Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken
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Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 1
Unit Program Content & Overview
Assessment occurs over the course of a six week unit in which a variety of track & field events are taught. The clientele for this unit are third through fifth grade students with class sizes averaging 24-30 students. The timing scheduled for this unit is based on 45-minute class periods in which students meet for physical education twice per week.
Broad Targeted Standards Addressed
The following National Standards for Physical Education are incorporated throughout the course of the entire unit on Track & Field:
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.
Specific Unit Goals
The specific goals/learning outcomes that are relevant to the Track & Field unit and the standard to which they directly link are:
To perform accurate sprint/running technique (Standard 1). To perform proper technique in a variety of field events (Standard 1). To demonstrate an understanding of technique in a variety of field events such as long jump, triple jump, softball throw, and shot put (Standard 2). Demonstrate personal responsibility by following through with the tasks designated to each role given to the members of a team. (Standard 5). Work as a team by verbally encouraging each other and not arguing or using putdowns. Selects and practices a field event in which improvement is needed; students are challenged by learning a new skill and enjoy broadening their repertoire of movement skills (Standard 6).
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 2
Assessments Integrated into Lessons Lesson # Assessment type Domain Content Lesson 1- Preassessment Teacher Observation (PDA), psy/affective, sprint technique Lesson 2- Ongoing score sheet (S/S): team name, write member on S/S, file away - Preassessment (at the end of the lesson) Student Self (clickers), cognitive, jumps & throws
Lesson 3- Formative Peer Observation, psychomotor, long jump Lesson 4- Formative Student Self/ group work, affective, triple jump Lesson 5- Formative Student Self, psychomotor, shot put - Post-assessment Student Self (clickers) cognitive, jumps & throws Lesson 6- Summative/Culminating Event (Track Meet) Team assessment psy/cog/aff jumps & throws
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 3
Guidelines for the Culminating Track Meet
Today for class you and your team are going to compete in a track meet. Each one of you will be given a role (recorder, equipment manager, team captain, time keeper or measurer, & encourager). Travel as a team to each event. When you get to the event everyone must perform the task, and at least two people from your team must be recorded on your score sheet! Descriptions for each role will be explained on the clipboard at each event’s starting point. All groups must read the event clipboard. The whistle will be blown every 5 minutes to rotate to the next event. Each team member’s final grade for the Track & Field unit will be based on a combination of self scoring, peer scoring, and teacher assessments of each group member. In addition, each team must show teamwork/sportsmanship and complete the score sheet according to the following criteria:
Rubric: Score Task Score Sheet Teamwork/ Performance Completed Sportsmanship 4 Every student All scores were All members work performed each event. recorded, and readable together without arguing. All roles performed appropriately. Encourage other teams during rotation time. 3 All but one event was At least two scores are Minimal arguments. completed fully. At recorded under each All roles fulfilled, but each event one person event. no encouragement of did not participate. other teams. 2 Two students did not Some scores missing Some roles were not participate at the from at least one fulfilled. A few event. event. negative comments were stated to teammates. 1 Three students did not Not readable and Few to no roles were participate during the mostly incomplete. performed. Groups events. should not work with each other ever again.
Team’s Total Score = ______Scoring: Gold Metal—Your team gets all 12 points. Silver Metal—Your team gets 9-11 points. Bronze Metal—Your team gets 6-8 points. Runner Up Ribbon—Your team gets 3-5 points. Novice Ribbon—Your team gets 0-2 points.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 4
Culminating Event—Track Meet Score Sheet Assessment (lesson 6) Psychomotor, Cognitive, & Affective domains Team Assessment
TEAM COUNTRY: ______Teams can choose from Russia, China, United States, Australia, Brazil, or Mexico Student Long Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Softball Individual Name Throw Points
Team points Place
Scoring Table on next page:
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 5
TRIP. SHOT JMP PTS PUT PTS L J PTS S BALL PTS 33.00 1000 30.00 1000 15.0 1000 250 1000 32.50 975 25.50 975 14.1O 975 243 975 32.00 950 25.00 950 14.8 950 236 950 31.50 925 24.50 925 14.6 925 229 925 31.00 900 24.00 900 14.4 900 222 900 30.50 875 23.50 875 14.2 875 215 875 30.00 850 23.00 850 14.0 850 208 850 29.50 825 22.50 825 13.1O 825 201 825 29.00 800 22.00 800 13.8 800 194 800 28.50 775 21.50 775 1.6 775 187 775 28.00 750 21.00 750 13.4 750 180 750 27.50 725 20.50 725 13.2 725 173 725 27.00 700 20.00 700 13.0 700 166 700 26.50 675 19.50 675 12.1O 675 159 675 26.00 650 19.00 650 12.8 650 152 650 25.50 625 18.50 625 12.6 625 145 625 25.00 600 18.00 600 12.4 600 138 600 24.50 575 17.50 575 12.2 575 131 575 24.00 550 17.00 550 12.0 550 124 550 23.50 525 16.50 525 11.1O 525 117 525 23.00 500 16.00 500 11.8 500 110 500 22.50 475 15.50 475 11.6 475 103 475 22.00 450 15.00 450 11.4 450 96 450 21.50 425 14.50 425 11.2 425 89 425 21.00 400 14.00 400 11.0 400 82 400 20.50 375 13.50 375 10.1O 375 75 375 20.00 350 13.00 350 10.8 350 68 350 19.50 325 12.50 325 10.6 325 61 325 19.00 300 12.00 300 10.4 300 54 300 18.50 275 11.50 275 10.2 275 47 275 18.00 250 11.00 250 10.0 250 40 250 17.50 225 10.50 225 9.1O 225 33 225 17.00 200 10.00 200 9.8 200 26 200 16.50 175 9.50 175 9.6 175 19 175 16.00 150 9.00 150 9.4 150 12 150 15.50 125 8.50 125 9.2 125 5 125 Measured in: feet feet feet feet
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 6
Preassessment (lesson 1) Psychomotor & Affective domains Teacher observation with the PE Manager PDA
Sprint or running technique and respect toward the teacher Student Name Trunk Technique Leg Technique Respect Teacher
Trunk Technique 4 Sprint is performed with all three technical components (1) Head—head and spine are aligned, eyes are fixed on a spot in the distance, and lips and check muscles are relaxed, (2) Trunk—shoulders are square to the direction the runner is moving, upper body is in a slight forward lean, shoulders should not move forward and backward with arms, and neck/shoulder muscles are relaxed, and (3) Arms—the arms pivot at the shoulder, elbows maintain a 90 degree angle, and hands are open because hands should not make a fist. 3 Sprint is performed with two technical components fulfilled. 2 Sprint is performed with one technical component fulfilled. 1 Sprint is performed with zero technical components fulfilled. Leg Technique 4 Sprint is performed with all three technical components (1) Foot Strike—foot strikes the ground below the hips, the ball of the foot hits the ground, ankle is in a dorsiflexion position, (2) Leg Cycle—toe up, knee up, and heel up with a smooth powerful cycling of the legs, and (3) Knees High—knees should come to about waist level, toe/ankle/knees/hips should all be aligned in a forward direction, and after the student’s kneed is at waist level it should come down quickly allowing the foot to strike the ground directly below the person’s hips. 3 Sprint is performed with two technical components fulfilled. 2 Sprint is performed with one technical component fulfilled. 1 Sprint is performed with zero technical components fulfilled. Respect Teacher 4 Listens and stops talking while teacher is talking, asks clarifying questions, does not interrupt, open to feedback. 3 Takes awhile to stop talking when teacher is talking, sometimes knows what to do after instructions are given, sometimes takes feedback well and tries what is asked. 2 Teacher always has to ask them to stop talking while teacher is talking, resists feedback, and does not know what to do after instructions are given. 1 Student is sent to the office or gets multiple refocus forms.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 7
Pre/Post-assessment (lesson 2 & 5) Cognitive domain Clicker Quiz CPS—Student self assessment
Multiple Choice—Choose the most correct answer.
1. When figuring your step to the take-off board, all run throughs should be done at… a ) the same speed each time to develop consistency on the runway. b ) different speeds only. c ) fast at take-off only. d ) all of the above.
2. The plant of your take-off foot should be… a ) in front of your knee. b ) underneath your knee. c ) behind the knee for optimum force application. d ) b and c only.
3. The long jump can be described as… a ) changing horizontal speed to vertical lift. b ) horizontal lift to vertical speed. c ) jumping as high as you can. d ) jumping as you are running down the runway.
4. The triple jump has three main parts to it. They are the following… a ) hop, step, and jump. b ) left, left, right, (if you are a left foot plant). c ) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. d ) all of the above describe the triple jump.
5.) T F The shot put is actually a throw similar to the softball throw. 6.) T F The shot put must be thrown at a 45 degree angle to get optimum flight. 7.) T F The shot put must have the legs involved to maximize distance. 8.) T F The softball throw is much like the baseball pitchers throw. 9.) T F The softball thrower may not go over the scratch line. The thrower should give him/her self enough room to allow for this.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 8
Formative Peer Assessment (lesson 3) Psychomotor domain Long Jump (shown on next page) Below is a sample task progression leading up to the assessment.
Performance Outcome Perform a long jump by running and jumping into the sand using the proper technique throughout the take-off, flight, and landing phases.
Sample Task Progression Task one: Student determines the foot they will jump off of. Task two: Each student will spread out in personal space and pick a line on the floor to stand on. The students will take one step back from that line, then jump off of their “jumping foot” as far as they can without jumping into anyone else. Task three: Students execute the same jump (one step back) with a knee drive and opposite hand punching through the sky. Task four: Students execute this with a three step and landing with bent knees and arms forward.
Assessment This peer assessment was created in Microsoft PowerPoint for 6th grade students.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 9
Observer’ Name: ______Performer’s Name: ______Date: ______Skill to be Diagnosed: ___LONG JUMP______
Visual Cues Yes No Comments/ Remarks Take Off Phase • The athlete should achieve top speed at take off. • The step should be exactly on the board. • Strides should be increasingly faster.
Flight Phase • Get into a position that maximizes jumping distance. • Slow the forward rotation by using the “hitch kick.”
• Remain Landing Phase patient while in the air. • When the heals hit the ground, hips should be low also. • When the heals hit the ground, the athlete should bend the knees to allow the hips to pass forward, while both arms sweep down and back. Track & Field- Long Jumping Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 10
Formative Self Assessment (lesson 5) Psychomotor domain Shot Put (shown on next page) Below is a sample task progression leading up to the assessment.
Performance Outcome In the field event of shot put, throw the shot put to the minimum distance of 12 feet for girls and 15 feet for boys.
Sample Task Progression Task one: Verbal intro with students standing in advanced information formation. Explain the body position during the shot put. (and safety talk) Task two: Students stand in three lines (break out from the advanced information formation) and perform the shot put step by step in slow motion with and imaginary shot put. Task three: Break into two stations (soft ball throw & shot put). Task four: Students line up and practice. Task five: Student jobs: 1st in line is shot putter, 2nd in line is the measuring tape person, 3rd in line is the shot put retriever. After each person performs the shot put, they must complete the self-assessment and then get back in line to throw again.
Assessment This is a self-assessment for 3rd - 6th grade students (on next page).
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 11
Scoring Key: 3 = mastered 2 = getting better 1 = not yet mastered
Components/Criteria: A. Preparation phase— 3 The body should be placed in a position low, legs bent, and 180 degrees apposite the throwing sector. The uninvolved arm should extend straight forward from the shoulder, head neutral, forward leg bent at approximately 45 degrees. 2 One to two common errors occur. 1 Physical movement is not fluid, and the athlete has more than two common errors.
B. Execution phase— 3 The uninvolved arm is thrown strongly backward and around the back to initiate the rotation of the body. As body rotates, the hips come through first and open to the throwing sector. The hips remain square to the throwing sector during the complete throw. The legs are still bent to allow for maximum explosive power when throwing-remember your legs are much stronger than your arms-use them! The involved arm (the one that is actually using the shot) should be in a position holding the shot close to the jaw, elbow back and high. The arm should extend upward at a 45-degree angle of release, and most importantly, the elbow locks in behind the hand. Do not let the elbow come through first, as you would in a basketball type throw. The hand must always lead the elbow. 2 One to two common errors occur. 1 Physical movement is not fluid, and the athlete has more than two common errors.
C. Follow Through phase— 3 The throwing arm should follow through to the opposite side of the body with a complete rotation of the body. The thrower may hop during the throw and release portion-be careful not to step over the toe board. This will result in a scratch throw. You may touch the board, but not go over it. 2 One to two common errors occur. 1 Physical movement is not fluid, and the athlete has more than two common errors.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 12
Observer’ Name: ______Performer’s Name: ______Date: ______Skill to be Diagnosed: Shot Put
Visual Cues Yes No Overall Rating/Comments
Preparatory Rate your partner for each phase: Phase 3=mastered 2=getting better 1=not yet mastered Legs bent. Circle: 3 2 1 Body 180o from sector. Comments: Head neutral.
Execution Hips rotate first. Phase Circle: 3 2 1 Legs still bent. Comments: Thrower’s arm holds shot close to jaw.
Elbow back and high, and elbow lock behind the hand.
Follow Throwing arm Circle: 3 2 1 Through follows through Phase to the opposite Comments: side of the body to complete the rotation. Thrower does not step over the toe board— results in a scratch. Track & Field – Shot Put
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 13
Formative Assessment (lesson 4) Affective domain Student self assessment
First Name:______Last Name:______
Directions: Use the accompanying rubric sheet to determine how well you functioned within each of the performance areas listed below. Record the scores that you feel you deserve for each of the categories listed in the chart below and then add up the total score.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 14
Student/Teacher Rubric for Student Scoring Sheet for Track Meet Preparation
PARTICIPATES WITH GROUP 4 Always present and always an active participant in the group activity. 3 Usually present and/or usually took an active part in the group activity. 2 Sometimes present and/or usually took an active part in the group activity. 1 Rarely present and/or rarely participating in the group activity. 0 Never present and/or never participates in the group activity.
COOPERATES WITH GROUP 4 Always listens to other group members and works with the other group members. 3 Usually listens to the ideas of others and while working with the other group members toward a common goal. 2 Sometimes is willing to listen to the ideas of others and occasionally works with the other group members toward a common goal. 1 Rarely is willing to listen to the ideas of others and seldom works with the other group members toward a common goal. 0 Never listens to anyone else’s ideas and does not work with the group toward a common goal.
RESPECTS OTHERS 4 Always showed concern about the feelings of others and valued their input. 3 Usually showed concern about the feelings of others and valued their input. 2 Sometimes showed concern about the feelings of others and valued their input. 1 Rarely showed any concern about the feelings of others and frequently put others down for their input. 0 Never showed any concern about the feelings of others and was disrespectful in their comments towards others for their input.
CONTRIBUTES POSITIVELY TO THE GROUP 4 Always contributes as a positive member of the group, providing help to other group members with their roles, and actively engaging in all events of the track meet. 3 Usually contributes as a positive member of the group, helping several others with their roles, and usually engaging in the events of the track meet. 2 Sometimes contributes as a positive member of the group, only helping others with their roles when asked by the group. 1 Rarely contributes as a positive member of the group, helping few if any team members with their roles, even when asked by the group. 0 Never contributes as a positive member of the group and provides no ideas for the group.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 15
Pre/Post-assessment (lesson 2 & 5) Cognitive domain Clicker Quiz CPS—Student self assessment
Multiple Choice—Choose the most correct answer.
1. When figuring your step to the take-off board, all run throughs should be done at… a ) the same speed each time to develop consistency on the runway. b ) different speeds only. c ) fast at take-off only. d ) all of the above.
2. The plant of your take-off foot should be… a ) in front of your knee. b ) underneath your knee. c ) behind the knee for optimum force application. d ) b and c only.
3. The long jump can be described as… a ) changing horizontal speed to vertical lift. b ) horizontal lift to vertical speed. c ) jumping as high as you can. d ) jumping as you are running down the runway.
4. The long jump can be described as… a ) aggressive runway speed, aggressive plant, lay-out, and landing. b ) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. c ) all of the above. e ) none of the above.
5. The triple jump has three main parts to it. They are the following… a ) hop, step, and jump. b ) left, left, right, (if you are a left foot plant). c ) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. d ) all of the above describe the triple jump.
6. The best way to lengthen your triple jump is to extend which part of the triple jump as much as possible. a ) 1st. b ) 2nd. Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 16
c ) 3rd. d ) runway speed. e ) plant.
T F The shot put is actually a throw similar to the softball throw. T F The shot put should be thrown with the elbow locked in behind the hand. T F The shot put must be thrown at a 45 degree angle to get optimum flight. T F The shot put must have the legs involved to maximize distance. T F In the shot put, the elbow follows the rotation and opening of the hips to the throwing sector. T F The shot putter may touch but not go over the toe board. T F The softball throw is much like the baseball pitchers throw. T F The softball must be released low to get maximum speed and distance. T F The softball throw should maximize the leg and arm strength of the thrower. T F The softball thrower may not go over the scratch line. The thrower should give him/her self enough room to allow for this.
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 17
Track & Field Unit Block Plan (3rd – 6th Graders; 45 min class)
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Lesson Focus: Track & Field intro; sprint Lesson Focus: How to start & finish a race mechanics Tasks: Tasks: ● Announcements/ ● Announcements/ Preview of day Preview of day ● Warm up: 3-1-1 ● Warm up: 2, 1, 5 ● Review running technique 2 laps run, 1 lap walk, 5 stretches ● Start a race ● To get faster Importance of stretching 1. Strength training Mental game 2. Technique Don’t cross the line ● Running Technique Lean forward Neutral head position Marks, set, go o Head aligned with spine o Boys & girls stand up for each o Eyes fixed on point in front command. Body aligned ● Finish a race o Head, shoulders, legs Run through the finish line Arm swing A tight race (neck and neck) o Swing set (shoulders are beam, o Chest forward, arms back arms are swings) o 1½ steps before finish line, lean o Elbow at 90 forward & throw arms back o Pivot at the shoulder o Pull arms back forward again after Foot strike finish line to not fall over. o Strike the ground below hips Don’t stop before or at the finish line o Bicycle pedaling motion with legs Set up cones after finish line o Legs push the body, not pull Leaning tower; lean/fall over the finish line Relax to o Tighten everything & run ● Race for time against (4 ss to a heat) ● Preview for long jump “monster truck” o Then run relaxed ● Review o Lips and checks ● Line up ● Marks, Set, Go ● Line up
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 18
Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Lesson Focus: Approach; Long Jump Lesson Focus: Stations: Approach, Triple Jump, Long Jump; Qualify Tasks: ● Announcements/ Tasks: Preview of day ● Announcements/ ● Warm up: 2, 1, 5 Preview of day 2 laps run, 1 lap walk, 5 stretches ● Warm up: 2, 1, 5 ● Approach 2 laps run, 1 lap walk, 5 stretches Equip: 4 tape measures, athletic tape, 4 ● Explain rotations different colored cones, sticky notes to Make sure LJ rotates to TJ mark steps LJ teaching progression Phases of the LJ o Step plan 1. Approach o 2 step plant & jump upward- 2. Plant emphasize upward jump-walking 3. Take off o 3 step plant & jump-walking 4. Flight phase o 4 step plant & jump-walking 5. Landing phase o 5 step plant & jump-walking White board; “speed + height = distance” o Slow jog and plant-jump Determining jumping foot o 60% speed and jump If write w/ R, then jump w/ L foot o o Full approach run throughs Counting “jumping foot” steps (5-7) o Full approach with plant & jump depending on gym space TJ phases Rotation with groups on each board 1. Approach st 1 step—Every person get their step 2. Plant marked by a numbered sticky note 3. Hop or 1st nd 2 step—Run to the board and have a 4. Step/leap or 2nd partner check step/ make adjustments to 5. Jump or 3rd get the step on 6. Flight Give demos and draw out steps. 7. Landing ● Long Jump TJ teaching progression Intro “monster trucks” o Step-plant and then triple Approach o 2 step plant then triple Have ss look at the “peer ass yellow paper” o 3 step plant then triple Take off phase o 4 step then triple o Scratches/ board/don’t look board o 5 step then triple o Can be on board but not over o Follow same progression but with o On volleyball court white lines, a slow jog find a line to where you don’t o Follow same progression but with jump into someone else. full approach o One step back, jump from line, & o Explain boards (16’, 18’, 20’, 22’, drive knee, punch threw the roof and 24’ boards) w/ the opp hand of jumping foot. ● Practice events Flight phase About 5 min on each station o Look straight ahead to goal After each group has gone to every station, o Don’t look at the board then bring back in and review all events o Circle arm (jump leg side) to front Ask who wants to work on each event and o Extend both legs forward send back to stations Landing phase o Stations may have to be changed o Try to keep feet up to meet ss needs; probably change o Forward lean the approach boards to LJ or TJ. o Both feet hit sand at same time ● Line up Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 19
● Line up
Lesson 5 Lesson 6
Lesson Focus: Softball throw & Shot put Lesson Focus: Practice all events (LJ, TJ, shot put, softball throw, & running events); 4 phases of sprint race; Qualify Tasks: ● Announcements/ Tasks: Preview of day ● Announcements/ ● Warm up: 2, 1, 5 Preview of day 2 laps run, 1 lap walk, 5 stretches ● Warm up: 2, 1, 5 2 laps run, 1 lap walk, 5 stretches ● Softball throw ● The stations will be: Side to target 1. Long Jump Arm Way back 2. Triple Jump Step w/ opposite foot 3. Softball throw Follow through 4. Shot put Allow kids to practice all of the events ● Shot put Rotate kids from station to station, once Safety everyone has had enough time to practice o No throwing when someone is out each station, then allow the ss to go to the in the field event they choose to practice more. o Wipe off hands if wet o Throw both puts, THEN retrieve ● Clean up equipment o Wait line b/w cones ● Line up o Communicate, if you see someone else doing something unsafe then tell them to stop o Boundaries of sector & thrower’s ring w/o shot put 1. Side to target 2. Point arm to target Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes Final Assessment Project, Track & Field: Arledge, Ken 20
3. Knees bent 4. Bend at hips 5. Rotate body 6. Push toward target @ 45o With shot put (practice throwing)
● Clean up equipment
● Line up
Elementary Students 3rd – 5th grade 45 minute classes