Grade 10 Religion Review UNIT 3
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Grade 10 – Religion Review UNIT 3
1. a) Which person of the Holy trinity is responsible for the continuation of the church after Jesus’ resurrection? b) Who were this person and what is it responsible for? 2. What happened on the day of Pentecost, when did it happen and why is this event so important to the church? 3. a) What Jewish customs did the “followers of the way” maintain? (List 4) b) Which added tradition, started by Jesus, was not originally Jewish? c) Which book in the bible do we read in order to discover how the early Christians lived? 4. a) Early Christians were reluctant to accept what group of people into their faith? b) What was Peter’s attitude towards these people before he met Cornelius? c) What experience helped Peter change his mind about these people? d) What other character helped to overcome this prejudice and how did he do it? 5. a) Do you think Jesus’ decision to make Peter the first Pope was a good one? b) Support your answer with actual biblical events that we studied in class. c) What do these events say about Peter? d) How does Peter’s relationship with Jesus compare to our own relationship with Jesus? 6. As an early Christian follower would you have trusted the converted Paul? Why or why not? 7. a) According to the letters of Paul, what were the 4 core patterns or characteristics of the early church? (We actually listed 5 – list the 5th as well). Give both the English and the Greek names b) Give a concrete example of how we in today’s world can live out each of these 5 core patterns. 8. You received a chart that listed the 6 images of the church. List and explain each. 9. When was the Jewish temple destroyed and why was it destroyed? 10. Who were the apologists? 11. a) The first major persecution of the Christians came at the hands of which Roman Emperor in 64A.D. What did he accuse the Christians of? What else were the Christians accused of falsely? 12. What is a martyr and what does the word mean? 13. When & how did Christianity become accepted as the state religion? 14. a) In 313 A.D., which Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan? b) What is the Edict of Milan? 15. a) What is heresy? b) Describe 6 heresies listed in class. 16. a) What are the three (3) main Creedal forms of the church? b) Why were they developed? 17. What does the word ABBA mean? 18. What do the following words mean and who do they refer to: Incarnation and Blasphemy 19. What is the meaning of the name Jesus? 20. a) Who was Charlemagne and what was his goal? b) As a result of the political and economic instability during his reign what practice developed amongst the church leaders? 21. What was the main reason for the first major schism between the eastern and western churches? 22. Why did Pope Urban II call on all Christians to take up arms and go on a crusade? 23. In order to counteract the fact that the church was becoming too rich, too hierarchical and too connected with the secular governments what did St. Francis of Assisi attempt to do? 24. Who wrote the book Summa Theologica? 25. What is the church and how is it organized? 26. Who is the head of the church and what other name is he known by? 27. Which group of people are responsible for electing the next Pope? 28. What members of the church are otherwise known as ministers of grace? 29. What part of the church hierarchy do you belong to? 30. How are deacons different from priests? 31. How are diocesan priests different from religious ones?
1 32. a) On the Day of Pardon, what four sins committed by the church did Pope John Paul ask forgiveness for? b) Do you think that this was a good move by the Pope? c) What other sins do you think the church should have asked forgiveness for?
33. Read the following moral dilemma and elaborate on what the father (you) would do using each of Kohlberg’s six (6) stages of moral development. For each of the six (6) courses of action explain the reason for choosing this action using Kohlberg’s description of that stage.
You are on holiday in Bali with your wife and 18 years old son. You have been there for a week and are ready to head home. All three (3) of you are at the airport getting ready to board your plane when an armed officer comes around with a sniffer dog. You have all your bags on a trolley, and the dog sniffs at both your wife’s and your bag, and passes over it. However when he gets to your son’s bag, he begins to get a bit more active. You look over at your son and he’s looking a little nervous. You know he’s smoke a little marijuana in his time, but generally he’s a good kid, and you certainly didn’t think he’d actually be stupid enough to bring it back on the plane with him. At first, you feel angry that he would do such a thing and start planning your responsibility lecture. Then you realize that you are in Bali and they have a zero tolerance policy on drugs, meaning your son could be jailed for life or worse, executed if he does have some illicit materials in his bag. You look at your wife and realize that she has come to the same conclusion and has gone pale with fear. The armed officer accompanying the dog is beginning to look sterner with every sniff the dog takes. He looks directly at you and asks you to open the bag. You do, and as the officer begins to take things out of the bag, you see to your horror that there is a small quantity of marijuana stashed in with your son’s belongings. The officer looks at you and asks,”Who’s bag is this?” You realize you have to answer but the answer won’t be easy. You see your wife in the corner of your eye and she is about to step forward and claim it as your own; what do you say?
34. What does it mean to be created in the image of God? 35. What is the Kingdom of God? 36. a) What is original sin and explain what effect the sacrament of baptism has on original sin. b) In order to properly do this, first explain the traditional understanding of original sin and baptism. c) Explain how Catholics have updated the understanding of this teaching. 37. What is the difference between a relativist and an objectivist? 38. What is utilitarian and list at least one (1) problem with trying to reason out a situation using utilitarian thinking. 39. In the following biblical quotes, Jesus makes striking contrasts between his understanding of morality and that of his ancestral tradition. Read each statement very carefully and:
a. Explain the ancestral teaching that Jesus is referring to. In other words, why did Jesus’ Jewish ancestors have such a law? b. Explain how Jesus revises or updates the understanding of this ancestral law. c. Assess each message by elaborating on how Christians of today are called to think, speak and act.
You have heard how it was said, “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.”
2 But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance … if anyone hits you on the right cheek; offer him the other as well.
You have learnt how it was said, “You must not commit adultery.” But I say to you: if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
You have learnt how it was said to our ancestors; ‘You must not kill” … but I say this to you: Anyone who is angry with another will answer for it before the court.
40. Read the following article from a Seattle newspaper and determine which of the seven (7) principles of Social Justice are being ignored.
Last week, police arrested Jay Stewart, 17; Shelton Musgrave, 18; and Michael “Vito” Caffee, 18; after finding a homeless man’s body with eighteen (18) stab wounds, five (5) broken ribs and many cuts and bruises. Ballenger, the homeless man, had been killed where he slept under the Interstate 5 overpass at Northeast Ravenna Blvd. “From my understanding, I don’t think there was a motivation other than a rage thing. It almost sounds like a thrill kill,” said Seattle Police Homicide Sergeant Cynthia Tallman. “It seems like they were doing it for fun,” Mike Lang, a King County Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in the juvenile unit. About once a month, Mr. Lang sees a case involving people severely attacking a lone victim for no apparent reason.
41. Read the following article from a Seattle newspaper and determine which of the seven (7) principles of Social Justice are being reinforced.
John LeSieur is in the software business, so he took particular interest when computers seemed mostly useless to his 6 years old grandson, Zackary. The boy diagnosed with Autism and the whirlwind of options presented by computers so confounded him that he threw the mouse away in frustration. LeSieur tried to find online tools that could guide autistic children around the Web, but couldn’t find anything satisfactory. So he had one (1) built, named it the “Zac Browser for Autistic Children” in honor of his grandson, and is making it available to anyone for free. LeSieur’s quest is a reminder that while the Web has created important communication and educational opportunities for some people with cognitive impairments, computers can also introduce new headaches for families trying to teach their disabled children how to use them properly.
42. Read the following poem and determine which of the seven (7) principles of Social Justice is being described as lacking or missing.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did speak out because I was not a Communist.
3 Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
43. Read the following article and determine which of the seven (7) principals of Social Justice is being ignored.
After a five (5) year review, Federal Government scientists have determined that the Caribbean monk seal has gone extinct. No Caribbean monk seals have been seen for more then 50 years. Also known as the West Indian Monk seal, this was the only sub-topical seal native to the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico and is the first type of seal to go extinct from human causes. Once widespread throughout the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and west Atlantic Ocean, these seals were found in the united States from the Florida Keys and along the coast north to the states of Georgia and South Carolina. Monk seals became easy targets for hunters while resting, birthing, or nursing their pups on the beach. Overhunting by human s led to these seals’ demise, according to biologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA. The last confirmed sighting of the seal was in 1952 in the Caribbean Sea at Seranilla Bank, between Jamaica and the Yucatan Peninsula.
44. Read the following article and determine which of the seven (7) principles of Social Justice is being reinforced by the TVPA.
Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. Victims of human trafficking are young children, teenagers, men & women. Approximately 600,000 to 800,000 victims annually are trafficked across international borders world wide. After drug dealing, trafficking of humans is tied with arms dealing as the second largest criminal industry in the world, and is the fastest growing. Many victims of human trafficking are forced to work in prostitution or the sex entertainment industry. But Trafficking also occurs in forms of labor exploitation such as domestic servitude, restaurant work, janitorial work, sweatshop factory work and migrant agricultural work. Traffickers use various techniques to instill fear in victims and to keep them enslaved. In October 2000, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) made human trafficking a Federal crime. It was enacted to prevent human trafficking overseas, to protect victims and help them rebuild their lives in the U.S. and to prosecute traffickers of humans under Federal penalties. Prior to 2000, no comprehensive Federal law existed to protect victims of trafficking or to prosecute their traffickers.
45. Give a detailed description of one (1) of the many times in the New Testament that Jesus called all Christians to live a life of social justice.
46. Give an example from the Old Testament in which God’s chosen people were required to practice social justice.
47. Identify each of the following as either an act of charity or an act of social justice. a. Serving dinner every Tuesday night at a Soup Kitchen. ______b. Encouraging adults to research candidate’s positions on social justice issues before they vote ______c. Private, individual acts ______d. Required repeated acts ______e. Bringing canned goods to a dance as part of the admission f. Signing a petition to change manufacturers of your school’s athletic uniforms when it is discovered they are made using child labor ______4 g. Staying informed and spreading the word about an issue. ______h. Public collective acts ______i. Babysitting a neighbor’s child for no charge when he or she has lost their job ______
48. List two (2) ways in which acts of charity and acts of social justice differ from each other.