.
Community Garden: Mike Bartel: Nothing new to report.
Historic Preservation and Landmarks Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Nothing new to report.
Health Care: Jude Dippold: Nothing new to report.
Economic Development Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Nothing further to report.
Department Reports: Planning Commission/Historical Preservation: Marianne Manville- Ailles: Marianne reported that she had spoken with the food bank earlier today and then they came in and spoke with Jack McCormick as well. She stated they were reminded to fill out an application and get that submitted. She stated once they submit an application, they will schedule an HPLC meeting to review and then bring their recommendation back to council. She also reported they may need to look at filling some vacant positions on the HPLC.
Marianne also reported they met with the Artisan Guild and they are looking to start out at Veterans Memorial Park until the spray park construction at Silo Park is completed. She stated they will need to work on a long-term event fee, and this will all come back to council probably in February for final approval. She stated they also discussed a pavilion-type option.
Mayor Miller stated it is still on the town’s radar to rebuild the smaller pavilion structure, which will be done with the assistance of the original Eagle Scout on the project. v December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller Administration/Finance Report: Andrea Fichter: Mayor Miller reported they are still working to get a contract together for the attorney position. He stated that David Day is going to become an employee of the new attorney so that he can assist with the transition.
Mayor Miller also discussed the building inspector position. He stated the town met with three candidates and wants to hire Steve Kramer for the position. He stated they now need to work on getting a contract in place. Andrea reported on the discussions that were held on the position and whether or not to go with an employee or contract position. Andrea stated that she would prefer a contract position and that it be set up similar to the one the town has with Skagit Surveyors. Discussion ensued on the insurance requirements.
It was the consensus of the council to begin putting together a contract and to bring that and salary and wage comparisons back to their first meeting in January.
Public Works: Alan Wilkins: Nothing to report.
Imagine Concrete: Mayor Miller: Mayor Miller reported the next regular meeting will be December 19, 6 p.m. at the Pilots’ Lounge.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Miller reported he had taken a tour of the new library building and it is beautiful and he is excited for the opening.
He also reported the Christmas celebration on December 2 had gone well and was well attended. He stated Public Works is having an issue with the tree lights going out that they are working on, but in the meantime someone decided to vandalize it and pull apart some of the lights, so they will have to fix that first.
He stated on November 30 they decorated Town Center, and so many volunteers showed up there was not enough work for everyone, which is a great thing to have happen.
He also reported that is he trying to line up a tour of the old high school building. He stated this building has serious potential for economic development.
Mayor Miller reminded council that packets are ready the Friday before council meetings and he would like everyone to either pick these up or make sure they are reviewing online before council meetings.
Marla Reed made a motion to cancel the December 25, 2017, council meeting. Jude Dippold seconded the motion.
Announcements: Mayor Miller thanked Jude Dippold for his service on the Town Council.
Executive Session: None.
Adjournment: Rob Thomas made a motion for adjournment at 8:10 p.m. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
______Jason Miller, Mayor Attest: Andrea Fichter, Clerk Treasurer
vi December 11, 2017 Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller