Wiggins Pee Wee Wrestling Tournament
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Wiggins Pee wee Wrestling Tournament
Date: March 04th, 2017
Place: Wiggins School District Event Center 320 Chapman St. Wiggins, CO 80654
Time: First round will start at 9:00 am. Coaches must check in wrestlers by 8:00am at sign in table.
Weigh-Ins: Satellite Weigh-Ins Only Email Forms to [email protected] or [email protected] Weigh-In Forms must be submitted by 11:00pm March 2nd. NO SATURDAY WEIGH-IN
Classes: Age groups will be as follows: 4&Under, 6& Under, 8& Under, 10&Under, 12&Under Weight classes will be determined by tournament director. Please send actual weight and age upon registration. Weight classes with less than 4 wrestlers will be placed in a round robin bracket or will join the next higher bracket, as determined by the tournament director. Remember we want to get our kids the most matches we can!!! NO DOUBLE BRACKETING!!
Entry Fee: $15.00 Per Wrestler
Concessions: ALL DAY
Insurance: Bring proof of insurance day of tournament.
Admission: $5.00 All Day, 6 and Under Free
Awards: Will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.
Rules: Collegiate rules will be followed. All age groups will wrestle 3- One minute periods. Tie breaker will be broken on their feet in a one minute period. All wrestlers will wrestle a minimum of 2 matches.
All Entry Fees Must Be Collected @ Club’s Satellite Weigh-Ins ($15/wrestler) and are due to the Wiggins Wrestling Club prior to the tournament starting. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS-If you are on this Weigh-in Form then the fee is due.
SATELLITE WEIGH-IN FORM. Track wrestling can also be used.
I have weighed all the below Wrestler’s and collected their entry fees: ______
(Officer / Coach of Club)
Club Name:______
Contact Phone #______Fax #.______
Address:______Wrestler’s name Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Age as of January 1, Actual Weight (74.3) Insurance Provider Policy Number 2017
(Example- John Smith)
PAGE ______OF ______
WAIVER & RELEASE: In consideration of submitting this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executers, and administrators; waive and release any and all claims and rights for claims I may have against the Wiggins Wrestling Club, or Wiggins School District and their volunteers, subcommittees, agents, representatives, and assigns, for any and all accident, injury, or death suffered by me or my child during wrestling competition or in any way connected to the parties listed above.