Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas: We Are One World: Reading and Writing About Our Connections
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Grade: 2 Subject: Guidance 4/3/2018 Unit: Personal/Social Time frame for Completion: 1
Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas: Knowing how to get along with others should help me to make and keep friends. Awareness of my feelings and how I express them impacts others. Becoming aware of my strengths and needs in social situations.
Essential Questions: How do get along with others? How do I deal with a problem? How do my actions affect others? What am I good at and what do I need to work on? How do I decide what is the right thing to do?
Learning Competencies - ASCA National Standards What the students will know Supportive Learning Assessments Resources for Personal/Social and be able to do upon Activities Development completion of the unit Students will identify three Use literature to model and Formative: Book – How do I stand in PS:A1,5 Identify and express things that they like about demonstrate peer pressure, Teacher made your shoes? feelings. themselves. empathy, friendship, assessments and acceptance, kindness and observations Book – Band-Aid Chicken PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, Students will understand anger management. respect and appreciate the concept of empathy. Summative: Book – What is the Recipe individual differences. Discuss the concept of Report Cards for a Friend Students will identify three empathy and complete Discipline referrals PS:A2.8 Learn how to make characteristics of a good feelings worksheet. Verbal comprehension Book – The Crayon Box and keep friends. friend. check that Talked Discuss and role play of PS: B1.4 Develop effective Students will learn effective healthy ways to handle Book – Franklin P. coping skills for dealing with communication skills (the anger. Shuckles problems. use of “I” messages.) Small group activity Book – The Very Angry Day PS:A2.6 Use effective focusing on accepting that Amy Didn’t Have communication skills. differences. Book – Have You Filled a Interactively demonstrate Bucket Today? Every Teacher Teaches ESL positive and negative ELP Standard 1: English friendship qualities. Band-Aid Chicken puppet Language Learners pattern communicate in English for [All activities are structured social and instructional to work within each Supplemental Resources: purposes within the school student’s “zone of proximal setting. development*” in English ESL staff ELP Standard 2: English Grade: 2 Subject: Guidance 4/3/2018 Unit: Personal/Social Time frame for Completion: 2
Language Acquisition] Bilingual dictionaries Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts ELL: necessary for academic http://www.cal.org/siop: success in the content area of Fifty Strategies for Language Arts. Teaching; English Language Learners, 2nd edition; Adrienne Herrell, Michael Jordan; (Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2003) Grade: 2 Subject: Guidance 4/3/2018 Unit: Personal/Social Time frame for Completion: 3
*Zone of Proximal Development : That area between what the student is capable of at the moment and the point you want the student to reach next (Vygotsky, 1978)
Stages of Second Language Acquisition: (Hill, J., Flynn, K., 2006)
Stage Characteristics Approximate Time Frame Teacher Prompts Preproduction The student 0-6 months Show me… PDE: Entering Has minimal comprehension Circle the… Does not verbalize Where is…? Nods “yes” and “no” Who has…? Draws and points
Early Production The student 6 months to 1 year Yes/no questions PDE: Beginning Has limited comprehension Either/or questions Produces one- or two-word One-or two-word answers responses Lists Participates using key words Labels and familiar phrases Uses present-tense verbs Speech Emergence The student 1-3 years Why…? PDE: Developing Has good comprehension How…? Can produce simple sentences Explain… Makes grammar and Phrase or short-sentence answers pronunciation errors Frequently misunderstands jokes Intermediate Fluency The Student 3-5 years What would happen if…? PDE: Expanding Has excellent comprehension Why do you think…? Makes few grammatical errors Advanced Fluency: The student has a near native level 5-7 years Decide if… PDE: Bridging of speech. Retell…