Overall Workmanship Was a Strong, Clean, Pleasing Example of Excellent Cooking
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Ice Dragon Scoring Rubric: Cooking/Baking
9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 QUALITY A Piece at this Level: A Piece at this Level: A Piece at this Level: A Piece at this Level: A Piece at this Level:
Documentation: Thorough, clear, and Thorough, clear, and Documentation was Documentation was No documentation was The extent to which the interesting documentation interesting documentation provided from a reputable provided from a reputable provided for the entry, OR entry revealed the entrant’s was provided from two or was provided from one or secondary source (such as modern source on period the documentation was an sound understanding, more reputable primary two primary sources (such Milham’s Platina cooking containing old family recipe OR the knowledge, and use of sources (can include as Curye on Inglysch). translation). redacted recipes (such as documentation provided sources on Medieval or archaeological sources, To The King’s Taste). had no attribution. Renaissance food and allegorical sources, guild The entrant redacted the Documentation provided cooking, as well as the charters, tax rolls, etc.) recipe and, if applicable, some analysis of the A redaction was offered, The entry was a non- entrant’s ability to convey provided their own secondary source used. but it was done by medieval recipe from a this information to the Entrant redacted his or her translation of the Old or someone other than the modern source (such as judge(s). own recipe and, if Middle English recipe. The entrant redacted the entrant. Joy of Cooking). applicable, translated the recipe used for the entry. original recipe from a Documentation provided a Entry offered a basic No redaction (of a foreign language (like clear analysis of the Documentation knowledge of the original historically accurate period Valoise Armstrong’s primary sources used and demonstrated a competent process used to create this recipe) was offered. translation of Sabine demonstrated a thorough understanding of recipe in the Middle Ages Welserin), OR validated understanding of historically accurate or Renaissance. No evidence was offered of someone else’s translation historically accurate cooking methods and food. a basic understanding of using a secondary source. cooking methods and food. Appropriate modern period cooking methods or Modern ingredients and/or ingredients or methods foods. Demonstrated an Entry offered a thorough equipment were used, but were used when the period understanding of how description of the original the entrant explained that ingredient or method may Entry was made with New using the historical process process used to create this the period ingredients or not be sanitary or safe. World foods (such as affected the dish (how it recipe in the Middle Ages methods would have been bananas, peanut butter, differed from the modern or Renaissance; entrant used if available or tomatoes) without any process & changed the dish used mostly period affordable. documentation supporting to use the historically procedures to make the the ingredient was used for accurate process). recipe. the dish in period.
Provided an insightful Entry was made entirely analysis of the primary with modern equipment, sources used; demonstrated such as an electric blender a solid understanding of rather than a mortar & historically accurate pestle. cooking methods and food.
Time period consistency: no mixing ingredients from disparate regions without documentable trade (don’t combine 15th Century ingredients with 13th C. processes & 16th C. tools) Ice Dragon Pent 2007 Cooking Rubric Page 1 www.lightlink.com/rhiannon Ice Dragon Scoring Rubric: Cooking/Baking
Complexity: Entry used a difficult, Entry used a moderately Entry required several Entry required a few steps, Entry required only simple The level of difficulty of complex, or lengthy difficult, complex, or steps and more than an but still took less than an and quick method of the process used in the process (such as the lengthy process. hour to make. hour to make. preparation. creation of the entry. creation of a cockatrice). An attempt was made to Made with modern Made with modern Made entirely with pre- Made entirely with make this recipe with equipment and methods, equipment and methods, made ingredients (such as a historically accurate historically accurate but entrant offered a but entrant offered some store-bought pie crust). equipment and methods equipment and methods plausible explanation of explanation of historically (such as grinding spices by OR the entrant explained historically accurate accurate preparation hand in a mortar & pestle) why he or she couldn’t preparation methods and methods and equipment. and included a thorough recreate the historically equipment. explanation of these accurate methods (see Made entirely with modern methods. explanation of arthritic Made with store-bought equipment (such as a bread wrists above). ingredients, but entrant machine), but not all pre- Made entirely or partly offered some explanation made ingredients. Very with homegrown or Made partly with of how Medieval basic explanation of the homemade ingredients homegrown/homemade ingredients would have original process or (such as freshly killed ingredients. differed. methods used to make this livestock or personally recipe in the Middle Ages grown vegetables) and a or Renaissance. thorough explanation of how the Medieval foodstuffs would have differed (carrots were stubby and different colors than modern carrots, etc.) A strong effort was made to procure ingredients which were as accurate as possible (such as cone sugar, long pepper, grains of paradise, or gum tragacanth). Aesthetics: Entry had exceptional Entry tasted, smelled, felt Entry tasted, smelled, felt Entry tasted, smelled, and Entry was inaccurately The extent to which the taste, smell, and/or texture. very good. good. felt okay to eat. bland, overspiced, entry affected the five undercooked, overcooked. senses of the judge(s). An eye-catching A pleasing presentation of An attempt at presentation A very basic attempt at presentation of the dish in the dish with a strong was made, with modern presentation Presentation was minimal a definitively historically attempt at offering it in a but no garish plates or or used an obviously accurate manner (such as a historically accurate flatware. modern container. pastry coffyn). manner, with historically accurate items. Entry contained illegal or poisonous substances (garnish of toxic flowers).
Ice Dragon Pent 2007 Cooking Rubric Page 2 www.lightlink.com/rhiannon Ice Dragon Scoring Rubric: Cooking/Baking
Authenticity: Entry was clearly and Entry contained only Old Entry contained mostly Entry contained New Entry contained modern The extent to which the repeatedly documented as World ingredients (such as Old World ingredients World or very late-period ingredients (such as baking entry effectively something that would have ginger, parsnips, or pork). (such as cinnamon, lettuce, ingredients (such as soda, vanilla, or demonstrated the accuracy been eaten/served during or beef) and no obvious turkey, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple). of the entry as a modern the Middle Ages or The entrant attempted to New World ones. allspice). representation of Renaissance (such as a pye procure more accurate Entry was a modern dish something that existed in or a documented subtlety). ingredients (like cubebs or Entry has some Entry probably was (such as a turkey sandwich the Middle Ages or unbleached flour). documentation to support eaten/served during the or a chocolate mousse) Renaissance. The recipe used the correct it as something that could Middle Ages or ingredients for the recipe Entry was clearly have been eaten/served Renaissance, but the (not substituting beef for documented as something during the Middle Ages or entrant doesn’t provide venison, chicken for rabbit, that was eaten/served Renaissance. sufficient documentation pepper for cubebs). during the Middle Ages or to support this. Renaissance (such as a stew or soup). Creativity: Embellished and elaborate Creation, garnishment, and Entry contained basic, Entry based on period Entry based on fantasy The extent to which the design or garnish of entry presentation of dish used a simple garnishment. recipe, but no garnish or food, such as hobbit bread. entrant combined his or were not used in the pleasing color scheme or attempt at coloring or her knowledge of period original, but design. design. cooking or baking with a documentation supported fresh, original, or novel that they could have been. perspective. Workmanship: Overall workmanship was Overall workmanship was Entry’s workmanship was Entry has no obvious Entry is burnt, The extent to which the a strong, clean, very clean and pleasing. clean, such as uncracked baking or cooking errors, undercooked, or crooked. entrant used his or her pleasing pie crusts. but is very simple. cooking or baking skill, example of combined with his or excellent knowledge of the period cooking. materials and techniques used to produce such an Baked items are evenly item in the Middle Ages or baked and well-colored, the Renaissance. sculpted or shaped dishes are well-formed, custards are smooth and not lumpy, etc.
Ice Dragon Pent 2007 Cooking Rubric Page 3 www.lightlink.com/rhiannon