The Montauk Project Papers

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The Montauk Project Papers

archived as [pdf] read more at note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on April 13, 2004. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site. The Montauk Project Papers by Thomas Skeggs


Over the last few years I have amassed some information on 2 strange experimental projects known as the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment.

So I have decided to publish extracts from some of my papers on these fascinating stories. There is a lot of debate surrounding the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment. Some of this debate can get a bit heated where both skeptic and believer trade insults and accusations of fraud, hoaxing, and even lying. Others make the claim that the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment are nothing more than disinformation -- a tool to distract the gullible investigator, researcher and journalist away from the real truth surrounding highly-classified and secretive research programs.

When writing these papers, I have simply looked at them from purely a technical point-of-view to try to determine the true nature on how the equipment described in these projects may have actually worked. [StealthSkater note: more information on both of these legends has been archived at doc pdf URL ]

The Montauk Chair

According to the authors Preston Nichols and "Peter Moon", the technology to read a person what way a person was thinking was originally allegedly developed at the ITT Technical Institute at the University of Southampton, Long Island in the 1950s. (Some basic research reveals the ITT Institute has closed down at Southampton). Nichols states in his book that RCA went on to develop a second version of the chair during the 1970s.

1 a diagram drawn by Nichols describing the lay-out of the Montauk Chair.

Nichols claims the chair was surrounded by 3 Helmholtz coils described as the 'X' coil, 'Y' coil and 'Z' coil. Note the 'X' coils are located on each site of the individual. The 'Y' coils are located above the head and below the feet. And the 'Z' coil appears to be wound around the chair. (2 loops could have been used above and below the chairs which may have been designed to pick up fluctuations or modulations within the electrical magnetic field surrounding the human body.)

Helmholtz coils consist of cable wound in loops in to produce a coil. Helmholtz coils are used in industry and science to produce a constant magnetic field. Also notice in the above diagram that each pair of loops are wound in opposite directions -- one clockwise and the other counterclockwise.

This arrangement is known as a pair Helmholtz coils. And the magnetic field is uniform in the center between the 2 loops or Helmholtz coils.

The diagram above basically shows the magnetic field that is produced when a currant is applied to the cables wound in a loop like those found in a pair of Helmholtz coils.

The 3 Helmholtz coils were connected to what appears to be 3 antiquated value-driven radio receivers.

Researching other sources of information has drawn very little supporting evidence from other sources regarding reading the thoughts of people. Yet I have found a short reference to the work carried out by Lawrence Pinneo (a neurophysiologist) from the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1974. He had developed a computer system capable of reading a person's mind by correlating the brain wave 2 with subjects on an ECG with certain commands. Writer and researcher K.B. Wells, Jr. writes in his book The Montauk Files that the CIA developed a chair in the 1960s which used polygraph-like technology to determine if the person sitting in the chair was telling the truth.

Also scientists at the University of Sussex, England had developed a sensor which could read a heartbeat of an individual from between 1-2 meters. The sensor would not have to come into physical contact with the skin. The scientists said it would be especially useful with monitoring the heartbeat of serious burn victims. The scientists stated the sensor worked by picking up fluctuations in the electromagnetic field surrounding the individual. The heartbeat causes the fluctuations, and sensor can pick these tiny fluctuations and filter out noise. They also said the sensor was highly sensitive voltmeter.

The Montauk chair system may have operated in a very similar way by acting as a highly sensitive magnetometer, which could record the slightest change in within the individual’s magnetic field. The Montauk chair system may have focused on brain activity. The coils are all wired up to 3 old radio receivers with no sign of an external power source. Yet the above diagrams immediately draw to mind Faraday’s Law. If you have a fluctuating or moving magnetic field, it will induce a currant to flow with a coil of wires. This means that the Montauk chair system may have been actually powered by electromagnetic field surrounding the human body of an individual.

Chair Notes

● The first version of the chair was allegedly developed at the ITT Technical Institute in Southampton, Long Island during the 1950s. ● The second version of the chair was allegedly developed by RCA during the 1970s. ● The chair system used 3 pairs of Helmholtz coils, designed to pick fluctuations of the electromagnetic field surrounding an individual. ● A computer system was developed in 1974 at the SRI which could read the minds with certain commands.

The Montauk Chair Receivers

According to the Preston Nichols' first book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, there were 2 versions of the Montauk Chair. The first version of the infamous Montauk chair used 3 Hammarland SP600 or the Hammarland Super ProP600 radio receivers. I later found references to Hammarlund SP600 receivers on the Internet plus references to a Super Pro SP600. It appears that Nichols misspelled the make and model numbers. These valve-driven radio receivers were built between 1950 to 1972. There are also numerous model variations usually identified with suffix number. For example, SP600- J12. Nichols has not printed a suffix number, so it still remains uncertain as to what actual model was used. It can be important because most of the model variations have slightly different specifications and frequency responses.

3 a photo of the Hammarlund SP600 Radio receiver claimed to have be used at Montauk

There are several models made and were widely used by the U.S. Navy, Signal Corps, and the Air Force. Hammarlund also produced a civilian version of the SP600 which was popular with Amateur Radio enthusiasts. (Nichols and Bielek are such enthusiasts and attend HAM radio meetings.)

another photo of a Hammarlund SP600 radio receiver. This may be a Hammarland Super Pro SP600

Yet one odd feature is the frequency ranges. The Hammarlund SP600 receiver has a frequency range of 0.54-54 MHz.

According to Nichols, they developed a second version of the Montauk chair which used 3 radio receivers built by RCA. This type of receiver has proven harder to find information on. In Nichol’s book, he first just referred to the receivers as RCA "1935" (which was the year the first FM radios were developed).

Nichols then names the second version of the radio receiver built by RCA as a "FRR-24". Later in his book, he also claims the FRR-24 was used in the legendary Philadelphia Experiment. Nichols suggests it was an extra-dimensional resonator. But the FRR-24 is a receiver -- not a transmitter. It would only be able to detect-or-receiver signals and not produce -or-propagate them. But it does seem possible that an AN/FRR-24 could have been fitted as standard kit to a new warship being built in 1943 like the USS Eldridge.

4 Nichols also stated in his book that he managed to trace a man who had used a AN/FRR-24 receiver and this man sung the praises of the receiver. But this did point out to Nichols that the set was prone to picking up an unidentified source of interference. I did find a reference to an AN/FRR-24 radio describing it as just a receiving set. (Nichols left off the 'AN' prefix which means it’s a set made for the military). Information on this particular model appears very sketchy. I did manage to find some details on its predecessor the U.S. Navy’s AN/FRR-23 (also built by RCA). See picture below. Finding a photo of the AN/FRR-24 or technical details has drawn a blank.

This is a rare photo of the AN/FRR-23, built by RCA for the U.S. Navy. Trying to find a photo of the AN/FRR-24 as used in the Montauk Project has drawn a blank so far.

Note in the picture of the AN/FRR-23 the red RCA label. And it was built for the U.S. Navy.

The AN/FRR-23 was an AM (Amplitude Modulation) HF receiver. It had a frequency range of 2-32 MHz. The date AN/FRR-23 entered service was around 1940-45. The radio sets appear to be very heavy, between 900-100 lbs.

I also found an intriguing reference to special radio receiver known as the "R-274/FRR" ordered by the U.S. Navy in Oct 1957. Its frequency range was between 100-400 khz and 1.35-29.7 MHz. This radio receiver was a version of the popular Hammarlund SP600 series. (Could this have been a replacement for aging AN/FRR-24 receivers).

The radio receiver system described by Nichols appears to consist of 3 antiquated valve-driven radio receivers developed for the U.S. Navy and civilian use in the 1940s and 1950s. Yet Nichols stated that the Montauk Chair system was developed in the 1950s. Why would they use old valve receiver sets?

I recall one TV documentary on the Cold War. The Americans had managed to capture a MIG 21 fighter aircraft. And when technicians took the MIG 21 apart, they found its avionics largely consisted of old valve-driven circuits. The technicians laughed at how primitive it was. During the 1950s and 1960s during atomic bomb tests in Nevada, technicians found that the high-tech transistor-based avionics fitted in most Western military aircraft was prone to the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) produced when atomic bombs are detonated. The EMP would seriously damage unprotected transistor based circuits, and the old valve circuits were a lot more robust. The technicians then realized why Soviet aircraft were fitted with the old style valves. It may be due to the sets are less prone to damage by sudden bursts of EM radiation.

5 This could explain why such old and antiquated radios sets could have been used at Montauk because they were less prone to EM interference. Secondly, many radio and hi-fi fans will usually state that valve-driven radios and amplifiers produce a much better quality sound and signal output.

One thing that did catch my attention is that Nichols stated that each of the 3 receivers may have been tuned to 3 different frequencies. And each of the 3 radio receivers were connected to 3 sideband detector producing 2 outputs: a USB (Upper SideBand) and LSB (Lower SideBand) output. Looking at the wiring diagram, the signals picked up by the Helmholtz coils and radio receivers surrounding the chair appeared to be mostly filtered out. So what the sideband detectors may have done is pick up fluctuations or modulations within the electromagnetic field surrounding the human body (as described in the 'Chair' section).

I'm still following up research in this area of using LSB and USB. Plus I will try to find out if these sets are AM or FM receivers.

Another oddity is that Nichols wrote in his first book that these old radio receivers were located inside the transmitter/radar tower. That appears to contradict his story that the engineers went to great lengths to isolate and screen out noise around the infamous Montauk Chair. They then go and place the old radio receivers inside a noisy building where high-powered microwave transmitters are pumping out megawatts of EM radiation. But Nichols stated the Montauk chair was located in the basement of the transmitter building. I have recently conducted some research into Montauk, and I believe the radio receivers and chair system could have been located in another building located near to the transmitter. Not inside or below it. (I will write more about this at a later date).

Receiver Notes

● Version 1 of the chair may have used Hammarlund SP600 receivers or 3 Super Pro SP600 receivers. ● Version 2 of the chair may have used 3 AN/FRR-24 HF AM radio receivers built for the U.S. Navy by RCA during the 1940s. ● The 3 receivers may have been tuned to 3 different frequencies. ● The 3 radio receivers were connected to 3 sideband detectors. ● The receivers are obsolete and antiquated. ● The old receivers were located in the transmitter/radar building.

The Computers

>> This section will examine how the computers were used to process the information from the radio receivers. <<

The Transmitters

>> This section will look at the transmitters installed at Montauk. <<

6 The Delta T Antenna

a photo of the Delta T antenna which is claimed to have been used in the Montauk Project by Preston Nichols

According to Nichols, the Delta-T antenna consists of 2 pyramid-shaped wiring looms with 3 Helmholtz coils wired in a special way to create a time-shifting field

(Left) a replica of the Delta T antenna.

It consists of an outer steel skin with a wooden interior. The antenna has a removable floor panels. By looking at the photo, you can see where the coils will be located inside the antenna. The remote- viewing data that I got seems to suggest some transparent material covering the triangular openings like window blinds. It reminds me of a Chinese Lantern.

7 The model is based on written accounts and remote- viewing data.

What's confusing about the RV data is that there may have been different versions of the Delta-T antenna built at different sites or different times. Or there may have been more than one antenna in operation. The RV data seems to offer conflicting RV data regarding its overall shape.

It's also difficult to trace the antennas as they were placed in long-term storage around America. Also different parts were stored at different locations (Plattsburgh, Hanscom, Wright Field, and a base in New Jersey).

I also got some RV data on a possible second site surrounded by Pine trees and a chain link fence. It has a warning notice -- red background with white letters "Danger". It had black letters underneath. The only word I could pick out is "Hazard". It looked bare on the other side of the fence. It had overgrown grass plus antennas and wires. During RV sessions, I am repeatedly drawn to this location.

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