California State University, Long Beach s28

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California State University, Long Beach s28


September 23, 2010 2:00-4:00 p.m. Towner Auditorium - PSY 150



Chair Vollendorf asked for unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There being no objection, the agenda was approved.


3.1 Academic Senate Minutes of September 9, 2010

Senator Hood moved the approval of the Minutes of the September 9th meeting. Senator Fradella seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without dissent.


4.1 Executive Committee 4.1.1 Report from the Chair

Chair Vollendorf updated the Senate on the Retreat. Planning has started. The theme will be National Trends and Local Impact.

4.1.2 Announcements

Senator Hood informed the Senate that there would be a WASC team visit in 2 weeks.

4.2 Nominating Committee: Flora Banuett, Chair

There was no report from the Nominating Committee.

4.3 Councils

4.3.1 Status of Policies before the Senate: Consent Calendar Sustainability Taskforce

Chair Vollendorf informed the Senate that the Sustainability Task Force document has been placed on the Consent Calendar to correct an oversight in not including the Director of Procurement.


5.1 Clickers practice with Leslie Kennedy (2:40-2:50 p.m. TIME CERTAIN)

Chair Vollendorf, with the assistance of Leslie Kennedy and her student assistants, walked the Senate through a demonstration of the use of Clickers for voting in Senate meetings. There was a question and answer period followed by discussion on how clickers might best be used.

Chair Vollendorf stated that, in response to the Academic Senate survey, the Academic Senate Executive Committee had deemed voting with Clickers more efficient and wanted to use Clickers for votes on the Academic Senate. In the course of the discussion, it became clear that this would apply to all votes, not just those that were previously secret votes. Senators Francis and Schürer argued that with Clickers, votes are no CSULB ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING 1 Agenda longer transparent and senators can no longer be held responsible for their votes by their constituents. Vice Chair O’Connor responded that any senator could at any point request a roll call vote. A motion to do all voting by Clicker was presented, seconded, and approved.

Senator Fradella moved the agenda.


6.1 Report of the President: Vice-Provost Dowel and AVP Mahoney on Student Success (2:10–2:25 p.m. TIME CERTAIN)

President Alexander informed the Senate that we are at Day 85 without a budget. He also reminded the Senate that many provisions of the Affordable Health Care Act have gone into effect including the provision that extends dependent coverage to age 26. He then yielded the remainder of his time to Vice-Provost Dowell and Associate Vice-President Mahoney so that they could update the Senate on the Highly Valued Degree Initiative and plans to close achievement gaps.

A question and answer session and a group discussion followed the presentation.

6.2 CFA Report: CFA President Teri Yamada (2:25-2:35 p.m. TIME CERTAIN)

CFA Report –Senator Marka Burns gave the CFA presentation in CFA President Yamada’s absence.

 There will be a “Summit on 21st Century Quality Education: Issues and Opportunities” on October 8th in the Anatol Center. Author Charles Fadel will be speaking.  Nov. 2 election is important. The outcome will affect next year’s budget and affect the climate for contract negotiations.  Members of the Senate were asked to encourage students to vote  In response to a question, ASI President Ahumada informed the Senate that the Soroptomist House precinct will be able to accept absentee ballots.  Phone banking was also encouraged.

7. OLD BUSINESS 7.1 Policy on Program Review – SECOND READING (2:55 p.m. TIME CERTAIN)

Senator Huckabay moved to delete “normally” from section 6.2 to delete allow Programs with an accreditation report to always submit the accreditation report in lieu of a program review. The amendment was seconded by Senator Del Casino. Senator Huckabay spoke in support of her amendment. She stated that national accreditation standards are more stringent than University reviews. The intent of the amendment was to avoid duplication of effort.

Senators O’Connor spoke in opposition to the amendment. There may be cases where a national accreditation report does not cull information that the University needs.

In response to questions from the floor, PARC Chair Freesemann confirmed that normally had been “inserted” in that section of the policy because National Accreditation reports may not always collect information required by Chancellor’s Office directives or campus initiatives.

Senator O’Connor moved to call the question. The motion to close debate was seconded and passed.

Senator Huckabay’s amendment was voted down. “Normally” remains in section 6.2.

The time certain for the Chairs policy was reached. CSULB ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING 1 Agenda

7.2 Department Chairs Policy (AS-AS-806-09/FPPC) – SECOND READING (3:20 p.m. TIME CERTAIN)

Chair reiterated that Vice-Chair O’Connor would be in charge of the speakers list. Questions about the policy can be referred back to the chair of the council (in this case the chair of the FPPC, Senator Carl Fisher) that drafted the policy to clarify points. There would be a one minute time limit on speaking. The policy will be gone through ad seriatim.

Senator Jacques had submitted an amendment proposal to line 21 (section 1.2) which he no longer wished to be considered. The amendment will be deleted from future copies of the policy.

Senator Tolbert moved to amend section 1.3, line 24 to insert “and full-time lecturers” after the first comma in the first sentence of the section. The amendment was seconded and Senator Tolbert spoke to it. She stated that full-time lecturers have nearly the same responsibilities as tenured and tenure track faculty and have a vested interest in the department. The amendment was seconded.

Senator Colburn raised a point of information. What is the definition of a full-time lecturer?

Senator Tolbert defined a full-time lecturer as someone hired as a full-time lecturer. Holly Harbinger stated, based on the results of arbitration, that a full-time lecturer is a lecturer with a teaching load of 15 units or more in a given semester.

Senator Colburn moved to table the amendment until the definition of “full time lecturer” could be clarified. The motion was seconded. Discussion ensued on the definition and who would provide it.

Senator Del Casino called the question. The motion was seconded and passed by more than the requisite two- thirds majority vote.

The motion to table Senator Tolbert’s amendment was passed.

Senator Hamano moves amend for section 1.1 to add “with consideration of faculty” after “at the pleasure of the dean.” Senator Schürer seconded the amendment. Senator Fradella stated that the amendment contravened the Collective Bargaining agreement. Senator Schürer stated that the amendment does not contravene the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Discussion ensued as to whether or not the motion was out of order.

Senator Hamano reworded his amendment to read “with the consideration of faculty input.” Senator Schürer seconded it.

Senator Hamano spoke to his amendment.

Discussion ensued on whether the amendment was necessary or substantive.

Discussion concluded and the amendment was defeated.

Senator Del Casino moved change “Dean” in section 1.1, line 17 to “President” to make it consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The amendment was seconded by Senator Klink. After brief discussion, the motion was passed.

In response to a question by Senator Schürer, Chair Vollendorf informed the Senate that a quorum was 41 voting members. CSULB ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING 1 Agenda Senator Del Casino move to strike “and the dean of the college” from section 1.2 (line 22). The motion was seconded by Senator Klink. Senator Del Casino spoke to the amendment.

Provost Para spoke in opposition to the amendment. He said that the statement is clarifying.

Senator Huckabay moved to call the question. There were no objections and the question was called. The amendment was defeated.


Senator Soni moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded.

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