Kingsley Area Schools Choir Syllabus

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Kingsley Area Schools Choir Syllabus

Kingsley Area Schools Choir Syllabus 2015-2016

Andy Evans, Director

Contact times: Mon. through Fri. 8:22-9:30a.m, 3:15 – 3:45p.m.

Choir office: 263-5261 ext. 3321 High School: 263-5262 ext. 4418

Email: [email protected]

There are 4 Kingsley Area Schools choirs:

1. Middle school concert choir meets 6th hour 2. 6th grade beginning choir meets 5th hour 3. High school concert choir meets A-2 4. Choral Fusion meets B-4

Choral Fusion is an audition choir. All other choirs are non-audition and may be joined by any student willing to fully participate to create a great choir.

Each choir will participate in daily rehearsals, sight-reading, music listening, and theory. Singers will be tested and graded on these skills as well as concert attendance. Singers will learn a variety of music from many different genres. Each singer is expected to attend four concerts throughout the year and Choral Festival in February.

Topics, Key Concepts, and Units of Study Each choir will work daily on rehearsal of literature, proper vocal technique, breath support, and sight-reading. Students will also focus on music history, critical listening, music theory, and independent singing.

Materials Needed Printed music and sight-reading materials will be supplied. Students are responsible for this music and a pencil at all rehearsals.

Concert Uniforms: The purpose of the concert uniform is to create a sense of solidarity or unity. We are all members of one team striving to create great choral music.

6th grade choir: dress for success. No gym shoes, jeans, or T-shirts.

Middle school concert choir: Black pants or skirts, plain white dress shirt or blouse, black dress shoes and socks or nylons.

(concert uniforms continued) High school concert choir: Formal dresses and tuxes (provided by school) black dress shoes and black socks.

Choral Fusion: Formal dresses and tuxes (provided by school) black dress shoes and black socks. Non-formal concerts: black pants, colored top with scarves (for ladies)

Dressing appropriately for concert performances not only looks professional, but also makes a student feel they are really part of the entire group. Singers should have their hair pulled back so the audience can see faces of singers. Large piercings in and around the face distract the audience as do lip piercings of any kind. They must be removed before performances.

Methods of Instruction Choir Guidelines and Expectations

1. Listen when rehearsing music and whenever the director is talking. You should talk only at designated times. Even if only one section is rehearsing, everyone else should still be following his or her music. Plan to talk very little and sing a great deal when you come to rehearsal! 2. Students need to come into class, promptly get their folders, and be in their seats when the bell rings. All bathroom, drinking fountain, and pencil sharpening duties need to be done before class. Excessive tardiness will result in a lowered grade. 3. NO food, drinks, gum or candy allowed in the choir room other than water. 4. Students will bring only the necessary materials for choir to class: Music, folder, any choir homework, and a pencil. 5. Respect each other, respect room property, respect Mr. Evans, and you shall receive respect in return. Students will be charged for any music that is damaged or unreturned. 6. Cell Phones are not to be used in the classroom. If Mr. Evans sees your phone, it will be taken to the main office. You will also lose rehearsal points for that day.

Not following the guidelines or meeting expectations may result in calls home, detention, etc. depending on the individual behavior. Mr. Evans will determine the appropriate consequence.

Choral Grading Criteria Your grade in choir will reflect many aspects of your role as a member of this group. Each of the following is an element of your grade, and each is of equal importance. Do not think that strength in any one area will “carry” your entire grade.

Rehearsal Technique: Students will be awarded a rehearsal technique grade. This grade is based on respect shown to fellow students and the teacher, attendance and readiness, class participation and effort, respect shown to the classroom, property of the teacher as well as property belonging to other students. If a student is tardy, comes to class unprepared, is disrespectful to others, will not participate, etc. points will be deducted accordingly.

(Choral Grading Criteria Continued) Written Assignments and Tests: Each assignment varies in point value. All theory, listening and other tests will be announced ahead of time. Assignments turned in late will lose points each day they are late. Assignments not turned in will equal a “zero”. Concert Performances: Concerts are REQUIRED for every choir student. Students must arrive at the designated time, be dressed in the appropriate uniform, and stay for the entire concert. Concerts are equivalent to final exams.

Concert Critiques: For extra credit, students may go to a concert or performance once per marking period and write a two page critique on the performance. (one page for middle school choir) It can be any event that the student is not performing in themselves such as a band concert, elementary music concert, rock concert, Interlochen performance, etc. Program or ticket must be included with the critique.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be considered for participation in events beyond the normal expectations for the class. Such examples include: solo and ensemble, singing in private lesson recitals, etc. Students may also receive extra credit by writing additional concert critiques.

Performance absenses: Performances occur after an extensive six to eight week period of rehearsals. It gives the students a chance to showcase the skills that they have acquired through working with the music. It is REQUIRED for every student to attend each performance. Though concerts are originally scheduled not to conflict with athletic competitions, sometimes conflicts happen. The following is the basic attendance policy for conflicts with athletics.

Performance Game vs. Rehearsal/Practice Performance/Game take precedence

Rehearsal/Practice vs. Rehearsal/Practice Students choose but choir time may be made up via attendance policy.

State/District Competitions vs. Performance/Game State/District Competitions take precedence over all.

Excused Absences: An excused absence is granted only in the case of illness or emergency, and in most cases the director must receive a phone call in advance of the performance. If the student completes the required make-up assignment given by the teacher, the marking period grade will be unaffected. Failure to complete this assignment will result in a “zero” on this exam grade.

Unexcused Absences: Any performance absence deemed unexcused will result in a grade reduction. Some examples of unexcused absences are absences due to athletic practice, work schedules, ride issues, or staying at home to watch “The Voice”. Students who receive an unexcused absence will have the option to complete the required make-up assignment given by the teacher. Students who do not complete the assignment will receive a “zero” on this exam grade. Students who complete the assignment will receive up to an 80% for the exam grade.

Photographs: At certain times through the year there may be photographs of students performing. These photographs follow school guidelines and are only used to recognize student achievement or public relations for the choir. On the last page, there is a place for a parent signature giving the school permission to photograph your child. If this is not acceptable please send a note to the director accompanying this form.

Choral Fusion Requirements:

1. All members may participate in Solo and Ensemble as a group. Soloists are encouraged. 2. All members will perform in many community performances, particularly in December and May. 3. Attendance to rehearsals is required. There may be some rehearsals outside of the school day. Work and athletic schedules must be adjusted to fit with rehearsal schedule. I am willing to compromise equally with coaches. 4. In case of emergency absence, you must contact Mr. Evans personally. Because of the nature of this group, it is important that everyone make a best effort to attend all rehearsals.

Private Voice Teachers

David Gailey (517) 230-6889 Breanna McGurn 590 4398 Katherine Peters 590-9337 Jeff Norris 276 7829 Rick and Lynne Church 922-3559 Jennifer Warren 656 1943 Melanie Stoll 392-1862 Lindsay Kratky 735 6969 Christi Britton 649-5009 Carol Purcell 645 5370

Piano Teachers

Julie Bartlett 922 7439 Cindi Robertson 941 8473 Kathy Sheahan 384 5852 Susan Snyder-Nunn 276 5120 Sharon Yahr 947 1960 Carol Purcell 645 5370

Music Booster’s Organization:

A large part of the success of a school choir is based on the strength of the music boosters organization that supports it. Our organization is currently small, but provides immeasurable service to our Kingsley Choirs. Our boosters help with set up and tear down of the “set” for our concerts, help organize trips we make throughout the school year, they organize and staff the bake sales we have at every concert, they provide input and help with our choir-wide fundraiser, they help organize the shirt/hoodie/cling- on sales, and help organize and fit the choir uniforms. This year we also need leadership for a planned high school trip to Chicago in the spring.

The choir booster meetings are also a great social opportunity, giving parents, guardians, and choir supporters, a chance to meet one another and share ideas and experiences. Please consider becoming an active member of the Kingsley Music Boosters. The Kingsley Music Boosters typically meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the middle school band room. Schedule of Events

October 27 Harvest Concert, 7:00 p.m. Middle School Gymnasium Call is 5:00 p.m. set up. 6:00 All Choirs

October 29 NMC Choral invitational (High School, not required, earned)

November 7 Clarkston A Cappella festival (depart 6 a.m. return 1 a.m.) $49 (required for CF, optional for H.S. choir)

November 11 Veteran’s Day ceremony 11 a.m. M.S. Gymnasium (MS Choir)

November 13 Music selected for Solo and Ensemble, accompanist contacted and money due (7-12)

December 4 Great Wolf Lodge Caroling (High School)

December 14 Winter Concert, 7:00 p.m. High School Gymnasium Call is 5:00 p.m. for set up, 6:00 All Choirs

December 11 Great Wolf Lodge Caroling (7-8)

January 16 District Solo and Ensemble Grades 7-12

February 23-24 District Choral Festival Grades 7-12

TBA Dessert Concert, 7 p.m. H.S. Commons

May 23 Middle school Spring Concert, 7:00 p.m. M.S. Gymnasium Call is 5:00 p.m.

May 24 High School Spring Concert, 7 p.m. H.S. Gymnasium

May 30 Memorial Day Ceremony, 10 a.m. Veteran’s park, Traverse City (HS)

June 10 Graduation performance (HS)

No dates set yet:

6th grade choir performance at Bortz nursing home

Great Wolf Lodge Water Park (7-12)

Community Caroling Party (all choirs and community members)

Other opportunities for performing as they present themselves. Kingsley Schools Choral Music Program

Student’s Name ______


E-mail ______(optional)

Father’s Full Name______Emergency Phone______(or legal guardian)

Mother’s Full Name______Emergency Phone______(or legal guardian)

Please state any medical conditions or medical needs I should be aware of when traveling away from school with your child. ______

Our signatures below affirm that our family has reviewed the Kingsley Schools Choral Music Program Procedures and Guidelines. We understand that our child must follow these procedures and guidelines in order to remain a performing member of the Kingsley Schools Choral Program. We also understand that our child’s picture may be taken, or performance recorded as a performing member of the Kingsley Choirs.

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______(or guardian)

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